changeset 1:2ac1551ad2ab version 0.0.0

add code
author Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez <>
date Sun, 31 Oct 2010 20:07:33 +0100
parents a1703c4f2990
children c9bd25abda5d
files COPYING Generic/ Generic/ Generic/ Generic/ Generic/ Generic/ Generic/ Generic/ Gtk/ Gtk/ Gtk/ images/acumulatedline.svg images/arrow.svg images/budget.svg images/calculate.svg images/calculatedline.svg images/chapter.svg images/close.svg images/connected.svg images/decomposition.svg images/description.svg images/disconnected.svg images/dxf.svg images/image.svg images/labourforce.svg images/machinery.svg images/material.svg images/measure.svg images/menu.svg images/normalline.svg images/parcialline.svg images/pyArq-Presupuestos.png images/pyArq-Presupuestos.svg images/pyArq.png images/pyArqPresupuestos.xpm images/sheet.svg images/throbber.gif images/throbber.png images/throbber.svg images/unit.svg mo/es/LC_MESSAGES/ mo/ mo/pyArq-Presupuestos.pot pyArq-Presupuestos
diffstat 46 files changed, 22190 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/COPYING	Sun Oct 31 20:07:33 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+                       Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+                            Preamble
+  The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
+software and other kinds of works.
+  The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
+to take away your freedom to share and change the works.  By contrast,
+the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
+share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
+software for all its users.  We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
+GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
+any other work released this way by its authors.  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
+want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
+free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
+these rights or asking you to surrender the rights.  Therefore, you have
+certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
+you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
+freedoms that you received.  You must make sure that they, too, receive
+or can get the source code.  And you must show them these terms so they
+know their rights.
+  Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
+(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
+giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
+  For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
+that there is no warranty for this free software.  For both users' and
+authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
+changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
+authors of previous versions.
+  Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
+modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
+can do so.  This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
+protecting users' freedom to change the software.  The systematic
+pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
+use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable.  Therefore, we
+have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
+products.  If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
+stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
+of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
+  Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
+States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
+software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
+avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
+make it effectively proprietary.  To prevent this, the GPL assures that
+patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+                       TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+  0. Definitions.
+  "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
+  "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
+works, such as semiconductor masks.
+  "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
+License.  Each licensee is addressed as "you".  "Licensees" and
+"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
+  To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
+in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
+exact copy.  The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
+earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
+  A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
+on the Program.
+  To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
+permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
+infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
+computer or modifying a private copy.  Propagation includes copying,
+distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
+public, and in some countries other activities as well.
+  To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
+parties to make or receive copies.  Mere interaction with a user through
+a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
+  An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
+to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
+feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
+tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
+extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
+work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License.  If
+the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
+menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
+  1. Source Code.
+  The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
+for making modifications to it.  "Object code" means any non-source
+form of a work.
+  A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
+standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
+interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
+is widely used among developers working in that language.
+  The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
+than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
+packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
+Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
+Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
+implementation is available to the public in source code form.  A
+"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
+(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
+(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
+produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
+  The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
+the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
+work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
+control those activities.  However, it does not include the work's
+System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
+programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
+which are not part of the work.  For example, Corresponding Source
+includes interface definition files associated with source files for
+the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
+linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
+such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
+subprograms and other parts of the work.
+  The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
+can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
+  The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
+same work.
+  2. Basic Permissions.
+  All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
+copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
+conditions are met.  This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
+permission to run the unmodified Program.  The output from running a
+covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
+content, constitutes a covered work.  This License acknowledges your
+rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
+  You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
+convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
+in force.  You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
+of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
+with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
+the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
+not control copyright.  Those thus making or running the covered works
+for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
+and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
+your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
+  Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
+the conditions stated below.  Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
+makes it unnecessary.
+  3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
+  No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
+measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
+11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
+similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
+  When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
+circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
+is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
+the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
+modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
+users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
+technological measures.
+  4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
+  You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
+receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
+keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
+non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
+keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
+recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
+  You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
+and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
+  5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
+  You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
+produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
+terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
+    it, and giving a relevant date.
+    b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
+    released under this License and any conditions added under section
+    7.  This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
+    "keep intact all notices".
+    c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
+    License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy.  This
+    License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
+    additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
+    regardless of how they are packaged.  This License gives no
+    permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
+    invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
+    d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
+    Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
+    interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
+    work need not make them do so.
+  A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
+works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
+and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
+in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
+"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
+used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
+beyond what the individual works permit.  Inclusion of a covered work
+in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
+parts of the aggregate.
+  6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
+  You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
+of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
+machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
+in one of these ways:
+    a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+    (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
+    Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
+    customarily used for software interchange.
+    b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+    (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
+    written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
+    long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
+    model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
+    copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
+    product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
+    medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
+    more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
+    conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
+    Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
+    c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
+    written offer to provide the Corresponding Source.  This
+    alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
+    only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
+    with subsection 6b.
+    d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
+    place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
+    Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
+    further charge.  You need not require recipients to copy the
+    Corresponding Source along with the object code.  If the place to
+    copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
+    may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
+    that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
+    clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
+    Corresponding Source.  Regardless of what server hosts the
+    Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
+    available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
+    e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
+    you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
+    Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
+    charge under subsection 6d.
+  A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
+from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
+included in conveying the object code work.
+  A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
+tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
+or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
+into a dwelling.  In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
+doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage.  For a particular
+product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
+typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
+of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
+actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product.  A product
+is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
+commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
+the only significant mode of use of the product.
+  "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
+procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
+and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
+a modified version of its Corresponding Source.  The information must
+suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
+code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
+modification has been made.
+  If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
+specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
+part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
+User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
+fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
+Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
+by the Installation Information.  But this requirement does not apply
+if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
+modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
+been installed in ROM).
+  The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
+requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
+for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
+the User Product in which it has been modified or installed.  Access to a
+network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
+adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
+protocols for communication across the network.
+  Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
+in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
+documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
+source code form), and must require no special password or key for
+unpacking, reading or copying.
+  7. Additional Terms.
+  "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
+License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
+Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
+be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
+that they are valid under applicable law.  If additional permissions
+apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
+under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
+this License without regard to the additional permissions.
+  When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
+remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
+it.  (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
+removal in certain cases when you modify the work.)  You may place
+additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
+for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
+  Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
+add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
+that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
+    a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
+    terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
+    b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
+    author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
+    Notices displayed by works containing it; or
+    c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
+    requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
+    reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
+    d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
+    authors of the material; or
+    e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
+    trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
+    f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
+    material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
+    it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
+    any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
+    those licensors and authors.
+  All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
+restrictions" within the meaning of section 10.  If the Program as you
+received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
+governed by this License along with a term that is a further
+restriction, you may remove that term.  If a license document contains
+a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
+License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
+of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
+not survive such relicensing or conveying.
+  If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
+must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
+additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
+where to find the applicable terms.
+  Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
+form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
+the above requirements apply either way.
+  8. Termination.
+  You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
+provided under this License.  Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
+modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
+this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
+paragraph of section 11).
+  However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
+finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
+holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
+prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+  Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+your receipt of the notice.
+  Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+this License.  If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
+material under section 10.
+  9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
+  You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
+run a copy of the Program.  Ancillary propagation of a covered work
+occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
+to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance.  However,
+nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
+modify any covered work.  These actions infringe copyright if you do
+not accept this License.  Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
+covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
+  10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
+  Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
+receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
+propagate that work, subject to this License.  You are not responsible
+for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+  An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
+organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
+organization, or merging organizations.  If propagation of a covered
+work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
+transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
+licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
+give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
+Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
+the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
+  You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
+rights granted or affirmed under this License.  For example, you may
+not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
+rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
+(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
+sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
+  11. Patents.
+  A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
+License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based.  The
+work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
+  A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
+owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
+hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
+by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
+but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
+consequence of further modification of the contributor version.  For
+purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
+patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
+this License.
+  Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
+make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
+propagate the contents of its contributor version.
+  In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
+agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
+(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
+sue for patent infringement).  To "grant" such a patent license to a
+party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
+patent against the party.
+  If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
+and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
+to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
+publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
+then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
+available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
+patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
+consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
+license to downstream recipients.  "Knowingly relying" means you have
+actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
+covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
+in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
+country that you have reason to believe are valid.
+  If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
+arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
+covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
+receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
+or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
+you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
+work and works based on it.
+  A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
+the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
+conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
+specifically granted under this License.  You may not convey a covered
+work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
+in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
+to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
+the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
+parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
+patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
+conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
+for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
+contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
+or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
+  Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
+any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
+otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
+  12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
+  If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot convey a
+covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+not convey it at all.  For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
+to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
+the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
+License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
+  13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
+  Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
+permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
+under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
+combined work, and to convey the resulting work.  The terms of this
+License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
+but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
+combination as such.
+  14. Revised Versions of this License.
+  The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+the GNU General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+  Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the
+Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
+Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
+option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
+version or of any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of the
+GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+  If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
+versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
+public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
+to choose that version for the Program.
+  Later license versions may give you additional or different
+permissions.  However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
+author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
+later version.
+  15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+  16. Limitation of Liability.
+  17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
+  If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
+above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
+reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
+an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
+Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
+copy of the Program in return for a fee.
+                     END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+            How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+  If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
+notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    <program>  Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, your program's commands
+might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
+  You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
+if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
+For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
+  The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
+into proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you
+may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
+the library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License.  But first, please read
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Generic/	Sun Oct 31 20:07:33 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+## This file is part of pyArq-Presupuestos.
+## Copyright (C) 2010 Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez
+##                         <>
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+# define __all__ so 'from Generic import *' works
+__all__ = [
+    'base',
+    'config',
+    'durusdatabase',
+    'fiebdc',
+    'globals',
+    'openwith',
+    'utils',
+    ]
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Generic/	Sun Oct 31 20:07:33 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,3453 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+## File
+## This file is part of pyArq-Presupuestos.
+## Copyright (C) 2010 Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez
+##                         <>
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+"""base module
+In this module are defined the data structures in the
+ * Record: data of each record
+ * ParamentricRecord: data of each parametric record
+ * Decomposition: data of the decomposition of each record
+ * Measure: data of the measure of each record
+ * MeasureLine: each measure line data
+ * Decimals: data of the decimal places of all the numbers in a budget
+ * Sheet: data of the sheet of conditions of a budget
+ * Budget: all data of a budget
+ * Company: company data
+ * Office: company office data
+ * File: file data
+ * RecordType: Record type data
+ * Budget:
+   +-- __records: dictionary records { code : Record }
+      * Record:
+        +-- code: record code
+        +-- synonyms: list of synonym codes 
+        +-- hierarchy: A integer number:
+            0 -> root
+            1 -> Chapter/Subchapter
+            2 -> Other
+        +-- unit:  unit of measure of the record
+        +-- summary: Short description of the record
+        +-- prices: List of Prices/Dates
+        +-- type
+        +-- subtype
+            "type" and "subtype":
+                0 Without classifying
+                   EA  Auxiliary element
+                   EU  Unitary element
+                   EC  Complex element
+                   EF  Functional element
+                   OB  Construction site
+                   PA  Cost overrun
+                   PU  Unitary budget
+                1 Labourforce 
+                   H   Labourforce
+                2 Machinery and auxiliary equipment
+                   Q   Machinery
+                   %   Auxiliary equipment
+                3 Building materials
+                   MC  Cement
+                   MCr Ceramic
+                   MM  Wood
+                   MS  Iron and steel
+                   ME  Energy
+                   MCu Copper
+                   MAl Aluminium
+                   ML  Bonding agents
+                   M   Others materials
+                Hierarchy         type  subtype
+                0->root         -> 0 -> None,OB
+                1->[sub]chapter -> 0 -> None,PU
+                2->Other        -> 0 -> None,EA,EU,EC,EF,PA
+                                   1 -> None,H
+                                   2 -> None,Q,%
+                                   3 -> None,MC,MCr,MM,MS,ME,MCu,Mal,ML,M
+        +-- parents: List of parent codes
+        +-- children: list of Decomposition
+           * Decomposition:
+             +-- position: Position of the child in the parent descomposition
+                 TODO: change this: the position of the record in the budget
+             +-- code: child record code
+             +-- budget: list of budget and amended budget measures
+                * Measure:
+                  +-- measure: Total result of measure
+                  +-- lines: List of measure lines
+                     * MeasureLine:
+                       +-- type: Line type:
+                            empty string -> Normal
+                            1 -> Parcial Subtotal
+                            2 -> Accumulated Subtotal
+                            3 -> Formula, the comment is a formula.
+                       +-- comment: Can be a descriptive text or a formula
+                            Valid Operator: '(', ')', '+', '-', '*', '/' and 
+                                            '^'
+                            Valid variable: 'a', 'b', 'c','d' y 'p'
+                                            (Pi=3.1415926)
+                       +-- units: Number of Units (a)
+                       +-- length: length (b)
+                       +-- width: width (c)
+                       +-- height: height (d)
+                  +-- label: Record Identifiers that are used by some measure
+                      programs
+                  +-- factor: Factor
+                  +-- yield_: Yield
+             +-- certification: list of certifications for months measures
+                * Measure
+             +-- real_cost: list of real cost of construction for months
+                 measures
+                * Measure
+             +-- cost_goals: list of cost goals of construction for months
+                 measures
+                * Measure
+             +-- cost_planned: list of costs planned and amended cost planned
+                 measures
+                * Measure
+        +-- text: Long Description of the record
+        +-- sheet: Sheet of conditions object
+           * Sheet:
+             +-- sheet_dict:
+                 { <Field key> : { <Section key> : <Paragraph key>}}
+        +-- files:  List of file object
+             +-- file
+                * Name
+                * Type
+                * Description
+   +-- __synonyms: synonyms dictionary. TODO
+   +-- __root: root record code
+   +-- __decimals: decimals dictionay = { int : Decimals }
+      * Decimals:
+        +-- DN: Number of decimal places of the field "equal-size parts" in the
+            measure lines.
+            Default: 2 decimal places.
+        +-- DD: Number of decimal places of the three dimensions in the 
+            measure lines.
+            Default: 2 decimal places.
+        +-- DS: Number of decimal places of the total sum of a measure.
+            Default: 2 decimal places.
+        +-- DFP: Number of decimal places of the yield factor in a 
+            decomposition of a budget record.
+            Default: 3 decimal places.
+        +-- DFC: Number of decimal places of the yield factor in a 
+            decomposition of a chapter or subchapter, and in its measure lines.
+            Dafault: 3 decimal places.
+        +-- DFUO: Number of decimal places of the yield factor in a 
+            decomposition of a unit of work.
+            Default: 3 decimal places.
+        +-- DFA: Number of decimal places of the yield factor in a 
+            decomposition of a Auxiliary element.
+            Default: 3 decimal places.
+        +-- DRP: Number of decimal places of the yield in a decomposition
+            of a budget record.
+            Number of decumal places of the result of the multiplication of 
+            the factor and the yield in a decompositon of a budget.
+            Default: 3 decimal places.
+        +-- DRC: Number of decimal places of the yield (or measure) in a 
+            decomposition of a chapter or subchapter.
+            Number of decimal places of the result of the multiplictaion of
+            the yield (or measure) and the factor in a decomposition of a 
+            chapter or subcharter.
+            Default: 3 decimal places.
+        +-- DRUO: Number of decimal places of the yield in a decomposition of a
+            unit of work.
+            Decimal places of the result of the multiplication of the yield
+            and the factor in a descomposition of a unit of work.
+            Default: 3 decimal places.
+        +-- DRA: Number of decimal places of the yield in a decompositon of a
+            auxiliar element.
+            Number of decimal places of the result of the multiplication of 
+            the yield and the factor in a descomposition of a auxilar element.
+            Default: 3 decimal places.
+        +-- DP: Number of decimal places of the price of a budget.
+            Default: 2 decimal places.
+        +-- DC: Number of decimal places of the price of a chapter or 
+            subchapter.
+            Default: 2 decimal places.
+        +-- DUO: Number of decimal places of the price of a unit of work.
+            Default: 2 decimal places.
+        +-- DEA: Number of decimal places of the price of a auxiliar element.
+            Default: 2 decimal places.
+        +-- DES: Number of decimal places of the price of the simple elements.
+            Default: 2 decimal places.
+        +-- DIR: Number of decimal places of the resulting amount to multiply 
+            the total yield and the price of the elements of a unit of work.
+            (When there are not measures)
+        +-- DIM: Number of decimal places of the resulting amount to multiply 
+            the total yield and the price of the elements of a unit of work.
+            (When there are measures)
+        +-- DIRC: Number of decimal places of the resulting amount to multiply 
+            the total yield and the price of the elements of a budget, chapter
+            or a subchapter.(When there are not measures)
+        +-- DIMC: Number of decimal places of the resulting amount to multiply 
+            the total yield and the price of the elements of a budget, chapter
+            or a subchapter. (When there are measures)
+        +-- DCD: Number of decimal places ot the resulting amount to sum the
+            direct costs of a unit of work (and auxiliar element).
+            Number of decimal places of the indirect costs.
+            Default: 2 decimal places.
+        +-- DIVISA: monetary unit.
+   +-- __percentages: percentages dictionary:
+                      { "CI"  : "",
+                        "GG"  : "",
+                        "BI"  : "",
+                        "BAJA": "",
+                        "IVA" : ""}
+   +-- __file_owner
+   +-- __title_list: titles list: [ "Header", ["Title1", "Title2", ... ] ]
+   +-- __title_index: A integer. The active group of Prices and Decimals.
+   +-- __sheet_sections: sheet sections dictionary { sheet_code : sheet_title }
+   +-- __sheet_fields: sheet fields dictionary { field_code : field_title }
+   +-- __sheet_paragraphs: sheet paragraphs dictionary 
+                           { paragraph_code : paragraph_text}
+   +-- __companys: Dictionary whith companys object
+                   { company_code: company_object }
+      * Comapany:
+        +-- code: company code
+        +-- summary: short name
+        +-- name: long name
+        +-- offices: List of offices:
+           * Office:
+             +-- type: office type
+                    "C"  Central office.
+                    "D"  Local Office.
+                    "R"  Performer.
+             +-- subname: Office name
+             +-- address: Ofiice address
+             +-- postal_code: postal code
+             +-- town: town
+             +-- province: province/state
+             +-- country: country
+             +-- phone: list of phone numbers
+             +-- fax: list of fax numbers
+             +-- contact_person: Contact person in the office
+        +-- cif: CIF
+        +-- web: web page
+        +-- email: email
+# Modules
+import re
+import datetime
+import os
+# pyArq-Presupuestos modules
+from Generic import fiebdc
+from Generic import utils
+class Record(object):
+    """base.Record:
+    Description:
+        Record object
+    Constructor:
+        base.Record(code, synonyms, hierarchy, unit, summary, prices, type,
+                    subtype, text="")
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- Record
+    Atributes:
+        "code": Code string
+        "recordType": RecordType object
+        "synonyms": List of synonym codes.
+        "parents":List of parent codes
+        "children": Decomposition list,
+                  list of "Decomposition" instances
+        "unit": measure unit of the record
+        "summary": Short description of the record
+        "prices": List of prices/dates
+        "text": Long Description of the record
+        "sheet": Sheet of conditions object
+        "files": List of file object
+        "labels": List of record labels
+    Methods:
+        __getstate__(self)
+        __setstate__(self, tuple)
+        __init__(self, filename=None, budget=None)
+        {get/set}Code
+        {get/set}Synonyms
+        {get/set}RecordType
+        {get/set}Unit
+        {get/set}Summary
+        {get/set}Prices
+        addPrice
+        _validate_price_date
+        getPrice
+        getAmount
+        getDate
+        {get/set}Parents
+        appendParent
+        {get/set}children
+        appendChild
+        {get/set}Text
+        {get/set}Sheet
+        {get/set}Files
+        addFile
+        {get/set}Labels
+        addLabel
+    """
+    __slots__ = ["_Record__code", "_Record__synonyms",
+                 "_Record__recordType", "_Record__unit",
+                 "_Record__summary", "_Record__prices",
+                 "_Record__parents", "_Record__children",
+                 "_Record__text", "_Record__sheet",
+                 "_Record__files", "_Record__labels"]
+    def __getstate__(self):
+        return (self.__code, self.__synonyms, self.__recordType,
+                self.__unit, self.__summary, self.__prices,
+                self.__parents, self.__children, self.__text,
+                self.__sheet, self.__files, self.__labels)
+    def __setstate__(self, tuple):
+        self.__code = tuple[0]
+        self.__synonyms = tuple[1]
+        self.__recordType = tuple[2]
+        self.__unit = tuple[3]
+        self.__summary = tuple[4]
+        self.__prices = tuple[5]
+        self.__parents = tuple[6]
+        self.__children = tuple[7]
+        self.__text = tuple[8]
+        self.__sheet = tuple[9]
+        self.__files = tuple[10]
+        self.__labels = tuple[11]
+    def __init__(self, decimals, code, synonyms, hierarchy, unit, summary,
+                 prices, type, subtype, parents=[], text=""):
+        self.code = code
+        self.synonyms = synonyms
+        self.recordType = (hierarchy, type, subtype)
+        self.unit = unit
+        self.summary = summary
+        self.setPrices(prices, decimals)
+        self.parents = parents
+        self.children = []
+        self.text = text
+        self.sheet = Sheet()
+        self.files = []
+        self.labels = []
+    def getCode(self):
+        return self.__code
+    def setCode(self, code):
+        """setCode(self,code)
+        Sets the code, must be a valid code
+        """
+        if not utils.is_valid_code(code)[0]:
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid code: $1"),(str(code),))
+        self.__code = code
+    def getSynonyms(self):
+        return self.__synonyms
+    def setSynonyms(self,synonyms):
+        """setSynonyms(self,synonyms)
+        Sets the synonyms codes of the record.
+        synonyms must fulfill:
+            - must be a list
+            - the items must be valid codes
+        """
+        if not isinstance(synonyms, list):
+            raise TypeError, utils.mapping(_("Synonyms ($1) must be a list, " \
+                  "code: $2"), (str(synonyms), self.__code))
+        for code in synonyms:
+            if not utils.is_valid_code(code)[0]:
+                raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid Code in synomyms "\
+                      "list ($1) code: $2"), (str(code), self.__code))
+        self.__synonyms = synonyms
+    def getRecordType(self):
+        return self.__recordType
+    def setRecordType(self, recordType):
+        """setRecordType(self, recordType)
+        Set the record type.
+        recordType (hierarchy, type,subtype)
+        hierarchy must be -1, 0, 1 or 2
+        type must be 0, 1, 2, 3 or a empty string
+        subtype must be EA, EU, EC, EF, OB, PA, PU, H, Q, %, MC, MCr, 
+                MM, MS, ME, MCu, MAl, ML, M, or a empty string
+        """
+        _recordType = RecordType(recordType[0],recordType[1],recordType[2])
+        self.__recordType = _recordType
+    def getUnit(self):
+        return self.__unit
+    def setUnit(self,unit):
+        """setUnit(self,unit)
+        Set the unit of measure
+        The unit must be a string.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(unit, str):
+            raise TypeError, utils.mapping(_("Unit ($1) must be a string: $2"),
+                  (str(unit), self.__code))
+        self.__unit = unit
+    def getSummary(self):
+        return self.__summary
+    def setSummary(self,summary):
+        """setSummary(self,summary)
+        Set the summary of a record
+        The summary must be a string.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(summary, str):
+            raise TypeError, utils.mapping(_("Summary ($1) must be a string: "\
+                  "$1"), (str(summary), self.__code))
+        self.__summary = summary
+    def getPrices(self):
+        return self.__prices
+    def setPrices(self, prices, decimals):
+        """setPrice(self, prices, decimals)
+        Set the price list of the record.
+        prices must fulfill:
+            - it must be a list
+            - the items must be a list with two items
+            - the first item: price must be a float
+        """
+        if not isinstance(prices, list):
+            raise TypeError, utils.mapping(_("Prices ($1) must be a list: $2"),
+                  (str(prices), self.__code))
+        for index in range(len(prices)):
+            _price_date = prices[index]
+            _price_date = self._validate_price_date(_price_date, decimals)
+            prices[index] = _price_date
+        self.__prices = prices
+    def addPrice(self, price_date, decimals):
+        """addPrice(self, price_date, decimals)
+        Add a price to the price list of the record.
+        price must fulfill:
+            - must be a list with two items
+            - the first item: price must be a float
+        """
+        price_date = self._validate_price_date(price_date, decimals)
+        self.__prices.append(price_date)
+    def _validate_price_date(self, price_date, decimals):
+        if not isinstance(price_date, list) and len(price_date) == 2:
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Price ($1) must be a list"\
+                  " with two items: $2"), (str(price_date), self.__code))
+        _price = price_date[0]
+        _date = price_date[1]
+        if not isinstance(_price, float):
+            raise TypeError, utils.mapping(_("Price must be a float "\
+                      "number: $1"), (str(_price),))
+        _D = decimals.getD(self.recordType)
+        _price = round(_price, _D)
+        price_date[0] = _price
+        # TODO: validate date
+        return price_date
+    def getPrice(self, index_price):
+        if len(self.__prices) <= index_price:
+            raise IndexError, _("The record do not have this Price. Code: %s"
+                                % self.__code)
+        return self.__prices[index_price][0]
+    def getDate(self, index_price):
+        if len(self.__prices) <= index_price:
+            raise IndexError, _("The record do not have this Price")
+        return self.__prices[index_price][1]
+    def getParents(self):
+        return self.__parents
+    def setParents(self,parents):
+        """setParents(self,parents)
+        Sets the list of parents codes of the record.
+        parents must fulfill
+            - it must be a list
+            - the items must be valid codes
+        """
+        if not isinstance(parents, list):
+            raise TypeError, utils.mapping(_("Parents ($1) must be a list: $2"),
+                  (str(parents), self.__code))
+        for parent in parents:
+            if not utils.is_valid_code(parent)[0]:
+                raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid parent code ($1) " \
+                      "in the record: $2"), (str(padre), self.__code))
+        self.__parents = parents
+    def appendParent(self, parent):
+        """appendParent(self, parent)
+        parent must be a valid code
+        Append a parent to the list of parents codes of the record.
+        """
+        if not utils.is_valid_code(parent)[0]:
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid parent code ($1) " \
+                  "in the record: $2"), (str(parent), self.__code))
+        self.__parents.append(parent)
+    def getchildren(self):
+        return self.__children
+    def setchildren(self,children):
+        """setchildren(self,children)
+        Sets the list of children of a record
+        children must fulfill
+            - it must be a list
+            - the items must be instances of Decomposition class
+        """
+        if not isinstance(children, list):
+            raise TypeError, utils.mapping(_("children ($1) must be a list, "\
+                  "record: $2"), (str(children), self.__code))
+        for _child in children:
+            if not isinstance(_child, Decomposition):
+                raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("child ($1) must be a "\
+                      "Decomposition object, record: $2"),
+                      (str(_child), self.__code))
+            _record_code = self.code
+            for _measure_list in [_child.budgetMeasures, _child.certification,
+                                  _child.real_cost, _child.cost_goals,
+                                  _child.cost_planned]:
+                if isinstance(_measure_list, list):
+                    for _measure in _measure_list:
+                        _measurerecordCode = _record_code
+        self.__children = children
+    def appendChild(self, child_code, decimals, factor=0.0, yield_=0.0,
+                    measure=0.0, measure_list=[], type ="", label=""):
+        """appendChildren(self, child_code, factor=0.0, yield_=0.0,
+                    measure=0.0, measure_list=[], type ="", label=""))
+        position:
+        child_code:
+        factor:
+        yield_:
+        measure:
+        measure_list:
+        type:
+        label:
+        Append a child to the list of children
+        """
+        _measure = Measure(decimals, self.recordType,
+                           measure, [], label, factor, yield_)
+        if len(measure_list) > 0:
+            measure.buildMeasure(_measure, measure_list, type, decimals,
+                                 self.recordType)
+        _position = len(self.__children)
+        _child = Decomposition(_position, child_code, [_measure])
+        self.__children.append(_child)
+        return _child
+    def getText(self):
+        return self.__text
+    def setText(self,text):
+        """setText(self,text)
+        Sets the text of the record
+        It must be a string
+        """
+        if not isinstance(text, str):
+            raise TypeError, utils.mapping(_("Text ($1) must be a string, "\
+                  "record: $2"), (str(text), self.__code))
+        self.__text = text
+    def getSheet(self):
+        return self.__sheet
+    def setSheet(self, sheet):
+        """setSheet(self, sheet)
+        Sets the sheet of condition object
+        """
+        if not isinstance(sheet, Sheet):
+            raise ValueError, _("sheet must be a Sheet instance")
+        self.__sheet = sheet
+    def getFiles(self):
+        return self.__files
+    def setFiles(self, files):
+        """setFiles(self, files)
+        Sets the files list
+        """
+        # TODO: only sets files and File object format (durusdatabase)
+        if not isinstance(files, list):
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("files must be a list: $1"),
+                                              str(files))
+        _files = []
+        for file in files:
+            if isinstance(file, File):
+                _files.append(file)
+            elif isinstance(file, list):
+                _file_path = file[0]
+                _type = file[1]
+                _description = file[2]
+                if not os.path.exists(file[0]):
+                    raise ValueError, _("Incorrect path")
+                _file = File(file_path, type, description)
+                _files.append(_file)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_(
+                      "file must be a list or a File object: $1"),str(file))
+        self.__files = _files
+    def addFile(self, file_path, type, description):
+        """addFile(self, file_path, type, description)
+        Add a file to a record instance
+        """
+        if not os.path.exists(file_path):
+            raise ValueError, _("Incorrect path")
+        _name = os.path.basename(file_path)
+        _isin = False
+        for _ofile in self.__files:
+            if == _name:
+                _isin = True
+        if not _isin:
+            _file = File(_name, type, description)
+            self.__files.append(_file)
+    def getLabels(self):
+        return self.__labels
+    def setLabels(self, labels):
+        """setLabels(self, labels)
+        Sets the labels list of a record
+        """
+        if not isinstance(labels, list):
+            raise ValueError, _("labels must be a list")
+        _labels = []
+        for _label in labels:
+            if isinstance(_label, str):
+                _labels.append(_label)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError, _("label must be a string")
+        self.__labels = _labels
+    def addLabel(self, label):
+        """addLabel(self, label)
+        Add a label to a record instance
+        """
+        if not isinstance(label, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("Label must be a string")
+        if not label in self.__labels:
+            self.__labels.append(label)
+    recordType = property(getRecordType, setRecordType, None,
+        """Record Type object
+        """)
+    code = property(getCode, setCode, None,
+        """Record code
+        """)
+    synonyms = property(getSynonyms, setSynonyms, None,
+        """List of codes synonyms of the code
+        """)
+    unit = property(getUnit,setUnit, None,
+        """Measure Unit of the record
+        """)
+    summary = property(getSummary, setSummary, None, 
+        """Short description of the record
+        """)
+    prices = property(getPrices, None, None, 
+        """List of Price/Date
+        """)
+    parents = property(getParents, setParents, None,
+        """List of codes of the records which the record is in 
+        its decomposition
+        """)
+    children = property(getchildren, setchildren, None,
+        """List of Decompositon intances""")
+    text = property(getText, setText, None,
+        """Long description of the record""")
+    sheet = property(getSheet, setSheet, None,
+        """Sheet of conditions object""")
+    files = property(getFiles, setFiles, None,
+        """File list""")
+    labels = property(getLabels, setLabels, None,
+        """Label list""")
+class ParametricRecord(Record):
+    """base.ParametricRecord:
+    Description:
+        Parametric Record object
+    Constructor:
+        base.ParametricRecord(code, synonyms, hierarchy, unit, summary, prices,
+                              type, subtype, text="")
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- Record
+        +-- ParametricRecord
+    Atributes:
+    Methods:
+    """
+    __slots__ = ["_ParametricRecord__budget",
+                 "_ParametricRecord__code", "_ParametricRecord__synonyms",
+                 "_ParametricRecord__hierarchy", "_ParametricRecord__unit",
+                 "_ParametricRecord__summary", "_ParametricRecord__prices",
+                 "_ParametricRecord__type", "_ParametricRecord__subtype",
+                 "_ParametricRecord__parents", "_ParametricRecord__children",
+                 "_ParametricRecord__text", "_ParametricRecord__sheet",
+                 "_ParametricRecord__files", "_ParametricRecord__labels",
+                 "_ParametricRecord__parameters",
+                 "_ParametricRecord__select_comment", 
+                 "_ParametricRecord__vars",
+                 "_ParametricRecord__parametric_summary",
+                 "_ParametricRecord__parametric_text",]
+    def __getstate__(self):
+        return (self.__budget, self.__code, self.__synonyms, self.__hierarchy,
+                self.__unit, self.__summary, self.__prices, self.__type,
+                self.__subtype, self.__parents, self.__children, self.__text,
+                self.__sheet, self.__files, self.__labels, self.__parameters,
+                self.__select_comment, self.__vars,
+                self.__parametric_summary, self.__parametric_text)
+    def __setstate__(self, tuple):
+        self.__budget = tuple[0]
+        self.__code = tuple[1]
+        self.__synonyms = tuple[2]
+        self.__hierarchy = tuple[3]
+        self.__unit = tuple[4]
+        self.__summary = tuple[5]
+        self.__prices = tuple[6]
+        self.__type = tuple[7]
+        self.__subtype = tuple[8]
+        self.__parents = tuple[9]
+        self.__children = tuple[10]
+        self.__text = tuple[11]
+        self.__sheet = tuple[12]
+        self.__files = tuple[13]
+        self.__labels = tuple[14]
+        self.__parameters = tuple[15]
+        self.__select_comment = tuple[16]
+        self.__vars = tuple[17]
+        self.__parametric_summary = tuple[18]
+        self.__parametric_text = tuple[19]
+    def __init__(self, budget, code, synonyms, hierarchy, unit, summary,
+                 prices, type, subtype, parents=[], text=""):
+        Record.__init__(self, budget, code, synonyms, hierarchy, unit, summary,
+                 prices, type, subtype, parents=[], text="")
+        self.__parameters = {}
+        self.__select_comment = ""
+        self.__vars = {}
+        self.parametric_summary = ""
+        self.parametric_text = ""
+    def getParameter(self, parameter):
+        if parameter in self.__parameters:
+            return self.__parameters[parameter]
+        else:
+            return None
+    def setParameter(self, parameter, parameter_list):
+        self.__parameters[parameter] = parameter_list
+    def getSelectComment(self):
+        return self.__select_comment
+    def setSelectComment(self, select_comment):
+        self.__select_comment = select_comment
+    def getVar(self, var):
+        if var in self.__vars:
+            return self.__vars[var]
+        else:
+            return None
+    def setVar(self, var, var_list):
+        self.__vars[var] = var_list
+    def getParametricSummary(self):
+        return self.__parametric_summary
+    def setParametricSummary(self, parametric_summary):
+        self.__parametric_summary = parametric_summary
+    def getParametricText(self):
+        return self.__parametric_text
+    def setParametricText(self, parametric_text):
+        self.__parametric_text = parametric_text
+    parameter = property(getParameter, setParameter, None,
+        """Record parameter
+        """)
+    select_comment = property(getSelectComment, setSelectComment, None,
+        """Seclect comment
+        """)
+    var = property(getVar, setVar, None,
+        """Record var
+        """)
+    parametric_summary = property(getParametricSummary, setParametricSummary,
+        None,
+        """Parametric summary
+        """)
+    parametric_text = property(getParametricText, setParametricText, None,
+        """Seclect comment
+        """)
+class Decomposition(object):
+    """base.Decomposition:
+    Description:
+        Decomposition object
+    Constructor:
+        base.Decomposition(position, code, budgetMeasures, certification=None,
+                 real_cost=None, cost_goals=None, cost_planned=None)
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- Decomposition
+    Atributes:
+        "position": the position of the child record in the parent record
+        "code": Record code.
+        Measures:
+        "budgetMeasures": list of budget and Amended budget measures
+        "certification": list of certifications for months measures
+        "real_cost": list of real cost of construction for months measures
+        "cost_goals": list of cost goals of construction for months measures
+        "cost_planned": list of costs planned and amended cost planned measures
+    Methods:
+        __getstate__(self)
+        __setstate__(self, tuple)
+        __init__( position, code, budgetMeasures, certification=None,
+                 real_cost=None, cost_goals=None, cost_planned=None)
+        {get/set}position
+        {get/set}Code
+        {get/set}BudgetMeasures
+        {get/set}Certification
+        {get/set}RealCost
+        {get/set}CostGoals
+        {get/set}CostPlanned
+    """
+    __slots__ = ["_Decomposition__position",
+                 "_Decomposition__code",
+                 "_Decomposition__budgetMeasures",
+                 "_Decomposition__certification",
+                 "_Decomposition__real_cost",
+                 "_Decomposition__cost_goals",
+                 "_Decomposition__cost_planned",
+                ]
+    def __getstate__ (self):
+        return (self.__position, self.__code, self.__budgetMeasures,
+                self.__certification, self.__real_cost, self.__cost_goals,
+                self.__cost_planned)
+    def __setstate__(self,tuple):
+        self.__position = tuple[0]
+        self.__code = tuple[1]
+        self.__budgetMeasures = tuple[2]
+        self.__certification = tuple[3]
+        self.__real_cost = tuple[4]
+        self.__cost_goals = tuple[5]
+        self.__cost_planned = tuple[6]
+    def __init__(self, position, code, budgetMeasures, certification=None,
+                 real_cost=None, cost_goals=None, cost_planned=None):
+        self.position = position
+        self.code = code
+        self.budgetMeasures = budgetMeasures
+        self.certification = certification
+        self.real_cost = real_cost
+        self.cost_goals = cost_goals
+        self.cost_planned = cost_planned
+    def getPosition(self):
+        return self.__position
+    def setPosition(self, position):
+        if not isinstance(position, int):
+            raise ValueError, _("Position must be a integer")
+        self.__position = position
+    def getCode(self):
+        return self.__code
+    def setCode(self, code):
+        self.__code = code
+    def getBudgetMeasures(self):
+        return self.__budgetMeasures
+    def setBudgetMeasures(self, budgetMeasures):
+        if not isinstance(budgetMeasures, list):
+            raise ValueError, _("BudgetMeasures atribute must be a list")
+        for _measure in budgetMeasures:
+            if not isinstance(_measure, Measure):
+                raise ValueError, _("BudgetMeasures item must be a Measure "/
+                                    "object")
+        self.__budgetMeasures = budgetMeasures
+    def getCertification(self):
+        return self.__certification
+    def setCertification(self, certification):
+        if not (certification is None or isinstance(certification, list)):
+            raise ValueError, _("Certification atribute must be a list or None")
+        self.__certification = certification
+    def getRealCost(self):
+        return self.__real_cost
+    def setRealCost(self, real_cost):
+        if not (real_cost is None or  isinstance(real_cost, list)):
+            raise ValueError, _("Real cost atribute must be a list or None")
+        self.__real_cost = real_cost
+    def getCostGoals(self):
+        return self.__cost_goals
+    def setCostGoals(self, cost_goals):
+        if not (cost_goals is None or  isinstance(cost_goals, list)):
+            raise ValueError, _("Cost goals atribute must be a list or None")
+        self.__cost_goals = cost_goals
+    def getCostPlanned(self):
+        return self.__cost_planned
+    def setCostPlanned(self, cost_planned):
+        if not (cost_planned is None or  isinstance(cost_planned, list)):
+            raise ValueError, _("Cost Planned atribute must be a list or None")
+        self.__cost_planned = cost_planned
+    position = property(getPosition, setPosition, None,
+        """Postion of the record in the budget
+        """)
+    code = property(getCode, setCode, None,
+        """Record code
+        """)
+    budgetMeasures = property(getBudgetMeasures, setBudgetMeasures, None, 
+        """list of budget and Amended budget measures
+        """)
+    certification = property(getCertification, setCertification,None, 
+        """ list of certifications by months measures
+        """)
+    real_cost = property(getRealCost, setRealCost, None,
+        """ list of real cost of construction for months measures
+        """)
+    cost_goals = property(getCostGoals, setCostGoals, None,
+        """ list of cost goals of construction for months measures
+        """)
+    cost_planned = property(getCostPlanned, setCostPlanned, None,
+        """ list of costs planned and amended cost planned measures
+        """)
+class Measure(object):
+    """base.Measure:
+    Description:
+        Measure object
+    Constructor:
+        base.Measure(decimals, recordType, measure, lines,
+                     label, factor, yield_)
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- Measure
+    Atributes:
+        "measure": Total result of measure.
+        "lines": List of measure lines, List of LineM instances.
+        "label": Record Identifiers that are used by some measure programs.
+        "factor":
+        "yield":
+        "fixed": If fixed is True the yield is not calculated from measure
+    Methods:
+        __getstate__()
+        __setstate__(tuple)
+        __init__(decimals, recordType, measure, lines,
+                 label, factor, yield_)
+        getMeasure()
+        setMeasure(measure, decimals)
+        {get/set}Lines
+        {get/set}Label
+        getFactor()
+        setFactor(factor, decimals, recordType)
+        getYield()
+        setYield(yield_, decimals, recordType)
+        getFixed()
+        setFixed(decimals)
+        buildMeasure(list_lines, type, decimals)
+        calculateMeasure(decimals)
+        updateYield(decimals)
+    """
+    __slots__ = ["_Measure__measure",
+                 "_Measure__lines",
+                 "_Measure__label",
+                 "_Measure__factor",
+                 "_Measure__yield_",
+                 "_Measure__fixed"]
+    def __getstate__ (self):
+        return (self.__measure, self.__lines, self.__label,
+                self.__factor, self.__yield_, self.__fixed)
+    def __setstate__(self,tuple):
+        self.__measure = tuple[0]
+        self.__lines = tuple[1]
+        self.__label = tuple[2]
+        self.__factor = tuple[3]
+        self.__yield_ = tuple[4]
+        self.__fixed = tuple[5]
+    def __init__(self, decimals, recordType, measure, lines,
+                 label, factor, yield_):
+        self.setMeasure(measure, decimals)
+        self.lines = lines
+        self.label = label
+        self.setFactor(factor, decimals, recordType)
+        self.setYield(yield_, decimals, recordType)
+        self.__fixed = False
+    def getMeasure(self):
+        return self.__measure
+    def setMeasure(self, measure, decimals):
+        if not isinstance(measure, float):
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Measure must be a float "\
+                  "number. Type: $1"), (type(measure),))
+        # TODO: test after
+        _DS = decimals.DS
+        measure = round(measure, _DS)
+        self.__measure = measure
+    def getLines(self):
+        return self.__lines
+    def setLines(self, lines):
+        if not isinstance(lines, list):
+            raise ValueError, _("Lines must be a list")
+        for _line in lines:
+            if not isinstance(_line, MeasureLine):
+                raise ValueError, _("Line must be a MeasureLine objetc")
+        self.__lines = lines
+    def getLabel(self):
+        return self.__label
+    def setLabel(self, label):
+        self.__label = label
+    def setFactor(self, factor, decimals, recordType):
+        if not isinstance(factor, float):
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Factor must be a float number "\
+                  "|$1|"), (factor,))
+        # TODO: test after
+        _DF = decimals.getDF(recordType)
+        factor = round(factor, _DF)
+        self.__factor = factor
+    def getFactor(self):
+        return self.__factor
+    def setYield(self, yield_, decimals, recordType):
+        if not isinstance(yield_, float):
+            raise ValueError, _("Yield must be a float number")
+        # TODO: test after
+        _DR = decimals.getDR(recordType)
+        yield_ = round(yield_, _DR)
+        self.__yield_ = yield_
+    def getYield(self):
+        return self.__yield_
+    def setFixed(self, fixed, decimals):
+        if not isinstance(fixed, bool):
+            raise ValueError, _("Fixed must be boolean object")
+        self.__fixed = fixed
+        self.updateYield(decimals)
+    def getFixed(self):
+        return self.__fixed
+    measure = property(getMeasure, None, None,
+    """Total result of the measure
+    """)
+    lines = property(getLines, setLines, None,
+    """List of measure lines, List of "MeasureLine" instances
+    """)
+    label = property(getLabel, setLabel, None,
+    """Record identifiers that are used in some measure programs
+    """)
+    factor = property(getFactor, None, None, 
+        """Factor
+        """)
+    yield_ = property(getYield, None, None, 
+        """Yield of a record
+        """)
+    fixed = property(getFixed, setFixed,None, 
+        """If fixed is True the yield is not calculated from measure
+        """)
+    def buildMeasure(self, list_lines, type, decimals, recordType):
+        """setMeasure(self, list_lines, type, decimals)
+        list_lines: list of measure lines
+            [ [linetype, comment, units, length, width, height, formula], ... ]
+            linetype:
+                #-#empty string -> Normal
+                0 -> Normal
+                1 -> Parcial Subtotal
+                2 -> Accumulated Subtotal
+                3 -> Formula
+            comment: comment string
+            units: Number of Units (a)
+            length: Length (b)
+            width: Width (c)
+            height: Height (d)
+            formula: Can be a formula or a empty string
+                Valid Operator: '(', ')', '+', '-', '*', '/' and '^'
+                Valid variable: 'a', 'b', 'c','d' and 'p' (Pi=3.1415926)
+        type: type of action
+            M: Set measure
+            A: Add measure
+        decimal: budget decimals object
+        Sets the measurelines for a record
+        """
+        # TODO: calcutate measure from lines
+        _parcial = 0
+        _total = 0
+        _lines = []
+        for _line in list_lines:
+            _type, _comment = _line[0], _line[1]
+            _units, _length = _line[2], _line[3]
+            _width, _height = _line[4], _line[5]
+            _formula = _line[6]
+            _measure_line = MeasureLine(decimals, _type, _comment, _units,
+                                        _length, _width, _height, _formula)
+            _lines.append(_measure_line)
+        if type == "M":
+            self.lines = _lines
+        elif type == "A":
+            self.lines.extend(_lines)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Type must be M or A. Type: $1"),
+                                            (type,))
+        self.calculateMeasure(decimals, recordType)
+    def calculateMeasure(self, decimals, recordType):
+        #TODO: round acumulated_subtotal and parcial_subtotal
+        if len(self.lines) > 0:
+            _acumulated_total = 0.0
+            _parcial_total = 0.0
+            for line in self.lines:
+                _parcial = line.parcial
+                _acumulated_total += _parcial
+                if line.lineType == 2:
+                    line.setAcumulatedSubtotal(_acumulated_total, decimals)
+                elif line.lineType == 1:
+                    _parcialSubtotal = _acumulated_total - _parcial_total
+                    line.setParcialSubtotal(_parcialSubtotal, decimals)
+                    _parcial_total = _acumulated_total
+            self.setMeasure(_acumulated_total, decimals)
+            _DR = decimals.getDR(recordType)
+            self.updateYield(decimals, recordType)
+    def updateYield(self, decimals, recordType):
+        if not self.fixed:
+            self.setYield(self.measure, decimals, recordType)
+class MeasureLine(object):
+    """base.MeasureLine:
+    Description:
+        MeasureLine object
+    Constructor:
+        base.MeasureLine(budget, type, comment, units, length, width, height,
+                         formula)
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- MeasureLine
+    Atributes:
+        "lineType": Line type:
+            #-#empty string -> Normal
+            0 -> Normal
+            1 -> Parcial Subtotal
+            2 -> Accumulated Subtotal
+            3 -> Formula, the comment is a formula.
+        "comment": Descriptive text string
+        "units": Number of Units (a)
+        "length": length (b)
+        "width": Width (c)
+        "height": Height (d)
+        "formula": can be a valid formula or a empty string
+            Valid Operator: '(', ')', '+', '-', '*', '/' and '^'
+            Valid variable: 'a', 'b', 'c','d'y 'p' (Pi=3.1415926)
+        "partial" : result of measure line
+        "parcial_subtotal"
+        "acumulated_subtotal"
+    Methods:
+        __getstate__(self)
+        __setstate__(self, tuple)
+        __init__(self, decimals, type, comment, units, length, width, height,
+                 formula)
+        {get/set}LineType
+        {get/set}Comment
+        {get/set}Units
+        {get/set}Length
+        {get/set}Width
+        {get/set}Height
+        {get/set}Formula
+        getParcial
+        {get/set}ParcialSubtotal
+        {get/set}AcumulatedSubtotal
+        calculateParcial
+        eval_formula
+    """
+    __slots__ = ["_MeasureLine__lineType",
+                 "_MeasureLine__comment",
+                 "_MeasureLine__units",
+                 "_MeasureLine__length",
+                 "_MeasureLine__width",
+                 "_MeasureLine__height",
+                 "_MeasureLine__formula",
+                 "_MeasureLine__parcial",
+                 "_MeasureLine__parcial_subtotal",
+                 "_MeasureLine__acumulated_subtotal",
+                ]
+    def __getstate__ (self):
+        return (self.__lineType, self.__comment, self.__units,
+                self.__length, self.__width, self.__height, self.__formula,
+                self.__parcial)
+    def __setstate__(self,tuple):
+        self.__lineType = tuple[0]
+        self.__comment = tuple[1]
+        self.__units = tuple[2]
+        self.__length = tuple[3]
+        self.__width = tuple[4]
+        self.__height = tuple[5]
+        self.__formula = tuple[6]
+        self.__parcial = tuple[7]
+        #self.calculateParcial()
+    def __init__(self, decimals, type, comment, units, length, width, height,
+                 formula):
+        self.__parcial = 0.0
+        self.__parcial_subtotal = 0.0
+        self.__acumulated_subtotal = 0.0
+        self.lineType = type
+        self.comment = comment
+        self.setUnits(units, decimals)
+        self.setLength(length, decimals)
+        self.setWidth(width, decimals)
+        self.setHeight(height, decimals)
+        self.setFormula(formula, decimals)
+        #self.calculateParcial()
+    def getLineType(self):
+        return self.__lineType
+    def getComment(self):
+        return self.__comment
+    def getUnits(self):
+        return self.__units
+    def getLength(self):
+        return self.__length
+    def getWidth(self):
+        return self.__width
+    def getHeight(self):
+        return self.__height
+    def getFormula(self):
+        return self.__formula
+    def getParcial(self):
+        return self.__parcial
+    def getParcialSubtotal(self):
+        return self.__parcial_subtotal
+    def getAcumulatedSubtotal(self):
+        return self.__acumulated_subtotal
+    def setParcialSubtotal(self, parcial_subtotal, decimals):
+        if not isinstance(parcial_subtotal, float):
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_(" Parcial Subtotal must be a "\
+                      "float number. Parcial: $1"), (str(parcial_subtotal),))
+        _DS = decimals.DS
+        parcial_subtotal = round(parcial_subtotal, _DS)
+        self.__parcial_subtotal = parcial_subtotal
+    def setAcumulatedSubtotal(self, acumulated_subtotal, decimals):
+        if not isinstance(acumulated_subtotal, float):
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_(" Acumulated Subtotal must be "\
+                      "a float number. Parcial: $1"),
+                     (str(acumulated_subtotal),))
+        _DS = decimals.DS
+        acumulated_subtotal = round(acumulated_subtotal, _DS)
+        self.__acumulated_subtotal = acumulated_subtotal
+    def calculateParcial(self, decimals):
+        _DS = decimals.DS
+        if self.lineType == 1 or self.lineType == 2:
+            _parcial = 0.0
+        elif self.lineType == 0: # self.formula == "":
+            if isinstance(self.units, float):
+                _a = self.units
+            else:
+                _a = 0.0
+            if isinstance(self.length, float):
+                _b = self.length
+            else:
+                _b = 1.0
+            if isinstance(self.width, float):
+                _c = self.width
+            else:
+                _c = 1.0
+            if isinstance(self.height, float):
+                _d = self.height
+            else:
+                _d = 1.0
+            _parcial =  _a * _b  * _c * _d
+        else:
+            _parcial = self.eval_formula()
+        _parcial = round(_parcial, _DS)
+        self.__parcial = _parcial
+    def setLineType(self, type):
+        if not type in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid measure line type ($1)"),
+                  (str(type),))
+        self.__lineType = type
+    def setComment(self, comment):
+        if not isinstance(comment, str):
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Measure Comment must be a "\
+                  "string ($1)"), (str(comment),))
+        self.__comment = comment
+    def setUnits(self, units, decimals):
+        if units != "":
+            if not isinstance(units, float):
+                raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid Measure Units ($1)"),
+                      (str(units),))
+            _DN = decimals.DN
+            units = round(units, _DN)
+        self.__units = units
+        try:
+            self.calculateParcial(decimals)
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+    def setLength(self, length, decimals):
+        if length != "":
+            if not isinstance(length, float):
+                raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid Measure length ($1)"),
+                      (str(units),))
+            _DD = decimals.DD
+            length = round(length, _DD)
+        self.__length = length
+        try:
+            self.calculateParcial(decimals)
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+    def setWidth(self, width, decimals):
+        if width != "":
+            if not isinstance(width, float):
+                raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid Measure Width ($1)"),
+                      (str(units),))
+            _DD = decimals.DD
+            width = round(width, _DD)
+        self.__width = width
+        try:
+            self.calculateParcial(decimals)
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+    def setHeight(self, height, decimals):
+        if height != "":
+            if not isinstance(height, float):
+                raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid Measure Height ($1)"),
+                      (str(height),))
+            _DD = decimals.DD
+            height = round(height, _DD)
+        self.__height = height
+        try:
+            self.calculateParcial(decimals)
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+    def setFormula(self, formula, decimals):
+        if not isinstance(formula, str):
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Formula must be a "\
+                  "string ($1)"), (str(formula),))
+        if re.match(".*[^0123456789\.()\+\-\*/\^abcdp ].*", formula):
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("There is invalid characters"\
+                  "in formula ($1)"), (str(formula),))
+        self.__formula = formula
+        try:
+            self.calculateParcial(decimals)
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+    lineType = property(getLineType, setLineType, None,
+    """Type of measure line
+    """)
+    comment = property(getComment, setComment, None,
+    """Text
+    """)
+    units = property(getUnits, None, None,
+    """Number of units
+    """)
+    length = property(getLength, None, None,
+    """Length measure
+    """)
+    width = property(getWidth, None, None,
+    """Width measure
+    """)
+    height = property(getHeight, None, None,
+    """Height measure
+    """)
+    formula = property(getFormula, None, None,
+    """Formula
+    """)
+    parcial = property(getParcial, None, None,
+    """result of measure line
+    """)
+    acumulated_subtotal = property(getAcumulatedSubtotal,
+                                   None, None,
+    """Acumulated subtotal
+    """)
+    parcial_subtotal = property(getParcialSubtotal,
+                                None, None,
+    """Parcial subtotal
+    """)
+    def eval_formula(self):
+        """eval_formula()
+        formula:
+            Valid Operator: '(', ')', '+', '-', '*', '/' and '^'
+            Valid variable: 'a', 'b', 'c','d'y 'p' (Pi=3.1415926)
+        units: Number of Units (a)
+        length: Length (b)
+        width: Width (c)
+        height: Height (d)
+        Evals the formula and return the result
+        """
+        formula = self.formula
+        a = self.units
+        b = self.length
+        c = self.width
+        d = self.height
+        if a == "": a = 0.0
+        if b == "": b = 0.0
+        if c == "": c = 0.0
+        if d == "": d = 0.0
+        try:
+            a = float(a)
+        except:
+            raise ValueError, _("'a' value must be a float number")
+        try:
+            b = float(b)
+        except:
+            raise ValueError, _("'b' value must be a float number")
+        try:
+            c = float(c)
+        except:
+            raise ValueError, _("'c' value must be a float number")
+        try:
+            d = float(d)
+        except:
+            raise ValueError, _("'d' value must be a float number")
+        # spaces are erased
+        formula.replace(" ","")
+        # operators and varibles are replaced
+        formula = formula.replace("+", " + ")
+        formula = formula.replace("-", " - ")
+        formula = formula.replace("*", " * ")
+        formula = formula.replace("/", " / ")
+        formula = formula.replace("^", " ** ")
+        formula = formula.replace("(", " ( ")
+        formula = formula.replace(")", " ) ")
+        formula = formula.replace("a", str(a))
+        formula = formula.replace("b", str(b))
+        formula = formula.replace("c", str(c))
+        formula = formula.replace("d", str(d))
+        formula = formula.replace("p", "3.1415926")
+        _list_formula = formula.split(" ")
+        _formula2 = ""
+        for oper in _list_formula:
+            try:
+                _float_oper= str(float(oper))
+                _formula2 = _formula2 + _float_oper
+            except ValueError:
+                _formula2 = _formula2 + oper
+        _g ={"__builtins__":{}}
+        try:
+            return eval(_formula2, _g)
+        except:
+            raise ValueError, _("Invalid formula")
+class Decimals(object):
+    """base.Decimals:
+    Description:
+        Decimals object
+    Constructor:
+        base.Decimals(DN=2, DD=2, DSP=2, DS=2,
+                      DFC=3, DFPU=3, DFUO=3, DFA=3,
+                      DRP=3, DRC=3, DRUO=3, DRA=3,
+                      DP=2, DC=2, DPU=2, DUO=2, DEA=2, DES=2,
+                      DIR=2, DIM=2, DIRC=2, DIMC=2, DCD=2,
+                      DIVISA="EUR")
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- Decimals
+    Atributes:
+        "DN": Number of decimal places of the field "equal-size parts" in the
+            measure lines.
+            Default: 2 decimal places.
+        "DD": Number of decimal places of the three dimensions in the 
+            measure lines.
+            Default: 2 decimal places.
+        "DSP": Number of decimal places of the subtotal of a measure.
+            Default: 2 decimal places.
+        "DS": Number of decimal places of the total sum of a measure.
+            Default: 2 decimal places.
+        "DFC": Number of decimal places of the yield factor in a decomposition
+            of a chapter or subchapter.
+            Dafault: 3 decimal places.
+        "DFPU": Number of decimal places of the yield factor in a decomposition
+            of a unitary budget.
+            Default: 3 decimal places.
+        "DFUO": Number of decimal places of the yield factor in a decomposition
+            of a unit of work.
+            Default: 3 decimal places.
+        "DFA": Number of decimal places of the yield factor in a decomposition
+            of a Auxiliary element.
+            Default: 3 decimal places.
+        "DRC": Number of decimal places of the yield in a 
+            decomposition of a chapter or subchapter.
+            Number of decimal places of the result of the multiplictaion of
+            the yield (or measure) and the factor in a decomposition of a 
+            chapter or subcharter.
+            Default: 3 decimal places.
+        "DRPU": Number of decimal places of the yield in a decomposition
+            of a unitary budget record.
+            Number of decumal places of the result of the multiplication of 
+            the factor and the yield in a decompositon of a untitary budget.
+            Default: 3 decimal places.
+        "DRUO": Number of decimal places of the yield in a decomposition of a
+            unit of work.
+            Decimal places of the result of the multiplication of the yield
+            and the factor in a descomposition of a unit of work.
+            Default: 3 decimal places.
+        "DRA": Number of decimal places of the yield in a decompositon of a
+            auxiliar element.
+            Number of decimal places of the result of the multiplication of 
+            the yield and the factor in a descomposition of a auxilar element.Decimales
+            Default: 3 decimal places.
+        "DP": Number of decimal places of the price of a budget.
+            Default: 2 decimal places.
+        "DC": Number of decimal places of the price of a chapter or subchapter.
+            Default: 2 decimal places.
+        "DPU": Number of decimal places of the price of a unitary budget.
+            Default: 2 decimal places.
+        "DUO": Number of decimal places of the price of a unit of work.
+            Default: 2 decimal places.
+        "DEA": Number of decimal places of the price of a auxiliar element.
+            Default: 2 decimal places.
+        "DES": Number of decimal places of the price of the simple elements.
+            Default: 2 decimal places.
+        "DIR": Number of decimal places of the resulting amount to multiply 
+            the total yield and the price of the elements of a unit of work or
+            a auxiliar element.
+        "DIRC": Number of decimal places of the resulting amount to multiply 
+            the total yield and the price of the elements of a budget, chapter
+            or a subchapter.
+        "DCD": Number of decimal places ot the resulting amount to sum the
+            direct costs of a unit of work (and auxiliar element).
+            Number of decimal places of the indirect costs.
+            Default: 2 decimal places.
+        "DIVISA": monetary unit.
+    Methods:
+        __init__(DN=2, DD=2, DSP=2, DS=2,
+                 DFC=3, DFPU=3, DFUO=3, DFA=3,
+                 DRC=3, DRPU=3, DRUO=3, DRA=3,
+                 DP=2, DC=2, DPU=2, DUO=2, DEA=2, DES=2,
+                 DIR=2, DIRC=2, DCD=2,
+                 DIVISA="EUR")
+        __getitem__(key)
+        haskey(key)
+        getD(recordtype)
+        getDF(recordType)
+        getDR(recordType)
+        getDI(recordType)
+    """
+    # TODO: get/set methods
+    def __init__(self,
+                 DN=2, DD=2, DSP=2, DS=2,
+                 DFC=3, DFPU=3, DFUO=3, DFA=3, 
+                 DRC=3, DRPU=3, DRUO=3, DRA=3, 
+                 DP=2, DC=2, DPU=2, DUO=2, DEA=2, DES=2, 
+                 DIR=2, DIRC=2, DCD=2, 
+                 DIVISA="EUR" ):
+        self.DN = DN
+        self.DD = DD
+        self.DSP = DSP
+        self.DS = DS
+        self.DFP = 3
+        self.DFC = DFC
+        self.DFPU = DFPU
+        self.DFUO = DFUO
+        self.DFA = DFA
+        self.DRP = 3
+        self.DRC = DRC
+        self.DRPU = DRPU
+        self.DRUO = DRUO
+        self.DRA = DRA
+        self.DP = DP
+        self.DC = DC
+        self.DPU = DPU
+        self.DUO = DUO
+        self.DEA = DEA
+        self.DES = DES
+        self.DIR = DIR
+        self.DIRC = DIRC
+        self.DCD = DCD
+        self.DIVISA = DIVISA
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        return self.__dict__[key]
+    def haskey(self, key):
+        return key in self.__dict__
+    def getD(self, recordType):
+        # DP: budget.
+        # DC: chapter and subcharter. 
+        # DUO: unit.
+        # DEA: auxiliar element.
+        # DES: simple element.
+        _hierarchy = recordType.hierarchy
+        if _hierarchy == 0: #budget, type 0, subtipe "OB"
+            _decimal = self.DP
+        elif _hierarchy == 1: #chapter/subcharter, type 0, subtipe ""
+            _decimal = self.DC
+        else: # other
+            _type = recordType.type
+            _subtype = recordType.subtype
+            if _subtype == "EA": # auxiliar element type 0 subitype "EA"
+                _decimal = self.DEA
+            if _subtype == "PU": # unitary budget type 0 subitype "PU"
+                _decimal = self.DPU
+            elif (_type in [1, 2, 3] or
+                  _subtype in ["H", "Q", "%", "MC", "MCr", "MM", "MS", "ME",
+                                "MCu", "Mal","ML", "M"]
+                 ): # simple element
+                _decimal = self.DES
+            else: # unit  type 0, subtipe ["EU", "EC", "EF", "PA"]
+                _decimal = self.DUO
+        return _decimal
+    def getDF(self, recordType):
+        # Factor: DF
+        #   ->DFP: Budget
+        #   ->DFC: Chapter/Subchapter
+        #   ->DFUO: Unit
+        #   ->DFA: Auxiliar
+        #   ->DFPU: Unitary budget
+        if recordType.hierarchy == 0: #budget
+            _decimal = self.DFP
+        elif recordType.hierarchy == 1: #chapter/subcharter
+            _decimal = self.DFC
+        else: # other
+            if recordType.subtype == "EA": # auxiliar element
+                _decimal = self.DFA
+            if recordType.subtype == "PU": # unitary budget element
+                _decimal = self.DFPU
+            else: # unit  EU EC EF PA
+                _decimal = self.DFUO
+        return _decimal
+    def getDR(self, recordType):
+        # Yield: DR
+        #   ->DRP: Budget
+        #   ->DRC: Chapter/Subchapter
+        #   ->DRUO: Unit
+        #   ->DRA: Auxiliar
+        #   ->DRPU: Unitary budget
+        if recordType.hierarchy == 0: #budget
+            _decimal = self.DRP
+        elif recordType.hierarchy == 1: #chapter/subcharter
+            _decimal = self.DRC
+        else: # other
+            if recordType.subtype == "EA": # auxiliar element
+                _decimal = self.DRA
+            if recordType.subtype == "PU": # unitary budget element
+                _decimal = self.DRPU
+            else: # unit
+                _decimal = self.DRUO
+        return _decimal
+    def getDI(self, recordType):
+        # DIRC: budget, chapter and subcharter. 
+        # DIR: unit, auxiliar element.
+        _hierarchy = recordType.hierarchy
+        _subtype = recordType.subtype
+        if _hierarchy == 0 or _hierarchy == 1 or _subtype == "PU":
+            #budget, type 0, subtipe "OB"
+            #chapter/subcharter, type 0, subtipe ""
+            #unitary budget, type 2, subtype "PU"
+            _decimal = self.DIRC
+        else: # other
+            # auxiliar element type 0 subitype "EA"
+            # unit  type 0, subtipe ["EU", "EC", "EF", "PA", "PU"]
+            _decimal = self.DIR
+        return _decimal
+class Sheet(object):
+    """base.Sheet:
+    Description:
+        Sheet of conditions object
+    Constructor:
+        base.Sheet(sheet_dict)
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- Sheet
+    Atributes:
+        "sheet_dict": { <Field key> : { <Section key> : <Paragraph key>}
+            <Field key>: must be in Budget.SheetFields
+            <Section key>: must be in Budget.SheetSections
+            <Paragraph key>: must be in Budget.SheetParagraph
+    Methods:
+        __getstate__(self)
+        __setstate__(self, tuple)
+        __init__(self, sheet_dict={})
+        {get/set}Sheet_dict
+        getFields
+        getSections
+        getParagraph
+        addField
+        addSection
+    """
+    __slots__ = ["_Sheet__sheet_dict"]
+    def __getstate__ (self):
+        return (self.__sheet_dict,)
+    def __setstate__(self,tuple):
+        self.__sheet_dict = tuple[0]
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__sheet_dict = {}
+    def getSheet_dict(self):
+        return self.__sheet_dict
+    def setSheet_dict(self, sheet_dict):
+        if not isinstance(sheet_dict, dict):
+            raise ValueError, _("sheet_dict must be a dictionay")
+        self.__sheet_dict = sheet_dict
+    def getFields(self):
+        return self.sheet_dict.keys()
+    def getSections(self, field):
+        if field in self.__sheet_dict:
+            return self.__sheet_dict[field].keys()
+        else:
+            return None
+    def getParagraph(self, field, section):
+        if (field in self.__sheet_dict and
+            section in self.__sheet_dict[field]):
+            return self.__sheet_dict[field][section]
+        else:
+            return None
+    def addField(self, field, section_dict):
+        if not isinstance(field, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("sheet field must be a string")
+        if not isinstance(section_dict, dict):
+            raise ValueError, _("section_dict must be a dictionary")
+        self.__sheet_dict[field] = section_dict
+    def addSection(self, field, section, paragraph):
+        if not isinstance(field, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("sheet field must be a string")
+        if not isinstance(section, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("sheet section must be a string")
+        if not isinstance(paragraph, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("sheet paragraph must be a string")
+        if not field in self.__sheet_dict:
+            self.addField(field, { })
+        _field = self.__sheet_dict[field]
+        _field[section] = paragraph
+    sheet_dict = property(getSheet_dict, setSheet_dict, None,
+    """Sheet dictionary { <Field key> : { <Section key> : <Paragraph key>}""")
+class Budget(object):
+    """base.Budget:
+    Description:
+        Budget objetc
+    Constructor:
+        base.Budget()
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- Budget
+    Atributes:
+        "filename": file name of the budget file (FIEBDC)
+        "__records": Dictionary with the budget records.
+            { "code" : Record object, }
+        "__synonyms": Dictionary with the records synonums.
+            { "code" : ["synonym",],}
+            Each record code can have synonym codes.
+        "__root": The root record code.
+        "__title_list": List with the Headers and list of Titles for prices and
+            decimal places.
+            [ "Header", ["Title1", "Title2", ... ] ]
+            The records can have diferent prices for diferent ages, geografical
+            places, ...
+            The Headers is the type of hierarchy of the prices
+            Each Title have a group of Prices and a Decimals definition
+        "__decimals": List with the decimal places used to round the 
+            result of the calculations with prices and measures
+            The values are Decimals objects 
+            The <0> objets is the default Decimals (seted in FIEBDC-3),
+            The others keys are for the diferent groups of Prices
+        "__percentages": Dictionary with the percentages
+            keys:
+                "CI"    Indirect Cost
+                "GG"    General expenses
+                "BI"    Industrial benefit
+                "BAJA"  Low (what this do here?)
+                "IVA"   Tax
+        "__file_owner"
+        "__comment"
+        "__date"
+        "__budgetType" A integer. Type of data in budget
+                0 -> Undefined
+                1 -> Base data.
+                2 -> Budget.
+                3 -> Certificate.
+                4 -> Base date update.
+        "__budgetCerficateOrder" Only valid if budgetType is 3.
+        "__budgetCerficateDate" Only valid if budgetType is 3
+        "__title_index": A integer. The active group of Prices and Decimals.
+        "__sheet_sections": Dictionary whith de sheet sections
+        "__sheet_fields": Dictionary whith sheet fields
+        "__sheet_paragraphs": Dictionary whith sheet paragraphs
+        "__companys": Dictionary whith companys object
+                         { company_code: company_object }
+        "__tec_info": Dictionary whith tecnical information
+                        {ti_code : ["desciption text", "unit"]}
+        "__labels": Label dictionary { "label": [ "code", ], }
+    Methods:
+        iter
+        iterPreOrder
+        iterPostOrder
+        getRoot(self)
+        hasPath(self, path)
+        getchildren(self, code)
+        setOwner(self, owner)
+        setDate(self, date)
+        setComment(self, comment)
+        setBudgetType(self, type)
+        setCertificateOrder(self, order)
+        setCertificateDate(self, date)
+        setTitleList(self, title)
+        getTitleList(self)
+        getActiveTitle(self)
+        setDecimals(self, dictionary)
+        getDecimals(self, decimal="All", N=None)
+        setPercentages(self, dictionary)
+        getPercentages(self, percentage="All")
+        getAllParents(self, code)
+        getAllchildren(self, code)
+        getNDecomposition(self, code, N)
+        getDecomposition(self,code)
+        getMeasure(self, path)
+        getStrYield
+        getStrFactor
+        setTree(sef, code, child_code, position, factor, yield_, total,
+                list_lines, label, type)
+        eval_formula(self, formula, a, b, c, d)
+        getText(self, code)
+        setText(self, code, text)
+        setRecord(self, code, synonyms, hierarchy, unit, sumary, ...
+        hasRecord(self, code)
+        getRecord
+        addPriceToRecord
+        getStrPriceFromRecord
+        getCode(self, path)
+        getAmount
+        getStrAmount
+        setSheetSection(self, sheet_code, sheet_title)
+        hasSheetSection(self, section)
+        setSheetSections(self,dictionary)
+        setSheetField(self, field_code, field_title)
+        hasSheetField(self, field)
+        getSheetField(self, field)
+        setSheetFields(self, field_dict)
+        setSheetParagraph(self, paragraph_code, paragraph_text)
+        hasSheetParagraph(self, paragraph)
+        getSheetParagraph(self, paragraph)
+        setSheetParagraphs(self, paragraph_dict)
+        setSheetRecord(self, record_code,field, section_dict)
+        addFile(self, record_code, filename)
+        setCompany(self, code, summary, name, offices, cif, web, email )
+        getCompany
+        getCompanyKeys
+        addTecInfo(self, ti_code, text, unit)
+        hasTecInfo(self, ti_code)
+        getTecInfo(self, ti_code)
+        setTecnicalInformation(self, _record_code, _ti_dict)
+        changeCode(self, record_code, new_rocord_code)
+        addLabel
+        setParametricSelectComment
+        setParametricSummary
+        setParametricText
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        """__init__(self)
+        Initialize the budget atributes
+        """
+        self.__title_index = 0
+        self.__decimals = [Decimals(), Decimals()]
+        self.__percentages = { "CI" : "" ,"GG": "", "BI": "",
+                               "BAJA": "", "IVA" : ""}
+        self.__title_list = [ "", [ ] ]
+        self.__root = None
+        self.__file_owner = ""
+        self.__comment = ""
+        self.__budgetCerficateOrder = None
+        self.__budgetCerficateDate = None
+        self.__date = (0,0,0)
+        self.__budgetType = 0
+        self.__records = { }
+        self.__synonyms = { }
+        self.__sheet_sections = { }
+        self.__sheet_fields = { }
+        self.__sheet_paragraphs = { }
+        self.__companys = { }
+        self.__tec_info = { }
+        self.__labels = { }
+    def __getstate__(self):
+        return (self.__title_index, self.__decimals, self.__percentages,
+                self.__title_list, self.__root, self.__file_owner,
+                self.__records, self.__synonyms, self.__sheet_sections,
+                self.__sheet_fields, self.__sheet_paragraphs,self.__companys,
+                self.__tec_info, self.__labels)
+    def __setstate__(self, tuple):
+        self.__title_index = tuple[0]
+        self.__decimals = tuple[1]
+        self.__percentages = tuple[3]
+        self.__title_list = tuple[4]
+        self.__root = tuple[4]
+        self.__file_owner = tuple[5]
+        self.__records = tuple[6]
+        self.__synonyms = tuple[7]
+        self.__sheet_sections = tuple[8]
+        self.__sheet_fields = tuple[9]
+        self.__sheet_paragraphs = tuple[10]
+        self.__companys = tuple[11]
+        self.__tec_info = tuple[12]
+        self.__labels = tuple[13]
+    def iter(self):
+        for record in self.__records:
+            yield record
+    def iterPreOrder(self, recordCode, codes=[]):
+        _children = self.getchildren(recordCode)
+        for _child in _children:
+            if not _child in codes:
+                codes.append(_child)
+                self.iterPreOrder(_child, codes)
+        return codes
+    def iterPostOrder(self, recordCode, codes=[]):
+        _children = self.getchildren(recordCode)
+        for _child in _children:
+            if not _child in codes:
+                self.iterPreOrder(_child, codes)
+                codes.append(_child)
+        return codes
+    def getRoot(self):
+        """getRoot(self)
+        Returns the root record code
+        """
+        return self.__root
+    def hasPath(self, path):
+        """hasPath(self, path)
+        path: The path of the record in the budget, It is a tuple.
+        Tests if the path is valid in the budget
+        """
+        try:
+            self.getCode(path)
+            return True
+        except ValueError:
+            return False
+    def getchildren(self, code):
+        """getchildren(self, code)
+        code: a record code.
+        Return a list whith the child codes of a record
+        """
+        _record = self.__records[code]
+        _children = _record.children
+        _child_code = [ _child.code for _child in _children ]
+        return _child_code
+    def setOwner(self, owner):
+        """setOwner(self, owner)
+        owner: data owner 
+        Set the data owner.
+        """
+        if isinstance(owner, basestring):
+            self.__file_owner = owner
+        else:
+            raise  TypeError, _("Owner must be a string")
+    def setDate(self, date):
+        """setOwner(self, date)
+        date (_y, _m, _d)
+        Set the date when de file was generated
+        """
+        if isinstance(date, tuple) and len(date) == 3 and \
+           isinstance(date[0], int) and isinstance(date[1], int) and \
+           isinstance(date[2], int) and date[1] in range(13) and \
+           date[2] in range(32):
+            if date[1] != 0 and date[2] != 0:
+      *date)
+            self.__date = date
+        else:
+            raise  TypeError, _("Invalid Date: %s" % str(date))
+    def setComment(self, comment):
+        """setOwner(self, comment)
+        comment: text to comment the budged
+        Set the comment.
+        """
+        if isinstance(comment, basestring):
+            self.__comment = comment
+        else:
+            raise  TypeError, _("Comment must be a string")
+    def setBudgeType(self, budget_type):
+        """setOwner(self, budget_type)
+        budget_type: type of data in budget
+            0 -> Undefined
+            1 -> Base data.
+            2 -> Budget.
+            3 -> Budget certificate.
+            4 -> Base date update.
+        Set the budget type.
+        """
+        if budget_type in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
+            self.__budgetType = budget_type
+        else:
+            raise  ValueError, _("Budget type must be 1, 2, 3 or 4.")
+    def setCertificateOrder(self, certificate_order, certificate_date):
+        """setOwner(self, budget_type)
+        certificate_order: certificate number
+        certificate_date: certificate date
+        Set the certificate order and date.
+        """
+        if isinstance(certificate_order, int):
+            self.__budgetCerficateOrder = certificate_order
+        else:
+            raise  ValueError, _("Certificate order must be a integer.")
+    def setCertificateDater(self, certificate_date):
+        """setCertidicateDate(self, certificate_date)
+        Set the certificate date.
+        """
+        if isinstance(certificate_date, tuple) and \
+           len(certificate_date) == 3 and \
+           isinstance(certificate_date[0], int) and \
+           isinstance(certificate_date[1], int) and \
+           isinstance(certificate_date[2], int):
+  *certificate_date)
+            self.__budgetCerficateDate = certificate_date
+        else:
+            raise  ValueError, _("Budget certificate Date must be a valid Date.")
+    def setTitleList(self, title_list):
+        """setTitleList(self, title_list)
+        title_list: [ "Header", ["Title1", "Title2", ... ] ]
+        Set the header and titles for the price groups and decimals.
+        """
+        title_list[0] = str(title_list[0])
+        if isinstance(title_list, list) and isinstance(title_list[1], list):
+            for i in range(len(title_list[1])):
+                title_list[1][i] = str(title_list[1][i])
+            self.__title_list = title_list
+        else:
+            raise TypeError, _("Invalid title list format")
+    def getTitleList(self):
+        """ getTitleList(self)
+        Returns the header and titles for the price groups and decimals.
+        """
+        return self.__title_list
+    def getActiveTitle(self):
+        """getActiveTitle(self)
+        Returns the active Title of price group
+        """
+        return self.__title_index
+    def setDecimals(self, dictionary, N):
+        """setDecimals(self, dictionary, N)
+        dictionay: the decimal dictionary
+        N: the price group
+        Sets the Decimals for a price group.
+        """
+        if N == -1 or N == len(self.__decimals):
+            _default_decimals = self.__decimals[0]
+            self.__decimals.append(_default_decimals)
+        elif N < len(self.__decimals):
+            _default_decimals = self.__decimals[N]
+        else:
+            raise IndexError, _("Invalid Index Title")
+        for _decimal in dictionary:
+            if dictionary[_decimal] == "":
+                dictionary[_decimal] = eval("_default_decimals." + _decimal)
+        decimals = Decimals(dictionary["DN"], dictionary["DD"],
+                            dictionary["DSP"], dictionary["DS"],
+                            dictionary["DFC"],
+                            dictionary["DFPU"], dictionary["DFUO"],
+                            dictionary["DFA"], dictionary["DRC"],
+                            dictionary["DRPU"], dictionary["DRUO"],
+                            dictionary["DRA"], dictionary["DP"],
+                            dictionary["DC"], dictionary["DPU"],
+                            dictionary["DUO"], dictionary["DEA"],
+                            dictionary["DES"], dictionary["DIR"],
+                            dictionary["DIRC"], dictionary["DCD"],
+                            dictionary["DIVISA"])
+        self.__decimals[N] = decimals
+    def getDecimals(self, decimal="All", N=None):
+        """getDecimals(self,decimal="All",N=None)
+        decimal:
+            "All": Return a Decimals objet for a price group
+            "keys": Return the keys of a Decimal object
+            key: Return a Decimal value for a price group
+        N: the price group None,1,2,..
+            None: Return the active price group
+        """
+        if N is None: N = self.getActiveTitle()
+        if decimal == "All":
+            return self.__decimals[N+1]
+        elif decimal == "keys":
+            return self.__decimals[N+1].keys
+        elif self.__decimals[N+1].haskey(decimal):
+            return self.__decimals[N+1][decimal]
+        else:
+            raise KeyError, _("Decimal Key error")
+    def setPercentages(self, dictionary):
+        """setPercentages(self, dictionary):
+        dictionary: the percentage dictionary
+        Sets the percentage dictionary.
+        """
+        _default_percentages = self.__percentages
+        for percentage in dictionary:
+            if dictionary[percentage] == 0: 
+                dictionary[percentage] = ""
+            elif dictionary[percentage] == "":
+                dictionary[percentage] = _default_percentages[percentage]
+        _percentages = { "CI": dictionary["CI"],
+                         "GG": dictionary["GG"],
+                         "BI": dictionary["BI"],
+                         "BAJA": dictionary["BAJA"],
+                         "IVA" : dictionary["IVA"]}
+        self.__percentages = _percentages
+    def getPercentages(self, key="All"):
+        """getPercentages(self, percentage="All")
+        key:
+            "All": Return the Percentages dictionary
+            "keys": Return the keys of a Percentages object
+            key: Return a Percentages value for the key
+        """
+        if key == "All":
+            return self.__percentages
+        elif key == "keys":
+            return self.__percentages.keys
+        elif key in self.__percentages:
+            return self.__percentages[key]
+        else:
+            raise KeyError, _("Invalid Percentage key")
+    def getAllParents(self,code):
+        """getAllParents(self,code)
+        code: a record code.
+        Returns a list with all the parents of a record
+        All record which the record is in its descomposition list, 
+        including the parents of the parents
+        """
+        if code in self.__records:
+            _parents = self.__records[code].parents
+            if len(_parents) == 0: return [ ]
+            for _antecesor in _parents[:]:
+                _parents = _parents + self.getAllParents(_antecesor)
+            return _parents
+        else:
+            return [ ]
+    def getAllchildren(self,code):
+        """getAllchildren(self,code
+        code: a record code.
+        Returns a list with all the children of a record, including
+        the children of the children
+        """
+        if code in self.__records:
+            _children = self.__records[code].children
+            _children = [ _child.code for _child in _children ]
+            for _child in _children[:]:
+                _children = _children + self.getAllchildren(_child)
+            return _children
+        else:
+            return [ ]
+    def getNDecomposition(self, code, N):
+        """getDecomposition(self,path)
+        path: the path for a record
+        Returns the Decomposition object of a record
+        """
+        _record = self.getRecord(code)
+        _decomposition_list = _record.children
+        _decomposition = _decomposition_list[N]
+        return _decomposition
+    def getDecomposition(self, path):
+        """getDecomposition(self,path)
+        path: the path for a record
+        Returns the Decomposition object of a record
+        """
+        if path == (0,):
+            _type = self.getRecord(self.__root).recordType
+            return Decomposition( 0, self.__root,
+                   [Measure(self.getDecimals(), _type,
+                            0.0, [], "", 1.0, 1.0)])
+        else:
+            return self.getNDecomposition(self.getCode(path[:-1]), path[-1])
+    def getMeasure(self, path):
+        """getMeasure(self, path)
+        path: the path for a record
+        Return the measute object of a record
+        """
+        _decomposition = self.getDecomposition(path)
+        _measure = _decomposition.budgetMeasures[0]
+        return _measure
+    def getStrYield(self, measure, recordType):
+        #_DR = measure.getDR(self.getDecimals())
+        _DR = self.getDecimals().getDR(recordType)
+        _yield = ("%." + str(_DR) + "f" ) % measure.yield_
+        return _yield
+    def getStrFactor(self, measure, recorType):
+        _DF = self.getDecimals().getDF(recordType)
+        #_DF = measure.getDF(self.getDecimals())
+        _factor = ("%." + str(_DF) + "f" ) % measure.factor
+        return _factor
+    def setTree(self, code, child_code, position, factor, yield_, total,
+                list_lines, label, type):
+        """setTree(self, code, child_code, position, factor,yield_, total,
+        list_lines, label, type)
+        code: the parent record code
+        child_code: child record code
+        position: position of child record in record parent record
+            decomposition. Position == -1 -> new child
+        factor:
+        yield_:
+        total: total measure (float)
+        list_lines: list of measure lines
+            [ [linetype, comment, units, length, width, height], ... ]
+            linetype:
+                empty string -> Normal
+                1 -> Parcial Subtotal
+                2 -> Accumulated Subtotal
+                3 -> Formula, the comment is a formula.
+            comment: Can be a descriptive text or a formula
+                Valid Operator: '(', ')', '+', '-', '*', '/' and '^'
+                Valid variable: 'a', 'b', 'c','d'y 'p' (Pi=3.1415926)
+            units: Number of Units (a)
+            length: Length (b)
+            width: Width (c)
+            height: Height (d)
+        label: Record Identifiers that are used by some measure programs.
+        type: type of action
+            M: Set measure
+            A: Add measure
+        Sets the decomposition of a record in a child record
+        """
+        if not utils.is_valid_code(code)[0]:
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid parent code: $1"),
+                                            (code,))
+        if not utils.is_valid_code(child_code)[0]:
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid child code: $1"),
+                                           (code,))
+        if not isinstance(position, int):
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid position in measure "\
+                  "$1, in code $2"), (parent_code, position))
+        # Test circular references
+        _all_parent_list = self.getAllParents(code) + [ code ]
+        _all_child_list = self.getAllchildren(child_code) + [ child_code ]
+        for _parent_code in _all_parent_list:
+            if _parent_code in _all_child_list:
+                # TODO: change return to except
+                print utils.mapping(_("Circular Decomposition, parent code: "\
+                      "$1, child code: $2, repeated code: $3"),
+                      (code, child_code, _parent_code))
+                return
+        # Creating reference to parent code in child record
+        if child_code in self.__records:
+            _child_record = self.__records[child_code]
+        else:
+            _child_record = self.setRecord(child_code, [], -1, "", "", [], [],
+                                     "", "")
+        if code in self.__records:
+            code = self.__records[code].code
+        _child_record.appendParent(code)
+        child_code = self.__records[child_code].code
+        if code in self.__records:
+            # if the code exits retake previous values.
+            _record = self.__records[code]
+            _child_number = len(_record.children)
+            if position == -1:
+                position = _child_number
+            if position == _child_number:
+                # The record do not have the child
+                if not isinstance(factor, float): factor = 1.0
+                if not isinstance(yield_, float): yield_ = 1.0
+                if not isinstance(total, float): total = 0.0
+                if not isinstance(list_lines, list): list_lines = []
+                _child = _record.appendChild(child_code, self.getDecimals(),
+                         factor, yield_, total, list_lines, type, label)
+            elif position < _child_number:
+                # The record have the child
+                _child = _record.children[position]
+                if child_code != "" and child_code != _child.code:
+                    _child.code = child_code
+                if factor != "" :
+                    if not isinstance(factor, float):
+                        factor == 1.0
+                    _child.budgetMeasures[0].setFactor(factor,
+                        self.getDecimals(), _record.recordType)
+                if yield_ != "":
+                    if not isinstance(yield_, float):
+                        yield_ = 1.0
+                    _child.budgetMeasures[0].setYield(yield_, 
+                        self.getDecimals(), _record.recordType)
+                _measure = _child.budgetMeasures[0]
+                if total != "":
+                    if not isinstance(total, float):
+                        yield_ = 0.0
+                    _measure.setMeasure(total, self.getDecimals())
+                if isinstance(list_lines, list) and len(list_lines) > 0:
+                    _measure.buildMeasure(list_lines, type, self.getDecimals(),
+                                          _record.recordType)
+                if isinstance(label, str) and label != "" :
+                    _measure.label = label
+            else:
+                # TODO: change return for except
+                print utils.mapping(_("Error: Invalid child position in "
+                      "decomposition. Parent code: $1 Child code: $2 "\
+                      "Position: $3"), (code, child_code, position))
+                return
+        else:
+            if child_code == "" : 
+                print utils.mapping(_("Error: Empty child code. Parent code: "\
+                      "$1 Position: $2"), (code, position))
+                return
+            if position == -1:
+                position = 0
+            elif position != 0:
+                print utils.mapping(_("Error: Invalid child position in "\
+                      "decomposition. Parent code: $1 Child code: $2 "\
+                      "Position: $3"), (code, child_code, position))
+                return
+            if not isinstance(factor, float):
+                factor == 1.0
+            if not isinstance(yield_, float):
+                yield_ = 1.0
+            _record = self.setRecord(code, [], "", "", "", [], [],
+                                     "", "")
+            _child = _record.appendChild(child_code, self.getDecimals(),
+                         factor, yield_, total, list_lines, type, label)
+            _child.budgetMeasures[0] = measure
+    def eval_formula(self, formula, a, b, c, d):
+        """eval_formula(self, formula, a, b, c, d)
+        formula:
+            Valid Operator: '(', ')', '+', '-', '*', '/' and '^'
+            Valid variable: 'a', 'b', 'c','d'y 'p' (Pi=3.1415926)
+        units: Number of Units (a)
+        length: Length (b)
+        width: Width (c)
+        height: Height (d)
+        Evals the formula and return the result
+        """
+        if a == "": a = 0.0
+        if b == "": b = 0.0
+        if c == "": c = 0.0
+        if d == "": d = 0.0
+        try:
+            a = float(a)
+        except:
+            raise ValueError, _("'a' value must be a float number")
+        try:
+            b = float(b)
+        except:
+            raise ValueError, _("'b' value must be a float number")
+        try:
+            c = float(c)
+        except:
+            raise ValueError, _("'c' value must be a float number")
+        try:
+            d = float(d)
+        except:
+            raise ValueError, _("'d' value must be a float number")
+        # spaces are erased
+        sre.sub("[ ]","",formula)
+        # operators and varibles are replaced
+        formula = formula.replace("+", " + ")
+        formula = formula.replace("-", " - ")
+        formula = formula.replace("*", " * ")
+        formula = formula.replace("/", " / ")
+        formula = formula.replace("^", " ** ")
+        formula = formula.replace("(", " ( ")
+        formula = formula.replace(")", " ) ")
+        formula = formula.replace("a", str(a))
+        formula = formula.replace("b", str(b))
+        formula = formula.replace("c", str(c))
+        formula = formula.replace("d", str(d))
+        formula = formula.replace("p", "3.1415926")
+        _list_formula = formula.split(" ")
+        _formula2 = ""
+        for oper in _list_formula:
+            try:
+                _float_oper= str(float(oper))
+                _formula2 = _formula2 + _float_oper
+            except ValueError:
+                _formula2 = _formula2 + oper
+        _g = {"__builtins__":{}}
+        try:
+            return eval(_formula2, _g)
+        except:
+            raise ValueError, _("Invalid formula")
+    def getText(self,code):
+        """getText(self,code)
+        code: the record code
+        Returns the description text of a record
+        """
+        if code in self.__records:
+            return self.__records[code].text
+        else:
+            raise IndexError, _("Invalid code")
+    def setText(self,code,text):
+        """setText(self,code,text)
+        code: the parent record code
+        text: the descripion text
+        Sests the description text of a record
+        """
+        if not utils.is_valid_code(code)[0]:
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid record: $1"), (code,))
+        if not code in self.__records:
+            _record = self.setRecord(code, [], "", "", "", [], [],
+                                     "", "")
+            _record.text = text
+        else:
+            _record = self.__records[code]
+            _record.text = text
+    def setRecord(self, code, synonyms, hierarchy, unit, summary, price, date,
+                  type, subtype):
+        """setRecord(self, code, synonyms, hierarchy, unit, summary, price,
+                     date, type, subtype)
+        code: Code string
+        synonyms: List of synonym codes of the record
+        hierarchy:
+            0 -> root
+            1 -> Chapter/Subchapter
+            2 -> Other
+        unit: unit of measure record
+        summary: Short description of a record
+        price: List of prices
+        date: List of dates
+        "type" and "subtype":
+            0 Without classifying
+               EA  Auxiliary element
+               EU  Unitary element
+               EC  Complex element
+               EF  Functional element
+               OB  Construction site
+               PA  Cost overrun
+               PU  Unitary budget
+            1 Labourforce 
+               H   Labourforce
+            2 Machinery and auxiliary equipment
+               Q   Machinery
+               %   Auxiliary equipment
+            3 Building materials
+               MC  Cement
+               MCr Ceramic
+               MM  Wood
+               MS  Iron and steel
+               ME  Energy
+               MCu Copper
+               MAl Aluminium
+               ML  Bonding agents
+               M   Others materials
+          Hierarchy            type subtype
+            0->root         -> 0 -> None,OB
+            1->[sub]chapter -> 0 -> None,PU
+            2->Other        -> 0 -> None,EA,EU,EC,EF,PA
+                               1 -> None,H
+                               2 -> None,Q,%
+                               3 -> None,MC,MCr,MM,MS,ME,MCu,Mal,ML,M
+        Adds a record in the budget
+        """
+        # hierarchy
+        if hierarchy == 0 :
+            # is the root record
+            if self.__root is None:
+                self.__root = code
+            else:
+                print _("Only can be one root record")
+                return
+        # retake previous values.
+        # TODO: test synonyms
+        _budget = self
+        if not code in self.__records:
+            if code[-1] == "$":
+                _record = ParametricRecord(_budget.getDecimals(), code,
+                                           synonyms, hierarchy,
+                                           unit, summary, [], type, subtype,
+                                           [], "")
+            else:
+                _record = Record(_budget.getDecimals(), code, synonyms,
+                                 hierarchy, unit,
+                                 summary, [], type, subtype,[], "")
+            self.__records[code] = _record
+            _prices = [[price[i], date[i]] for i in range(len(price))]
+            _record.setPrices(_prices, self.getDecimals())
+        else:
+            _record = self.__records[code]
+            code = _record.code
+            if len(synonyms) != 0 and synonyms[0] == "":
+                synonyms = _record.synonyms
+            if unit == "":
+                unit = _record.unit
+            if summary == "":
+                summary = _record.summary
+            #TODO: test empty price list
+            if len(price) == 0 or price[0] == "": 
+                _prices = _record.prices
+            else:
+                _prices = [ [price[i], date[i]] for i in range(len(price))]
+            if type == "":
+                type = _record.recordType.type
+            _record.synonyms = synonyms
+            _record.unit = unit
+            _record.summary = summary
+            _record.setPrices(_prices, self.getDecimals())
+            _record.recordType.hierarchy = hierarchy
+            _record.recordType.type = type
+            _record.recordType.subtype = subtype
+        return _record
+    def hasRecord(self,code):
+        """hasRecord(self,code)
+        code: Code record
+        Return True if the budget have this record code.
+        """
+        if code in self.__records:
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    def getRecord(self, code):
+        """getRecord(self, code)
+        code: Code record
+        Return the Record object
+        """
+        return self.__records[code]
+    def addPriceToRecord(self, price_date, record):
+        """addPriceToRecord(self, price, record)
+        Add a price to the price list of the record.
+        price must fulfill:
+            - must be a list with two items
+            - the first item: price must be a float
+        """
+        record.addPrice(price_date, self.getDecimals())
+    def getStrPriceFromRecord(self, index_price, record):
+        _price = record.getPrice(index_price)
+        _D = self.getDecimals().getD(record.recordType)
+        _price = ("%." + str(_D) + "f" ) % _price
+        return _price
+    def getCode(self, path):
+        """getCode(self, path)
+        path: path record in the budget.
+        Return the code record
+        """
+        if isinstance(path, tuple) and len(path)>= 1:
+            if path[0] == 0:
+                _code = self.__root
+                for i in path[1:]:
+                    if isinstance(i, int):
+                        _record = self.__records[_code]
+                        _children_list = _record.children
+                        try:
+                            _child = _children_list[i]
+                        except:
+                            raise ValueError, _("This record does not exits")
+                        _code = _child.code
+                    else:
+                        raise ValueError, _("Path item must be a integer")
+                return _code
+            else:
+                raise ValueError, _("This record does not exits")
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Path must be a not empty "\
+                  "tuple: $1"), (str(path),))
+    def getAmount(self, path):
+        """def getAmount(self,path)
+        path: record path
+        Calculate the record amount
+        """
+        if len(path) == 1:
+            # root: amount is the root price
+            _root = self.getRecord(self.getRoot())
+            _amount = _root.getPrice(self.__title_index)
+            return _amount
+        else:
+            _parent_code = self.getCode(path[:-1])
+            _parent_record = self.getRecord(_parent_code)
+            _child_number = path[-1]
+            _decomposition = _parent_record.children[_child_number]
+            _factor = _decomposition.budgetMeasures[0].factor
+            _yield = _decomposition.budgetMeasures[0].yield_
+            _child_code = _decomposition.code
+            _child_record = self.getRecord(_child_code)
+            _price = _child_record.getPrice(self.getActiveTitle())
+            _DR = self.getDecimals().getDR(_parent_record.recordType)
+            _total_yield = round(_factor * _yield, _DR)
+            _DI = self.getDecimals().getDI(_parent_record.recordType)
+            _amount = round(_total_yield * _price, _DI)
+            return _amount
+    def getStrAmount(self, path):
+        """def getStrAmount(self, path)
+        path: record path
+        Calculate the string record amount
+        """
+        if len(path) == 1: #root
+            _root = self.getRecord(self.getRoot())
+            _amount = self.getStrPriceFromRecord(self.__title_index, _root)
+            return _amount
+        else:
+            _parent_code = self.getCode(path[:-1])
+            _parent_record = self.getRecord(_parent_code)
+            _amount = self.getAmount(path)
+            _DI = self.getDecimals().getDI(_parent_record.recordType)
+            _amount = ("%." + str(_DI) + "f") % _amount
+            return _amount
+    def setSheetSection(self,sheet_code,sheet_title):
+        if not isinstance(sheet_code, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The sheet code must be a string")
+        if not isinstance(sheet_title, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The sheet title must be a string")
+        self.__sheet_sections[sheet_code] = sheet_title
+    def hasSheetSection(self, section):
+        return section in self.__sheet_sections
+    def getSheetSection(self, section):
+        return self.__sheet_sections[section]
+    def setSheetSections(self,dictionary): 
+        if not isinstance(dictionary, dict):
+            raise ValueError, _("The sheet sections must be a dictionary")
+        for sheet_code in dictionary.keys():
+            self.setSheetSection(sheet_code, dictionary[sheet_code])
+    def setSheetField(self, field_code, field_title):
+        if not isinstance(field_code, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The field code must be a string")
+        if not isinstance(field_title, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The field title must be a string")
+        self.__sheet_fields[field_code] = field_title
+    def hasSheetField(self, field):
+        return field in self.__sheet_fields
+    def getSheetField(self, field):
+        return self.__sheet_fields[field]
+    def setSheetFields(self, field_dict):
+        if not isinstance(field_dict, dict):
+            raise ValueError, _("The sheet field must be a dictionary")
+        for field_code in field_dict.keys():
+            self.setSheetField( field_code, field_dict[field_code])
+    def setSheetParagraph(self, paragraph_code, paragraph_text):
+        if not isinstance(paragraph_code, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The paragraph code must be a string")
+        if not isinstance(paragraph_text, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The paragraph text must be a string")
+        self.__sheet_paragraphs[paragraph_code] = paragraph_text
+    def hasSheetParagraph(self, paragraph):
+        return paragraph in self.__sheet_paragraphs
+    def getSheetParagraph(self, paragraph):
+        return self.__sheet_paragraphs[paragraph]
+    def setSheetParagraphs(self, paragraph_dict):
+        if not isinstance(paragraph_dict, dict):
+            raise ValueError, _("The paragraph dict must be a dictionary")
+        for paragraph_code in paragraph_dict.keys():
+            self.setSheetParagraph( paragraph_code, paragraph_dict[paragraph_code])
+    def setSheetRecord(self, record_code, field, section_dict):
+        if not isinstance(record_code, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The record_code code must be a string")
+        if not isinstance(field, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The field must be a string")
+        if not isinstance(section_dict, dict):
+            raise ValueError, _("The section dict must be a dictionary")
+        #-#
+        # TODO: Add a empty record?
+        if not self.hasRecord(record_code):
+            print utils.mapping(_("Error: The budget do not have this record "\
+                "code and can not be added the sheet text in the field $1. "\
+                "Record Code: $2"), ( field, record_code))
+            return
+        #-#
+        if not self.hasSheetField(field):
+            self.setSheetField(field, "")
+        for section, paragraph in section_dict.iteritems():
+            if not self.hasSheetParagraph(paragraph):
+                self.setSheetParagraph(paragraph,"")
+            if not self.hasSheetSection(section):
+                self.setSheetSection(section, "")
+            _sheet = self.getRecord(record_code).getSheet()
+            _sheet.addSection(field, section, paragraph)
+    def addFile(self, record_code, filepath, type, description):
+        if not isinstance(record_code, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The record_code code must be a string")
+        if not isinstance(filepath, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The filename must be a string")
+        #-#
+        # TODO: Add a empty record?
+        if not self.hasRecord(record_code):
+            print utils.mapping(_("Error: The budget do not have the record "\
+                "code $1 and can not be added the file: $2"),
+                (record_code, filepath))
+            return
+        #-#
+        _record = self.getRecord(record_code)
+        _record.addFile(filepath, type, description)
+    def setCompany(self, company_code, sumamary, name, offices,
+                   cif, web, email):
+        if not isinstance(company_code, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The company code must be a string")
+        if not isinstance(sumamary, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The summary must be a string")
+        if not isinstance(name, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The name must be a string")
+        if not isinstance(offices, list):
+            raise ValueError, _("The name must be a list")
+        _offices = []
+        for _office in offices:
+            if not isinstance(_office, list):
+                raise ValueError, _("The office must be a list")
+            if not len(_office) == 10:
+                raise ValueError, _("The office must be a 10 items list")
+            for _item in _office[:7] + _office[9:10]:
+                if not isinstance(_item, str):
+                    raise ValueError, _("This office item must be a "\
+                                        "string")
+            for _item in _office[7:8]:
+                if not isinstance(_item, list):
+                    raise ValueError, _("This office item must be a "\
+                                        "list")
+            _offices.append(Office(_office[0],
+                                  _office[1],
+                                  _office[2],
+                                  _office[3],
+                                  _office[4],
+                                  _office[5],
+                                  _office[6],
+                                  _office[7],
+                                  _office[8],
+                                  _office[9]))
+        if not isinstance(cif, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The name must be a string")
+        if not isinstance(web, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The web must be a string")
+        if not isinstance(email, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The email must be a string")
+        self.__companys[company_code] = Company(company_code, sumamary, name,
+                                                _offices, cif, web, email)
+    def getCompany(self, company_code):
+        return self.__companys[company_code]
+    def getCompanyKeys(self):
+        return self.__companys.keys()
+    def addTecInfo(self, ti_code, text, unit):
+        if not isinstance(ti_code, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The tecnical info code must be a string")
+        if not isinstance(text, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The tecnical info description must be a "\
+                                "string")
+        if not isinstance(unit, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The tecnical info unit must be a string")
+        self.__tec_info[ti_code] = [text, unit]
+    def hasTecInfo(self, ti_code):
+        return ti_code in self.__tec_info
+    def getTecInfo(self, ti_code):
+        return self.__tec_info[ti_code]
+    def setTecnicalInformation(self, record_code, ti_dict):
+        """setTecnicalInformation(record_code, ti_dict)
+        Sets the tecnical information to a record
+        record_code: the record code
+        ti_dict: {ti_code : ti_value}
+        """
+        # TODO: setTecnicalInformation
+        pass
+    def changeCode(self, record_code, new_record_code):
+        """changeCode(self, record_code, new_record_code):
+        Change the record code for a new recor code.
+        """
+        if self.hasRecord(record_code) and not self.hasRecord(new_record_code):
+            _record = self.__records[code]
+            _record.code = new_record_code
+            _parents = _record.parents
+            for _parent in _parents:
+                _decomposition_list = self.__records[_parent].children
+                for _decomposition in _decomposition_list:
+                    if _decomposition.code == record_code:
+                        _decomposition.code = new_record_code
+                        break
+            _children = self.getchildren(record_code)
+            for _child in _children:
+                _parents_list = self.__records[_child].parents
+                for index in range(len(_parents_list)):
+                    if _parents_list[index] == record_code:
+                        _parents_list[index] = new_record_code
+                        break
+            self.__records[new_record_code] = _record
+            del self.__records[record_code]
+            # TODO: attachment files
+    def addLabel(self, record_code, label):
+        """addLabel(self, record_code, label)
+        Add a label to a record
+        """
+        if not isinstance(label,str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The label must be a string")
+        if self.hasRecord(record_code):
+            _record = self.__records[record_code]
+            _record.addLabel(label)
+            if not label in self.__labels:
+                self.__labels[label] = [record_code]
+            else:
+                _codes = self.__labels[label]
+                if not record_code in _codes:
+                    _codes.append(record_code)
+    def setParametricSelectComment(self, record_code, comment):
+        """setParametricSelectComment(self, record_code, comment)
+        Sets Paramtric Record Select Comment
+        """
+        if not isinstance(record_code, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The record_code code must be a string")
+        if not isinstance(comment, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The parametric select comment must be a "\
+                                "string")
+        if not self.hasRecord(record_code):
+            print utils.mapping(_("Error: The budget do not have the record "\
+                "code $1 and can not be added the Parametric select comment: "\
+                "$2"),
+                (record_code, comment))
+            return
+        _record = self.getRecord(record_code)
+        if not isinstance(_record, ParametricRecord):
+            print utils.mapping(_("Error: The Record $1 is not a "\
+                "Parametric Record and can not have Parametric comment"),
+                (record_code,))
+        else:
+            _record.select_comment = comment
+    def setParametricSummary(self, record_code, summary):
+        """setParametricSummary(self, record_code, summary)
+        Sets parametric record summary
+        """
+        if not isinstance(record_code, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The record_code code must be a string")
+        if not isinstance(summary, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The summary record must be a string")
+        if not self.hasRecord(record_code):
+            print utils.mapping(_("Error: The budget do not have the record "\
+                "code $1 and can not be seted the summary: $2"),
+                (record_code, summary))
+            return
+        _record = self.getRecord(record_code)
+        if not isinstance(_record, ParametricRecord):
+            print utils.mapping(_("Error: The Record $1 is not a "\
+                "Parametric Record and can not have Parametric summary"),
+                (record_code,))
+        else:
+            self.getRecord(record_code).parametric_summary = summary
+    def setParametricText(self, record_code, text):
+        """setParametricText(self, record_code, text)
+        Sets parametric record text
+        """
+        if not isinstance(record_code, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The record_code code must be a string")
+        if not isinstance(text, str):
+            raise ValueError, _("The text record must be a string")
+        if not self.hasRecord(record_code):
+            print utils.mapping(_("Error: The budget do not have the record "\
+                "code $1 and can not be seted the text: $2"),
+                (record_code, text))
+            return
+        _record = self.getRecord(record_code)
+        if not isinstance(_record, ParametricRecord):
+            print utils.mapping(_("Error: The Record $1 is not a "\
+                "Parametric Record and can not have Parametric text"),
+                (record_code,))
+        else:
+            self.getRecord(record_code).parametric_text = text
+class Office(object):
+    """base.Office:
+    Description:
+        Office of a company
+    Constructor:
+        base.Office(type, subname, address, postal_code, town, province,
+                         country, phone, fax, contact_person)
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- Office
+    Atributes:
+        "officeType" : type of Office
+                       are defined:
+                        "C"  Central.
+                        "D"  Local Office.
+                        "R"  performer.
+        "subname" : name of Office or Performer
+        "address" :
+        "postal_code" :
+        "town" :
+        "province" :
+        "country" :
+        "phone" : list of phone numbers
+        "fax" : list of fax numbers
+        "contact_person" : name of contact person
+        "values":
+    Methods:
+        __getstate__(self)
+        __setstate__(self, tuple)
+        __init__(self, measure, lines, label)
+        {get/set}OfficeType
+        {get/set}Subname
+        {get/set}Address
+        {get/set}PostalCode
+        {get/set}Town
+        {get/set}Province
+        {get/set}Country
+        {get/set}Phone
+        {get/set}Fax
+        {get/set}ContactPerson
+        getValues
+    """
+    __slots__ = ["_Office__officeType",
+                 "_Office__subname",
+                 "_Office__address",
+                 "_Office__postal_code",
+                 "_Office__town",
+                 "_Office__province",
+                 "_Office__country",
+                 "_Office__phone",
+                 "_Office__fax",
+                 "_Office__contact_person",
+                 ]
+    def __getstate__ (self):
+        return ( self.__officeType,
+                 self.__subname,
+                 self.__address,
+                 self.__postal_code,
+                 self.__town,
+                 self.__province,
+                 self.__country,
+                 self.__phone,
+                 self.__fax,
+                 self.__contact_person)
+    def __setstate__(self,tuple):
+        self.__officeType = tuple[0]
+        self.__subname = tuple[1]
+        self.__address = tuple[2]
+        self.__postal_code = tuple[3]
+        self.__town = tuple[4]
+        self.__province = tuple[5]
+        self.__country = tuple[6]
+        self.__phone = tuple[7]
+        self.__fax = tuple[8]
+        self.__contact_person = tuple[9]
+    def __init__(self, type, subname, address, postal_code, town, province,
+                 country, phone, fax, contact_person):
+        self.officeType = type
+        self.subname = subname
+        self.address = address
+        self.postal_code = postal_code
+ = town
+        self.province = province
+ = country
+ = phone
+        self.fax = fax
+        self.contact_person = contact_person
+    def getOfficeType(self):
+        return self.__officeType
+    def setOfficeType(self, type):
+        self.__officeType = type
+    def getSubname(self):
+        return self.__subname
+    def setSubname(self, subname):
+        self.__subname = subname
+    def getAddress(self):
+        return self.__address
+    def setAddress(self, address):
+        self.__address = address
+    def getPostalCode(self):
+        return self.__postal_code
+    def setPostalCode(self, postal_code):
+        self.__postal_code = postal_code
+    def getTown(self):
+        return self.__town
+    def setTown(self, town):
+        self.__town = town
+    def getProvince(self):
+        return self.__province
+    def setProvince(self, province):
+        self.__province = province
+    def getCountry(self):
+        return self.__country
+    def setCountry(self, country):
+        self.__country = country
+    def getPhone(self):
+        return self.__phone
+    def setPhone(self, phone):
+        self.__phone = phone
+    def getFax(self):
+        return self.__fax
+    def setFax(self, fax):
+        self.__fax = fax
+    def getContactPerson(self):
+        return self.__contact_person
+    def setContactPerson(self, contact_person):
+        self.__contact_person = contact_person
+    def getValues(self):
+        return {"officeType": self.officeType,
+                "subname": self.subname,
+                "address": self.address,
+                "postal code": self.postal_code,
+                "town":,
+                "province": self.province,
+                "country":,
+                "phone":,
+                "fax": self.fax,
+                "contact person": self.contact_person,
+               }
+    officeType = property(getOfficeType, setOfficeType, None,
+    """Type of office
+    """)
+    subname = property(getSubname, setSubname, None,
+    """Name of office
+    """)
+    address = property(getAddress, setAddress, None,
+    """Adress
+    """)
+    postal_code = property(getPostalCode, setPostalCode, None,
+    """Postal code
+    """)
+    town = property(getTown, setTown, None,
+    """Town
+    """)
+    province = property(getProvince, setProvince, None,
+    """Province
+    """)
+    country = property(getCountry, setCountry, None,
+    """Country
+    """)
+    phone = property(getPhone, setPhone, None,
+    """Phone numbers
+    """)
+    fax = property(getFax, setFax, None,
+    """Fax numbers
+    """)
+    contact_person = property(getContactPerson, setContactPerson, None,
+    """Contact Person
+    """)
+    values = property(getValues, None, None,
+    """Dictionary with comapany values
+    """)
+class Company(object):
+    """base.Company:
+    Description:
+        Company object
+        __slots__ attribute, __getstate__ and __setstate__ method are defined
+        to use less ram memory.
+    Constructor:
+        base.Company(code, summary, name, offices, cif, web, email)
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- Company
+    Atributes:
+        "code": code to indentifie the company in the buget
+        "summary": short name
+        "name": long name
+        "offices": List of Offices
+        "cif": CIF
+        "web": web page
+        "email": email
+        "values": 
+    Methods:
+        __getstate__(self)
+        __setstate__(self, tuple)
+        __init__(self, measure, lines, label)
+        {get/set}Code
+        {get/set}Summary
+        {get/set}Name
+        {get/set}Offices
+        {get/set}Cif
+        {get/set}Web
+        {get/set}Email
+        getValues
+    """
+    __slots__ = ["_Company__code",
+                 "_Company__summary",
+                 "_Company__name",
+                 "_Company__offices",
+                 "_Company__cif",
+                 "_Company__web",
+                 "_Company__email",
+                 ]
+    def __getstate__ (self):
+        return ( self.__code,
+                 self.__summary,
+                 self.__name,
+                 self.__offices,
+                 self.__cif,
+                 self.__web,
+                 self.__email)
+    def __setstate__(self,tuple):
+        self.__code = tuple[0]
+        self.__summary = tuple[1]
+        self.__name = tuple[2]
+        self.__offices = tuple[3]
+        self.__cif = tuple[4]
+        self.__web = tuple[5]
+        self.__email = tuple[6]
+    def __init__(self, code, summary, name, offices, cif, web, email):
+        self.code = code
+        self.summary = summary
+ = name
+        self.offices = offices
+        self.cif = cif
+        self.web = web
+ = email
+    def getCode(self):
+        return self.__code
+    def setCode(self, code):
+        self.__code = code
+    def getSummary(self):
+        return self.__summary
+    def setSummary(self, summary):
+        self.__summary = summary
+    def getName(self):
+        return self.__name
+    def setName(self, name):
+        self.__name = name
+    def getOffices(self):
+        return self.__offices
+    def setOffices(self, offices):
+        self.__offices = offices
+    def getCif(self):
+        return self.__cif
+    def setCif(self, cif):
+        self.__cif = cif
+    def getWeb(self):
+        return self.__web
+    def setWeb(self, web):
+        self.__web = web
+    def getEmail(self):
+        return self.__email
+    def setEmail(self, email):
+        self.__email = email
+    def getValues(self):
+        return {"code": self.code,
+                "summary": self.summary,
+                "name":,
+                "cif": self.cif,
+                "web": self.web,
+                "email":}
+    code = property(getCode, setCode, None,
+    """Company code 
+    """)
+    summary = property(getSummary, setSummary, None,
+    """Company summary
+    """)
+    name = property(getName, setName, None,
+    """Company name
+    """)
+    offices = property(getOffices, setOffices, None,
+    """List of Offices
+    """)
+    cif = property(getCif, setCif, None,
+    """CIF
+    """)
+    web = property(getWeb, setWeb, None,
+    """Web page
+    """)
+    email = property(getEmail, setEmail, None,
+    """Email
+    """)
+    values = property(getValues, None, None,
+    """Dictionary with comapany values
+    """)
+class File(object):
+    """base.Company:
+    Description:
+        File object
+    Constructor:
+        base.File(name, type, description)
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- File
+    Atributes:
+        "name": name
+        "fileType": type of file
+        "description": description file
+    Methods:
+        __getstate__(self)
+        __setstate__(self, tuple)
+        __init__(self, path,type, description)
+        {get/set}Name
+        {get/set}FileType
+        {get/set}Description
+        getValues
+    """
+    __slots__ = ["_File__name",
+                 "_File__fileType",
+                 "_File__description",
+                 ]
+    def __getstate__ (self):
+        return (self.__name,
+                self.__description,
+                self.__fileType,
+               )
+    def __setstate__(self,tuple):
+        self.__name = tuple[0]
+        self.__fileType = tuple[1]
+        self.__description = tuple[2]
+    def __init__(self, name, type, description):
+ = name
+        self.fileType = type
+        self.description = description
+    def getName(self):
+        return self.__name
+    def setName(self, name):
+        self.__name = name
+    def getFileType(self):
+        return self.__fileType
+    def setFileType(self, type):
+        self.__fileType = type
+    def getDescription(self):
+        return self.__description
+    def setDescription(self, description):
+        self.__description = description
+    def getValues(self):
+        return {"name":,
+                "fileType": self.fileType,
+                "description": self.description,
+               }
+    name = property(getName, setName, None,
+    """File name
+    """)
+    fileType = property(getFileType, setFileType, None,
+    """FileType
+    """)
+    description = property(getDescription, setDescription, None,
+    """File description
+    """)
+    values = property(getValues, None, None,
+    """Dictionary with file values
+    """)
+class RecordType(object):
+    """base.RecordType:
+    Description:
+        Record Type object
+        "hierarchy":
+           -1 -> temporarily unfixed
+            0 -> root
+            1 -> Chapter/Subchapter
+            2 -> Other
+        "type" and "subtype":
+            0 Without classifying
+               EA  Auxiliary element
+               EU  Unitary element
+               EC  Complex element
+               EF  Functional element
+               OB  Construction site
+               PA  Cost overrun
+               PU  Unitary budget
+            1 Labourforce 
+               H   Labourforce
+            2 Machinery and auxiliary equipment
+               Q   Machinery
+               %   Auxiliary equipment
+            3 Building materials
+               MC  Cement
+               MCr Ceramic
+               MM  Wood
+               MS  Iron and steel
+               ME  Energy
+               MCu Copper
+               MAl Aluminium
+               ML  Bonding agents
+               M   Others materials
+          Hierarchy           type  subtype
+            0->root         -> 0 -> None,OB
+            1->[sub]chapter -> 0 -> None,PU
+            2->Other        -> 0 -> None,EA,EU,EC,EF,PA
+                               1 -> None,H
+                               2 -> None,Q,%
+                               3 -> None,MC,MCr,MM,MS,ME,MCu,Mal,ML,M
+    Constructor:
+        base.File(hierarchy,type,subtype)
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- RecordType
+    Atributes:
+        "hierarchy": hierarchy
+        "type": type
+        "subtype": subtype
+    Methods:
+        __getstate__(self)
+        __setstate__(self, tuple)
+        __init__(self, hierarchy, type, subtype)
+        {get/set}Hierarchy
+        {get/set}Type
+        {get/set}Subtype
+    """
+    __slots__ = ["_RecordType__hierarchy",
+                 "_RecordType__type",
+                 "_RecordType__subtype",
+                 ]
+    def __getstate__ (self):
+        return (self.__hierarchy,
+                self.__type,
+                self.__subtype,
+               )
+    def __setstate__(self,tuple):
+        self.__hierarchy = tuple[0]
+        self.__type = tuple[1]
+        self.__subtype = tuple[2]
+    def __init__(self, hierarchy, type, subtype):
+        self.hierarchy = hierarchy
+        self.type = type
+        self.subtype = subtype
+    def getHierarchy(self):
+        return self.__hierarchy
+    def setHierarchy(self, hierarchy):
+        if not hierarchy in [-1, 0 , 1 ,2]:
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid Hierarchy ($1) "\
+                  "The hierarchy must be -1, 0, 1 or 2"), (str(hierarchy)))
+        self.__hierarchy = hierarchy
+    def getType(self):
+        return self.__type
+    def setType(self, type):
+        if not type in  ["", 0, 1, 2, 3] :
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid type ($1),"\
+                  "the type must be (empty string,0,1,2,3)"),(str(type)))
+        self.__type = type
+    def getSubtype(self):
+        return self.__subtype
+    def setSubtype(self, subtype):
+        if not subtype in ["", "OB", "PU", "EA", "EU", "EC", "EF", "PA", "H",
+                           "Q", "%", "MC", "MCr", "MM", "MS", "ME", "MCu",
+                           "Mal","ML","M"]:
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid subtype ($1), The "\
+                  "subtype must one in (empty string, EA, "\
+                  "EU, EC, EF, OB, PA, PU, H, Q, %, MC, MCr, "\
+                  "MM, MS, ME, MCu, MAl, ML, M)"), (str(subtype)))
+        self.__subtype = subtype
+    hierarchy = property(getHierarchy, setHierarchy, None,
+    """Record Hierarchy
+           -1 -> temporarily unfixed
+            0 -> root
+            1 -> Chapter/Subchapter
+            2 -> Other
+    """)
+    type = property(getType, setType, None,
+    """Record Type
+            0 Without classifying
+            1 Labourforce 
+            2 Machinery and auxiliary equipment
+            3 Building materials
+    """)
+    subtype = property(getSubtype, setSubtype, None,
+    """Record Subtype
+            None
+            EA  Auxiliary element
+            EU  Unitary element
+            EC  Complex element
+            EF  Functional element
+            OB  Construction site
+            PA  Cost overrun
+            PU  Unitary budget
+            H   Labourforce
+            Q   Machinery
+            %   Auxiliary equipment
+            MC  Cement
+            MCr Ceramic
+            MM  Wood
+            MS  Iron and steel
+            ME  Energy
+            MCu Copper
+            MAl Aluminium
+            ML  Bonding agents
+            M   Others materials
+    """)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Generic/	Sun Oct 31 20:07:33 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+## File
+## This file is part of pyArq-Presupuestos.
+## Copyright (C) 2010 Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez
+##                         <>
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+"""config module
+Unused module
+class Config(object):
+    """config.Config:
+    Description:
+        Config object
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- Config
+    Atributes:
+        "":
+    Methods:
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__path = ""
+    def _getPath(self):
+        return self.__path
+    def _setPath(self, path):
+        self.__path = path
+    path = property(_getPath, _setPath, None,
+    """Base path where find all the program files needed""")
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Generic/	Sun Oct 31 20:07:33 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+## File
+## This file is part of pyArq-Presupuestos.
+## Copyright (C) 2010 Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez
+##                         <>
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+# Modules
+import os.path
+# Durus Modules
+from durus.file_storage import FileStorage
+from durus.connection import Connection
+class DurusFile(object):
+    def __init__(self, file, new):
+        self.__file = file
+        if new:
+            if os.path.exists(self.__file):
+                os.remove(self.__file)
+        self.__connection = Connection(FileStorage(self.__file))
+        self.__root = self.__connection.get_root()
+    def close(self):
+        self.__connection.get_storage().close()
+    def getBudget(self):
+        return self.__root["budget"]
+    def setBudget(self, budget):
+        self.__root["budget"] = budget
+        self.__connection.commit()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Generic/	Sun Oct 31 20:07:33 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,2126 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+## File
+## This file is part of pyArq-Presupuestos.
+## Copyright (C) 2010 Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez
+##                         <>
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+# specifications in
+# Modules
+import time
+import re
+import calendar
+import os.path
+# pyArq-Presupuestos modules
+import base
+from Generic import utils
+from Generic import globals
+class Read(object):
+    """fiebdc.Read:
+    Description:
+        Reads and parses a fiebdc file
+    Constructor:
+        fiebdc.Read(filename=None, budget=None)
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- Read
+    Atributes:
+        "__budget": budget ("base.Budget" object)
+        "__file_format": File format of the fiebdc file
+        "__format_list": List of file format that can be readed
+        "__character_sets_dict": Dictionary with the character sets supported
+        "__character_set": character_set of the file
+        "__generator": program which the file is created
+        "__cancel": Boolean value, True mean that the read process must stop
+        "__filename": The filename of the fiebdc file that is readed
+        "__pattern": re compiled pattern dict
+    Methods:
+        __init__(self, filename=None, budget=None)
+        cancel(self)
+        eraseControlCharacters(self, string)
+        validateCode(self, code)
+        parseDate(self, date)
+        parseRecord(self,record)
+        _parseV(self, field_list)
+        _parseC(self, field_list)
+        _parseDY(self, field_list)
+        _parseMN(self, field_list)
+        _parseT(self, field_list)
+        _parseK(self, field_list)
+        _parseW(self, field_list)
+        _parseL(self, field_list)
+        _parseQ(self, field_list)
+        _parseJ(self, field_list)
+        _parseG(self, field_list)
+        _parseE(self, field_list)
+        _parseX(self, field_list)
+        _parseF(self, field_list)
+        readFile(self, budget=None, filename=None)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filename=None, budget=None):
+        """def __init__(self, filename=None, budget=None)
+        Sets the instance attributes
+        """
+        self.__budget = budget
+        self.__filename = filename
+        if not self.__budget is None:
+            self.__budget.filename = self.__filename
+        self.__cancel = False
+        self.__format_list = ["FIEBDC-3/95", "FIEBDC-3/98", "FIEBDC-3/2002",
+                              "FIEBDC-3/2004", "FIEBDC-3/2007"]
+        # ANSI->¿"ISO-8859-15" or "latin1 ISO-8859-1" or "cp1252 windows-1252"?
+        # 850 -> IBM850 -> cp850
+        # 437 -> IBM437 -> cp437
+        self.__character_sets_dict = {"ANSI" : "cp1252",
+                                      "850" : "850",
+                                      "437" : "cp437"}
+        self.__file_format = "FIEBDC-3/2007"
+        self.__generator = globals.version
+        self.__character_set = "850"
+        self.__pattern = {
+            "control_tilde" : re.compile("((\r\n)| |\t)+~"),
+            "control_vbar" : re.compile("((\r\n)| |\t)+\|"),
+            "control_backslash" : re.compile(r"((\r\n)| |\t)+\\"),
+            "valid_code" : re.compile("[^A-Za-z0-9ñÑ.$#%&_]"),
+            "special_char": re.compile("[#%&]"),
+            "no_float": re.compile("[^0-9.]"),
+            "formula" : re.compile(".*[^0123456789\.()\+\-\*/\^abcdp ].*"),
+            "comment": re.compile("#.*\r\n"),
+            "empty_line": re.compile(r"(\r\n) *\r\n"),
+            "space_before_backslash" : re.compile(r"( )+\\"),
+            "space_after_backslash" : re.compile(r"\\( )+"),
+            "start_noend_backslash" : re.compile("(\r\n\\\.*[^\\\])\r\n"),
+            "end_oper": re.compile("(\+|-|\*|/|/^|@|&|<|>|<=|>=|=|!) *\r\n"),
+            "matricial_var" : re.compile("(\r\n *[%|\$][A-ZÑ].*=.*,) *\r\n"),
+            "descomposition" : re.compile("^([^:]+):(.*)$"),
+            "var" : re.compile("^([$%][A-ZÑ][()0-9, ]*)=(.*)$"),
+            "after_first_tilde" : re.compile("^[^~]*~"),
+            "end_control" : re.compile("((\r\n)| |\t)+$"),
+            }
+    def cancel(self):
+        """def cancel(self)
+        Sets the "__cancel" attribute to True, It stops the read process.
+        """
+        self.__cancel = True
+    def eraseControlCharacters(self, string):
+        """eraseControlCharacters(self,string)
+        Return a copy of the string with the blank characters (32),
+        tabs (9) and end of line (13 and 10) before of the separators
+        '~', '|' erased.
+        Before separator \ not deleted because it affects the reading of the
+        record ~P
+        """
+        # "control_tilde" : "((\r\n)| |\t)+~"
+        string = self.__pattern["control_tilde"].sub("~",string)
+        # "control_vbar" : "((\r\n)| |\t)+\|"
+        string = self.__pattern["control_vbar"].sub("|",string)
+        # "control_backslash" : r"((\r\n)| |\t)+\\"
+        #string = self.__pattern["control_backslash"].sub(r"\\",string)
+        return string
+    def validateCode(self, code):
+        """validateCode(self, code)
+        Test if the code have invalid characters and try to erase it,
+        if it is posible return a valid code else return a empty string.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(code, str):
+            print _("Invalid code, it must be a string")
+            return ""
+        # Valid chararcter: A-Z a-z 0-9 ñ Ñ . $ # % & _
+        # "valid_code" : "[^A-Za-z0-9ñÑ.$#%&_]"
+        _code = self.__pattern["valid_code"].sub("", code)
+        if _code != code:
+            print utils.mapping(_("The code '$1' have invalid characters."),
+                               (code,))
+            code = _code
+        # the lasts characters can not be <#> or <##>
+        # <##> -> root record in FIEFDC-3
+        # <#> -> chapter record in FIEFDC-3
+        if len(code) > 0:
+            while code[-1] == "#":
+                code = code[:-1]
+            if len(code) > 20:
+                code = code[:20]
+            # only one charecter # % or &
+            if sum([code.count(c) for c in '#%&']) > 1:
+                print utils.mapping(_("The code '$1' contains special "\
+                                      "characters repeated."),(code,))
+                _i = min([code.find(c) for c in '#%&'])
+                code = code[:_i+1] + \
+                        self.__pattern["special_char"].sub("", code[_i+1:])
+        return code
+    def parseDate(self, date):
+        """parseDate(self, date)
+        date: in the format:
+            uneven len: add a Leading 0
+            len = 8  DDMMYYYY
+            len <= 6 DDMMYY “80/20”. >80 -> >1980 <80 -> <2080
+            len < 5  MMYY
+            len < 3  YY
+        Test date string and return a tuple (YYYY, MM, DD)
+        or None if the date format is invalid
+        """
+        # All characters must be numbers, len <= 8 and not empty string
+        if not date.isdigit() or len(date) > 8 or date == "":
+            return None
+        else:
+            if len(date)%2 == 1: # uneven len: add a leading 0
+                date = "0" + date
+            if len(date) == 8:
+                _d = int(date[:2])
+                _m = int(date[2:4])
+                _y = int(date[4:8])
+            elif len(date) <= 6:
+                _y = int(date[-2:])
+                if _y < 80: _y = 2000 + _y
+                else: _y = 1900 + _y
+                if len(date) == 6:
+                    _d = int(date[:2])
+                    _m = int(date[2:4])
+                elif len(date) == 4:
+                    _d = 0
+                    _m = int(date[:2])
+                elif len(date) == 2:
+                    _d = 0
+                    _m = 0
+        if not _d in range(1,31): _d = 0
+        if not _m in range(1,12): _m = 0
+        if _m == 0: _d = 0
+        if _m != 0 and _d != 0:
+            if calendar.monthrange(_y, _m)[1] < _d:
+                _d = 0
+        return (_y, _m, _d)
+    def parseRecord(self,record):
+        """parseRecord(self,record)
+        record: the record line readed from the file whith the format:
+            type|field|field|subfield\subfield|...
+        [a] nothing or "a"
+        {a} zero or more #-#twice#-# "a"
+        <a> one or more #-#twice#-# "a"
+        Types: V C D Y M N T K L Q J G E X B F A
+            V: Property and Version
+                1- [File_Owner]
+                2- Format_Version[\DDMMYYYY]
+                3- [Program_Generator]
+                4- [Header]\{Title\}
+                5- [Chaters_set]
+                6- [Comment]
+            C: Record:
+                1- Code{\Code}
+                2- [Unit]
+                3- [Summary]
+                4- {Price\}
+                5- {Date\}
+                6- [Type]
+                1- Parent Code
+                2- <Child Code\ [Factor]\ [Yield]>
+            M or N: MEASURE or ADD MEASURE
+                1- [Parent Code\]Child Code
+                2- {Path\}
+                3- TOTAL MEASURE
+                4- {Type\Comment\Unit\Length\Width\Height\}
+                5- [Label]
+            T: Text
+                1- Code
+                2- Description text
+            K: Coefficients
+                1- { DN \ DD \ DS \ DR \ DI \ DP \ DC \ DM \ DIVISA \ }
+                2-  CI \ GG \ BI \ BAJA \ IVA
+                3- { DRC \ DC \ DRO \ DFS \ DRS \ DFO \ DUO \ DI \ DES \ DN \
+                  DD \ DS \ DIVISA \ }
+                4- [ n ]
+            L: Sheet of Conditions 1
+                A) 
+                    1- Empty
+                    2- {Section Code\Section Title}
+                B)
+                    1- Record Code
+                    2- {Section Code\Section Text}
+                    3- {Section Code\RTF file}
+                    4- {Section Code\HTM file}
+            Q: Sheet of Conditions 2
+                1- Record Code
+                2- {Section Code\Paragraph key\{Field key;}\}|
+            J: Sheet of Conditions 3
+                1- Paragraph code
+                2- [Paragraph text]
+                3- [RTF file]
+                4- [HTML file]
+            G: Grafic info
+                1- <grafic_file.ext\>
+            E: Company
+                1- company Code
+                2 [ summary ]
+                3- [ name ]
+                4- { [ type ] \ [ subname ] \ [ address ] \ [ postal_code ]
+                  \ [ town ] \ [ province ] \ [ country ] \ { phone; } 
+                  \ { fax; }  \ {contact_person; } \ }
+                5- [ cif ] \ [ web ] \ [ email ] \
+            X: Tecnical information
+                A)
+                    1- Empty
+                    2- < TI_Code \ TI_Descitption \ TI_Unit >
+                B)
+                    1- Record_code
+                    2- < TI_Code \ TI_value >
+            F: #-#Adjunto#-# File
+                1- Record code
+                2- { Type \ { Filenames; } \ [Description] }
+            B: Change code
+                1- Record Code
+                2- New code
+            A: Labels
+                1- Record Code
+                2- <Label\>
+        """
+        # TODO:  ~L ~J RTF and HTML files
+        # TODO:  test ~Q ~J ~G
+        # TODO:  ~P. Registro tipo Descripción Paramétrica.
+        # TODO:  ~O. Registro tipo Relación Comercial.
+        # TODO: test records
+        _field_list = record.split("|")
+        self._record_number = self._record_number +1
+        _budget = self.__budget
+        if _field_list[0] == "V":
+            self._record_V_number += 1
+            self._parseV(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "C":
+            self._record_C_number += 1
+            self._parseC(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "D":
+            self._record_D_number += 1
+            self._parseDY(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "Y":
+            self._record_Y_number += 1
+            self._parseDY(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "M":
+            self._record_M_number += 1
+            self._parseMN(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "N":
+            self._record_N_number += 1
+            self._parseMN(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "T":
+            self._record_T_number += 1
+            self._parseT(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "K":
+            self._record_K_number += 1
+            self._parseK(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "W":
+            self._record_W_number += 1
+            self._parseW(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "L":
+            self._record_L_number += 1
+            self._parseL(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "Q":
+            self._record_Q_number += 1
+            self._parseQ(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "J":
+            self._record_J_number += 1
+            self._parseJ(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "G":
+            self._record_G_number += 1
+            self._parseG(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "E":
+            self._record_E_number += 1
+            self._parseE(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "O":
+            self._record_O_number += 1
+        elif _field_list[0] == "P":
+            self._record_P_number += 1
+            self._parseP(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "X":
+            self._record_X_number += 1
+            self._parseX(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "B":
+            self._record_B_number += 1
+            self._parseB(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "F":
+            self._record_F_number += 1
+            self._parseF(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "A":
+            self._record_A_number += 1
+            self._parseA(_field_list)
+        else:
+            self._record_Unknow_number += 1
+    def _parseV(self, field_list):
+        """_parseV(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- V :Property and Version
+            1- [File_Owner]
+            2- Format_Version[\DDMMYYYY]
+            3- [Program_Generator]
+            4- [Header]\{Title\}
+            5- [Chaters_set]
+            6- [Comment]
+            7- [Data type]
+            8- [Number budget certificate]
+            9- [Date budget certificate]
+        """
+        if self._record_number != 1:
+            print utils.mapping(_("The 'V' record (Property and Version) "\
+                    "must be the first record in the file but it is the "\
+                    "number: $1"), (self._record_number,))
+            print _("The default values were taken and this V record is "\
+                  "ignored")
+            return
+        # _____number of fields_____
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        if len(field_list) > 10:
+            field_list = field_list[:10]
+        # If there are no sufficient fields, the fields are added
+        # with empty value:""
+        else:
+            field_list = field_list + [""]*(10-len(field_list))
+        # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+        # only leading and trailing whitespace in owner, generator, comment
+        # _____Fields_____
+        _record_type = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        _owner = field_list[1].strip()
+        _owner = self.delete_control(_owner)
+        _version_date = self.delete_control_space(field_list[2])
+        _generator = field_list[3].strip()
+        _generator = self.delete_control(_generator)
+        _header_title = field_list[4].strip()
+        _header_title = self.delete_control(_header_title)
+        _character_set = self.delete_control_space(field_list[5])
+        _comment = field_list[6].strip("\t \n\r")
+        _data_type = self.delete_control_space(field_list[7])
+        _number_certificate = self.delete_control_space(field_list[8])
+        __date_certificate = self.delete_control_space(field_list[9])
+        # _____Owner_____
+        self.__budget.setOwner(_owner)
+        # _____Version-Date_____
+        _version_date = _version_date.split("\\")
+        _file_format = _version_date[0]
+        if _file_format in self.__format_list:
+            self.__file_format = _file_format
+            print _("FIEBDC format: %s" % _file_format)
+        if len(_version_date) > 1:
+            _date = _version_date[1]
+            if _date != "":
+                _parsed_date = self.parseDate(_date)
+                if _parsed_date is not  None:
+                    self.__budget.setDate(_parsed_date)
+        # _____Generator_____
+        # ignored field
+        print _("FIEBDC file generated by %s" % _generator)
+        # _____Header_Title_____
+        _header_title = _header_title.split("\\")
+        _header_title = [_title.strip() for _title in _header_title]
+        _header = _header_title.pop(0)
+        _title = [ ]
+        for _title_index in _header_title:
+            if _title_index != "":
+                _title.append(_title_index)
+        if _header != "":
+            self.__budget.setTitleList([ _header, _title ])
+        # _____Characters_set_____
+        # field parsed in readFile method
+        # _____Comment_____
+        if _comment != "":
+            self.__budget.setComment(_comment)
+        # _____Data type_____
+        # 1 -> Base data.
+        # 2 -> Budget.
+        # 3 -> Budget certificate.
+        # 4 -> Base date update.
+        try:
+            _data_type = int(_data_type)
+        except ValueError:
+            _data_type = ""
+        if _data_type == 3:
+            # _____Number budget certificate_____
+            try:
+                _number_certificate = int(_number_certificate)
+            except ValueError:
+                _number_certificate = ""
+            # _____Date budget certificate_____
+            if _date_certificate != "":
+                _parsed_date_certificate = self.parseDate(_date_certificate)
+                if _parsed_date_certificate is None:
+                    _date_certificate = ""
+                else:
+                    _date_certificate = _parsed_date_certificate
+            self.__budget.setBudgetype(_data_type)
+            self.__budget.setCertificateOrder(_number_certificate)
+            self.__budget.setCertificateDate(_parsed_date_cerfificate)
+        elif _data_type != "":
+            self.__budget.setBudgeType(_data_type)
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record + 1
+    def _parseK(self, field_list):
+        """_parseK(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- K: Coefficients
+            1- { DN \ DD \ DS \ DR \ DI \ DP \ DC \ DM \ DIVISA \ }
+            2- CI \ GG \ BI \ BAJA \ IVA
+            3-
+              A){ DRC \ DC \ DRO \ DFS \ DRS \ DFO \ DUO \ DI \ DES \ DN \
+                 DD \ DS \ DIVISA \ }
+              B){ DRC \ DC \ \ DFS \ DRS \ \ DUO \ DI \ DES \ DN \
+                 DD \ DS \ DSP\ DEC\ DIVISA \ }
+            4- [ n ]
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 3 fields
+        # The last field is ignored, pyArq hate dll's
+        if len(field_list) > 4:
+             field_list = field_list[1:4]
+        # The record must have 3 fields
+        else:
+             field_list = field_list[1:] + [""]*(4-len(field_list))
+        # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+        # _____Fields_____
+        _field0 = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        _field1 = self.delete_control_space(field_list[1])
+        _field2 = self.delete_control_space(field_list[2])
+        # _____Field 1_____
+        if len(_field1) > 0 and _field1[-1] == "\\":
+            _field1 = _field1[:-1]
+            # if there are a \ character at the end it must be erased
+        _percentages = _field1.split("\\")
+        if len(_percentages) > 5:
+            _percentages = _percentages[:5]
+        # If there are no sufficient subfields, the subfields are added
+        # with empty value:""
+        else:
+            _percentages = _percentages + [""]*(5-len(_percentages))
+        _percentage_titles = [ "CI", "GG", "BI", "BAJA", "IVA" ]
+        _percentage_dict = {}
+        for _percentage_index in range(len(_percentages)):
+            try:
+                _percentage = int(_percentages[_percentage_index])
+            except ValueError:
+                _percentage = ""
+            _percentage_dict[_percentage_titles[_percentage_index]] = \
+                _percentage
+        self.__budget.setPercentages(_percentage_dict)
+        # _____Field 0 and 1_____
+        # Default number of decimal places
+        # Number of titles in ~V record
+        _title_num = len(self.__budget.getTitleList()[1])
+        if _title_num == 0: _title_num = 1
+        # If the field 2 is empty, the field 0 is readed
+        if _field2 == "":
+            # _____Field 0_____
+            if _field0[-1] == "\\":
+                _field0 = _field0[:-1]
+                # if there are a \ character at the end it must be erased
+            _decimal_list = _field0.split("\\")
+            _decimal_index = 0
+            if len(_decimal_list)%9 != 0:
+                # if it is not multiple of 9, empty subfield are added
+                _decimal_list = _decimal_list + [""]*(9 - \
+                                len(_decimal_list)%9)
+            # The number of decimal values is the same as the numbers of 
+            # titles in the V record
+            if len(_decimal_list)//9 > _title_num:
+                _decimal_list = _decimal_list[:_title_num*9]
+            elif len(_decimal_list)//9 < _title_num:
+                _decimal_list = _decimal_list + _decimal_list[-9:] * \
+                                (_title_num-(len(_decimal_list)//9))
+            while _decimal_index <= len(_decimal_list)-9:
+                _decimals = _decimal_list[_decimal_index:(_decimal_index + 9)]
+                _forlist = range(len(_decimals)-1)
+                for _index in range(len(_decimals)):
+                    try:
+                        #TODO: test this
+                        _decimals[_index] = int(_decimals[_index])
+                    except ValueError:
+                        _decimals[_index] = ""
+                _DN = _decimals[0]
+                _DD = _decimals[1]
+                _DS = _decimals[2]
+                _DR = _decimals[3]
+                _DI = _decimals[4]
+                _DP = _decimals[5]
+                _DC = _decimals[6]
+                _DM = _decimals[7]
+                _DIVISA = _decimals[8]
+                _percentage_dict = {"DN" : _DN,
+                                    "DD" : _DD,
+                                    "DSP" : _DS,
+                                    "DS" : _DS,
+                                    "DFC" : _DR,
+                                    "DFPU" : _DR,
+                                    "DFUO" : _DR,
+                                    "DFA" : _DR,
+                                    "DRC" : _DR,
+                                    "DRPU" : _DR,
+                                    "DRUO" : _DR,
+                                    "DRA" : _DR,
+                                    "DP" : _DC,
+                                    "DC" : _DC,
+                                    "DPU" : _DC,
+                                    "DUO" : _DC,
+                                    "DEA" : _DC,
+                                    "DES" : _DC,
+                                    "DIR" : _DI,
+                                    "DIRC" : _DI,
+                                    "DCD" : _DP,
+                                    "DIVISA": _DIVISA }
+                _decimal_index = _decimal_index + 9
+                self.__budget.setDecimals(_percentage_dict,
+                                          (_decimal_index//9))
+        else:
+            # _____Field 3_____
+            if _field2[-1] == "\\":
+                _field2 = _field2[:-1]
+                # if there are a \ character at the end it must be erased
+            _decimal_list = _field2.split("\\")
+            # test if the Divisa subfield is 12 or 14 position
+            # Divisa is the only Alphanumeric subfield
+            # "no_float": "[^0-9.]"
+            if len(_decimal_list) >= 13 and \
+               self.__pattern["no_float"].search(_decimal_list[12]):
+                _multiple = 13
+            elif len(_decimal_list) >= 15 and \
+               self.__pattern["no_float"].search(_decimal_list[14]):
+                _multiple = 15
+            else:
+                if self.__file_format == "FIEBDC-3/2002":
+                    _multiple = 13
+                elif self.__file_format == "FIEBDC-3/2004":
+                    _multiple = 13
+                elif self.__file_format == "FIEBDC-3/2007":
+                    _multiple = 15
+                else:
+                    _multiple = 15
+            _decimal_index = 0
+            if len(_decimal_list)%_multiple != 0 :
+                # if it is not multiple of _multiple, empty subfield are added
+                _decimal_list = _decimal_list + \
+                                [""]*(_multiple-len(_decimal_list)%_multiple)
+            # The number of decimal values is the same as the numbers of 
+            # titles in the V record
+            if len(_decimal_list)//_multiple > _title_num:
+                _decimal_list = _decimal_list[:_title_num*_multiple]
+            elif len(_decimal_list)//_multiple < _title_num:
+                _decimal_list = _decimal_list + [_decimal_list[-_multiple:]]*\
+                             (_title_num-(len(_decimal_list)//_multiple))
+            while _decimal_index <= len(_decimal_list)-_multiple:
+                _decimals = _decimal_list[_decimal_index:(_decimal_index +\
+                            _multiple)]
+                for _index in range(len(_decimals)-1):
+                    try:
+                        _decimals[_index] = int(_decimals[_index])
+                    except:
+                        _decimals[_index] = ""
+                if _multiple == 13:
+                    _DRC = _decimals[0]
+                    _DC = _decimals[1]
+                    _DRO = _decimals[2]
+                    _DFS = _decimals[3]
+                    _DRS = _decimals[4]
+                    _DFO = _decimals[5]
+                    _DUO = _decimals[6]
+                    _DI = _decimals[7]
+                    _DES = _decimals[8]
+                    _DN = _decimals[9]
+                    _DD = _decimals[10]
+                    _DS = _decimals[11]
+                    _DIVISA = _decimals[12]
+                    _percentage_dict = {
+                                  "DN" : _DN,
+                                  "DD" : _DD,
+                                  "DSP" : _DS,
+                                  "DS" : _DS,
+                                  "DFC" : _DFS,
+                                  "DFPU" : _DRC,
+                                  "DFUO" : _DFS,
+                                  "DFA" : _DFS,
+                                  "DRC" : _DRS,
+                                  "DRPU" : _DRC,
+                                  "DRUO" : _DRS,
+                                  "DRA" : _DRS,
+                                  "DP" : _DC,
+                                  "DC" : _DC,
+                                  "DPU" : _DC,
+                                  "DUO" : _DUO,
+                                  "DEA" : _DES,
+                                  "DES" : _DES,
+                                  "DIR" : _DI,
+                                  "DIRC" : _DC,
+                                  "DCD" : _DI,
+                                  "DIVISA": _DIVISA,
+                                }
+                else: # _multiple == 15:
+                    _DRC = _decimals[0]
+                    _DC = _decimals[1]
+                    _DRO = _decimals[2]
+                    _DFS = _decimals[3]
+                    _DRS = _decimals[4]
+                    _DFO = _decimals[5]
+                    _DUO = _decimals[6]
+                    _DI = _decimals[7]
+                    _DES = _decimals[8]
+                    _DN = _decimals[9]
+                    _DD = _decimals[10]
+                    _DS = _decimals[11]
+                    _DSP = _decimals[12]
+                    _DEC = _decimals[13]
+                    _DIVISA = _decimals[14]
+                    _percentage_dict = {
+                                  "DN" : _DN,
+                                  "DD" : _DD,
+                                  "DSP" : _DSP,
+                                  "DS" : _DS,
+                                  "DFC" : _DFS,
+                                  "DFPU" : _DRC,
+                                  "DFUO" : _DFS,
+                                  "DFA" : _DFS,
+                                  "DRC" : _DRS,
+                                  "DRPU" : _DRC,
+                                  "DRUO" : _DRS,
+                                  "DRA" : _DRS,
+                                  "DP" : _DC,
+                                  "DC" : _DC,
+                                  "DPU" : _DC,
+                                  "DUO" : _DUO,
+                                  "DEA" : _DEC,
+                                  "DES" : _DES,
+                                  "DIR" : _DI,
+                                  "DIRC" : _DC,
+                                  "DCD" : _DI,
+                                  "DIVISA": _DIVISA}
+                _decimal_index = _decimal_index + 13
+                self.__budget.setDecimals(_percentage_dict,
+                                           (_decimal_index//13))
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+    def _parseC(self, field_list):
+        """_parseC(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- C: Record
+            1- Code{\Code}
+            2- [Unit]
+            3- [Summary]
+            4- {Price\}
+            5- {Date\}
+            6- [Type]
+        """
+        # _____number of fields_____
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        if len(field_list) > 7:
+            field_list = field_list[:7]
+        # If there are no sufficient fields, the fields are added
+        # with empty value:""
+        else:
+            field_list = field_list + [""]*(7-len(field_list))
+        # control character are erased: en of line, tab, space 
+        # _____Fields_____
+        _record_type = field_list[0]
+        _codes = self.delete_control_space(field_list[1])
+        _unit = self.delete_control_space(field_list[2])
+        _summary = self.delete_control(field_list[3])
+        _prices = self.delete_control_space(field_list[4])
+        _dates = self.delete_control_space(field_list[5])
+        _type = self.delete_control_space(field_list[6])
+        # _____Code_____
+        _codes = _codes.split("\\")
+        if len(_codes) > 0:
+            # parse the hierarchy of the first code
+            # hierarchy: 0->root, 1->Chapter/subchapter, 2->other
+            if len(_codes[0]) > 2 and _codes[0][-2:] == "##":
+                _hierarchy = 0
+            elif len(_codes[0]) > 1 and _codes[0][-1:] == "#":
+                _hierarchy = 1
+            else:
+                _hierarchy = 2
+            # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+            # invalid characters are also erased
+            # maximun len 20 characters
+            _codes = [self.validateCode(_code) for _code in _codes]
+        # empty codes are ignored
+        while "" in _codes:
+            _codes.remove("")
+        if len(_codes) > 0:
+            #TODO: test this
+            _code = _codes[0]
+            _synonyms = _codes
+        else:
+            print _("Record C without a valid code")
+            return
+        # _____Unit_____
+        # nothing to do
+        # _____Summary_____
+        # nothing to do
+        # _____Price_____ and _____Dates_____
+        # last \ is erased
+        if len(_dates) > 0 and _dates[-1] == "\\":
+            _dates = _dates[:-1]
+        if len(_prices) > 0 and _prices[-1] == "\\":
+            _prices = _prices[:-1]
+        _dates = _dates.split("\\")
+        _prices = _prices.split("\\")
+        # number of prices = number of titles in "V" line
+        # if there are no sufficient prices it takes the last price defined
+        _title_num = len(self.__budget.getTitleList()[1])
+        if _title_num == 0: _title_num = 1
+        if len(_prices) > _title_num: _prices = _prices[:_title_num]
+        elif len(_prices) < _title_num:
+            _prices = _prices + [_prices[-1]]*(_title_num-len(_prices))
+        # number of dates = number of prices
+        # if there are no sufficient dates it takes the last date defined
+        if len(_dates) > len(_prices): _dates = _dates[:len(_prices)]
+        elif len(_dates) < len(_prices):
+            _dates = _dates + [_dates[-1]]*(len(_prices)-len(_dates))
+        for _index in range(len(_prices)):
+            # TODO: lack to specify the number of decimals of the price
+            try:
+                _prices[_index] = float(_prices[_index])
+            except:
+                _prices[_index] = 0.0
+            _parsed_date = self.parseDate(_dates[_index])
+            if _parsed_date is None:
+                _dates[_index] = ""
+            else:
+                _dates[_index] = _parsed_date
+        # _____Type_____
+        # 0 Without classifying
+        #       EA  Auxiliary element
+        #       EU  Unitary element
+        #       EC  Complex element
+        #       EF  Functional element
+        #       OB  Construction site
+        #       PA  Cost overrun
+        #       PU  Unitary budget
+        # 1 Labourforce 
+        #       H   Labourforce
+        # 2 Machinery and auxiliary equipment
+        #       Q   Machinery
+        #       %   Auxiliary equipment
+        # 3 Building materials
+        #       MC  Cement
+        #       MCr Ceramic
+        #       MM  Wood
+        #       MS  Iron and steel
+        #       ME  Energy
+        #       MCu Copper
+        #       MAl Aluminium
+        #       ML  Bonding agents
+        #       M   Others materials
+        #  Hierarchy        type  subtype
+        # 0->root         -> 0 -> None,OB
+        # 1->[sub]chapter -> 0 -> None,PU
+        # 2->Other        -> 0 -> None,EA,EU,EC,EF,PA
+        #                    1 -> None,H
+        #                    2 -> None,Q,%
+        #                    3 -> None,MC,MCr,MM,MS,ME,MCu,Mal,ML,M
+        if _hierarchy == 0:
+            if _type == "OB":
+                _subtype = _type
+                _type = 0
+            elif _type == "0" or _type == "":
+                _subtype = ""
+                _type = 0
+            else:
+                print utils.mapping(_("Incorrect type ($1) in the code $2"),
+                      (str(_type), _code))
+                _type = 0
+                _subtype = ""
+        elif _hierarchy == 1:
+            if _type == "PU":
+                _subtype = _type
+                _type = 0
+            elif _type == "0" or _type == "":
+                _subtype = ""
+                _type = 0
+            else:
+                print utils.mapping(_("Incorrect type ($1) in the code $2"),
+                      (str(_type), _code))
+                _type = 0
+                _subtype = ""
+        else:
+            if _type == "EA" or _type == "EU" or _type == "EC" or \
+               _type == "EF" or _type == "PA":
+                _subtype = _type
+                _type = 0
+            elif _type == "H":
+                _subtype = _type
+                _type = 1
+            elif _type == "Q" or _type == "%":
+                _subtype = _type
+                _type = 2
+            elif _type == "MC" or _type == "MCr" or _type == "MM" or \
+                 _type == "MS" or _type == "ME" or _type == "MCu" or \
+                 _type == "Mal" or _type == "ML" or _type == "M":
+                _subtype = _type
+                _type = 3
+            elif _type == "0" or _type == "1" or _type == "2" or \
+                 _type == "3":
+                _subtype = ""
+                _type = int(_type)
+            elif _type == "":
+                _subtype = ""
+                _type = 0
+            else:
+                print utils.mapping(_("Incorrect type ($1) in the code $2"),
+                      (str(_type), _code))
+                _type = 0
+                _subtype = ""
+        self.__budget.setRecord(_code, _synonyms, _hierarchy,
+            _unit, _summary, _prices, _dates, _type, _subtype)
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record + 1
+    def _parseDY(self, field_list):
+        """_parseDY(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            1- Parent Code
+            2- <Child Code\ [Factor]\ [Yield]>
+        """
+        # _____number of fields_____
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 3:
+            field_list = field_list[:3]
+        # If there are no sufficient fields, the fields are added
+        # with empty value:""
+        else:
+            field_list = field_list + [""]*(3-len(field_list))
+        # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space 
+        # _____Fields_____
+        _record_type = field_list[0]
+        _code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[1])
+        _children = self.delete_control_space(field_list[2])
+        # _____Code_____
+        # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+        # invalid characters are also erased
+        _code = self.validateCode(_code) 
+        # _____children_____
+        # TODO: test the number of decimals in factor an yield values
+        _children = _children.split( "\\" )
+        _children_list = [ ]
+        _child_index = 0
+        while _child_index < len(_children)-3:
+            # _____subfields_____
+            _child_code = _children[_child_index]
+            _factor = _children[_child_index+1]
+            _yield = _children[_child_index+2]
+            # _____child_code_____
+            _child_code = self.validateCode(_child_code)
+            # _____factor_____
+            if _factor != "":
+                try:
+                    _factor = float(_factor)
+                except ValueError:
+                    print utils.mapping(_("ValueError loadig the "\
+                          "descomposition of the record $1, the factor "\
+                          "of the child $2 must be a float number and "\
+                          "can not be $3, seted default value 1.0"),
+                          (_code, _child_code, _factor))
+                    _factor = 1.0
+            #____yield___
+            if _yield != "":
+                try:
+                    _yield = float(_yield)
+                except ValueError:
+                    print utils.mapping(_("ValueError loading the "\
+                          "descomposition of the record $1, the yield of "\
+                          "the child $2, must be a float number and can"\
+                          "not be $3,  seted default value 1.0"),
+                           (_code, _child_code, _factor))
+                    _yield = 1.0
+            if _child_code != "" and _code != "":
+                _children_list.append([_child_code, _factor, _yield ])
+            if _record_type == "D":
+                _position = _child_index / 3
+            else: #_record_type == "Y"
+                _position = -1
+            self.__budget.setTree(_code, _child_code, _position, _factor, 
+                _yield, "", "", "", "")
+            _child_index = _child_index + 3
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+    def _parseT(self, field_list):
+        """_parseT(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- T: Text
+            1- Record code
+            2- Description text
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 3:
+            field_list = field_list[0:3]
+        field_list = field_list[1:]
+        if len(field_list) != 2:
+            return
+        # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+        # _____Fields_____
+        _code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        _text = field_list[1]
+        # _____Code_____
+        # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+        # invalid characters are also erased
+        _code = self.validateCode(_code) 
+        # _____Text_____
+        self.__budget.setText(_code, _text)
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record + 1
+    def _parseMN(self, field_list):
+        """_parseMN(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- M or N: MEASURE or ADD MEASURE
+            1- [Parent Code\]Child Code
+            2- {Path\}
+            3- TOTAL MEASURE
+            4- {Type\Comment\Unit\Length\Width\Height\}
+            5- [Label]
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 6 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 6:
+            field_list = field_list[:6]
+        # If there are no sufficient fields, the fields are added
+        # with empty value:""
+        else:
+            field_list = field_list + [""]*(6-len(field_list))
+        # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+        # _____Fields_____
+        _record_type = field_list[0]
+        _codes = self.delete_control_space(field_list[1])
+        _path = self.delete_control_space(field_list[2])
+        _total = self.delete_control_space(field_list[3])
+        _lines = self.delete_control(field_list[4])
+        _label = self.delete_control_space(field_list[5])
+        # _____Codes_____
+        _code_list = _codes.split( "\\" )
+        # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+        # invalid characters are also erased
+        if len(_code_list) == 2:
+            _parent_code = self.validateCode(_code_list[0]) 
+            if _parent_code == "":
+                _parent_code = None
+            _child_code =  self.validateCode(_code_list[1])
+        elif len(_code_list) == 1:
+            _child_code =  self.validateCode(_code_list[0])
+            _parent_code = None
+        else:
+            print utils.mapping(_("Invalid codes in $1 record, codes $2"),
+                  (_record_type, _codes))
+            return
+        if _child_code == "":
+            print utils.mapping(_("Empty child code in $1 record, codes: "\
+                  "$2"), (_record_type, _codes))
+            return
+        # _____Path_____
+        # TODO: path=0, no-estructured measures
+        _path_list = _path.split( "\\" )
+        if len(_path_list) > 0:
+            while _path_list[-1] == "":
+                _path_list = _path_list[:-1]
+            _path = _path_list[-1]
+            try:
+                _path = int(_path)
+            except ValueError:
+                print utils.mapping(_("Invalid path in $1 record, "\
+                      "codes $2"), (_record_type, _codes))
+                return
+            if _path > 0:
+                _path -= 1
+        else:
+            _path = 0
+        # _____Total_____
+        try:
+            _total = float(_total)
+        except ValueError:
+            print utils.mapping(_("Invalid Total Measure value in $1 "\
+                  "record, codes $2"), (_record_type, _codes))
+            return
+        # _____Measure lines_____
+        _lines = _lines.split( "\\" )
+        _line_index = 0
+        _line_list = [ ]
+        while _line_index < len(_lines)-6:
+            _linetype = _lines[_line_index]
+            if _linetype == "":
+                _linetype = 0
+            elif _linetype == "1" or _linetype == "2" or \
+                   _linetype == "3":
+                    _linetype = int(_linetype)
+            else:
+                _linetype = 0
+            _comment= _lines[_line_index + 1]
+            if _linetype == 3:
+                # "formula": ".*[^0123456789\.()\+\-\*/\^abcdp ].*"
+                if self.__pattern["formula"].match(_comment):
+                    print utils.mapping(_("The comment is not a formula or "\
+                          "its have invalid characters, in the $1 record, "\
+                          "codes $2"), (_record_type, _codes))
+                    return
+                else:
+                    _formula = _comment
+                    _comment = ""
+            else:
+                _formula = ""
+            _units = _lines[_line_index + 2]
+            _length = _lines[_line_index + 3]
+            _width = _lines[_line_index + 4]
+            _height = _lines[_line_index + 5]
+            try:
+                if _units != "": _units = float(_units)
+                if _length != "": _length = float(_length)
+                if _width != "": _width = float(_width)
+                if _height != "": _height = float(_height)
+            except ValueError:
+                print utils.mapping("The measure values are not float "\
+                      "numbers, code $1", (_codes,))
+                return
+            _line_list.append([_linetype, _comment, _units,
+                               _length, _width, _height, _formula])
+            _line_index = _line_index + 6
+        self.__budget.setTree(_parent_code, _child_code, _path, "", "",
+                           _total, _line_list, _label, _record_type)
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record + 1
+    def _parseW(self, field_list):
+        """_parseW(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- W: Geografical field
+            1- Field Code
+            2- Field
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 2 fields
+        if len(field_list) >= 2:
+            field_list = field_list[1:2]
+        else:
+            return
+        # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+        # _____Fields_____
+        _code_fields = field_list[0]
+        # last \ is erased
+        if len(_code_fields) and _code_fields[-1] == "\\":
+            _code_fields = _code_fields[:-1]
+        _code_fields = _code_fields.split("\\")
+        _field_dict = {}
+        _field_index = 0
+        while _field_index < len(_code_fields)-1:
+            # _____subfields_____
+            _field_code = _code_fields[_field_index]
+            _field_title = _code_fields[_field_index+1]
+            # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+            # _____section_code_____
+            #"control": "[\t \n\r]"
+            _field_code = self.delete_control_space(_field_code)
+            # _____section_title_____
+            if _field_code != "":
+                _field_dict[_field_code] = _field_title
+            _field_index = _field_index + 2
+        self.__budget.setSheetFields(_field_dict)
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+    def _parseL(self, field_list):
+        """_parseL(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- L: Sheet of Conditions 1
+            A:
+                1- Empty
+                2- {Section Code\Section Title}
+            B:
+                1- Record Code
+                2- {Section Code\Section Text}
+                3- {Section Code\RTF file}
+                4- {Section Code\HTM file}
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # The record must have at least 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) < 3:
+            return
+        _code = field_list[1]
+        if _code == "":
+            # A: Section Titles
+            # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+            # The record must have 3 fields
+            if len(field_list) > 3:
+                field_list = field_list[0:3]
+            field_list = field_list[1:3]
+            # _____Fields_____
+            _section_codes = field_list[1]
+            # last \ is erased
+            if len(_section_codes) and _section_codes[-1] == "\\":
+                _section_codes = _section_codes[:-1]
+            _section_codes = _section_codes.split("\\")
+            _section_dict = {}
+            _section_index = 0
+            while _section_index < len(_section_codes)-1:
+                # _____subfields_____
+                _section_code = _section_codes[_section_index]
+                _section_title = _section_codes[_section_index+1]
+                # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+                # _____section_code_____
+                _section_code = self.delete_control_space(_section_code)
+                # _____section_title_____
+                _section_title = self.delete_control_space(_section_title)
+                if _section_code != "":
+                    _section_dict[_section_code] = _section_title
+                _section_index = _section_index + 2
+            self.__budget.setSheetSections(_section_dict)
+            self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+        else:
+            # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+            # The record must have 5 fields
+            if len(field_list) > 5:
+                field_list = field_list[0:5]
+            field_list = field_list[1:]
+            # _____Fields_____
+            # _____Record Code_____
+            _record_code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+            # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+            # invalid characters are also erased
+            _record_code = self.validateCode(_record_code)
+            _scodes_text = field_list[1]
+            if _scodes_text == "":
+                # TODO: rtf and html files
+                print "Html and rtf files not implemented in ~L record"
+            else:
+                # _____Section-code_Section-text_____
+                # last \ is erased
+                if len(_scodes_text) and _scodes_text[-1] == "\\":
+                    _scodes_text = _scodes_text[:-1]
+                _scodes_text = _scodes_text.split("\\")
+                _paragraph_dict = {}
+                _section_dict = {}
+                _section_index = 0
+                while _section_index < len(_scodes_text)-1:
+                    # _____subfields_____
+                    _section_code = _scodes_text[_section_index]
+                    _section_text = _scodes_text[_section_index+1]
+                    # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+                    # _____section_code_____
+                    _section_code = self.delete_control_space(_section_code)
+                    # _____section_text_____
+                    if _section_code != "" and _section_text != "":
+                        #-# paragraph #-#
+                        _paragraph_code = _record_code + _section_code + "*"
+                        _paragraph_dict[ _paragraph_code ] = _section_text
+                        _section_dict[_section_code] = _paragraph_code
+                    _section_index = _section_index + 2
+                self.__budget.setSheetParagraphs(_paragraph_dict)
+                self.__budget.setSheetRecord(_record_code, "*", _section_dict)
+                self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+    def _parseQ(self, field_list):
+        """_parseQ(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- Q: Sheet of Conditions 2
+            1- Record Code
+            2- {Section Code\Paragraph key\{Field key;}\}|
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # The record must have at least 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) < 3:
+            return
+        _code = field_list[1]
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 3:
+            field_list = field_list[0:3]
+        field_list = field_list[1:]
+        # _____Fields_____
+        # _____Record Code_____
+        _record_code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+        # invalid characters are also erased
+        _record_code = self.validateCode(_record_code)
+        _scodes_pkey = field_list[1]
+        # last \ is erased
+        if len(_scodes_pkey) and _scodes_pkey[-1] == "\\":
+            _scodes_pkey = _scodes_pkey[:-1]
+        _scodes_pkey = _scodes_pkey.split("\\")
+        _field_dict = {}
+        _section_index = 0
+        while _section_index < len(_scodes_pkey) -1:
+            # _____subfields_____
+            _section_code = _scodes_pkey[_section_index]
+            _paragraph_key = _scodes_text[_section_index+1]
+            _field_keys = _scodes_text[_section_index+2]
+            # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+            # _____section_code_____
+            _section_code = self.delete_control_space(_section_code)
+            # _____section_text_____
+            _paragraph_key = self.delete_control_space(_paragraph_key)
+            # _____Fields keys_____
+            _field_keys = self.delete_control_space(_field_keys)
+            # last ; is erased
+            if len(_field_keys) and _field_keys[-1] == ";":
+                _field_keys = _field_keys[:-1]
+            _field_keys_list = _scodes_pkey.split(";")
+            for _field_key in _field_keys_list:
+                if _field_key != "" and _section_code != "" and \
+                   _paragraph_key != "":
+                    if _field_key in _field_dict:
+                        _section_dict = _field_dict[_field_key]
+                    else:
+                        _section_dict = {}
+                        _field_dict[_field_key] = _section_dict
+                    _section_dict[_section_code] = _paragraph_code
+            _section_index = _section_index + 3
+        for _field, _section_dict in _field_dict.iteritems():
+            self.__budget.setSheetRecord(_record_code, _field, _section_dict)
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+    def _parseJ(self, field_list):
+        """_parseJ(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- J: Sheet of Conditions 3
+            1- Paragraph code
+            2- [Paragraph text]
+            3- [RTF file]
+            4- [HTML file]
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # The record must have at least 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) < 3:
+            return
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 5 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 5:
+            field_list = field_list[0:5]
+        field_list = field_list[1:]
+        # _____Fields_____
+        # _____Paragraph code_____
+        _paragraph_code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        # _____Paragraph text_____
+        _paragraph_text = field_list[1]
+        if _paragraph_text == "":
+            # TODO: rtf and html files
+            print "Html and rtf files not implemented in ~J record"
+        else:
+            self.__budget.setSheetParagraph(paragraph_code, paragraph_text)
+            self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+    def _parseG(self, field_list):
+        """_parseG(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- G: Grafic info
+            1- record code
+            2- <grafic_file.ext\>
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # The record must have at least 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) < 3:
+            return
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 3:
+            field_list = field_list[0:3]
+        field_list = field_list[1:]
+        # _____Fields_____
+        # _____Record Code_____
+        _record_code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+        # invalid characters are also erased
+        _record_code = self.validateCode(_record_code)
+        # _____Grafic files_____
+        _grafic_files = self.delete_control(field_list[1])
+        # _____subfields_____
+        # last \ is erased
+        if len(_grafic_files) and _grafic_files[-1] == "\\":
+            _grafic_files = _grafic_files[:-1]
+        _grafic_file_list = _grafic_files.split("\\")
+        _tested_grafic_file_list = []
+        for _grafic_file in _grafic_file_list:
+            _path = os.path.dirname(self.__filename)
+            _grafic_file_path = os.path.join(_path, _grafic_file)
+            if os.path.exists(_grafic_file_path):
+                _tested_grafic_file_list.append(_grafic_file_path)
+            else:
+                _name_ext = os.path.splitext(_grafic_file)
+                _grafic_file_name = _name_ext[0]
+                _grafic_file_ext = _name_ext[1]
+                _grafic_file_name_u = _grafic_file_name.upper()
+                _grafic_file_name_l = _grafic_file_name.lower()
+                _grafic_file_ext_u = _grafic_file_ext.upper()
+                _grafic_file_ext_l = _grafic_file_ext.lower()
+                _uu = _grafic_file_name_u + _grafic_file_ext_u
+                _ul = _grafic_file_name_u + _grafic_file_ext_l
+                _lu = _grafic_file_name_l + _grafic_file_ext_u
+                _ll = _grafic_file_name_l + _grafic_file_ext_l
+                _grafic_file_path_uu = os.path.join(_path, _uu)
+                _grafic_file_path_ul = os.path.join(_path, _ul)
+                _grafic_file_path_lu = os.path.join(_path, _lu)
+                _grafic_file_path_ll = os.path.join(_path, _ll)
+                if os.path.exists(_grafic_file_path_uu):
+                    _tested_grafic_file_list.append(_grafic_file_path_uu)
+                elif os.path.exists(_grafic_file_path_ul):
+                    _tested_grafic_file_list.append(_grafic_file_path_ul)
+                elif os.path.exists(_grafic_file_path_lu):
+                    _tested_grafic_file_list.append(_grafic_file_path_lu)
+                elif os.path.exists(_grafic_file_path_ll):
+                    _tested_grafic_file_list.append(_grafic_file_path_ll)
+                else:
+                    print utils.mapping(_("The file $1 do not exist"),
+                        (_grafic_file_path,))
+        if len(_grafic_file_list) > 0:
+            for _grafic_file in _tested_grafic_file_list:
+                self.__budget.addFile(_record_code, _grafic_file, "img", "")
+            self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+    def _parseE(self, field_list):
+        """_parseE(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- E: Company
+            1- company Code
+            2 [ summary ]
+            3- [ name ]
+            4- { [ type ] \ [ subname ] \ [ address ] \ [ postal_code ]
+              \ [ town ] \ [ province ] \ [ country ] \ { phone; } 
+              \ { fax; }  \ {contact_person; } \ }
+            5- [ cif ] \ [ web ] \ [ email ] \
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 6 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 6:
+            field_list = field_list[1:6]
+        # If there are no sufficient fields, the fields are added
+        # with empty value:""
+        else:
+            field_list = field_list[1:] + [""]*(6-len(field_list))
+        # _____Fields_____
+        # _____company Code_____
+        _company_code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        if _company_code == "":
+            return
+        # _____Summary_____
+        _sumamary = self.delete_control(field_list[1])
+        # _____Name_____
+        _name = self.delete_control(field_list[2])
+        # _____local_offices_____
+        _local_offices = self.delete_control(field_list[3])
+        # _____subfields of local_offices_____
+        # last \ is erased
+        if len(_local_offices) and _local_offices[-1] == "\\":
+            _local_offices = _local_offices[:-1]
+        _local_offices_list = _local_offices.split("\\")
+        # If there are no sufficent subfields, the subfields are added 
+        # whith empty value
+        _nsub = len(_local_offices_list) % 10
+        if _nsub != 0:
+            _local_offices_list = _local_offices_list + \
+                                   [""]*(10-len(field_list))
+        _local_offices = []
+        _local_offices_index = 0
+        while _local_offices_index < len(_local_offices_list)-9:
+            # _____subfields_____
+            _type = _local_offices_list[_local_offices_index]
+            _subname = _local_offices_list[_local_offices_index+1]
+            _address = _local_offices_list[_local_offices_index+2]
+            _postal_code = _local_offices_list[_local_offices_index+3]
+            _town = _local_offices_list[_local_offices_index+4]
+            _province = _local_offices_list[_local_offices_index+5]
+            _country = _local_offices_list[_local_offices_index+6]
+            _phone = _local_offices_list[_local_offices_index+7]
+            # last ; is erased
+            if len(_phone) and _phone[-1] == ";":
+                _phone = _phone[:-1]
+            _phone_list = _phone.split(";")
+            _fax = _local_offices_list[_local_offices_index+8]
+            # last ; is erased
+            if len(_fax) and _fax[-1] == ";":
+                _fax = _fax[:-1]
+            _fax_list = _fax.split(";")
+            _contact_person = _local_offices_list[_local_offices_index+9]
+            if _type != "" or _subname != "" or _address != "" or \
+               _postal_code != "" or _town != "" or _province != "" or \
+               _country != "" or _phone != "" or _fax != "" or \
+               _contact_person != "":
+                _local_offices.append([_type, _subname, _address,
+                                       _postal_code, _town, _province,
+                                       _country, _phone_list, _fax_list,
+                                       _contact_person])
+            _local_offices_index = _local_offices_index + 10
+        # _____cif web email_____
+        _c_w_e = self.delete_control_space(field_list[4])
+        # last \ is erased
+        if len(_c_w_e) and _c_w_e[-1] == "\\":
+            _c_w_e = _c_w_e[:-1]
+        _c_w_e_list = _c_w_e.split("\\")
+        # _____subfields_____
+        # If there are no sufficient fields, the fields are added
+        # with empty value:""
+        _c_w_e_list = _c_w_e_list + [""]*(3-len(_c_w_e_list))
+        _cif = _c_w_e_list[0]
+        _web = _c_w_e_list[1]
+        _email = _c_w_e_list[2]
+        self.__budget.setCompany(_company_code, _sumamary, _name, 
+                           _local_offices, _cif, _web, _email)
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+    def _parseX(self, field_list):
+        """_parseX(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            A)
+                0- X: Tecnical information
+                1- Empty
+                2- < TI_Code \ TI_Descitption \ TI_Unit >
+            B)
+                0- X: Tecnical information
+                1- Record_code
+                2- < TI_Code \ TI_value >
+        """
+        # Tecnical information
+        # The record must have at least 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) < 3:
+            return
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 3:
+            field_list = field_list[0:3]
+        field_list = field_list[1:]
+        # _____Fields_____
+        # "control": "[\t \n\r]"
+        _field_1 = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        _field_2 = self.delete_control_space(field_list[1])
+        if _field_1 == "":
+            # A)
+            _field_2_list = _field_2.split("\\")
+            _ti_index = 0
+            while _ti_index < len(_field_2_list)-3:
+                _ti_code = _field_2_list[_ti_index]
+                _ti_description = _field_2_list[_ti_index+1]
+                _ti_unit = _field_2_list[_ti_index+2]
+                if _ti_code != "":
+                    self.__budget.addTecInfo(_ti_code, _ti_description,
+                                             _ti_unit)
+                _ti_index = _ti_index + 3
+        else:
+            # B)
+            # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+            # invalid characters are also erased
+            _record_code = self.validateCode(_field_1)
+            _field_2_list = _field_2.split("\\")
+            _ti_index = 0
+            _ti_dict = {}
+            while _ti_index < len(_field_2_list)-2:
+                _ti_code = _field_2_list[_ti_index]
+                _ti_value = _field_2_list[_ti_index+1]
+                if _ti_code != "" and _ty_value != "":
+                    _ti_dict[_ti_code] = _ty_value
+                _ti_index = _ti_index + 2
+            self.__budget.setTecnicalInformation(_record_code, _ti_dict)
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+    def _parseF(self, field_list):
+        """_parseF(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- F: Files
+            1- Record code
+            2- { Type \ { Filenames; } \ [Description] }
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # The record must have at least 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) < 3:
+            return
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 3:
+            field_list = field_list[0:3]
+        field_list = field_list[1:]
+        # _____Fields_____
+        # _____Record Code_____
+        _record_code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+        # invalid characters are also erased
+        _record_code = self.validateCode(_record_code)
+        # _____Grafic files_____
+        _files = self.delete_control(field_list[1])
+        # _____subfields_____
+        # last \ is erased
+        if len(_files) and _files[-1] == "\\":
+            _files = _files[:-1]
+        _files_list = _files.split("\\")
+        # adding empty subfiels if necesary
+        if len(_files_list)%3 > 0:
+            _files_list.extend[""]*(3 - len(_files_list)%3)
+        _file_index = 0
+        _tested_files_list = []
+        while _file_index < len(_files_list)-3:
+            _type = _files_list[_file_index].replace(" ","")
+##            _types = {
+##                "0": _("others"),
+##                "1": _("características técnicas y de fabricación"),
+##                "2": _("manual de colocación, uso y mantenimiento"),
+##                "3": _("certificado/s de elementos y sistemas"),
+##                "4": _("normativa y bibliografía"),
+##                "5": _("tarifa de precios"),
+##                "6": _("condiciones de venta"),
+##                "7": _("carta de colores"),
+##                "8": _("ámbito de aplicación y criterios selección"),
+##                "9": _("cálculo de elementos y sistemas"),
+##                "10": _("presentación, datos generales, objetivos, etc. de "\
+##                        "empresa"),
+##                "11": _("certificado/s de empresa"),
+##                "12": _("obras realizadas")}
+            _types = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
+                      "11", "12"]
+            if not _type in _types:
+                _type = "0"
+            _filenames = _files_list[_file_index + 1]
+            _description = _files_list[_file_index + 2]
+            _file_index += 3
+            if len(_filenames) and _filenames[-1] == ";":
+                _files = _files[:-1]
+            _filenames_list = _files.split(";")
+            _path = os.path.dirname(self.__filename)
+            for _filename in filenames_list:
+                _file_path = os.path.join(_path, _filename)
+                if os.path.exists(_file_path):
+                    _tested_files_list.append([_file_path, _type,
+                                               _description])
+                else:
+                    _name_ext = os.path.splitext(_filename)
+                    _file_name = _name_ext[0]
+                    _file_ext = _name_ext[1]
+                    _file_name_u = _file_name.upper()
+                    _file_name_l = _file_name.lower()
+                    _file_ext_u = _file_ext.upper()
+                    _file_ext_l = _file_ext.lower()
+                    _uu = _file_name_u + _file_ext_u
+                    _ul = _file_name_u + _file_ext_l
+                    _lu = _file_name_l + _file_ext_u
+                    _ll = _file_name_l + _file_ext_l
+                    _file_path_uu = os.path.join(_path, _uu)
+                    _file_path_ul = os.path.join(_path, _ul)
+                    _file_path_lu = os.path.join(_path, _lu)
+                    _file_path_ll = os.path.join(_path, _ll)
+                    if os.path.exists(_file_path_uu):
+                        _tested_files_list.append([_file_path_uu, _type,
+                                                   _description])
+                    elif os.path.exists(_grafic_file_path_ul):
+                        _tested_files_list.append([_file_path_ul, _type,
+                                                   _description])
+                    elif os.path.exists(_grafic_file_path_lu):
+                        _tested_files_list.append([_file_path_lu, _type,
+                                                   _description])
+                    elif os.path.exists(_grafic_file_path_ll):
+                        _tested_files_list.append([_file_path_ll, _type,
+                                                   _description])
+                    else:
+                        print utils.mapping(_("The file $1 do not exist"),
+                            (_file_path,))
+        if len(_tested_files_list) > 0:
+            for _file in _tested_file_list:
+                self.__budget.addFile(_record_code, _file[0], file[1], file[2])
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+    def _parseB(self, field_list):
+        """_parseB(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- B: Change code
+            1- Record Code
+            2- New code
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 3:
+            field_list = field_list[0:3]
+        field_list = field_list[1:]
+        if len(field_list) != 2:
+            return
+        # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+        # _____Fields_____
+        _code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        _new_code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[1])
+        # _____Codes_____
+        # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+        # invalid characters are also erased
+        _code = self.validateCode(_code)
+        _new_code = self.validateCode(_new_code)
+        # change code
+        self.__budget.changeCode(_code, _new_code)
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record + 1
+    def _parseA(self, field_list):
+        """_parseA(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- A: Labels
+            1- Record Code
+            2- <Label\>
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 3:
+            field_list = field_list[0:3]
+        field_list = field_list[1:]
+        if len(field_list) != 2:
+            return
+        # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+        # _____Fields_____
+        # "control": "[\t \n\r]"
+        _code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        _labels = self.delete_control_space(field_list[1])
+        # _____Codes_____
+        # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+        # invalid characters are also erased
+        _code = self.validateCode(_code)
+        # _____Labels_____
+        # last \ is erased
+        # TODO: change the others parsers to this:
+        while len(_labels) > 0 and _labels[-1] == "\\":
+            _labels = _labels[:-1]
+        # replace "_" to " "
+        _labels = _labels.replace("_"," ")
+        _label_list = _labels.split("\\")
+        for _label in _label_list:
+            self.__budget.addLabel(_code, _label)
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record + 1
+    def _parseP(self, field_list):
+        """_parseP(self, field_list)
+        field_list: Parametric record
+            A) Global paremetric record
+                0- P: Parametric
+                1- Empty
+                2- [Parametric description]
+                3- [library.DLL]
+            B) Family Parametric record
+                0- P: Parametric
+                1- Family Code
+                2- [Parametric description]
+        """
+        # TODO: Use global parametric record
+        if len(field_list) > 2:
+            # delete control caracters and spaces
+            _family_code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[1])
+            if _family_code == "": # A)Global paremetric record
+                # The record must have 3 or 4 fields
+                if len(field_list) > 4:
+                    field_list = field_list[0:4]
+                field_list = field_list[1:]
+                if len(field_list) == 2:
+                    field_list.append("")
+                if len(field_list) != 3:
+                    return
+            else: # B)Family Parametric record
+                # The record must have 3 fields
+                if len(field_list) > 3:
+                    field_list = field_list[0:3]
+                field_list = field_list[1:]
+                if len(field_list) != 2:
+                    print _("PyArq hates parametric DLLs")
+                    return
+        else:
+            return
+        # _____Description_____
+        _description = field_list[1]
+        if _description == "":
+            print _("PyArq hates parametric DLLs")
+            return
+        # Adding last end of line
+        _description = _description + "\r\n"
+        # Delete comments
+        # "comment" : "#.*\r\n"
+        _description = self.__pattern["comment"].sub("\r\n",_description)
+        # Tabs to spaces
+        _description = _description.replace("\t"," ")
+        # Delete empty lines
+        # "empty_line": r"(\r\n) *\r\n"
+        while self.__pattern["empty_line"].search(_description):
+            _description = self.__pattern["empty_line"].sub(
+                            lambda x: x.groups()[0], _description)
+        # Delete spaces before and after /
+        # "space_before_backslash" : r"( )+\\"
+        _description = self.__pattern["space_before_backslash"].sub(
+                        r"\\",_description)
+        # "space_after_backslash" : r"\\( )+"
+        _description = self.__pattern["space_after_backslash"].sub(
+                        r"\\",_description)
+        # Join lines that start but not end with /
+        _description = "\r\n" + _description # add leading end of line
+        # "start_noend_backslash": "(\r\n\\\.*[^\\\])\r\n"
+        while self.__pattern["start_noend_backslash"].search(_description):
+            _description = self.__pattern["start_noend_backslash"].sub(
+                            lambda x: x.groups()[0], _description)
+        # Join lines that end with a + - * / ^ and @ & < > <= >= = <> !
+        # "end_oper" : "(\+|-|\*|/|/^|@|&|<|>|<=|>=|=|!) *\r\n"
+        _description = self.__pattern["end_oper"].sub(
+                        lambda x: x.groups()[0], _description)
+        # Join lines for matricial vars
+        # matricial_var : "(\r\n *[%|\$][A-ZÑ].*=.*,) *\r\n"
+        while self.__pattern["matricial_var"].search(_description):
+            _description = self.__pattern["matricial_var"].sub(
+                            lambda x: x.groups()[0], _description)
+        _description = _description[2:]  # remove leading end of line
+        #_description = re.sub(r"\\( )+",r"\\",_description)
+        _lines = _description.split("\r\n")
+        _final_description = ""
+        _pass_line = 0
+        for index in range(len(_lines)):
+            _line = _lines[index]
+            # Parse lines
+            if len(_line) != 0: # Delete empty lines
+                if _pass_line > 0:
+                    _pass_line = _pass_line -1
+                    _line = ""
+                elif _line.isspace():
+                    _line = ""
+                elif  _line[0] != "\\":
+                    # Delete spaces out "" delimiter
+                    _list = _line.split('"')
+                    _final_line = ""
+                    for index1 in range(len(_list)):
+                        if index1 % 2 != 0:
+                            _parcial_line = '"' + _list[index1]
+                        else:
+                            _parcial_line =  '"' + _list[index1].replace(" ","")
+                        _final_line = _final_line + _parcial_line
+                    _line = _final_line[1:]
+                    _lines[index] = _line
+                    # parse data
+                    if len(_line) > 2 and _line[:2] == "::":
+                        # Delete spaces out " delimiter
+                        #print "__PRECIO__" + _line[2:]
+                        pass
+                    elif len(_line) > 2 and _line[:2] == "%:":
+                        # Delete spaces out " delimiter
+                        #print "__%AUX__" + _line[2:]
+                        pass
+                    elif len(_line) > 3 and _line[:2] == "%%:":
+                        # Delete spaces out " delimiter
+                        #print "__%%AUX__" + _line[2:]
+                        pass
+                    elif self.__pattern["var"].search(_line):
+                        # Delete spaces out " delimiter
+                        #print "line =", _line
+                        while _line.count('"') % 2 == 1 and \
+                              index + _pass_line + 1 < len(_lines) -1:
+                            _line = _line + _lines[index + _pass_line + 1]
+                            _pass_line = _pass_line + 1
+                        _search = self.__pattern["var"].search(_line)
+                        if _search is not None:
+                            _var = _search.groups()[0] + " = " + _search.groups()[1]
+                            #print "__VAR__" + str(_var)
+                            pass
+                        else:
+                            #print "no __VAR__", _line
+                            pass
+                    elif self.__pattern["descomposition"].search(_line):
+                        # Delete spaces out " delimiter
+                        #_patern = "(^[^:]*):(.*)$"
+                        _search = self.__pattern["descomposition"].search(_line)
+                        if _search is not None:
+                            _var = _search.groups()[0] + ":" + _search.groups()[1]
+                            #print "__Descomposición__" + str(_var)
+                            pass
+                        else:
+                            #print "no __Descomposición__", _line
+                            pass
+                    else:
+                        print "Parametric: code: " + _family_code
+                        print "******* Desconocido *** : " + _line
+                        if index-10 > 0: print "-11 :", _lines[index-11]
+                        if index-10 > 0: print "-10 :", _lines[index-10]
+                        if index-9 > 0: print "-9 :", _lines[index-9]
+                        if index-8 > 0: print "-8 :", _lines[index-8]
+                        if index-7 > 0: print "-7 :", _lines[index-7]
+                        if index-6 > 0: print "-6 :", _lines[index-6]
+                        if index-5 > 0: print "-5 :", _lines[index-5]
+                        if index-4 > 0: print "-4 :", _lines[index-4]
+                        if index-3 > 0: print "-3 :", _lines[index-3]
+                        if index-2 > 0: print "-2 :", _lines[index-2]
+                        if index-1 > 0: print "-1 :", _lines[index-1]
+                        print "-0 :", _lines[index-0]
+                        pass
+                else:
+                    _parameter_list = _line.split("\\")[1:-1]
+                    if len(_parameter_list) >= 2:
+                        if _parameter_list[0] == "C" or \
+                           _parameter_list[0] == "COMENTARIO":
+                            #print "__COMENTARIO__" + _parameter_list[1]
+                            self.__budget.setParametricSelectComment(
+                                _family_code, _parameter_list[1])
+                        elif _parameter_list[0] == "R" or \
+                           _parameter_list[0] == "RESUMEN":
+                            #print "__RESUMEN__" + _parameter_list[1]
+                            self.__budget.setParametricSummary(_family_code,
+                                _parameter_list[1])
+                        elif _parameter_list[0] == "T" or \
+                           _parameter_list[0] == "TEXTO":
+                            #print "__TEXTO__" + _parameter_list[1]
+                            self.__budget.setParametricText(_family_code,
+                                _parameter_list[1])
+                        elif _parameter_list[0] == "P" or \
+                           _parameter_list[0] == "PLIEGO":
+                            #print "__PLIEGO__" + str(_parameter_list[1:])
+                            pass
+                        elif _parameter_list[0] == "K" or \
+                           _parameter_list[0] == "CLAVES":
+                            #print "__CLAVES__" + str(_parameter_list[1:])
+                            pass
+                        elif _parameter_list[0] == "F" or \
+                           _parameter_list[0] == "COMERCIAL":
+                            #print "__COMERCIAL__" + str(_parameter_list[1:])
+                            pass
+                        else:
+                            #print "==PARAMETRO==" + str(_parameter_list[:])
+                            pass
+                _final_description = _final_description + _line + "\r\n"
+                #print _line
+        # Delete last empty line
+        _description = _final_description[:-2]
+        _lines = _description.split("\r\n")
+        for _line in _lines:
+            pass
+            #print _line
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record + 1
+    def readFile(self, budget=None, filename=None, interface=None):
+        """readFile(self, budget=None, filename=None)
+        filename: the filename of the fiebdc file
+        budget: base.obra object
+        interface: a object to send messages
+            must have printf(message) progress(percent)
+                      recordStatistics(...)
+        Return the budget objetc or None if the file can be readed
+        """
+        if filename != None and  budget != None:
+            self.__filename = filename
+            self.__budget = budget
+            self.__budget.filename = self.__filename
+        if self.__filename is None or self.__budget is None or \
+           self.__cancel == True:
+            return None
+        if not os.path.exists(self.__filename):
+            return None
+        _time = time.time()
+        try:
+            _file =  open(self.__filename, 'r')
+        except IOError:
+            print utils.mapping("IOError: $1", (self.__filename,))
+            return None
+        self.__budget.filename = self.__filename
+        self._record_number = 0
+        self.num_valid_record = 0
+        self._record_V_number = 0
+        self._record_C_number = 0
+        self._record_D_number = 0
+        self._record_Y_number = 0
+        self._record_M_number = 0
+        self._record_N_number = 0
+        self._record_T_number = 0
+        self._record_K_number = 0
+        self._record_W_number = 0
+        self._record_L_number = 0
+        self._record_Q_number = 0
+        self._record_J_number = 0
+        self._record_G_number = 0
+        self._record_E_number = 0
+        self._record_O_number = 0
+        self._record_P_number = 0
+        self._record_X_number = 0
+        self._record_B_number = 0
+        self._record_F_number = 0
+        self._record_A_number = 0
+        self._record_Unknow_number = 0
+        print utils.mapping(_("Loading file $1"), (self.__filename,))
+        _filesize = float(os.path.getsize(self.__filename))
+        interface.progress(_file.tell() / _filesize)
+        _buffer =
+        # set codepage from V record
+        _record_list = _buffer.split("~")
+        registro_V = _record_list[1]
+        registro_V = registro_V.split("|")
+        if registro_V[0] == "V":
+            #_codepage = registro_V[5]
+            if len(registro_V) > 5:
+                _version = registro_V[5].strip()
+                # remove leading spaces
+                if _version in self.__character_sets_dict:
+                    self.__character_set = self.__character_sets_dict[_version]
+                else:
+                    print utils.mapping(_("This codepage do not exist in "\
+                         "FIEBDC3! Default codepage: $1"),
+                         (self.__character_set,))
+            else:
+                print utils.mapping(_("This V record dot have a codepage! "\
+                         "Default codepage: $1"),
+                         (self.__character_set,))
+        else:
+            print utils.mapping(_("Not 'V' record in File! Default codepage: "\
+                  "$1"), (self.__character_set,))
+        if self.__character_set != "utf8":
+            _buffer = unicode(_buffer, self.__character_set)
+            _buffer = _buffer.encode("utf8")
+        # Any INFORMATION between the beginning of the file and the
+        # beginning of the first registry “~” is ignored
+        #"after_first_tilde" : "^[^~]*~"
+        _buffer = self.__pattern["after_first_tilde"].sub("",_buffer)
+        while _buffer != "" and self.__cancel != True:
+            #-# the blank characters (32), tabs (9) and end of line (13 and 10)
+            # before the separators '~', '|' are erased.
+            # Before separator \ not deleted because it affects the reading of
+            # the record ~P
+            _buffer = self.eraseControlCharacters(_buffer)
+            _record_list = _buffer.split("~")
+            # The last record can be incomplete unless it is the last one of
+            # the file
+            if len(_record_list) > 1:
+                # not the end
+                _last_record = _record_list.pop()
+            else:
+                # the end record
+                # The blank characters (32), tabs (9) and end of line
+                # (13 and 10) at the end of the file are ignored.
+                #"end_control" : "((\r\n)| |\t)+$"
+                _record_list[-1] = self.__pattern["end_control"].sub("",
+                                           _record_list[-1])
+                _last_record = ""
+            for record in _record_list:
+                if self.__cancel == True:
+                    break
+                self.parseRecord(record)
+            interface.progress(_file.tell() / _filesize)
+            _buffer2 =
+            if self.__character_set != "utf8":
+                _buffer2 = unicode(_buffer2, self.__character_set)
+                _buffer2 = _buffer2.encode("utf8")
+            _buffer = _last_record + _buffer2
+        _file.close()
+        if self.__cancel == True:
+            print _("Cancelled process")
+            return None
+        else:
+            print utils.mapping(_("Time to load: $1 seconds"),
+                 (("%.2f" %(time.time()-_time)),))
+            print utils.mapping(_("Records/Valid Records: $1/$2"),
+                  (self._record_number, self.num_valid_record))
+            if self._record_O_number > 0:
+                print utils.mapping(_("$1 unsuported record type O: "\
+                  "Comercial Relationship"), (self._record_O_number,))
+            if self.num_valid_record == 0:
+                print  _("This file is not a valid FIBDC3 file")
+                return None
+            _str = ""
+            for type in \
+                     [("V", self._record_V_number),
+                     ("C", self._record_C_number),
+                     ("D", self._record_D_number),
+                     ("Y", self._record_Y_number),
+                     ("M", self._record_M_number),
+                     ("N", self._record_N_number),
+                     ("T", self._record_T_number),
+                     ("K", self._record_K_number),
+                     ("W", self._record_W_number),
+                     ("L", self._record_L_number),
+                     ("Q", self._record_Q_number),
+                     ("J", self._record_J_number),
+                     ("G", self._record_G_number),
+                     ("E", self._record_E_number),
+                     ("O", self._record_O_number),
+                     ("P", self._record_P_number),
+                     ("X", self._record_X_number),
+                     ("B", self._record_B_number),
+                     ("F", self._record_F_number),
+                     ("A", self._record_A_number),
+                     ("?", self._record_Unknow_number)]:
+                _str = _str + "%s: %s\n" %(type[0], type[1])
+            print  _str
+            self._testBudget(self.__budget)
+            return self.__budget
+    def _testBudget(self, budget):
+        """testBudget(self,budget)
+        budget: base.obra object
+        Test and repair budget object after read it from bc3 file
+        """
+        # TODO: more to do here
+        print _("Testing budget ...")
+        # Add price to records without price
+        _iter = budget.iter()
+        _titlelist = budget.getTitleList()[1]
+        if len(_titlelist) == 0:
+            _titlenum = 1
+        else:
+            _titlenum = len(_titlelist)
+        for _code in _iter:
+            _record = budget.getRecord(_code)
+            _prices = _record.getPrices()
+            _len_prices = len(_prices)
+            if _titlenum > _len_prices:
+                _leftprices = _titlenum - _len_prices
+                for _index in range(0,_leftprices):
+                    _root = budget.getRecord(budget.getRoot())
+                    _price = [0.0, _root.getDate(_len_prices + _index)]
+                    budget.addPriceToRecord(_price,_record)
+        print _("End Test")
+    def delete_control_space(self, text):
+        text = self.delete_control(text)
+        text = text.replace(" ", "")
+        return text
+    def delete_control(self, text):
+        text = text.replace("\t", "")
+        text = text.replace("\r", "")
+        text = text.replace("\n", "")
+        return text
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Generic/	Sun Oct 31 20:07:33 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+## File
+## This file is part of pyArq-Presupuestos.
+## Copyright (C) 2010 Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez
+##                         <>
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+# module for global variables
+import os
+# path: Paths where find the program files needed
+version = "pyArq-Presupuestos v0.0.0"
+path = {
+    "HOME" : "",
+    "APPDATA" : "",
+    "ICON" : "/images/pyArq-Presupuestos.svg",
+    "CHAPTER-ICON" : "/images/chapter.svg",
+    "UNIT-ICON" : "/images/unit.svg",
+    "MATERIAL-ICON" : "/images/material.svg",
+    "MACHINERY-ICON" : "/images/machinery.svg",
+    "LABOURFORCE-ICON": "/images/labourforce.svg",
+    "MENU-ICON": "/images/menu.svg",
+    "CONNECTED-ICON": "/images/connected.svg",
+    "DISCONNECTED-ICON": "/images/disconnected.svg",
+    "CLOSE-ICON": "/images/close.svg",
+    "DESCRIPTION-ICON": "/images/description.svg",
+    "SHEET-ICON": "/images/sheet.svg",
+    "DECOMPOSITION-ICON" : "/images/decomposition.svg",
+    "MEASURE-ICON" : "/images/measure.svg",
+    "ACUMULATEDLINE-ICON" : "/images/acumulatedline.svg",
+    "PARCIALLINE-ICON" : "/images/parcialline.svg",
+    "NORMALLINE-ICON" : "/images/normalline.svg",
+    "CALCULATEDLINE-ICON" : "/images/calculatedline.svg",
+    "ARROW-ICON": "/images/arrow.svg",
+    "IMAGE-ICON": "/images/image.svg",
+    "DXF-ICON": "/images/dxf.svg",
+    "DURUS-DATABASE": "/pyArq-Presupuestos/durus/",
+    "BUDGET": "/pyArq-Presupuestos/budget/",
+    "THROBBER-ICON": "/images/throbber.png",
+    "THROBBER-GIF": "/images/throbber.gif",
+    "BUDGET-ICON": "/images/budget.svg",
+    "PYARQ-ICON": "/images/pyArq.png",
+    }
+color = {
+    "ACTIVE" : "#CDD7FF",           # blue
+    "INDEX-EVEN" : "#C4C4C4",       # dark grey
+    "INDEX-UNEVEN" : "#DDDDDD",     # grey
+    "EVEN" : "#E6E6E6",             # dark white
+    "UNEVEN": "#FFFFFF",            # white
+    "CHAPTER-EVEN": "#D8E6E6",      # dark cian
+    "CHAPTER-UNEVEN": "#F0FFFF",    # cian
+    "TEXT": "#000000",              # black
+    "CALCULATED-TEXT": "#FF00FF",   # 
+    "SUBTOTAL": "#FAC8C8",
+    }
+desktop = {
+    "autodetect" : True,
+    "desktop" : "",
+    "browser" : "firefox",
+    "mailapp" : "evolution",
+    "imageapp" : "gthumb",
+    "cadapp" : "qcad",
+    }
+def getAppPath(key):
+    return path["APPDATA"] + path[key]
+def getHomePath(key):
+    return path["HOME"] + path[key]
+if == 'posix':
+    path["HOME"] = os.environ.get('HOME')
+elif sys.platform == 'win32':
+    path["HOME"] = os.environ.get('HOMEPATH')
+    # TODO: Mac Os, 
+    # TODO: Test in diferents os
+path["BUDGET"] = "/pyArq-Presupuestos/"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Generic/	Sun Oct 31 20:07:33 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+## File
+## This file is part of pyArq-Presupuestos.
+## Copyright (C) 2010 Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez
+##                    <>
+## This file is based in and common/ from gajim
+## Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Yann Leboulanger <asterix AT>
+## Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Dimitur Kirov <dkirov AT>
+##                         Nikos Kouremenos <kourem AT>
+## Copyright (C) 2006 Alex Mauer <hawke AT>
+## Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Travis Shirk <travis AT>
+## Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Jean-Marie Traissard <jim AT>
+## Copyright (C) 2007 Lukas Petrovicky <lukas AT>
+##                    James Newton <redshodan AT>
+##                    Julien Pivotto <roidelapluie AT>
+## Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Stephan Erb <steve-e AT>
+## Copyright (C) 2008 Brendan Taylor <whateley AT>
+##                    Jonathan Schleifer <js-gajim AT>
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with Gajim. If not, see <>.
+# Modules
+import subprocess
+import os
+# pyArq-Presupuestos modules
+import globals
+# from 
+def autodetect_desktop():
+    # recognize the environment and sets it in globals
+    if == 'nt':
+        globals.desktop["desktop"] = "windows"
+    else:
+        _processes = get_running_processes()
+        if 'gnome-session' in _processes:
+            globals.desktop["desktop"] = "gnome"
+        elif 'startkde' in _processes:
+            globals.desktop["desktop"] = "kde"
+        elif 'startxfce4' in _processes or 'xfce4-session' in _processes:
+            globals.desktop["desktop"] = "xfce"
+        else:
+            globals.desktop["desktop"] = ""
+def get_running_processes():
+    '''returns running processes or None (if not /proc exists)'''
+    if os.path.isdir('/proc'):
+        # under Linux: checking if 'gnome-session' or
+        # 'startkde' programs were run before gajim, by
+        # checking /proc (if it exists)
+        #
+        # if something is unclear, read `man proc`;
+        # if /proc exists, directories that have only numbers
+        # in their names contain data about processes.
+        # /proc/[xxx]/exe is a symlink to executable started
+        # as process number [xxx].
+        # filter out everything that we are not interested in:
+        files = os.listdir('/proc')
+        # files that doesn't have only digits in names...
+        files = filter(str.isdigit, files)
+        # files that aren't directories...
+        files = [f for f in files if os.path.isdir('/proc/' + f)]
+        # processes owned by somebody not running gajim...
+        # (we check if we have access to that file)
+        files = [f for f in files if os.access('/proc/' + f +'/exe', os.F_OK)]
+        # be sure that /proc/[number]/exe is really a symlink
+        # to avoid TBs in incorrectly configured systems
+        files = [f for f in files if os.path.islink('/proc/' + f + '/exe')]
+        # list of processes
+        processes = [os.path.basename(os.readlink('/proc/' + f +'/exe')) for f in files]
+        return processes
+    return []
+# from common/
+def exec_command(command):
+    subprocess.Popen('%s &' % command, shell=True).wait()
+def build_command(executable, parameter):
+    # we add to the parameter (can hold path with spaces)
+    # "" so we have good parsing from shell
+    parameter = parameter.replace('"', '\\"') # but first escape "
+    command = '%s "%s"' % (executable, parameter)
+    return command
+def launch_file(kind, uri):
+    # kind = "url" ,"mail", "image", "dxf"
+    _desktop = globals.desktop["desktop"]
+    if _desktop == "windows":
+        try:
+            os.startfile(uri) # if pywin32 is installed we open
+        except Exception:
+            pass
+    else:
+        if kind == 'mail' and not uri.startswith('mailto:'):
+            uri = 'mailto:' + uri
+        if _desktop == "gnome":
+            command = 'gnome-open'
+        elif _desktop == "kde":
+            command = 'kfmclient exec'
+        elif _desktop == "xfce":
+            command = 'exo-open'
+        else:
+            if kind == 'url':
+                command = globals.desktop["browser"]
+            elif kind == 'mail':
+                command = globals.desktop["mailapp"]
+            elif kind == 'image':
+                command = globals.desktop["imageapp"]
+            elif kind == 'dxf':
+                command = globals.desktop["cadapp"]
+            else:  # if no app is configured
+                return
+        command = build_command(command, uri)
+        try:
+            exec_command(command)
+        except Exception:
+            pass
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Generic/	Sun Oct 31 20:07:33 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+## File
+## This file is part of pyArq-Presupuestos.
+## Copyright (C) 2010 Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez
+##                         <>
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+# Modules
+import re 
+import imghdr
+# add wmf to imghdr
+def test_wmf(h, f):
+    """wmf image library"""
+    if h[:6] == "\xd7\xcd\xc6\x9a\x00\x00":
+        return 'wmf'
+# add dxf to imghdr
+def test_dxf(h, f):
+    """AutoCAD DXF: Drawing Interchange Format"""
+    if  isinstance(f,file):
+        _pos = f.tell()
+        _h =
+, 2)
+        _l =
+    else:
+        _h = h
+        _l = h[-32:]
+    _h = _h.replace("\r","")
+    _l = _l.replace("\r","")
+    if ("  0\nSECTION\n  2\nHEADER\n" in _h or\
+       "  0\nSECTION\n  2\nCLASSES\n" in _h or\
+       "  0\nSECTION\n  2\nTABLES\n" in _h or\
+       "  0\nSECTION\n  2\nBLOCKS\n" in _h or\
+       "  0\nSECTION\n  2\nENTITIES\n" in _h or\
+       "  0\nSECTION\n  2\nOBJECTS\n" in _h or\
+       "  0\nSECTION\n  2\nTHUMBNAILIMAGE\n" in _h) and \
+       _l[-19:] == "  0\nENDSEC\n  0\nEOF\n":
+        return 'dxf'
+def mapping(string, tuple):
+    """mapping(string, tuple)
+    string: a message string
+    tuple: a truple with string items
+    Return the string replacing the $[n] words whith its corresponding value
+    from the tuple.
+    It is used because the gettext module can not #-#supotr#-# strings as:
+        "Invalid type (%s) in record: %s" %(type, record)
+    """
+    for _index in range(len(tuple)):
+        string = string.replace("$" + str(_index+1), str(tuple[_index]))
+    return string
+def eliminate_duplicates(list):
+    """eliminate_duplicates(list)
+    Return a copy of the list without duplicate values
+    """
+    _result = [ ]
+    for item in list:
+        if item not in _result:
+            _result.append(item)
+    return _result
+def is_valid_code(code):
+    """is_valid_code(code)
+    code: a string code
+    Funtion to test if a record code is valid
+    A valid code must fulfill:
+        - Be a not empty string
+        - The valid characters are the defined in MSdos 6.0 including .$#%&_
+            What it means? I am not sure, so I test if all the character 
+            are in cp850
+        - Cannot contain the following characters
+            <~>   separator of records if FIEBDC-3
+            <|>   separator of fields if FIEBDC-3
+            <\>   separator of subfield in FIEBDC-3
+            <\t>  tab -> control character
+            < >   space -> control character
+            <\n>  end of line -> control character
+            <\r>  end of line -> control character
+        - Cannot end with <#> or <##>, root and chapter code record
+    It return a tuple (is_valid, code)
+        is_valid (True/False)
+            True: the code is valid
+            False: the code is not valid
+        code(False/code)
+            False: the code is not valid and can not be corrected
+            code: the code or the corrected code
+    """
+    _is_valid = True
+    if not isinstance(code, str):
+        return False, False
+    if code == "":
+        return False, False
+    try:
+        _unicode_code = unicode(code, "utf8")
+        _code_cp850 = _unicode_code.encode("cp850")
+        _unicode_code = unicode(_code_cp850, "cp850")
+        _code_utf8 = _unicode_code.encode("utf8")
+    except UnicodeError:
+        return False, False
+    if _code_utf8 != code:
+        _is_valid = False
+        if _code_utf8 == "":
+            return False, False
+        code = _code_utf8
+    _code2 = re.sub("[\t \n\r~|\\\]","",code)
+    if _code2 != code:
+        if _code2 == "":
+            return False, False
+        _is_valid = False
+        code = _code2
+    if code[-1] == "#":
+        _is_valid =  False
+        while code[-1] == "#":
+            code = code[:-1]
+    if code == "":
+        return False, False
+    return _is_valid, code
+def getFiletype(filename, h=None):
+    """getFiletype(filename, h=None):
+    filename: the filename to test
+    h: raw string, if h is not None the filename is ignored and h is assumed
+    to contain the byte stream to test
+    """
+    _type = imghdr.what(filename, h)
+    _image_types = ["rgb", "gif", "pbm", "pgm", "ppm", "tiff", "rast", "xbm",
+                    "jpeg", "bmp", "png", "wmf"]
+    if _type in _image_types:
+        return "image"
+    elif _type == "dxf":
+        return "dxf"
+##    _video_types = ["avi", "mpg", "mkv", "ogm"]
+##    elif _type in _video_types:
+##        return "video"
+##    elif _type == "pdf":
+##        return "pdf"
+##    elif _type == "ppt" or _type == "odp":
+##        return "presentation"
+    else:
+        return None
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Gtk/	Sun Oct 31 20:07:33 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+## This file is part of pyArq-Presupuestos.
+## Copyright (C) 2010 Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez
+##                         <>
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+# define __all__ so 'from Gtk import *' works
+__all__ = [
+    'gui',
+    'importFiebdc',
+    ]
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Gtk/	Sun Oct 31 20:07:33 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,4509 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+## File
+## This file is part of pyArq-Presupuestos.
+## Copyright (C) 2010 Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez
+##                         <>
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+"""Gui module
+The MainWindow class contain the toplevel WINDOW,
+this window have a notebook with a page for each budget.
+Each budget or notebook page is showed by the Page class, this class contain
+the main widget showed in a page notebook.
+The main widget can show the budget information in several panes.
+This panes are ordened in gtk.Paned represented for the class Paned which can
+have 2 viewes represented for the View class or other gtk.Paned that have other
+viewes or more gtk.Paned.
+The view can have diferente type of widgets to show the budget information.
+The DecompositionList class show the decompositon list information of a record
+The Measure class show de measure information of a record
+The TextWindow class show the long description of a record
+The Sheet class class show the sheet of condition information of a record
+The views can send signal to the others.
+All the viewes ordered in panes can be or not be connected to the others,
+if there are connecteded to the others when the user change the active code in
+one of the panes the active code change in the others.
+# TODO: Config file
+# Standar Modules
+import os
+import time
+import pygtk
+import gtk
+import gobject
+import weakref
+# pyArq-Presupuestos Modules
+from Gtk import importFiebdc
+from Generic import base
+from Generic import fiebdc
+from Generic import durusdatabase
+from Generic import utils
+from Generic import globals
+from Generic import openwith
+# Load default icon
+if os.path.exists(globals.getAppPath("ICON")):
+    icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(globals.getAppPath("ICON"))
+    gtk.window_set_default_icon_list(icon)
+    print utils.mapping(_("The icon file does not exist. '$1'"),
+          (globals.getAppPath("ICON"),))
+# Autodetect desktop
+if globals.desktop["autodetect"] is True:
+    openwith.autodetect_desktop()
+    print utils.mapping(_("pyArq-Presupuestos running on $1"),
+                        (globals.desktop["desktop"],))
+class MainWindow(object):
+    """gui.MainWindow:
+    Description:
+        Creates and shows the main window.
+        This is the interface base class.
+    Constructor:
+        gui.MainWindow(): Returns the newly created main window instance
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- MainWindow
+    Atributes:
+        "window": Main window widget ("gtk.Window" object)
+        "__budget_temp_list": Temporal list of budgets
+        "__budget_list": List of budgets ("base.Budget" objects)
+        "__page_list": List of pages ("Page" object)
+        "__notebook": Notebook widget ("gtk.Notebook" object)
+        "__general_action_group": the "General" action group
+    Methods:
+        __init__(self)
+        _main(self)
+        _addBudget(self, budget)
+        _appendPage(self)
+        _testBudgetList(self)
+        _menuitemImportFiebdc(self, widget)
+        _menuitemImportPriceDatabase(self, widget)
+        _menuitemOpenPriceDatabase(self, widget)
+        _menuitemOpen
+        _menuitemClose(self, widget)
+        _menuitemText(self, widget)
+        _delete_event(self, widget, event)
+        _destroy(self, widget)
+    """
+    # TODO:* Can choose open budget in new window
+    # TODO:* gtk.Action for menu and toolbar
+    # TODO:* Can choose show more than one notebook in the same window or
+    # TODO:  can show basedata notebook in a side pane
+    __ui = '''<ui>
+    <menubar name="MenuBar">
+      <menu action="File">
+        <menuitem action="ImportFiebdc"/>
+        <menuitem action="Close"/>
+      </menu>
+      <menu action="View">
+        <menuitem action="Text"/>
+      </menu>
+      <menu action="Test">
+        <menuitem action="ImportFiebdcPriceDatabase"/>
+        <menuitem action="OpenPriceDatabase"/>
+      </menu>
+    </menubar>
+    <toolbar name="ToolBar">
+      <toolitem action="ImportFiebdc"/>
+      <separator/>
+      <toolitem action="Close"/>
+      <separator name="sep1"/>
+    </toolbar>
+    </ui>'''
+    def __init__(self):
+        """def __init__(self)
+        Initialize the atributes "__budget_list" and "__page_list" without data.
+        Creates the widgets "window" and "__notebook".
+        """
+        self.__budget_temp_list = []
+        self.__budget_list = []
+        self.__page_list = []
+        # Main window
+        self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
+        self.window.set_default_size(771, 570)
+        self.window.set_title("Presupuestos")
+        self.window.set_border_width(0)
+        self.window.connect("destroy", self._destroy)
+        self.window.connect("delete_event", self._delete_event)
+        # Vertical box
+        _vbox1 = gtk.VBox(False, 0)
+        self.window.add(_vbox1)
+        #Uimanager
+        _uimanager = gtk.UIManager()
+        _accelgroup = _uimanager.get_accel_group()
+        self.window.add_accel_group(_accelgroup)
+        _general_action_group = gtk.ActionGroup("General")
+        self.__general_action_group = _general_action_group
+        _general_action_group.add_actions(
+            [("File", None, _("_File"), None),
+             ("ImportFiebdc", gtk.STOCK_OPEN, _('_Import Fiebdc'), "", 'NPI',
+                self._menuitemImportFiebdc),
+             ("Close", gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, _("_Close"), None, 'NPI',
+                self._menuitemClose),
+             ("View", None, _("_View")),
+             ("Text", None, _("_Text"), None, 'NPI',
+                self._menuitemText),
+             ("Test", None, _("_Test")),
+             ('ImportFiebdcPriceDatabase', gtk.STOCK_OPEN,
+                _("Import Fiebdc _price database"), "", "NPI",
+                self._menuitemImportPriceDatabase ),
+             ("OpenPriceDatabase", gtk.STOCK_OPEN, _('_Open price database'),
+                "", 'NPI', self._menuitemOpenPriceDatabase),
+            ])
+        _uimanager.insert_action_group(_general_action_group, 0)
+        _uimanager.add_ui_from_string(self.__ui)
+        _menu_bar = _uimanager.get_widget("/MenuBar")
+        _vbox1.pack_start(_menu_bar, False, False, 0)
+        _toolbar = _uimanager.get_widget("/ToolBar")
+        _toolbar.get_settings().set_long_property("gtk-toolbar-icon-size",
+            gtk.ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR, "pyArq-Presupuestos:toolbar")
+        _vbox1.pack_start(_toolbar, False, False, 0)
+        # Notebook
+        self.__notebook = gtk.Notebook()
+        _vbox1.pack_start(self.__notebook, True, True, 0)
+        self.__notebook.set_tab_pos(gtk.POS_TOP)
+        self.__notebook.set_show_tabs(True)
+        self.__notebook.set_show_border(True)
+        self.__notebook.set_scrollable(True)
+        self._main()
+    def _main(self):
+        """def main(self)
+        Shows window and starts the GTK+ event processing loop.
+        """
+        gtk.main()
+    def _addBudget(self, budget):
+        """def _addBudget(self, budget)
+        budget: "base.Budget" object
+        Appends a budget in the "__budget_list"
+        """
+        if budget != None:
+            _budget = budget
+            if _budget in self.__budget_temp_list:
+                self.__budget_temp_list.remove(_budget)
+            self.__budget_list.append(_budget)
+    def _appendPage(self):
+        """def _appendPage(self)
+        Creates a new page (instance of "Page class") from the last budget in
+        __budget_list, appends this page in the "__page_list" and shows the
+        page widget in the notebook widget.
+        """
+        _last_budget = self.__budget_list[-1]
+        _page = Page(_last_budget)
+        self.__notebook.append_page(_page.widget, _page.title)
+        self.__page_list.append(_page)
+    def _testBudgetList2(self):
+        """def _testBudgetList2(self)
+        Test if the number of budgets ("__budget_list") is greater
+        than the number of pages ("__page_list"), if it is greater 
+        appendPage method is called to create a page to show the new budget
+        and save the budget in a durus file.
+        """
+        if len(self.__budget_list) > len(self.__page_list):
+            self._appendPage()
+            #-# in test mode
+            # TODO: It must be in a thread
+            _last_budget = self.__budget_list[-1]
+            _path = globals.getHomePath("DURUS-DATABASE")
+            _file_whit_path_bc3 = _last_budget.filename
+            _filename_bc3 = _file_whit_path_bc3.split("/")[-1]
+            _filename = _filename_bc3.split(".")[-2]
+            _file = _path + _filename + ".durus"
+            print utils.mapping(_("Saving file: $1"), (_file,))
+            _time = time.time()
+            _durus_file = durusdatabase.DurusFile(_file,True)
+            _durus_file.setBudget(_last_budget)
+            _durus_file.close()
+            print utils.mapping(_("Saving time: $1 seconds"),
+                  (("%.2f" %(time.time()-_time) ),))
+            #-#
+            return False
+        return True
+    def _menuitemImportFiebdc(self, widget):
+        """def _menuitemImportFiebdc(self, widget)
+        widget: the widget where the event is emitted from
+        Callback to open a budget file.
+        Inits a timeout to test if a budgets is appended to "__budget_list"
+        calling _testBudgetList method if it is true.
+        Creates and shows a window to open a budget file.
+        """
+        _budget = base.Budget()
+        self.__budget_temp_list.append(_budget)
+        _budget_file = fiebdc.Read()
+        _read_method = _budget_file.readFile
+        _filename = "file"
+        _exit_method = _budget_file.cancel
+        _file_window = importFiebdc.FileSelectionWindow(self,
+            _read_method, _budget, _filename, _exit_method)
+    def _menuitemImportPriceDatabase(self, widget):
+        """def _menuitemImportPriceDatabase(self, widget)
+        widget: the widget where the event is emitted from
+        Callback to open a budget file.
+        Inits a timeout to test if a budgets is appended to "__budget_list"
+        calling _testBudgetList method if it is true.
+        Creates and shows a window to open a budget file.
+        """
+        #TODO: change timeout, it is deprecated
+        #TODO: the .durus file must be direted saved
+        gobject.timeout_add(100, self._testBudgetList2)
+        _budget = base.Budget()
+        self.__budget_temp_list.append(_budget)
+        _budget_file = fiebdc.Read()
+        _read_method = _budget_file.readFile
+        _filename = "file"
+        _exit_method = _budget_file.cancel
+        _file_window = importFiebdc.FileSelectionWindow(self,
+            _read_method, _budget, _filename, _exit_method)
+    def _menuitemOpenPriceDatabase(self, widget):
+        """def _menuitemImportPriceDatabase(self, widget)
+        widget: the widget where the event is emitted from
+        Callback to open a budget file.
+        Inits a timeout to test if a budgets is appended to "__budget_list"
+        calling _testBudgetList method if it is true.
+        Creates and shows a window to open a budget file.
+        """
+        _openDialog = OpenDurusDatabase(self._OpenDurusDatabase)
+        _openDialog.main()
+    def _OpenDurusDatabase(self, file):
+        """def _menuitemImportFiebdc(self, widget)
+        widget: the widget where the event is emitted from
+        Callback to open a budget file from a durus file.
+        """
+        _file = file
+        print utils.mapping(_("Loading file: $1:"), (_file,))
+        _time = time.time()
+        _durus_file = durusdatabase.DurusFile(_file,False)
+        _budget = _durus_file.getBudget()
+        _durus_file.close()
+        print utils.mapping(("Loadig time: $1 seconds"),
+             (("%.2f" %(time.time()-_time)),))
+        self.__budget_list.append(_budget)
+        _page = Page(_budget)
+        self.__notebook.append_page(_page.widget, _page.title)
+        self.__page_list.append(_page)
+    def _menuitemClose(self, widget):
+        """def _menuitemClose(self, widget)
+        widget: the widget where the event is emitted from
+        Callback to close a budget file.
+        """
+        _page_num = self.__notebook.get_current_page()
+        if _page_num == -1:
+            return
+        _page = self.__page_list.pop(_page_num)
+        if isinstance(_page, Page):
+            #not loading budget
+            self.__budget_list.pop(_page_num)
+        _page.clear()
+        self.__notebook.remove_page(_page_num)
+    def _menuitemText(self, widget):
+        """_menuitemText(self, widget)
+        widget: the widget where the event is emitted from
+        Creates and shows a window showing text description
+        using a instance of TextWindow class.
+        """
+        _page_num = self.__notebook.get_current_page()
+        if _page_num == -1:
+            return
+        _budget = self.__budget_list[_page_num]
+        _page = self.__page_list[_page_num]
+        _code = _page.getActiveCode()
+        _concepto = _budget.getRecord(_code)
+        _text = _concepto.text
+        _window = TextWindow(_code, _text)
+        _window.main()
+    def _delete_event(self, widget, event):
+        """_delete_event(self, widget, event)
+        widget: the widget where the event is emitted from
+        event: the "gtk.gdk.Event"
+        Method connected to "delete_event" signal of main window widget
+        This signal is emitted when a user press the close titlebar button.
+        It Returns True so the signal "destroy" is emitted.
+        """
+        for _page in self.__page_list:
+            _page.clear()
+        return False # -> destroy
+    def _destroy(self, widget):
+        """_destroy(self, widget)
+        widget: the widget where the event is emitted from
+        Method connected to "destroy" signal of main window widget
+        This signal is emited when the method connected to "delete_event"
+        signal returns True or when the program call the destroy() method of
+        the gtk.Window widget.
+        The window is closed and the GTK+ event processing loop is ended.
+        """
+        gtk.main_quit()
+    def getNotebook(self):
+        return self.__notebook
+    def getPageList(self):
+        return self.__page_list
+    def getBudgetList(self):
+        return self.__budget_list
+class EmptyPage(object):
+    """
+    """
+    def __init__(self, mainWindow, readFileMethod, budget, filename,
+                 cancelMethod):
+        """def __init__(self, mainWindow, readFileMethod, budget, filename,
+                        cancelMethod)
+        """
+        self.__mainWindow = mainWindow
+        self.__readFileMethod = readFileMethod
+        self.__budget = budget
+        self.__filename = filename
+        self.__cancelMethod = cancelMethod
+        self.__children = None
+        self.__cancel = [False, False]
+        self.__progress = 0.0
+        self.__widget = gtk.VBox()
+        self.__main_item = None
+        self.__throbber = gtk.Image()
+        self.__throbber.set_from_file(globals.getAppPath("THROBBER-ICON"))
+        self.__animationThobber = gtk.gdk.PixbufAnimation(
+                                  globals.getAppPath("THROBBER-GIF"))
+        self.__quietThobber = self.__throbber.get_pixbuf()
+        self.__budget_icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(
+                             globals.getAppPath("BUDGET-ICON"), 16, 16)
+        _filename = os.path.basename(filename)
+        _rootfilename = os.path.splitext(_filename)[0]
+        if not _rootfilename == "":
+            _filename = _rootfilename
+        _titleLabel = gtk.Label(_filename)
+        self.__title = gtk.HBox()
+        self.__title.add(self.__throbber)
+        self.__title.add(_titleLabel)
+        self.__statusbar = gtk.Statusbar()
+        self.__statuscontext = self.__statusbar.get_context_id("Statusbar")
+        _align = gtk.Alignment(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0)
+        _iconVbox = gtk.VBox()
+        _pyArqIcon = gtk.Image()
+        _pyArqIcon.set_from_file(globals.getAppPath("PYARQ-ICON"))
+        _iconVbox.pack_start(_pyArqIcon, True, True, 0)
+        _link = gtk.LinkButton("",
+                               "")
+        _iconVbox.pack_start(_link, True, True, 0)
+        _align.add(_iconVbox)
+        self.__widget.pack_start(_align, True, True, 0)
+        _progressframe = gtk.Frame()
+        _progressframe.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN)
+        self.__progress_bar = gtk.ProgressBar()
+        _progressframe.add(self.__progress_bar)
+        self.__statusbar.pack_start(_progressframe, False, False, 0)
+        self.__widget.pack_end(self.__statusbar, False, True, 0)
+        self.__main_item = None
+    def run(self):
+        self.__statusbar.push(self.__statuscontext, _("Time: 0s"))
+        self.__throbber.set_from_animation(self.__animationThobber)
+        self._launchChildren()
+        self._launchTimeout()
+    def progress(self, percent):
+        _progress = str(int(round(100 * percent,0)))
+        self.__progress = percent
+    def stopLoading(self):
+        self.__throbber.set_from_pixbuf(self.__budget_icon)
+        self.__progress_bar.hide()
+        self.__statusbar.pop(self.__statuscontext)
+    def _launchChildren(self):
+        """_launchChildren(self)
+        Launch the thread to read the file
+        """
+        if self.__children is None:
+            self.__children = importFiebdc.Thread(self, self.__mainWindow,
+                self.__readFileMethod, self.__budget, self.__filename,
+                self.__cancelMethod)
+            self.__children.start()
+    def _launchTimeout(self):
+        """def _launchTimeout(self)
+        Launch the timeouts: 
+            1- update progress bar
+            2- update time label
+            3- If the other timetouts are stoped the window is closed
+        """
+        gobject.timeout_add(500, self._updateProgressBar)
+        gobject.timeout_add(1000, self._updateLabel, time.time())
+        self.__cancel = [False, False]
+        gobject.timeout_add(1000, self._autoClose)
+    def _updateProgressBar(self):
+        """def _updateProgressBar(self)
+        update progress bar in a timeout
+        If the thread end or is canceled the timeout is stoped
+        """
+        if  self.__children is None or self.__children.isCanceled() == True:
+            self.__cancel[0] = True
+            return False
+        else:
+            self.__progress_bar.set_fraction(self.__progress)
+            _text = "%s%%" %str(int(round(100 * self.__progress,0)))
+            self.__progress_bar.set_text(_text)
+            return True
+    def _updateLabel(self, _time):
+        """def _updateProgressBar(self)
+        update time label in a timeout
+        If the thread end or is canceled the timeout is stoped
+        """
+        if  self.__children is None or self.__children.isCanceled() == True:
+            self.__cancel[1] = True
+            return False
+        else:
+            _time = time.time() - _time
+            _text = utils.mapping(_("Time: $1"), ("%.0f" %_time,))
+            self.__statusbar.pop(self.__statuscontext)
+            self.__statusbar.push(self.__statuscontext, _text)
+            return True
+    def _autoClose(self):
+        """def _updateProgressBar(self)
+        If the time label and progress bar timeouts are stoped the window is 
+        closed and ist tiemeout is stoped
+        """
+        if self.__cancel == [ True, True ]:
+            return False
+        else:
+            return True
+    def closeWindow(self):
+        """def closeWindow(self)
+        Sets the __children atribute to None
+        This causes that the timeouts is ended.
+        This method is called from thread when it is finished
+        TODO: it must called threadFinished or somethig
+        """
+        self.__children = None
+        self.stopLoading()
+        _page = Page(self.__budget)
+        _children = self.__widget.get_children()
+        for _child in _children:
+            self.__widget.remove(_child)
+        self.__widget.pack_start(_page.widget, True, True, 0)
+        _noteBook = self.__mainWindow.getNotebook()
+        _pageIndex = _noteBook.page_num(self.__widget)
+        self.__mainWindow.getPageList()[_pageIndex] = _page
+    def threadCanceled(self):
+        """def threadCanceled(self)
+        Sets the __children atribute to None
+        This causes that the timeouts is ended.
+        This method is called from thread when is canceled
+        TODO: it must called threadFinished or somethig
+        """
+        self.__children = None
+        self.stopLoading()
+    def clear(self):
+        """def clear(self)
+        Cancel thread
+        """
+        self.__children.cancel()
+    def getWidget(self):
+        """def getWidget(self)
+        Return de main widget to show in the page
+        """
+        return self.__widget
+    def getTitle(self):
+        """def getTtle(self)
+        Return the title of the page, a gtk.Label objetc
+        """
+        return self.__title
+    widget = property(getWidget, None, None,
+                      "Main widget showed in the pane")
+    title = property(getTitle, None, None,
+                      "Page Title")
+class Page(object):
+    """gui.Page:
+    Description:
+    It creates and shows a page in the notebook from a budget object.
+    The page can show the budget information in several panes ordered
+    according to "panes_list" information.
+    Constructor:
+        gui.Page(budget, active_code=None):
+        budget: budget to be showed in this page (base.Budget object)
+        active_code: the code of the active record 
+        Returns the newly created Page instance
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- Page
+    Atributes:
+        "budget": Read-Write. Budget to show in the page. (base.obra object)
+        "panes_list": Read. info list for create the panes
+            ej: [ "v", pane1, pane2 ] , [ "h", pane1, pane2 ]
+                [ "v", [ "h", pane1, pane2 ], [ "h", pane1, pane2 ] ]
+            pane types:
+                * "DecompositionList": its creates a "DecompositionList" object 
+                * "RecordDescription" : its creates a "Description" objetc
+                * "Measure": its creates a "Measure" objetc
+                * "FileView": its creates a "FileView" objet
+                * "CompanyView": its creates a "CompanyView" object
+        "widget": Read. Notebook page Widget. (a gtk.VBox instance)
+        "title": Read. Notebook page title (gtk.Label object)
+        "__active_path_record": The active path record
+        "__main_item": main item in the page, can be a View object or a Paned 
+            object
+    Methods:
+        __init__(self, budget=None, active_code=None)
+        propagateMessageFrom(self, message, path, arg=None)
+        sendMessageTo(self, pane, message, path, arg=None)
+        clear(self)
+        getItem(self,path)
+        setMainItem(self, item)
+        itemsFactory(self, list_paned, path=(0,))
+        setActivePathRecord(self, path_record)
+        getTitle(self)
+        getWidget(self)
+        setBudget(self, budget)
+        getBudget(self)
+        getPanesList(self)
+    """
+    # TODO:  * The panes can be ordered as the user wishes 
+    # TODO:  * Panes in windows
+    # TODO:  * pane types
+    # TODO:      * General budget properties (is better a dialog?)
+    def __init__(self, budget, path_record=(0,)):
+        """def __init__(self, budget=None, active_code=None)
+        budget: "base.Budget" object
+        active_code: the code of the active record
+        Sets the atributes
+            * __panes_list: info to create the panes
+            * budget (base.Budget object)
+            * active_code
+        """
+        #TODO: __panes_list should come from config file...
+        self.__widget = gtk.VBox()
+        self.__panes_list = [ "v", "DecompositionList", [ "v", "Measure",
+            "RecordDescription" ]]
+        self.__main_item = None
+        self.setBudget(budget)
+        self.setActivePathRecord(path_record)
+    def propagateMessageFrom(self, message, path, arg=None):
+        """def propagateMessageFrom(self, message, path, arg=None)
+        message: string message
+        path: tuple that represents the pane path which emits the message
+        arg: arguments for the message
+             if message is "change_active" arg is the path record
+        The panes are connectted to this method to send messages to other panes
+        """
+        _budget = self.__budget
+        if message == "change_active" and _budget.hasPath(arg):
+            self.sendMessageTo(self.__main_item, message, path, arg)
+        elif message == "autoclose":
+            self._closeItem(path)
+        elif message == "split h":
+            self._splitItem(path, "h")
+        elif message == "split v":
+            self._splitItem(path, "v")
+    def sendMessageTo(self, pane, message, path, arg=None):
+        """def sendMessageTo(self, pane,message, path, arg=None)
+        pane: the receiver pane
+        message: string message
+        path: tuple that represents the pane path which emits the message
+        arg: arguments for the message
+        Sends a message to a pane
+        """
+        if not pane.path == path:
+            pane.runMessage(message, path, arg)
+    def clear(self):
+        """def clear(self)
+        Clear atributes
+        """
+        self.propagateMessageFrom("clear", (0,))
+        del self.__budget
+        del self.__panes_list
+        del self.__widget
+        del self.__title
+        del self.__active_path_record
+        del self.__main_item
+    def getItem(self,path):
+        """def getItem(self, path
+        Return the item whith the path "path", it can return a Paned instance
+        or a View instance
+        """
+        _item = self.__main_item
+        if len(path) == 1:
+            return _item
+        else:
+            return _item.getItem(path[1:])
+    def setMainItem(self, item):
+        """setMainItem(self,item)
+        Sets a new main item in the page
+        """
+        if not self.__main_item is None:
+            _old_main_widget = self.__main_item.widget
+            self.__widget.remove(_old_main_widget)
+        self.__main_item = item
+        _main_widget = self.__main_item.widget
+        self.__widget.pack_start(_main_widget, True, True, 0)
+    def _splitItem(self, path, orientation):
+        """_splitItem(self, path, orientation)
+        Splits the item that is identifies by the path and the orientation
+        """
+        _item = self.getItem(path)
+        _parent = self.getItem(path[:-1])
+        _item.setPath(path+ (0,))
+        _item_clone0 = _item.getClone(path + (0,))
+        _item_clone1 = _item.getClone(path + (1,))
+        _paned = Paned(orientation, path, _item_clone0, _item_clone1)
+        if len(path) > 1:
+            _parent.setItem(path[-1], [_paned])
+        else:
+            self.setMainItem(_paned)
+    def _closeItem(self, path):
+        """_closeItem(self, path)
+        Closes the item that is identifies by the path
+        """
+        _item = self.getItem(path)
+        if len(path) > 1:
+            # There are more than one item
+            _parent = self.getItem(path[:-1])
+            _brothers = [ _brother for _brother in _parent]
+            _brothers.remove(_item)
+            _brother = _brothers[0]
+            _parent.widget.remove(_brother.widget)
+            _brother.path = path[:-1]
+            if len(path) > 2:
+                _grandparent = self.getItem(path[:-2])
+                _grandparent.setItem(path[-2], [_brother])
+                _parent.widget.destroy()
+                _parent.clear()
+                _item.clear()
+            else:
+                _grandparent = self
+                _grandparent.setMainItem(_brother)
+                _parent.widget.destroy()
+                _parent.clear()
+                _item.clear()
+        else:
+            # Thre is only one item in the page, it can not be closed
+            pass
+    def itemsFactory(self, list_paned, path=(0,)):
+        """def itemsFactory(self, list_paned, path(0,))
+        list_paned: list in "__panes_list" format
+            [ "v" or "h", panel1_type, panel2_type]
+            which contains the info for create the widgets. 
+            panel types:
+                * "DecompositionList"
+                * "RecordDescription"
+                * "Measure"
+                * "Sheet of Conditions"
+                * "FileView"
+                * "CompanyView"
+        path: tuple that represents the item path in the page
+        Creates the items and widgets and returns the main item
+        """
+        if not isinstance(list_paned , list):
+            raise ValueError, _("The value must be a list")
+        if list_paned[0] == "v" or  list_paned[0] == "h":
+            if len(list_paned) != 3:
+                raise ValueError, _("Incorrect len")
+            if not isinstance(list_paned[1],list):
+                list_paned[1] = [list_paned[1]]
+            if not isinstance(list_paned[2],list):
+                list_paned[2] = [list_paned[2]]
+            _item1 = self.itemsFactory(list_paned[1],path + (0,))
+            _item2 = self.itemsFactory(list_paned[2],path + (1,)) 
+            _item = Paned(list_paned[0], path, _item1, _item2)
+        elif list_paned[0] == "DecompositionList":
+            _item = View( "DecompositionList", self.__budget,
+                weakref.ref(self), path, self.__active_path_record)
+        elif list_paned[0] == "RecordDescription":
+            _item = View( "RecordDescription", self.__budget,weakref.ref(self),
+                path, self.__active_path_record)
+        elif list_paned[0] == "Measure":
+            _item = View( "Measure", self.__budget, weakref.ref(self), path,
+                self.__active_path_record)
+        elif list_paned[0] == "Sheet of Conditions":
+            _item  = Sheet(sef.__budget, weakref.ref(self), path,
+                self.__active_path_record)
+        elif list_paned[0] == "FileView":
+            _item  = FileView(sef.__budget, weakref.ref(self), path,
+                self.__active_path_record)
+        elif list_paned[0] == "CompanyView":
+            _item  = CompanyView(sef.__budget, weakref.ref(self), path,
+                self.__active_path_record)
+        else:
+            _item = None
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Incorrect item $1"),
+                  (str(list_paned[0]),))
+        return _item
+    def setActivePathRecord(self, path_record):
+        """def setActivePathRecord(self, path_record)
+        path_record: the active record path
+        Sets the active record path
+        """
+        if self.__budget.hasPath(path_record):
+            self.__active_path_record = path_record
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("The budget does not have the "\
+                  "path record: $1"), (str(path_record),))
+    def getTitle(self):
+        """def getTtle(self)
+        Return the title of the page, a gtk.Label objetc
+        """
+        return self.__title
+    def getWidget(self):
+        """def getWidget(self)
+        Return de main widget to show in the pane
+        """
+        return self.__widget
+    def setBudget(self, budget):
+        """def setBudget(self, budget)
+        budget: a base.Budget object
+        Sets the budget and the active code atributes,
+        creates the page title and the widgets in the pane and
+        shows the main widget.
+        """
+        if budget is None:
+            self.clear()
+            return
+        self.__budget = budget
+        self.setActivePathRecord((0,))
+        ## Todo: change page title
+        self.__title = gtk.Label(self.__budget.getCode(
+                       self.__active_path_record))
+        _panes_list = self.__panes_list
+        self.__main_item = self.itemsFactory(_panes_list)
+        _main_widget = self.__main_item.getWidget()
+        self.__widget.pack_start(_main_widget, True, True, 0)
+    def getBudget(self):
+        """def getBudget(self)
+        Return de budget, a "base.Budget" object.
+        """
+        return self.__budget
+    def getPanesList(self):
+        """def getPanesList(self)
+        Return the panes list, info list for create the panes.
+        """
+        return self.__panes_list
+    budget = property(getBudget, setBudget, None,
+                      "Budget to show, base.Budget object")
+    widget = property(getWidget, None, None,
+                      "Main widget showed in the pane")
+    title = property(getTitle, None, None,
+                      "Page Title")
+    panes_list = property(getPanesList, None, None,
+                      "Info list for create the panes")
+class View(object):
+    """gui.View:
+    Description:
+        It creates a view to show the budget info
+    Constructor:
+        View(view_type, budget, wr_page, path, active_path_record)
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- Paned
+    Atributes:
+        "path": the tuple that identifies the view in the main notebook page
+        "widget": the main gtk widget to show in a view object,
+            a gtk.VBox object
+        "__view_type": the object type to show
+            * DecompositionList
+            * Description
+            * Measure
+            * Sheet of conditions
+            * FileView
+            * CompanyView
+        "__wr_page": weak reference to the page where the view must be showed
+        "__budget": the budget to show
+        "__view ": the object to show:
+            * DecompositionList object
+            * Description object
+            * Measure object
+            * Sheet object
+            * FileView object
+            * Comapany View
+        "__connected": boolean value, True means that the View object sends and
+            receives signals from/to others views
+        "__connected_button": a button to switch __connected True or False
+    Methods:
+        __init__(self)
+        getItem(self, path)
+        _closeItem(self, close_button)
+        _change_combo(self, combobox)
+        propagateMessgeFrom(self, message, path, arg=None)
+        runMessage(self, message, path, arg=None)
+        getWidget(self)
+        getPath(self)
+        setPath(self)
+        getClone(self, newpath)
+        clear(self)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, view_type, budget, wr_page, path, active_path_record):
+        """def __init__(self, view_type, budget, wr_page, path,
+                        active_path_record)
+        view_type: the object type to show
+            * DecompositionList
+            * Description
+            * Measure
+            * Sheet
+            * FileView
+            * CompanyView
+        budget: the budget to show
+        wr_page: weak reference to the page where the view must be showed
+        path: the position or path of the view in the page notebook
+        active_path_record: the record path that must be showed
+        Creates and shows a new view
+        """
+        self.__active_path_record = active_path_record
+        self.__view_type = view_type
+        self.__wr_page = wr_page
+        self.__budget = budget
+        self.__path = path
+        self.__connected = True
+        # view_type liststore
+        _liststore = gtk.ListStore(str)
+        _liststore.append([_("Decomposition")]) #0
+        _liststore.append([_("Description")]) #1
+        _liststore.append([_("Measure")]) #2
+        _liststore.append([_("Sheet of Conditions")]) #3
+        _liststore.append([_("Files")]) #4
+        _liststore.append([_("Companies")]) #5
+        _combobox = gtk.ComboBox(_liststore)
+        _cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+        _combobox.pack_start(_cell, True)
+        _combobox.add_attribute(_cell, 'text', 0)
+        _vbox = gtk.VBox()
+        _toolitem = gtk.ToolItem()
+        _toolitem.set_expand(True)
+        _toolitem.add(_vbox)
+        self.__widget = gtk.Toolbar()
+        self.__widget.insert(_toolitem, 0)
+        _hbox = gtk.HBox()
+        if view_type == "DecompositionList":
+            self.__view = DecompositionList(budget, weakref.ref(self),
+                          path, active_path_record)
+            _combobox.set_active(0)
+            _view_icon = gtk.Image()
+            _view_icon.set_from_file(globals.getAppPath("DECOMPOSITION-ICON"))
+        elif view_type == "RecordDescription":
+            self.__view = Description(budget, weakref.ref(self),
+                          path, active_path_record)
+            _combobox.set_active(1)
+            _view_icon = gtk.Image()
+            _view_icon.set_from_file(globals.getAppPath("DESCRIPTION-ICON"))
+        elif view_type == "Measure":
+            self.__view = Measure(budget, weakref.ref(self),
+                          path, active_path_record)
+            _combobox.set_active(2)
+            _view_icon = gtk.Image()
+            _view_icon.set_from_file(globals.getAppPath("MEASURE-ICON"))
+        elif view_type == "Sheet of Conditions":
+            self.__view = Sheet(budget, weakref.ref(self),
+                          path, active_path_record)
+            _combobox.set_active(3)
+            _view_icon = gtk.Image()
+            _view_icon.set_from_file(globals.getAppPath("SHEET-ICON"))
+        elif view_type == "FileView":
+            self.__view = FileView(budget, weakref.ref(self),
+                          path, active_path_record)
+            _combobox.set_active(4)
+            _view_icon = gtk.Image()
+            _view_icon.set_from_file(globals.getAppPath("SHEET-ICON"))
+        elif view_type == "CompanyView":
+            self.__view = CompanyView(budget, weakref.ref(self), path,
+                          active_path_record)
+            _combobox.set_active(5)
+            _view_icon = gtk.Image()
+            _view_icon.set_from_file(globals.getAppPath("SHEET-ICON"))
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, _(utils.mapping("Invalid type of View: $1",
+                  view_type))
+        _combobox.connect("changed", self._change_combo)
+        _vbox.pack_start(_hbox,False)
+        _vbox.pack_start(self.__view.widget, True, True)
+        _hbox.pack_start(_view_icon, False, False,0)
+        _hbox.pack_start(_combobox, False, False,0)
+        _invisible = gtk.HBox()
+        _hbox.pack_start(_invisible, True, False,0)
+        _icon_menu = gtk.Image()
+        _icon_menu.set_from_file(globals.getAppPath("MENU-ICON"))
+        _menu_button = gtk.ToolButton()
+        _menu_button.set_icon_widget(_icon_menu)
+        _menu_button.connect("clicked", self._menu_view)
+        _icon_connected = gtk.Image()
+        _icon_connected.set_from_file(globals.getAppPath("CONNECTED-ICON"))
+        _hbox.pack_start(_menu_button, False, False, 0)
+        self.__connected_button = gtk.ToolButton()
+        self.__connected_button.set_icon_widget(_icon_connected)
+        self.__connected_button.connect("clicked", self._connected)
+        _hbox.pack_start(self.__connected_button, False, False, 0)
+        _icon_close = gtk.Image()
+        _icon_close.set_from_file(globals.getAppPath("CLOSE-ICON"))
+        _close_button = gtk.ToolButton()
+        _close_button.set_icon_widget(_icon_close)
+        _close_button.connect("clicked", self._closeItem)
+        _hbox.pack_start(_close_button, False, False, 0)
+    def getItem(self, path):
+        """def getItem(self, path)
+        Return itself.
+        """
+        return self
+    def _closeItem(self, close_button):
+        """_closeItem(self, widget)
+        Method connected to the "clicked" signal of the _close_button widget
+        Send the "autoclose" message to the page to close this view
+        """
+        self.propagateMessageFrom( "autoclose", self.__path)
+    def _change_combo(self, combobox):
+        """_change_combo(self, combobox)
+        Method connected to the "changed" signal of the _combobox widget
+        It changes the view type to the type selected in the combobox
+        """
+        _index = combobox.get_active()
+        _budget = self.__view.budget
+        _wr_page =
+        _path = self.__view.path
+        _path_record = self.__view.active_path_record
+        _toolitem = self.__widget.get_nth_item(0)
+        _vbox= _toolitem.get_children()[0]
+        _hbox = _vbox.get_children()[0]
+        _combobox = _hbox.get_children()[1]
+        _hbox.remove(_combobox)
+        _invisible = _hbox.get_children()[1]
+        _hbox.remove(_invisible)
+        _menu_button = _hbox.get_children()[1]
+        _hbox.remove(_menu_button)
+        _connected_button = _hbox.get_children()[1]
+        _hbox.remove(_connected_button)
+        _close_button = _hbox.get_children()[1]
+        _hbox.remove(_close_button)
+        _vbox.remove(self.__view.widget)
+        _vbox.remove(_hbox)
+        _hbox.destroy()
+        _view_icon = gtk.Image()
+        if _index == 0:
+            self.__view = DecompositionList(_budget, _wr_page, _path,
+                          _path_record)
+            _view_icon.set_from_file(globals.getAppPath("DECOMPOSITION-ICON"))
+            self.__view_type = "DecompositionList"
+        elif _index == 1:
+            self.__view = Description(_budget, _wr_page, _path,
+                         _path_record)
+            _view_icon.set_from_file(globals.getAppPath("DESCRIPTION-ICON"))
+            self.__view_type = "RecordDescription"
+        elif _index == 2:
+            self.__view = Measure(_budget, _wr_page, _path,
+                         _path_record)
+            _view_icon.set_from_file(globals.getAppPath("MEASURE-ICON"))
+            self.__view_type = "Measure"
+        elif _index == 3:
+            self.__view = Sheet(_budget, _wr_page, _path,
+                         _path_record)
+            _view_icon.set_from_file(globals.getAppPath("SHEET-ICON"))
+            self.__view_type = "Sheet of Conditions"
+        elif _index == 4:
+            self.__view = FileView(_budget, _wr_page, _path,
+                         _path_record)
+            _view_icon.set_from_file(globals.getAppPath("SHEET-ICON"))
+            self.__view_type = "FileView"
+        elif _index == 5:
+            self.__view = CompanyView(_budget, _wr_page, _path,
+                          _path_record)
+            _view_icon.set_from_file(globals.getAppPath("SHEET-ICON"))
+            self.__view_type = "CompanyView"
+        _hbox = gtk.HBox()
+        _hbox.pack_start(_view_icon, False, False,0)
+        _hbox.pack_start(_combobox, False, False,0)
+        _hbox.pack_start(_invisible, True, False,0)
+        _hbox.pack_start(_menu_button, False, False, 0)
+        _hbox.pack_start(_connected_button, False, False, 0)
+        _hbox.pack_start(_close_button, False, False, 0)
+        _vbox.pack_start(_hbox, False, False, 0)
+        _vbox.pack_start(self.__view.widget, True, True, 0)
+    def _menu_view(self, widget):
+        """_menu_view(self, widget)
+        Method connected to the "clicked" signal of the __connected_button
+        It shows a popup menu with some options
+        """
+        _menu_view = gtk.Menu()
+        _item_leftright = gtk.MenuItem("Split View Left/Right")
+        _menu_view.append(_item_leftright)
+        _item_leftright.connect_object("activate", self._split_view, "h")
+        _item_topbottom = gtk.MenuItem("Split View Top/Bottom")
+        _menu_view.append(_item_topbottom)
+        _item_topbottom.connect_object("activate", self._split_view, "v")
+        _item_close = gtk.MenuItem("close view")
+        _menu_view.append(_item_close)
+        _item_close.connect_object("activate", self._closeItem, None)
+        _menu_view.popup(None, None, None, 0, 0)
+    def _split_view(self, orientation):
+        """_menu_view(self, orientation)
+        orientation: orientation split, "h" or "v"
+        Method connected to the "activate" signal of the _item_leftright and
+        _item_topbottom menu items.
+        It sends the "split" message to the page to splits the view in the
+        specified orientation
+        """
+        self.propagateMessageFrom( "split " + orientation, self.__path)
+    def _connected(self, widget):
+        """_connected(self, widget)
+        Method connected to the "clicked" signal of the _menu_button
+        It changes the __connected atribute to True or False, if the 
+        _connected atribute is False the view do not send and receive messages
+        to/from others views
+        """
+        if self.__connected:
+            _icon = gtk.Image()
+            _icon.set_from_file(globals.getAppPath("DISCONNECTED-ICON"))
+            self.__connected_button.set_icon_widget(_icon)
+            self.__connected = False
+        else:
+            _icon = gtk.Image()
+            _icon.set_from_file(globals.getAppPath("CONNECTED-ICON"))
+            self.__connected_button.set_icon_widget(_icon)
+            self.__connected = True
+    def propagateMessageFrom(self, message, path, arg=None):
+        """def propagateMessageFrom(self, message, path, arg=None)
+        message: string message
+        path: tuple that represents the pane path which emits the message
+        arg: arguments for the message
+        The panes are connectted to this method to send messages to other panes
+        """
+        if self.__connected or message == "autoclose" or \
+           message == "split h" or message == "split v":
+            self.__wr_page().propagateMessageFrom(message, path, arg)
+    def runMessage(self, message, path, arg=None):
+        """def runMessage(self, message, path, arg=None)
+        message: the message type
+            "change_active": change the active record
+            "clear": clear instance
+        path: tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        arg: tuple whit two items:
+            0: record path in the budget
+            1: record code
+        This method receives a message and executes its corresponding action
+        """
+        if self.__connected:
+            self.__view.runMessage(message, path, arg)
+            if message == "change_active":
+                if self.__budget.hasPath(arg):
+                    _path_record = arg
+                    self.__active_path_record = _path_record
+    def getWidget(self):
+        """def getWidget(self)
+        Return de pane widget
+        """
+        return self.__widget
+    def getPath(self):
+        """def getPath(self)
+        return the tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        """
+        return self.__view.path
+    def setPath(self, path):
+        """def setPath(self)
+        set the tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        """
+        self.__path = path
+        self.__view.path = path
+    def getClone(self, new_path):
+        """getClone(self, new_path)
+        new_path: the path that identifies the clone view in the page
+        return a clone of itself
+        """
+        return View(self.__view_type, self.__budget, self.__wr_page,
+                       new_path, self.__active_path_record)
+    def clear(self):
+        """clear(self)
+        Clear the intance atributes
+        """
+        del self.__wr_page
+        del self.__budget
+        del self.__path
+        del self.__widget
+        del self.__view
+        del self.__connected
+        del self.__connected_button
+    path = property(getPath, setPath, None,
+        "path that identifies the item in the notebook page")
+    widget = property(getWidget, None, None, "View widget")
+class Paned(object):
+    """gui.Paned:
+    Description:
+    It creates and shows gtk.Hpaned or gtk.Vpaned to show in page budget
+    Constructor:
+        Paned(orientation, widget1, widget2)
+        orientation: The orientation of the pane separator, can be "v" or "h"
+        widget1: the top or left pane widget
+        widget2: the botton or right pane widget
+        Returns the newly created Paned instance
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- Paned
+    Atributes:
+        "widget": Pane widget("gtk.VPaned" or "gtk.HPaned" object)
+        "__orientation": The orientation of de gtk.Paned, can be "v" or "h"
+        "__items": list of items showed in the paned, its can be View or Paned
+            instances
+        "__path": the paned path in the page
+    Methods:
+        __init__(self)
+        __getitem__(self, item)
+        getClone(self, new_path)
+        getItem(self, path)
+        runMessage(self, messge, path, arg=None)
+        getWidget(self)
+        {get/set}Path
+        clear(self)
+    """
+    # TODO:  *control the position paned separator. Now is always 200 pixels
+    # TODO:     can be with a float(0.0-1.0) aspect ratio
+    # TODO:          0.0 no space for widget1
+    # TODO:          1.0 all the space for widget1
+    # TODO:  *control the position pane separator when the size of the window
+    # TODO:     change with the same ascpect ratio
+    def __init__(self, orientation, path, item1, item2):
+        """def __init__(self, oritentation, path, item1, item2)
+        orientation: The orientation of de gtk.Paned, can be "v" or "h"
+        path: the paned path in the page
+        item1: the top or left pane object
+        item2: the bottom or right pane object
+        Creates and shows a new gtk.Paned
+        """
+        self.__orientation = orientation
+        if not isinstance(item1.widget, gtk.Widget) or \
+           not isinstance(item2.widget, gtk.Widget):
+            raise ValueError, _("The item must be a widget object.")
+        if orientation == "v":
+            self.__widget = gtk.VPaned()
+        elif orientation == "h":
+            self.__widget = gtk.HPaned()
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, _("Invalid orientation.")
+        self.__widget.pack1(item1.widget,True,False)
+        self.__widget.pack2(item2.widget,True,False)
+        self.__widget.set_position(200)
+        self.__items = [item1, item2]
+        self.__path = path
+    def __getitem__(self, item):
+        """__getitem__(self, item)
+        Called to implement evaluation of self[key].
+        The accepted keys should be integers 0 or 1.
+        """
+        return self.__items[item]
+    def getClone(self, new_path):
+        """getClone(self, new_path)
+        Return a clone Paned instance with the path new_path
+        """
+        return Paned(self.__orientation, new_path,
+                     self.__items[0].getClone(new_path + (0,)),
+                     self.__items[1].getClone(new_path + (1,)))
+    def getItem(self,path):
+        """def getItem(self, path)
+        Return the item whith the specified path.
+        """
+        _item = self.__items[path[0]]
+        if len(path) == 1:
+            return _item
+        else:
+            return _item.getItem(path[1:])
+    def setItem(self, path, item_list):
+        """def setItem(self, path, item_list)
+        Sets the first item in the item_list whith the especified path and
+        remove the old item in this position.
+        """
+        item = item_list[0]
+        if path == 0 or path == 1:
+            _old_item = self.__items[path]
+            self.__widget.remove(_old_item.widget)
+            self.__items[path] = item
+            if path == 0:
+                self.__widget.pack1(item.widget,True,False)
+            else:
+                self.__widget.pack2(item.widget,True,False)
+            return True
+        return False
+    def runMessage(self, message, path, arg=None):
+        """def runMessage(self, message, page_path, arg=None)
+        message: the message type
+            "change_active": change the active record
+            "clear": clear instance
+        page_path: tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        arg: arguments
+        This method receives a message and send this to the items of the paned
+        """
+        for _item in self.__items:
+            if not _item.path == path:
+                _item.runMessage(message, path, arg)
+    def getWidget(self):
+        """def getWidget(self)
+        Return de gtk.Paned widget
+        """
+        return self.__widget
+    def getPath(self):
+        """def getPath(self)
+        Return de Paned path in the notebook page
+        """
+        return self.__path
+    def setPath(self, path):
+        """def setPath(self)
+        sets the tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        """
+        self.__path = path
+        self.__items[0].path = path + (0,)
+        self.__items[1].path = path + (1,)
+    def clear(self):
+        del self.__widget
+        del self.__orientation
+        del self.__items
+        del self.__path
+    widget = property(getWidget, None, None, "gtk.Paned widget")
+    path = property(getPath, setPath, None, "Pane path in the notebook page")
+class TreeView(object):
+    """gui.Treeviev:
+    Description:
+        It creates the columns in a treeview, is the base class for 
+        DescompositionList and Measure classes 
+    Constructor:
+        TreView(args)
+        args: list of tuples, the tuple items are:
+            0.type:
+                * index column
+                * float column
+                * text column
+                * calculated column
+                * calculated text
+                * type column
+            1. clicked method
+            2. width
+            3. text color
+            4. backgruound colors
+            5. model column index
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- TreeView
+    Atributes:
+        "columns": list of columns (gtk.TreeViewColumn isntances)
+    Methods:
+        __init__(self)
+        __getitem__(self, item)
+        createColumn(self, args)
+        createTextBaseColumn(self,args)
+        createBaseColumn(self,args)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, args):
+        """__init__(self, args)
+        args: list of tuples, the tuple items are:
+            0.type:
+                * index column
+                * float column
+                * text column
+                * calculated column
+                * Calculated text
+                * type column
+            1. clicked method
+            2. width
+            3. text color
+            4. backgruound colors
+            5. model column index
+        Create the columns form the args info calling creatheColumn to create
+        each column
+        """
+        self.columns = [ self.createColumn(arg) for arg in args ]
+        self.columns.append(self.createColumn(("END",)))
+    def createColumn(self, args):
+        """createColumn(self, args)
+        args: tuple with the args
+            0.type:
+                * index column
+                * float column
+                * text column
+                * calculated column
+                * calculated text
+                * type column
+            1. clicked method
+            2. width
+            3. text color
+            4. backgruound colors
+            5. model column index
+        Return a column created whith the arg info
+        """
+        if args[0] == "INDEX":
+            _index_column = self.createBaseColumn(args)
+            _text_index_cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+            _text_index_cell.set_property('foreground-gdk',
+                gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["TEXT"]))
+            _pixbuf_index_cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
+            _arrow_icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(
+                globals.getAppPath("ARROW-ICON"))
+            _pixbuf_index_cell.set_property("pixbuf", _arrow_icon)
+            _index_column.pack_start(_text_index_cell, True)
+            _index_column.pack_start(_pixbuf_index_cell, True)
+            _index_column.set_cell_data_func(_text_index_cell,
+                self.colorCell,
+                [gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["INDEX-UNEVEN"]),
+                gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["INDEX-EVEN"])])
+            return _index_column
+        elif args[0] == "TEXT":
+            _column, _cell = self.createTextBaseColumn(args)
+            _column.add_attribute(_cell, 'text', args[5])
+            return _column
+        elif args[0] == "FLOAT":
+            _column, _cell = self.createTextBaseColumn(args)
+            _column.add_attribute(_cell, 'text', args[5])
+            _column.get_cell_renderers()[0].set_property('xalign', 1.0)
+            return _column
+        elif args[0] == "CALCULATED":
+            _column, cell = self.createTextBaseColumn(args)
+            _column.get_cell_renderers()[0].set_property('xalign', 1.0)
+            return _column
+        elif args[0] == "CALCULATEDTEXT":
+            _column, cell = self.createTextBaseColumn(args)
+            return _column
+        elif args[0] == "TYPE":
+            _column = self.createBaseColumn(args)
+            _type_cell1 = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
+            _type_cell2 = gtk.CellRendererText()
+            _type_cell2.set_property('foreground-gdk', args[3])
+            _column.pack_start(_type_cell1, True)
+            _column.pack_start(_type_cell2, True)
+            _column.add_attribute(_type_cell2, 'text', args[5])
+            _column.set_cell_data_func(_type_cell1,
+                self.colorCell, args[4])
+            _column.set_cell_data_func(_type_cell2,
+                self.colorCell, args[4])
+            return _column
+        elif args[0] == "PIXBUF":
+            _column = self.createBaseColumn(args)
+            _type_cell1 = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
+            _column.pack_start(_type_cell1, True)
+            _column.set_cell_data_func(_type_cell1,
+                self.colorCell, args[4])
+            return _column
+        elif args[0] == "END":
+            _end_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn()
+            _end_column.set_clickable(False)
+            _end_cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+            _end_cell.set_property('cell-background-gdk',
+                gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["UNEVEN"]))
+            _end_column.pack_start(_end_cell, True)
+            return _end_column
+        return None
+    def createTextBaseColumn(self,args):
+        """createTextBaseColumn(self,args)
+        args: tuple with the args
+            0.type:
+                * float column
+                * text column
+                * calculated column
+                * calculated text
+            1. clicked method
+            2. width
+            3. text color
+            4. backgruound colors
+            5. model column index
+        Return a column and its CellREndererText
+        """
+        _column = self.createBaseColumn(args)
+        _cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+        _cell.set_property('foreground-gdk', args[3])
+        _column.pack_start(_cell, True)
+        _column.set_cell_data_func(_cell, self.colorCell, args[4])
+        return _column, _cell
+    def createBaseColumn(self,args):
+        """createBaseColumn(self,args)
+        args: tuple with the args
+            0.type:
+                * index column
+                * float column
+                * text column
+                * calculated column
+                * calculated text column
+                * type column
+            1. clicked method
+            2. width
+            3. text color
+            4. backgruound colors
+            5. model column index
+        Return a column
+        """
+        _column = gtk.TreeViewColumn()
+        _column.set_clickable(True)
+        _column.connect("clicked", args[1])
+        _column.set_sizing(gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED)
+        _column.set_fixed_width(args[2])
+        _column.set_resizable(True)
+        return _column
+class DecompositionList(TreeView):
+    """gui.DecompositionList:
+    Description:
+        Class to show a budget Decomposition List
+    Constructor:
+        DecompositionList(budget, page, path)
+        budget: budget showed ("base.Budget" object)
+        page: weak reference from Page instance which creates this class
+        path: tuple that represents the view path in the Page
+        Returns the newly created DecompositionList instance
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- TreeView
+        +-- DecompositionList
+    Atributes:
+        "budget": Budget to show, base.obra instance.
+        "widget or __scrolled_window": Window that contains the table,
+            (gtk.ScrolledWindow)
+        "path": Pane page identifier
+        "page": weak reference from Page instance which creates this class
+        "__active_color": background color of the active cell, a
+            gtk.gdk.Color object
+        "__chapter_background_colors": background colors of the Code
+            column cells when there is a chapter record,
+            list of gtk.gdk.Color objects [even cell, uneven cell]
+        "__methond_message": Method to send messages to the page
+        "__liststore": list model which store the list data
+            (gtk.ListStore object)
+        "__treeview": widget for displaying decomposition lists (gtk.TreeView)
+        "__index_column": Index column (gtk.TreeViewColumn object)
+        "__code_column": Record code column (gtk.TreeViewColumn)
+        "__unit_column": Unit of measure column (gtk.TreeViewColumn)
+        "__description_column": record's short description column 
+            (gtk.TreeViewColumn)
+        "__measure_column": Measure column (gtk.TreeViewColumn)
+        "__price_column": Price column (gtk.TreeViewColumn)
+        "__amount_column": Amount column(gtk.TreeViewColumn)
+        "__end_column": End empty column (gtk.TreeViewColumn)
+        "__treeselection": active selection
+        "__selection_control": state of the selection control (True/False)
+        "__cursor": cursor position in the table
+    Methods:
+        __init__(self, budget)
+        treeviewCursorChanged(self, treeview)
+        treeviewClickedEvent(self, widget, event)
+        treeviewKeyPressEvent(self, widget, event)
+        moveCursor(self, treeview, step, count)
+        controlSelection(self, selection)
+        selectAll(self, column)
+        setColumnsHeaders(self)
+        setListstoreValues(self, puntero, treeiter=None)
+        colorCell(self, column, cell_renderer, tree_model, iter, lcolor)
+        _claculateAmount(self, row_path, tree_model)
+        showParentRecord(self, column)
+        showMessageRecord(self, camino,_code):
+        showRowRecord(self, treeview, path, column)
+        runMessage(self, messagem path, arg=None)
+        _clear(self)
+        getWidget(self)
+        {get/set}Path
+        {get/seg}Page
+        getBudget(self)
+        getActivePathRecord(self)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, budget, page, path, path_record=(0,)):
+        """def __init__(self, budget, page, path)
+        budget: budget showed ("base.Budget" object)
+        page: weak reference from Page instance which creates this class
+        path: tuple that represents the path of the List in the Page
+        Sets the init atributes
+        Creates the init list values in self.__liststore from the budget 
+            showing the top record descomposition
+        Creates the list in self.__treeview
+            * Creates the columns and cell
+            * Sets te the column headers values
+            * Sets the selection properties
+            * Connects the events
+        """
+        # TODO: to group all columns in a dicctionary
+        # Budget
+        if not isinstance(budget, base.Budget):
+            raise ValueError, _("Argument must be a Budget object")
+        self.__budget = budget
+        self.__page = page
+        self.__path = path
+        # ListStore
+        self.__liststore = gtk.ListStore(object
+            #, int, int, str, str, str, str, str,str
+            )
+        if path_record is None:
+            print _("DecompositionList.__init__: Record path can not be None")
+            path_record = (0,)
+        self.__active_path_record = path_record
+        self.setListstoreValues(self.__active_path_record)
+        # Treeview
+        self.__treeview = gtk.TreeView(self.__liststore)
+        self.__treeview.set_enable_search(False)
+        self.__treeview.set_reorderable(False)
+        self.__treeview.set_headers_clickable(True)
+        # Scrolled_window
+        self.__scrolled_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+        self.__scrolled_window.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
+                                        gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+        self.__scrolled_window.add(self.__treeview)
+        # colors
+        _text_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["TEXT"])
+        _background_color = [
+            gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["UNEVEN"]),
+            gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["EVEN"])]
+        self.__chapter_background_colors = [
+            gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["CHAPTER-UNEVEN"]),
+            gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["CHAPTER-EVEN"])]
+        super(DecompositionList,self).__init__(
+            [("INDEX",self.selectAll,42),
+            ("CALCULATEDTEXT", self.showParentRecord, 
+             gtk.Label("A"*10).size_request()[0] +10,
+             _text_color, _background_color),
+            ("PIXBUF", self.showParentRecord, 26, _text_color,
+             _background_color),
+            ("CALCULATEDTEXT", self.showParentRecord,
+            gtk.Label(_("a"*4)).size_request()[0] +10,
+            _text_color, _background_color),
+            ("CALCULATEDTEXT", self.showParentRecord,
+            gtk.Label("a"*30).size_request()[0] +10,
+            _text_color, _background_color),
+            ("CALCULATED", self.showParentRecord,
+            gtk.Label("a"*10).size_request()[0] +10,
+            _text_color, _background_color),
+            ("CALCULATED", self.showParentRecord,
+            gtk.Label("a"*10).size_request()[0] +10,
+            _text_color, _background_color),
+            ("CALCULATED", self.showParentRecord,
+            gtk.Label("a"*10).size_request()[0] +10,
+            gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["CALCULATED-TEXT"]),
+            _background_color),
+            ])
+        self.__index_column = self.columns[0]
+        self.__code_column = self.columns[1]
+        self.__type_column = self.columns[2]
+        self.__unit_column = self.columns[3]
+        self.__description_column = self.columns[4]
+        self.__measure_column = self.columns[5]
+        self.__price_column = self.columns[6]
+        self.__amount_column = self.columns[7]
+        self.__end_column = self.columns[8]
+        # Index column
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__index_column)
+        # Code column
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__code_column)
+        # Type column
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__type_column)
+        self.chapter_icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(
+            globals.getAppPath("CHAPTER-ICON"))
+        self.unit_icon  = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(
+            globals.getAppPath("UNIT-ICON") )
+        self.material_icon  = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(
+            globals.getAppPath("MATERIAL-ICON") )
+        self.machinery_icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(
+            globals.getAppPath("MACHINERY-ICON"))
+        self.labourforce_icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(
+            globals.getAppPath("LABOURFORCE-ICON"))
+        self.__type_column.get_cell_renderers()[0].set_property("pixbuf",
+            self.labourforce_icon)
+        # Unit column
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__unit_column)
+        # Description column
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__description_column)
+        # Measure Column
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__measure_column)
+        # Price column
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__price_column)
+        # Amount column
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__amount_column)
+        # End Column
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__end_column)
+        # Connect
+        self.__treeview.connect("row-activated", self.showRowRecord)
+        self.__treeview.connect("move-cursor", self.moveCursor)
+        self.__treeview.connect("key-press-event", self.treeviewKeyPressEvent)
+        self.__treeview.connect("button-press-event", self.treeviewClickedEvent)
+        self.__treeview.connect("cursor-changed", self.treeviewCursorChanged)
+        # control selection
+        self.__treeselection = self.__treeview.get_selection()
+        self.__treeselection.set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_MULTIPLE)
+        self.__treeselection.set_select_function(self.controlSelection)
+        self.__selection_control = True
+        if len(self.__liststore) > 0:
+            self.__treeview.set_cursor_on_cell((0,),self.__unit_column,
+                self.__unit_column.get_cell_renderers()[0],True)
+        self.__treeview.grab_focus()
+        self.__cursor = self.__treeview.get_cursor()
+        # Show
+        self.setColumnsHeaders()
+    def treeviewCursorChanged(self, treeview):
+        """def treeviewCursorChanged(self, treeview)
+        treeview: treewiew widget
+        Method connected to "cursor-changed" signal
+        The "cursor-changed" signal is emitted when the cursor moves or is set
+        Sets the new cursor position in self.__cursor, it is used to avoid 
+        unnecessary changes in cursor position.
+        """
+        event = gtk.get_current_event()
+        (_cursor_path, _column) = treeview.get_cursor()
+        if event is None or event.type !=  gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE:
+            if not _column is self.__index_column:
+                self.__cursor = treeview.get_cursor()
+    def treeviewClickedEvent(self, widget, event):
+        """def treeviewClickedEvent(self, widget, event)
+        widget: treewiew widget
+        event: clicked event
+        Method connected to "button-press-event" signal
+        The "button-press-event" signal is emitted when a mouse button is
+        pressed.
+        Returns TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
+        Returns FALSE to propagate the event further.
+        The events in end column are ignored.
+        If the user click in a row of the index column the cursor is moved to
+        this row but not to the index column
+        """
+        if event.button == 1:
+            path_at_pos = self.__treeview.get_path_at_pos(int(event.x),
+                                                        int(event.y))
+            if not path_at_pos is None: 
+                _path_cursor, _column, _x, _y = path_at_pos
+                if _column == self.columns[-1]:
+                    return True
+                if _column is self.columns[0]:
+                    self.__cursor[0] == _path_cursor
+        return False
+    def treeviewKeyPressEvent(self, widget, event):
+        """def treeviewKeyPressEvent(self, widget, event)
+        widget: treewiew widget
+        event: Key Press event
+        Method connected to "key-press-event" signal
+        The "key-press-event" signal is emitted when the user presses a key
+        on the keyboard.
+        Returns :TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
+        Returns :FALSE to propagate the event further.
+        If the user press the right cursor button and the cursor is in the
+        amount column or pres the left cursor button and the cursor is
+        in the code column the event is estoped, else the event is propagated. 
+        """
+        (_cursor_path, _column) = self.__treeview.get_cursor()
+        if (event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Right \
+            and _column == self.columns[-2]) \
+            or (event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Left \
+            and _column == self.columns[1]):
+            return True
+        return False
+    def moveCursor(self, treeview, step, count):
+        """def treeviewKeyPressEvent(self, widget, event)
+        treeview: the treeview that received the signal
+        step: the movement step size
+        count: the number of steps to take
+        Method connected to "move-cursor" signal
+        The "move-cursor" signal is emitted when the user moves the cursor
+        using the Right, Left, Up or Down arrow keys or the Page Up,
+        Page Down, Home and End keys.
+        Returns :TRUE if the signal was handled.
+        """
+        return False
+    def controlSelection(self, selection):
+        """def controlSelection(self, selection)
+        selection: treeselection
+        Method connected to set_selection_function() 
+        This method is called before any node is selected or unselected,
+        giving some control over which nodes are selected.
+        The selection function should return TRUE if the state
+        of the node may be toggled, and FALSE if the state of the node should
+        be left unchanged.
+        The selection only run if the user click in the index column, else
+        the previous selection is erased.
+        """
+        _column = self.__treeview.get_cursor()[1]
+        if _column is self.columns[0] \
+            or self.__selection_control == False:
+            return True
+        else:
+            self.__selection_control = False
+            self.__treeselection.unselect_all()
+            self.__selection_control = True
+            return False
+    def selectAll(self, column):
+        """def selectAll(self, column)
+        column: index column
+        Method connected to "clicked" event in the index column
+        If the user clickes in the index column header selecs or deselects 
+        all rows
+        """
+        (_model, _pathlist) = self.__treeselection.get_selected_rows()
+        # it avoid to set cursor in the index column
+        self.__treeview.set_cursor(self.__cursor[0], self.__cursor[1])
+        self.__selection_control = False
+        if len(_pathlist) == 0:
+            # select all
+            self.__treeselection.select_all()
+        else:
+            # unselect all
+            self.__treeselection.unselect_all()
+        self.__selection_control = True
+    def setColumnsHeaders(self):
+        """def setColumnsHeaders(self)
+        Sets the headers column values
+        """
+        _path_record = self.__active_path_record
+        _number = _path_record[-1]
+        _budget = self.__budget
+        _code = _budget.getCode(_path_record)
+        _decomposition = _budget.getDecomposition(_path_record)
+        _stryield = _budget.getStrYield(_decomposition.budgetMeasures[0],
+                                        _budget.getRecord(_code).recordType)
+        _record = _budget.getRecord(_code)
+        _unit = _record.unit
+        _description = _record.summary
+        _price = _budget.getStrPriceFromRecord(self.budget.getActiveTitle(),
+                                               _record)
+        # TODO: round to decimal places in amount
+        _amount = float(_stryield) * float(_price)
+        if len(_path_record) == 1: # root record
+            _amount = _price
+        else:
+            _parent_code = self.budget.getCode(self.__active_path_record[:-1])
+            _parent_record = self.__budget.getRecord(_parent_code)
+            _amount = _budget.getStrAmount(self.__active_path_record)
+        self.__code_column.set_title(_("Code") + chr(10) + "[" + _code + "]")
+        self.__unit_column.set_title(_("Unit") + chr(10) + "[" + _unit + "]")
+        self.__description_column.set_title(
+           _("Description") + chr(10) + "[" + _description + "]")
+        self.__measure_column.set_title(
+            _("Measure") + chr(10) + "[" + _stryield + "]")
+        self.__price_column.set_title(
+            _("Price") + chr(10) + "[" + _price + "]")
+        self.__amount_column.set_title(
+            _("Amount") + chr(10) + "[" + str(_amount) + "]")
+    def setListstoreValues(self, path_record):
+        """def setListstoreValues(self, path_record)
+        path_record: Record path in the budget
+        Sets the liststore record values from a path record
+        """
+        self.__liststore.clear()
+        _budget = self.__budget
+        if not _budget.hasPath(path_record):
+            raise ValueError, _("Invalid path")
+        else:
+            _parent_code = _budget.getCode(path_record)
+            for N,_code in enumerate(_budget.getchildren(_parent_code)):
+                _decomposition = _budget.getNDecomposition(_parent_code, N)
+                _record = _budget.getRecord(_code)
+                _values = [_record,
+                           #_record.hierarchy,
+                           #_record.type,
+                           #_record.subtype,
+                           #_code,
+                           #_record.unit,
+                           #_record.summary,
+                           #_decomposition.yield_,
+                           #_decomposition.budget[0].yield_,
+                           #_record.prices[_budget.getActiveTitle()].prices]
+                           #_record.getPrice(_budget.getActiveTitle())
+                           ]
+                _treeiter = self.__liststore.append(_values)
+    def colorCell(self, column, cell_renderer, tree_model, iter, lcolor):
+        """def colorCell(self, column, cell_renderer, tree_model, iter, lcolor)
+        column: the gtk.TreeViewColumn in the treeview
+        cell_renderer: a gtk.CellRenderer
+        tree_model: the gtk.TreeModel
+        iter: gtk.TreeIter pointing at the row
+        lcolor: list with 2 gtk colors for even and uneven record
+        Method connected to "set_cell_data_func" of many column
+        The set_cell_data_func() method sets the data function (or method) 
+        to use for the column gtk.CellRenderer specified by cell_renderer.
+        This function (or method) is used instead of the standard attribute
+        mappings for setting the column values, and should set the attributes
+        of the cell renderer as appropriate. func may be None to remove the
+        current data function. The signature of func is:
+        -def celldatafunction(column, cell, model, iter, user_data)
+        -def celldatamethod(self, column, cell, model, iter, user_data)
+        where column is the gtk.TreeViewColumn in the treeview, cell is the
+        gtk.CellRenderer for column, model is the gtk.TreeModel for the
+        treeview and iter is the gtk.TreeIter pointing at the row.
+        The method sets cell background color and text for all columns.
+        """
+        _row_path = tree_model.get_path(iter)
+        _number = _row_path[-1]
+        _record = tree_model[_row_path][0]
+        if column is self.__index_column:
+            cell_renderer.set_property('text', str(_number + 1))
+            self.__index_column.get_cell_renderers()[1].set_property(
+                'cell-background-gdk', lcolor[_number % 2])
+        elif column is self.__code_column:
+            # if the record is a chapter
+            if tree_model.get_value(iter, 0).recordType.hierarchy == 1: 
+                lcolor = self.__chapter_background_colors
+            _code = _record.code
+            cell_renderer.set_property('text', _code)
+        elif column is self.__unit_column:
+            _unit = _record.unit
+            cell_renderer.set_property('text', _unit)
+        elif column is self.__description_column:
+            _summary = _record.summary
+            cell_renderer.set_property('text', _summary)
+        elif column is self.__measure_column:
+            _parent_code = self.budget.getCode(self.__active_path_record)
+            _parent_record = self.__budget.getRecord(_parent_code)
+            _decomposition = _parent_record.children[_number]
+            _stryield = self.__budget.getStrYield(
+                _decomposition.budgetMeasures[0], _parent_record.recordType)
+            cell_renderer.set_property('text', _stryield)
+        elif column is self.__price_column:
+            _price = self.budget.getStrPriceFromRecord(
+                       self.budget.getActiveTitle(), _record)
+            cell_renderer.set_property('text', _price)
+        elif column is self.__amount_column:
+            _parent_code = self.budget.getCode(self.__active_path_record)
+            _parent_record = self.__budget.getRecord(_parent_code)
+            _amount = self.budget.getStrAmount(
+                        self.__active_path_record + (_number,))
+            cell_renderer.set_property('text', str(_amount))
+        elif column is self.__type_column:
+            _hierarchy = tree_model[_row_path][0].recordType.hierarchy
+            _type = tree_model[_row_path][0].recordType.type
+            _subtype = tree_model[_row_path][0].recordType.subtype
+            if _hierarchy == 1:
+                cell_renderer.set_property("pixbuf",self.chapter_icon)
+            else:
+                if _type == 0:
+                    cell_renderer.set_property("pixbuf",self.unit_icon)
+                elif _type == 1:
+                    cell_renderer.set_property("pixbuf",
+                        self.labourforce_icon)
+                elif _type == 2:
+                    cell_renderer.set_property("pixbuf",
+                        self.machinery_icon)
+                else:
+                    cell_renderer.set_property("pixbuf",self.material_icon)
+        if self.__treeview.get_cursor() == (_row_path,column):
+            cell_renderer.set_property('cell-background-gdk',
+                gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["ACTIVE"]))
+        else:
+            cell_renderer.set_property('cell-background-gdk',
+                lcolor[_number % 2])
+    def showParentRecord(self, column):
+        """def showParentRecord(self, column)
+        column: the column that is clicked
+        Method connected to "clicked" event of many columns
+        Show the parent record
+        """
+        _budget = self.__budget
+        if len(self.__active_path_record) == 1:
+            # The active record is the root record
+            # This avoid to move the cursor to the clicked column
+            self.__treeview.set_cursor(self.__cursor[0], self.__cursor[1])
+        else:
+            _path_record = self.__active_path_record[:-1]
+            _parent = self.__active_path_record[-1]
+            self.__active_path_record = _path_record
+            self.setColumnsHeaders()
+            self.setListstoreValues(self.__active_path_record)
+            arg = ( _path_record )
+            _page = self.__page()
+            _page.propagateMessageFrom("change_active", self.__path, arg)
+            self.__treeview.set_cursor(_parent, self.__cursor[1])
+            self.__cursor = self.__treeview.get_cursor()
+    def showMessageRecord(self, record_path):
+        """def showMessageRecord(self, record_path)
+        record_path: the path of  the record to show
+        Method connected to "change_active" message
+        Show the record especified in the "change_active" message
+        """
+        _budget = self.__budget
+        self.__active_path_record = record_path
+        self.setColumnsHeaders()
+        self.setListstoreValues(self.__active_path_record)
+        self.__treeview.set_cursor((0,))
+    def showRowRecord(self, treeview, treeview_path, column):
+        """def showRowRecord(self, treeview, treeview_path, column)
+        treeview: treview to show
+        treeview_path: the path of the record to show
+        code: the code of the record to show
+        Method connected to "row-activated" event
+        The "row-activated" signal is emitted when the row_activated() method
+        is called or the user double clicks a treeview row.
+        "row-activated" is also emitted when a non-editable row is selected
+        and one of the keys: Space, Shift+Space, Return or Enter is pressed.
+        Show the especified record
+        """
+        if not (column is self.__end_column) and \
+           not (column is self.__index_column):
+            _budget = self.__budget
+            _model = treeview.get_model()
+            _iter = _model.get_iter(treeview_path)
+            _code = _model.get_value(_iter, 0).code
+            #_code = _model.get_value(_iter, 4)
+            _path_record = self.__active_path_record + treeview_path
+            if self.__budget.hasPath(_path_record):
+                # if this record path is valid
+                self.__active_path_record = _path_record
+                self.setColumnsHeaders()
+                self.setListstoreValues(self.__active_path_record)
+                self.__treeview.set_cursor((0,))
+                _arg = ( _path_record )
+                _page = self.__page()
+                _page.propagateMessageFrom("change_active", self.__path,
+                                       _arg )
+    def runMessage(self, message, path, arg=None):
+        """def runMessage(self, message, path, arg=None)
+        message: the message type
+            "change_active": change the active record
+            "clear": clear instance
+        path: tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        arg: tuple whit two items:
+            0: record path in the budget
+            1: record code
+        This method receives a message and executes its corresponding action
+        """
+        _budget = self.__budget
+        if message == "change_active":
+            if _budget.hasPath(arg):
+                _path_record = arg
+                self.showMessageRecord( _path_record)
+        elif message == "clear":
+            self._clear()
+    def _clear(self):
+        """def _clear(self)
+        it deletes the __budget value
+        this would not be necessary if there were not circular references,
+        which are pending to fix
+        """
+        del self.__budget 
+    def getWidget(self):
+        """def getWidget(self)
+        return the main widget (gtk.ScrolledWindow)
+        """
+        return self.__scrolled_window
+    def getPath(self):
+        """def getPath(self)
+        return the tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        """
+        return self.__path
+    def setPath(self, path):
+        """def setPath(self)
+        sets the tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        """
+        self.__path = path
+    def getPage(self):
+        """def getPage(self)
+        return the Page
+        """
+        return self.__page
+    def setPage(self,page):
+        """def setPage(self)
+        set the Page
+        """
+        self.__page = page
+    def getBudget(self):
+        """def getBudget(self)
+        return the Budget objet
+        """
+        return self.__budget
+    def getActivePathRecord(self):
+        """def getActivePathRecord(self)
+        return the Active Path Record
+        """
+        return self.__active_path_record
+    widget = property(getWidget, None, None,
+        "Pane configuration list")
+    path = property(getPath, setPath, None,
+        "path that identifie the item in the page notebook")
+    page = property(getPage, setPage, None,
+        "weak reference from Page instance which creates this class")
+    budget =  property(getBudget, None, None,
+        "Budget object")
+    active_path_record =  property(getActivePathRecord, None, None,
+        "Active path record")
+class Measure(TreeView):
+    """gui.Measure:
+    Description:
+        Class to show a Measure List
+    Constructor:
+        Measure(budget, page, path)
+        budget: budget showed ("base.Budget" object)
+        page: weak reference from Page instance which creates this class
+        path: tuple that represents the path of the List in the Page
+        Returns the newly created DecompositionList instance
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- TreeView
+        +-- DecompositionList
+    Atributes:
+        "budget": Budget to show, base.obra instance.
+        "__active_path_record": path of the active record in the budget
+        "widget or __scrolled_window": Window that contains the table,
+            (gtk.ScrolledWindow)
+        "path": Pane page identifier
+        "page": weak reference from Page instance which creates this class
+        "__active_color": The background color of the active cell as a
+            gtk.gdk.Color object
+        "__chapter_background_colors": The background colors of the Code
+            column cells when there is a chapter record
+            as a list of gtk.gdk.Color objects [even cell, uneven cell]
+        "__methond_message": Method to send messages to the page
+        "__liststore": list model which store the list data
+            (gtk.ListStore object)
+        "__treeview": widget for displaying decomposition lists (gtk.TreeView)
+        "__index_column": Index column (gtk.TreeViewColumn object)
+        "__code_column": Record code column (gtk.TreeViewColumn)
+        "__unit_column": Unit of measure column (gtk.TreeViewColumn)
+        "__description_column": record's short description column 
+            (gtk.TreeViewColumn)
+        "__measure_column": Measure column (gtk.TreeViewColumn)
+        "__price_column": Price column (gtk.TreeViewColumn)
+        "__amount_column": Amount column(gtk.TreeViewColumn)
+        "__end_column": End empty column (gtk.TreeViewColumn)
+        "__treeselection": active selection
+        "__selection_control": state of the selection control (True/False)
+        "__cursor": Situation of the cursor in the table
+    Methods:
+        __init__(self, budget, page, path, path_record=(0,))
+        setListstoreValues(self, path_record)
+        setColumnsHeaders(self)
+        controlSelection(self, selection)
+        showMessageRecord(self, record_path)
+        treeviewCursorChanged(self, treeview)
+        moveCursor(self, treeview, step, count)
+        treeviewClickedEvent(self, widget, event)
+        treeviewKeyPressEvent(self, widget, event)
+        runMessage(self, message, path, arg=None)
+        selectAll(self, column)
+        colorCell(self, column, cell_renderer, tree_model, iter, lcolor)
+        _clear(self)
+        getWidget(self)
+        {get/set}Path
+        {get/set}Page
+        getBudget(self)
+        getActivePathRecord(self)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, budget, page, path, path_record=(0,)):
+        """def __init__(self, budget, page, path, path_record=(0,))
+        budget: budget: budget showed ("base.Budget" object)
+        page: weak reference from Page instance which creates this class
+        path: tuple that represents the path of the List in the Page
+        path_record: path of the active record in the budget
+        Sets the init atributes
+        Creates the init list values in self.__liststore from the budget 
+            showing the top record from the record with path path_record
+        Creates the list in self.__treeview
+            * Creates the columns and cell
+            * Sets te the column headers values
+            * Sets the selection properties
+            * Connects the events
+        """
+        # Seting init args
+        if not isinstance(budget, base.Budget):
+            raise ValueError, _("Argument must be a Budget object")
+        self.__budget = budget
+        self.__page = page
+        self.__path = path
+        if not isinstance(path_record, tuple):
+            print _("Record path must be a tuple")
+            path_record = (0,)
+        self.__active_path_record = path_record
+        # ListStore
+        self.__liststore = gtk.ListStore(object)
+        self.setListstoreValues(self.__active_path_record)
+        # Treeview
+        self.__treeview = gtk.TreeView(self.__liststore)
+        self.__treeview.set_enable_search(False)
+        self.__treeview.set_reorderable(False)
+        self.__treeview.set_headers_clickable(True)
+        # Scrolled_window
+        self.__scrolled_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+        self.__scrolled_window.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
+            gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+        self.__scrolled_window.add(self.__treeview)
+        # colors
+        _text_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["TEXT"])
+        _calculated_text =gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["CALCULATED-TEXT"])
+        _background_color = [
+            gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["UNEVEN"]),
+            gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["EVEN"])]
+        self.__chapter_background_colors = [
+            gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["CHAPTER-UNEVEN"]),
+            gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["CHAPTER-EVEN"])]
+        super(Measure,self).__init__(
+            [("INDEX",self.selectAll,42),
+            ("PIXBUF", self.passMethod,
+             gtk.Label("A"*4).size_request()[0] +10,
+             _text_color, _background_color),
+            ("CALCULATEDTEXT", self.passMethod, 
+             gtk.Label("A"*12).size_request()[0] +10,
+             _text_color, _background_color),
+            ("CALCULATED", self.passMethod, 
+             gtk.Label("A"*5).size_request()[0] +10,
+             _text_color, _background_color),
+            ("CALCULATED", self.passMethod, 
+             gtk.Label("A"*7).size_request()[0] +10,
+             _text_color, _background_color),
+            ("CALCULATED", self.passMethod, 
+             gtk.Label("A"*7).size_request()[0] +10,
+             _text_color, _background_color),
+            ("CALCULATED", self.passMethod, 
+             gtk.Label("A"*7).size_request()[0] +10,
+             _text_color, _background_color),
+            ("CALCULATEDTEXT", self.passMethod, 
+             gtk.Label("A"*12).size_request()[0] +10,
+             _text_color, _background_color),
+            ("CALCULATED", self.passMethod, 
+             gtk.Label("A"*7).size_request()[0] +10,
+             _calculated_text, _background_color),
+            ("CALCULATED", self.passMethod, 
+             gtk.Label("A"*7).size_request()[0] +10,
+             _calculated_text, _background_color),
+            ])
+        self.__index_column = self.columns[0]
+        self.__linetype_column = self.columns[1]
+        self.__comment_column = self.columns[2]
+        self.__units_column = self.columns[3]
+        self.__length_column = self.columns[4]
+        self.__width_column = self.columns[5]
+        self.__height_column = self.columns[6]
+        self.__formula_column = self.columns[7]
+        self.__parcial_column = self.columns[8]
+        self.__subtotal_column = self.columns[9]
+        self.__end_column = self.columns[10]
+        # Index column
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__index_column)
+        # Linetype column
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__linetype_column)
+        self.calculatedline_icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(
+            globals.getAppPath("CALCULATEDLINE-ICON"))
+        self.normalline_icon  = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(
+            globals.getAppPath("NORMALLINE-ICON") )
+        self.parcialline_icon  = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(
+            globals.getAppPath("PARCIALLINE-ICON") )
+        self.acumulatedline_icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(
+            globals.getAppPath("ACUMULATEDLINE-ICON"))
+        # Comment column
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__comment_column)
+        # Units column
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__units_column)
+        # Length column
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__length_column)
+        # Width_column
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__width_column)
+        # Height column
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__height_column)
+        # Formula column
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__formula_column)
+        # Parcial column
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__parcial_column)
+        # Subtotal column
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__subtotal_column)
+        # End Column
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__end_column)
+        # Connect
+        self.__treeview.connect("move-cursor", self.moveCursor)
+        self.__treeview.connect("key-press-event", self.treeviewKeyPressEvent)
+        self.__treeview.connect("button-press-event", self.treeviewClickedEvent)
+        self.__treeview.connect("cursor-changed", self.treeviewCursorChanged)
+        # control selection
+        self.__treeselection = self.__treeview.get_selection()
+        self.__treeselection.set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_MULTIPLE)
+        self.__treeselection.set_select_function(self.controlSelection)
+        self.__selection_control = True
+        self.__treeview.set_cursor_on_cell((1,), self.columns[1],
+            self.columns[1].get_cell_renderers()[0],True)
+        self.__treeview.grab_focus()
+        self.__cursor = self.__treeview.get_cursor()
+        # Show
+        self.setColumnsHeaders()
+    def passMethod(self, args):
+        pass
+    def setListstoreValues(self, path_record):
+        """def setListstoreValues(self, path_record)
+        path_record: Record path in the budget
+        Sets the liststore record values from a path record
+        """
+        self.__liststore.clear()
+        _budget = self.__budget
+        if not _budget.hasPath(path_record):
+            raise ValueError, _("Invalid path")
+        else:
+            _measure = _budget.getMeasure(path_record)
+            if isinstance(_measure, base.Measure):
+                _lines = _measure.lines
+                for _line in _lines:
+                    _values = [
+                        _line,
+##                        _line.type,
+##                        _line.comment,
+##                        _line.units,
+##                        _line.length,
+##                        _line.width,
+##                        _line.height
+                        ]
+                    _treeiter = self.__liststore.append(_values)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("measure must be a Measure "\
+                      "object. Type: $1"), (type(_measure),))
+    def setColumnsHeaders(self):
+        """def setColumnsHeaders(self)
+        Sets the headers column values
+        """
+        _measure = self.__budget.getMeasure(self.__active_path_record)
+        _DS = self.__budget.getDecimals("DS")
+        _total = _measure.measure
+        _total_str = ("%." + str(_DS) + "f" ) % _total
+        self.columns[1].set_title(_("Type"))  # Σ parcial Σ total
+        self.columns[2].set_title(_("Comment"))
+        self.columns[3].set_title(_("N\n(a)"))
+        self.columns[4].set_title(_("Length\n(b)"))
+        self.columns[5].set_title(_("Width\n(c)"))
+        self.columns[6].set_title(_("Height\n(d)"))
+        self.columns[7].set_title(_("Formula"))
+        self.columns[8].set_title(_("Parcial\n[%s]" % _total_str))
+        self.columns[9].set_title(_("Subtotal"))
+    def controlSelection(self, selection):
+        """def controlSelection(self, selection)
+        selection: treeselection
+        Method connected to set_selection_function() 
+        This method is called before any node is selected or unselected,
+        giving some control over which nodes are selected.
+        The selection function should return TRUE if the state
+        of the node may be toggled, and FALSE if the state of the node should
+        be left unchanged.
+        The selection only run if the user click in the index column, else
+        the previous selection is erased.
+        """
+        _column = self.__treeview.get_cursor()[1]
+        if _column is self.columns[0] \
+            or self.__selection_control == False:
+            return True
+        else:
+            self.__selection_control = False
+            self.__treeselection.unselect_all()
+            self.__selection_control = True
+            return False 
+    def showMessageRecord(self, record_path):
+        """def showMessageRecord(self, record_path)
+        record_path: the path of the record to show
+        Method connected to "change_active" message
+        Show the record especified in the "change_active" message
+        """
+        _budget = self.__budget
+        self.__active_path_record = record_path
+        self.setColumnsHeaders()
+        self.setListstoreValues(self.__active_path_record)
+        self.__treeview.set_cursor((0,))
+    def treeviewCursorChanged(self, treeview):
+        """def treeviewCursorChanged(self, treeview)
+        treeview: treewiew widget
+        Method connected to "cursor-changed" signal
+        The "cursor-changed" signal is emitted when the cursor moves or is set
+        Sets the new cursor position in self.__cursor, it is used to avoid 
+        unnecessary changes in cursor position.
+        """
+        event = gtk.get_current_event()
+        (_cursor_path, _column) = treeview.get_cursor()
+        if event is None or event.type !=  gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE:
+            if not _column is self.__index_column:
+                self.__cursor = treeview.get_cursor()
+    def moveCursor(self, treeview, step, count):
+        """def treeviewKeyPressEvent(self, widget, event)
+        treeview: the treeview that received the signal
+        step: the movement step size
+        count: the number of steps to take
+        Method connected to "move-cursor" signal
+        The "move-cursor" signal is emitted when the user moves the cursor
+        using the Right, Left, Up or Down arrow keys or the Page Up,
+        Page Down, Home and End keys.
+        Returns :TRUE if the signal was handled.
+        """
+        return False
+    def treeviewClickedEvent(self, widget, event):
+        """def treeviewClickedEvent(self, widget, event)
+        widget: treewiew widget
+        event: clicked event
+        Method connected to "button-press-event" signal
+        The "button-press-event" signal is emitted when a mouse button is
+        pressed.
+        Returns TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
+        Returns FALSE to propagate the event further.
+        The events in end column are ignored.
+        If the user click in a row of the index column the cursor is moved to
+        this row but not to the index column
+        """
+        if event.button == 1:
+            path_at_pos = self.__treeview.get_path_at_pos(int(event.x),
+                                                        int(event.y))
+            if not path_at_pos is None: 
+                _path_cursor, _column, _x, _y = path_at_pos
+                if _column == self.columns[-1]:
+                    return True
+                if _column is self.columns[0]:
+                    self.__cursor[0] == _path_cursor
+        return False
+    def treeviewKeyPressEvent(self, widget, event):
+        """def treeviewKeyPressEvent(self, widget, event)
+        widget: treewiew widget
+        event: Key Press event
+        Method connected to "key-press-event" signal
+        The "key-press-event" signal is emitted when the user presses a key
+        on the keyboard.
+        Returns :TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
+        Returns :FALSE to propagate the event further.
+        If the user press the right cursor button and the cursor is in the
+        amount column or pres the left cursor button and the cursor is
+        in the code column the event is estoped, else the event is propagated. 
+        """
+        (_cursor_path, _column) = self.__treeview.get_cursor()
+        if (event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Right \
+            and _column == self.columns[-2]) \
+            or (event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Left \
+            and _column == self.columns[1]):
+            return True
+        return False
+    def runMessage(self, message, path, arg=None):
+        """def runMessage(self, message, path, arg=None)
+        message: the message type
+            "change_active": change the active record
+            "clear": clear instance
+        path: tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        arg: tuple whit two items:
+            0: record path in the budget
+            1: record code
+        This method receives a message and executes its corresponding action
+        """
+        _budget = self.__budget
+        if message == "change_active":
+            if _budget.hasPath(arg):
+                _path_record = arg
+                self.showMessageRecord( _path_record)
+        elif message == "clear":
+            self._clear()
+    def selectAll(self, column):
+        """def selectAll(self, column)
+        column: index column
+        Method connected to "clicked" event in the index column
+        If the user clickes in the index column header selecs or deselects 
+        all rows
+        """
+        (_model, _pathlist) = self.__treeselection.get_selected_rows()
+        # it avoid to set cursor in the index column
+        self.__treeview.set_cursor(self.__cursor[0], self.__cursor[1])
+        self.__selection_control = False
+        if len(_pathlist) == 0:
+            # select all
+            self.__treeselection.select_all()
+        else:
+            # unselect all
+            self.__treeselection.unselect_all()
+        self.__selection_control = True
+    def colorCell(self, column, cell_renderer, tree_model, iter, lcolor):
+        """def colorCell(self, column, cell_renderer, tree_model, iter, lcolor)
+        column: the gtk.TreeViewColumn in the treeview
+        cell_renderer: a gtk.CellRenderer
+        tree_model: the gtk.TreeModel
+        iter: gtk.TreeIter pointing at the row
+        lcolor: list with 2 gtk colors for even and uneven record
+        Method connected to "set_cell_data_func" of many column
+        The set_cell_data_func() method sets the data function (or method) 
+        to use for the column gtk.CellRenderer specified by cell_renderer.
+        This function (or method) is used instead of the standard attribute
+        mappings for setting the column values, and should set the attributes
+        of the cell renderer as appropriate. func may be None to remove the
+        current data function. The signature of func is:
+        -def celldatafunction(column, cell, model, iter, user_data)
+        -def celldatamethod(self, column, cell, model, iter, user_data)
+        where column is the gtk.TreeViewColumn in the treeview, cell is the
+        gtk.CellRenderer for column, model is the gtk.TreeModel for the
+        treeview and iter is the gtk.TreeIter pointing at the row.
+        The method sets cell background color for all columns
+        and text for index and amount columns.
+        """
+        _row_path = tree_model.get_path(iter)
+        _number = _row_path[-1]
+        if column is self.__index_column:
+            cell_renderer.set_property('text', str(_number + 1))
+            self.__index_column.get_cell_renderers()[1].set_property(
+                'cell-background-gdk', lcolor[_number % 2])
+        elif column is self.__linetype_column:
+            _measure = tree_model[_row_path][0]
+            _type = _measure.lineType
+            if _type == 0:
+                cell_renderer.set_property("pixbuf",self.normalline_icon)
+            elif _type == 1:
+                cell_renderer.set_property("pixbuf",self.parcialline_icon)
+            elif _type == 2:
+                cell_renderer.set_property("pixbuf",
+                        self.acumulatedline_icon)
+            else: #elif _type == 3:
+                cell_renderer.set_property("pixbuf",
+                        self.calculatedline_icon)
+        elif column is self.__comment_column:
+            _measure = tree_model[_row_path][0]
+            _comment = str(_measure.comment)
+            cell_renderer.set_property('text', _comment)
+        elif column is self.__units_column:
+            _measure = tree_model[_row_path][0]
+            _units = _measure.units
+            if isinstance(_units, float):
+                _DN = self.__budget.getDecimals("DN")
+                _units = ("%." + str(_DN) + "f" ) % _units
+            cell_renderer.set_property('text', _units)
+        elif column is self.__length_column:
+            _measure = tree_model[_row_path][0]
+            _length = _measure.length
+            if isinstance(_length, float):
+                _DD = self.__budget.getDecimals("DD")
+                _length = ("%." + str(_DD) + "f" ) % _length
+            cell_renderer.set_property('text', _length)
+        elif column is self.__width_column:
+            _measure = tree_model[_row_path][0]
+            _width = _measure.width
+            if isinstance(_width, float):
+                _DD = self.__budget.getDecimals("DD")
+                _width = ("%." + str(_DD) + "f" ) % _width
+            cell_renderer.set_property('text', _width)
+        elif column is self.__height_column:
+            _measure = tree_model[_row_path][0]
+            _height = _measure.height
+            if isinstance(_height, float):
+                _DD = self.__budget.getDecimals("DD")
+                _height = ("%." + str(_DD) + "f" ) % _height
+            cell_renderer.set_property('text', _height)
+        elif column is self.__formula_column:
+            _measure = tree_model[_row_path][0]
+            _formula = _measure.formula
+            cell_renderer.set_property('text', _formula)
+        elif column is self.__parcial_column:
+            _measure_line = tree_model[_row_path][0]
+            _parcial = _measure_line.parcial
+            _type = _measure_line.lineType
+            if _type == 1 or _type == 2:
+                _parcial = ""
+            else:
+                if isinstance(_parcial, float):
+                    _DS = self.__budget.getDecimals("DS")
+                    _parcial = ("%." + str(_DS) + "f" ) % _parcial
+            cell_renderer.set_property('text', _parcial)
+        elif column is self.__subtotal_column:
+            _measure_line = tree_model[_row_path][0]
+            _type = _measure_line.lineType
+            if _type == 1 or _type == 2:
+                if _type == 1:
+                    _color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(
+                               globals.color["SUBTOTAL-PARCIAL"])
+                    _subtotal = _measure_line.parcial_subtotal
+                else: #elif _type == 2:
+                    _color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["SUBTOTAL"])
+                    _subtotal = _measure_line.acumulated_subtotal
+                lcolor = [_color, _color]
+                if isinstance(_subtotal, float):
+                    _DS = self.__budget.getDecimals("DS")
+                    _subtotal= ("%." + str(_DS) + "f" ) % _subtotal
+                cell_renderer.set_property('text', _subtotal)
+            else:
+                cell_renderer.set_property('text', "")
+        if self.__treeview.get_cursor() == (_row_path,column):
+            cell_renderer.set_property('cell-background-gdk',
+                gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["ACTIVE"]))
+        else:
+            cell_renderer.set_property('cell-background-gdk',
+                lcolor[_number % 2])
+    def _clear(self):
+        """def _clear(self)
+        it deletes the __budget value
+        this would not be necessary if there were not circular references,
+        which are pending to fix
+        """
+        del self.__budget
+    def getWidget(self):
+        """def getWidget(self)
+        return the main widget (gtk.ScrolledWindow)
+        """
+        return self.__scrolled_window
+    def getPath(self):
+        """def getPath(self)
+        return the tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        """
+        return self.__path
+    def setPath(self, path):
+        """def setPath(self)
+        sets the tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        """
+        self.__path = path
+    def getPage(self):
+        """def getPage(self)
+        return the Page
+        """
+        return self.__page
+    def setPage(self,page):
+        """def setPage(self)
+        set the Page
+        """
+        self.__page = page
+    def getBudget(self):
+        """def getBudget(self)
+        return the Budget objet
+        """
+        return self.__budget
+    def getActivePathRecord(self):
+        """def getActivePathRecord(self)
+        return the Active Path Record
+        """
+        return self.__active_path_record
+    widget = property(getWidget, None, None,
+        "Pane configuration list")
+    path = property(getPath, setPath, None,
+        "Path that identifies the item in the page notebook")
+    page = property(getPage, setPage, None,
+        "Weak reference from Page instance which creates this class")
+    budget =  property(getBudget, None, None,
+        "Budget object")
+    active_path_record =  property(getActivePathRecord, None, None,
+        "Active Code")
+class Description(object):
+    """gui.Description
+    Description:
+        Class to show a description text of a record in a pane
+    Constructor:
+        Description(budget, code)
+        budget: budget
+        code: code record
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- Description
+    Atributes:
+        "widget": the main widget (gtk.ScrolledWindow object)
+        "path": the tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+            TODO
+        "budget": The budget (base.obra objetc)
+        "active_code": The active code of the record
+        "__textbuffer": The textbuffer of the textview that contain
+            the record text.
+        "__label": The gtk.label with the title of the pane
+    Methods:
+        __init__(self, budget, code)
+        setActiveCode(self, code)
+        runMessage(self, message, nt, arg=None)
+        _clear(self)
+        getWidget(self)
+        {get/set}Path
+        {get/seg}Page
+        getBudget(self)
+        getActviCode(self)
+    """
+    # TODO: make standar: "DecompositonList and Description"
+    def __init__(self, budget, page, path, path_record=(0,)):
+        """def __init__(self, budget, page, path, path_record=(0,))
+        budget: the budget (base.obra object)
+        page: weak reference from Page instance which creates this class
+        path: the path position of the description in the page
+        path_record: the path of the active record
+        Creates an shows the scroledwindow that contain the description text
+        of the record to be showed in a pane.
+        """
+        self.__budget = budget
+        self.__page = page
+        self.__path = path
+        self.__active_path_record = path_record
+        _budget = budget
+        _text = _budget.getRecord(self.__budget.getCode(
+                self.__active_path_record)).text
+        _scrollwindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+        _scrollwindow.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
+                                 gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+        _textview = gtk.TextView()
+        _textview.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD)
+        self.__textbuffer = _textview.get_buffer()
+        self.__textbuffer.set_text(_text)
+        _hbox = gtk.HBox()
+        _hbox.pack_start(_textview, True, True, 5)
+        _vbox = gtk.VBox()
+        self.__label = gtk.Label(utils.mapping(_("Description text of the "\
+                     "record $1"), (self.__budget.getCode(
+                    self.__active_path_record),)))
+        self.__label.set_alignment(0, 0)
+        _vbox.pack_start(self.__label, False, False, 5)
+        _vbox.pack_start(_hbox, True, True, 5)
+        _scrollwindow.add_with_viewport(_vbox)
+        self.__widget = _scrollwindow
+    def setActivePathRecord(self, path_record):
+        """def setActivePathRecord(self, path_record))
+        path_record: active path record
+        Set the new path code to show its description text.
+        """
+        _budget = self.__budget
+        self.__active_path_record = path_record
+        _code = _budget.getCode(self.__active_path_record)
+        self.__label.set_text(utils.mapping(_("Description text of the record "\
+            "$1"), (_code,)))
+        _text = _budget.getRecord(_code).text
+        self.__textbuffer.set_text(_text)
+    def runMessage(self, message, path, arg=None):
+        """def runMessage(self, message, path, arg=None)
+        message: the message type
+            "change_active": change the active record
+            "clear": clear instance
+        path: tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        arg: tuple whit two items:
+            0: record path in the budget
+            1: record code
+        This method receives a message and executes its corresponding action
+        """
+        _budget = self.__budget
+        if message == "change_active":
+            if _budget.hasPath(arg):
+                self.setActivePathRecord(arg)
+        elif message == "clear":
+            self._clear()
+    def _clear(self):
+        """def _clear(self)
+        Delete all instance atributes
+        """
+        del self.__widget
+        del self.__path
+        del self.__budget
+        del self.__active_code
+        del self.__textbuffer
+        del self.__label
+    def getWidget(self):
+        """def getWidget(self)
+        return the main widget (gtk.ScrolledWindow)
+        """
+        return self.__widget
+    def getPath(self):
+        """def getPath(self)
+        return the tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        """
+        return self.__path
+    def setPath(self, path):
+        """def setPath(self)
+        sets the tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        """
+        self.__path = path
+    def getPage(self):
+        """def getPage(self)
+        return the weak reference from Page instance
+        """
+        return self.__page
+    def setPage(self, page):
+        """def setPage(self)
+        set the weak reference from Page instance
+        """
+        self.__page = page
+    def getBudget(self):
+        """def getBudget(self)
+        return the budget object
+        """
+        return self.__budget
+    def getActivePathRecord(self):
+        """def getActivePathRecord(self)
+        return the Active Path Record
+        """
+        return self.__active_path_record
+    path = property(getPath, setPath, None,
+        "Path that identifie the item in the page notebook")
+    widget = property(getWidget, None, None,
+        "The main widget (gtk.ScrolledWindow)")
+    page = property(getPage, setPage, None,
+        "Weak reference from Page instance which creates this class")
+    budget = property(getBudget, None, None,
+        "Budget object")
+    active_path_record = property(getActivePathRecord, None, None,
+        "Active Path Record")
+class Sheet(object):
+    """gui.Sheet
+    Description:
+        Class to show a sheeet of conditions text of a record in a pane
+    Constructor:
+        Sheet(budget, code)
+        budget: budget object
+        code: code record
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- Sheet
+    Atributes:
+        "widget": the main widget (gtk.ScrolledWindow object)
+        "path": the tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        "budget": The budget (base.obra objetc)
+        "active_path_record": The active path record
+        "page": weak reference from Page instance which creates this class
+        "__textbuffer": The textbuffer of the textview that contain
+            the record text.
+        "__label": The gtk.label with the title of the pane
+        "__field_liststore": the field liststore
+        "__field_treeview": the field treeview
+        "__field_selection": the field selected in field treview
+        "__section_liststore": the section liststore
+        "__section_treeview": the section treeview
+        "__section_selection": the section selected in the section treeview
+    Methods:
+        __init__(self, budget, code)
+        setFields(self)
+        setSection(self)
+        setText(self)
+        field_controlSelection(self, selection)
+        section_controlSelection(self, selection)
+        runMessage(self, message, nt, arg=None)
+        _clear(self)
+        getWidget(self)
+        {get/set}Path
+        {get/set}Page
+        getBudget(self)
+        getActviPathRecord(self)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, budget, page, path, path_record=(0,)):
+        """def __init__(self, budget, page, path, path_record=(0,))
+        budget: the budget (base.obra object)
+        page: weak reference from Page instance which creates this class
+        path: the path position of the description in the page
+        path_record: the path of the active record
+        Creates an shows the scroledwindow that contain the description text
+        of the record to be showed in a pane.
+        """
+        self.__budget = budget
+        self.__page = page
+        self.__path = path
+        self.__active_path_record = path_record
+        _budget = budget
+        _main_box = gtk.VBox()
+        self.__label = gtk.Label(utils.mapping(_("Sheet of Conditions of the "\
+                       "record $1"), (self.__budget.getCode(
+                       self.__active_path_record),)))
+        self.__label.set_alignment(0, 0)
+        _frame = gtk.Frame()
+        _frame.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN)
+        _frame_box = gtk.VBox()
+        _list_box = gtk.HBox()
+        self.__field_liststore = gtk.ListStore(str, str)
+        self.__field_treeview = gtk.TreeView(self.__field_liststore)
+        _field_treeselection = self.__field_treeview.get_selection()
+        _field_treeselection.set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_SINGLE)
+        self.__field_selection = None
+        _field_treeselection.set_select_function(
+            self.field_controlSelection)
+        _fieldcode_cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+        _field_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Field"))
+        _field_column.pack_start(_fieldcode_cell, False)
+        _field_cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+        _field_column.pack_end(_field_cell, True)
+        _field_column.add_attribute(_fieldcode_cell, "text", 0)
+        _field_column.add_attribute(_field_cell, "text", 1)
+        self.__field_treeview.append_column(_field_column)
+        _field_scrollwindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+        _field_scrollwindow.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
+                                 gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+        _field_scrollwindow.add(self.__field_treeview)
+        self.__section_liststore = gtk.ListStore(str, str)
+        self.__section_treeview = gtk.TreeView(self.__section_liststore)
+        _section_treeselection = self.__section_treeview.get_selection()
+        _section_treeselection.set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_SINGLE)
+        self.__section_selection = None
+        _section_treeselection.set_select_function(
+            self.section_controlSelection)
+        _sectioncode_cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+        _section_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Section"))
+        _section_column.pack_start(_sectioncode_cell, False)
+        _section_column.add_attribute(_sectioncode_cell, "text", 0)
+        _section_cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+        _section_column.pack_end(_section_cell, True)
+        _section_column.add_attribute(_section_cell, "text", 1)
+        self.__section_treeview.append_column(_section_column)
+        _section_scrollwindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+        _section_scrollwindow.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
+                                 gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+        _section_scrollwindow.add(self.__section_treeview)
+        _list_box.pack_start(_field_scrollwindow, True, True, 5)
+        _list_box.pack_start(_section_scrollwindow, True, True, 5)
+        _scrollwindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+        _scrollwindow.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
+                                 gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+        _textview = gtk.TextView()
+        _textview.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD)
+        self.__textbuffer = _textview.get_buffer()
+        _hbox = gtk.HBox()
+        _hbox.pack_start(_textview, True, True, 5)
+        _frame_box.pack_start(self.__label, False, False, 5)
+        _frame_box.pack_start(_list_box, False, False, 5)
+        _frame.add(_frame_box)
+        _main_box.pack_start(_frame, False)
+        _vbox = gtk.VBox()
+        _vbox.pack_start(_hbox, True, True, 5)
+        _main_box.pack_start(_scrollwindow, True, True, 5)
+        _scrollwindow.add_with_viewport(_vbox)
+        self.__widget = _main_box
+        self.setFields()
+    def setFields(self):
+        """setFields(self)
+        Set the fields items in the field treeview
+        """
+        _record = self.__budget.getRecord(self.__budget.getCode(
+                  self.__active_path_record))
+        _sheet = _record.getSheet()
+        _field_list = _sheet.getFields()
+        self.__field_liststore.clear()
+        for _field in _field_list:
+            _field_text = self.__budget.getSheetField(_field)
+            _iter = self.__field_liststore.append([_field, _field_text])
+        _treeselection = self.__field_treeview.get_selection()
+        _treeselection.select_path(0)
+    def setSection(self):
+        """setSection(self)
+        Set the section items in the section treeview
+        """
+        self.__section_liststore.clear()
+        if not self.__field_selection is None:
+            _record = self.__budget.getRecord(self.__budget.getCode(
+                  self.__active_path_record))
+            _sheet = _record.getSheet()
+            _section_list = _sheet.getSections(self.__field_selection)
+            for _section in _section_list:
+                _section_text = self.__budget.getSheetSection(_section)
+                _iter = self.__section_liststore.append([_section, _section_text])
+            _treeselection = self.__section_treeview.get_selection()
+            _treeselection.select_path(0)
+    def setText(self):
+        """setText(self)
+        Set the text in the textview
+        """
+        if not self.__section_selection is None and\
+           not self.__field_selection is None:
+            _record = self.__budget.getRecord(self.__budget.getCode(
+                  self.__active_path_record))
+            _sheet = _record.getSheet()
+            _paragraph_code = _sheet.getParagraph(self.__field_selection,
+                                                  self.__section_selection)
+            _paragraph = self.__budget.getSheetParagraph(_paragraph_code)
+            self.__textbuffer.set_text(_paragraph)
+        else:
+            self.__textbuffer.set_text("")
+    def field_controlSelection(self, selection):
+        """def controlSelection(self, selection)
+        selection: treeselection
+        Method connected to set_selection_function() in field treeview
+        This method is called before any node is selected or unselected,
+        giving some control over which nodes are selected.
+        The selection function should return TRUE if the state
+        of the node may be toggled, and FALSE if the state of the node should
+        be left unchanged.
+        When a user select a row in the field treeview the section treeview is
+        reloaded to show the sections of this field and already the text sheet.
+        """
+        _treeiter = self.__field_liststore.get_iter(selection)
+        self.__field_selection = self.__field_liststore.get_value(_treeiter, 0)
+        self.setSection()
+        return True
+    def section_controlSelection(self, selection):
+        """def controlSelection(self, selection)
+        selection: treeselection
+        Method connected to set_selection_function() in sector treeview
+        This method is called before any node is selected or unselected,
+        giving some control over which nodes are selected.
+        The selection function should return TRUE if the state
+        of the node may be toggled, and FALSE if the state of the node should
+        be left unchanged.
+        When a user select a row in the field treeview the text sheet for this
+        section in showed
+        """
+        _treeiter = self.__section_liststore.get_iter(selection)
+        self.__section_selection = self.__section_liststore.get_value(_treeiter, 0)
+        self.setText()
+        return True
+    def setActivePathRecord(self, path_record):
+        """def setActivePathRecord(self, path_record))
+        path_record: active path record
+        Set the new path code to show its sheet of condition text.
+        """
+        self.__field_selection = None
+        self.__field_liststore.clear()
+        self.__section_selection = None
+        self.__section_liststore.clear()
+        self.__textbuffer.set_text("")
+        _budget = self.__budget
+        self.__active_path_record = path_record
+        _code = _budget.getCode(self.__active_path_record)
+        self.__label.set_text(utils.mapping(_("Sheet2 of Conditions of the "\
+                     "record $1"), (_code,)))
+        self.setFields()
+    def runMessage(self, message, path, arg=None):
+        """def runMessage(self, message, path, arg=None)
+        message: the message type
+            "change_active": change the active record
+            "clear": clear instance
+        path: tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        arg: tuple whit two items:
+            0: record path in the budget
+            1: record code
+        This method receives a message and executes its corresponding action
+        """
+        _budget = self.__budget
+        if message == "change_active":
+            if _budget.hasPath(arg):
+                self.setActivePathRecord(arg)
+        elif message == "clear":
+            self._clear()
+    def _clear(self):
+        """def _clear(self)
+        Deletes all the instance atributes
+        """
+        del self.__page
+        del self.__widget
+        del self.__path
+        del self.__budget
+        del self.__active_code
+        del self.__textbuffer
+        del self.__label
+        del self.__textbuffer
+        del self.__label
+        del self.__field_liststore
+        del self.__field_treeview
+        del self.__field_selection
+        del self.__section_liststore
+        del self.__section_treeview
+        del self.__section_selection
+    def getWidget(self):
+        """def getWidget(self)
+        return the main widget (gtk.ScrolledWindow)
+        """
+        return self.__widget
+    def getPath(self):
+        """def getPath(self)
+        return the tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        """
+        return self.__page
+    def setPath(self, path):
+        """def setPath(self)
+        sets the tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        """
+        self.__path = path
+    def getPage(self):
+        """def getPage(self)
+        return the weak reference from Page instance
+        """
+        return self.__page
+    def setPage(self, page):
+        """def setPage(self)
+        set the weak reference from Page instance
+        """
+        self.__page = page
+    def getBudget(self):
+        """def getBudget(self)
+        return the budget object
+        """
+        return self.__budget
+    def getActivePathRecord(self):
+        """def getActivePathRecord(self)
+        return the Active Path Record
+        """
+        return self.__active_path_record
+    path = property(getPath, setPath, None,
+        "Path that identifie the item in the page notebook")
+    widget = property(getWidget, None, None,
+                      "Lista de configuracion de vistas")
+    page = property(getPage, setPage, None,
+        "Weak reference from Page instance which creates this class")
+    budget = property(getBudget, None, None,
+        "Budget object")
+    active_path_record = property(getActivePathRecord, None, None,
+        "Active Path Record")
+class FileView(object):
+    """gui.FileView
+    Description:
+        Class to show the file icons of a record in a pane
+    Constructor:
+        Description(budget, code)
+        budget: budget
+        code: code record
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- Description
+    Atributes:
+        "widget": the main widget (gtk.ScrolledWindow object)
+        "__icon_box": the box that contains the icon
+        "path": the tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        "budget": The budget (base.obra objetc)
+        "active_code": The active code of the record
+    Methods:
+        __init__(self, budget, code)
+        setActiveCode(self, code)
+        runMessage(self, message, nt, arg=None)
+        _clear(self)
+        getWidget(self)
+        {get/set}Path
+        {get/seg}Page
+        getBudget(self)
+        getActviCode(self)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, budget, page, path, path_record=(0,)):
+        """def __init__(self, budget, page, path, path_record=(0,))
+        budget: the budget (base.obra object)
+        page: weak reference from Page instance which creates this class
+        path: the path position of the description in the page
+        path_record: the path of the active record
+        Creates an shows the scroledwindow that contain icon files
+        of the record to be showed in a pane.
+        """
+        self.__budget = budget
+        self.__page = page
+        self.__path = path
+        self.__active_path_record = path_record
+        self.__active_code = budget.getCode(self.__active_path_record)
+        _budget = budget
+        _record = self.__budget.getRecord(self.__budget.getCode(
+                    self.__active_path_record))
+        self.__icon_box = self.getIconBox(_record)
+        _scrollwindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+        _scrollwindow.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_ALWAYS,
+                                 gtk.POLICY_NEVER)
+        _scrollwindow.add_with_viewport(self.__icon_box)
+        self.__widget = _scrollwindow
+    def getIconBox(self, record):
+        """getIconBox(self, record)
+        record: the active record object
+        Creates and returns the box whith te icon files of the active record.
+        """
+        ## TODO: add others filetypes: avi, pdf, ppt...
+        _files = record.getFiles()
+        _hbox = gtk.HBox()
+        _frame = gtk.Frame()
+        _frame.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN)
+        for _file in _files:
+            _path = os.path.dirname(self.__budget.filename)
+            _file_path = os.path.join(_path,
+            _filetype = utils.getFiletype(_file_path)
+            _box = gtk.VBox()
+            if _filetype == "image":
+                _event_box = gtk.EventBox()
+                try:
+                    _image_pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(_file_path)
+                    _image_pixbuf = _image_pixbuf.scale_simple(64, 64,
+                                    gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR)
+                except:
+                    _image_pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(
+                                    globals.getAppPath("IMAGE-ICON"))
+                    _image_pixbuf = _image_pixbuf.scale_simple(64, 64,
+                                    gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR)
+                _image_icon = gtk.Image()
+                _image_icon.set_from_pixbuf(_image_pixbuf)
+                _event_box.add(_image_icon) 
+                _box.pack_start(_event_box, False, False, 5)
+                _event_box.connect("button-press-event", self.launchFile,
+                                   "image", _file_path)
+            elif _filetype == "dxf":
+                _event_box = gtk.EventBox()
+                _dxf_icon = gtk.Image()
+                _dxf_pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(
+                                    globals.getAppPath("DXF-ICON"))
+                _dxf_pixbuf = _dxf_pixbuf.scale_simple(64, 64,
+                              gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR)
+                _dxf_icon.set_from_pixbuf(_dxf_pixbuf)
+                _event_box.add(_dxf_icon)
+                _box.pack_start(_event_box, False, False, 5)
+                _event_box.connect("button-press-event", self.launchFile, 
+                                   "dxf", _file_path)
+            _label_event_box = gtk.EventBox()
+            _label = gtk.Label(
+            _label_event_box.add(_label)
+            _box.pack_start(_label_event_box, False, False, 5)
+            _hbox.pack_start(_box, False, False, 5)
+        _frame.add(_hbox)
+        return _frame
+    def launchFile(self, widget, event, kind, file_path):
+        """launchFile(self, widget, event, kind, file_path)
+        widget: the widget that emit the signal
+        event: the event that emit the signal
+        king: kind of file
+        file_path: the path file to be launch
+        Launch the file if a double click emit the signal.
+        Method connected to "button-press-event" signal in images event box
+        """
+        if event.type is gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS:
+            openwith.launch_file(kind, file_path)
+    def setActivePathRecord(self, path_record):
+        """def setActivePathRecord(self, path_record))
+        path_record: active path record
+        Set the new path code to show its description text.
+        """
+        _budget = self.__budget
+        self.__active_path_record = path_record
+        _code = _budget.getCode(self.__active_path_record)
+        _record = self.__budget.getRecord(_code)
+        self.__icon_box.destroy()
+        self.__icon_box =  self.getIconBox(_record)
+        self.__widget.add_with_viewport(self.__icon_box)
+    def runMessage(self, message, path, arg=None):
+        """def runMessage(self, message, path, arg=None)
+        message: the message type
+            "change_active": change the active record
+            "clear": clear instance
+        path: tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        arg: tuple whit two items:
+            0: record path in the budget
+            1: record code
+        This method receives a message and executes its corresponding action
+        """
+        _budget = self.__budget
+        if message == "change_active":
+            if _budget.hasPath(arg):
+                self.setActivePathRecord(arg)
+        elif message == "clear":
+            self._clear()
+    def _clear(self):
+        """def _clear(self)
+        Delete all instance atributes
+        """
+        del self.__hbox
+        del self.__widget
+        del self.__path
+        del self.__budget
+        del self.__active_code
+    def getWidget(self):
+        """def getWidget(self)
+        return the main widget (gtk.ScrolledWindow)
+        """
+        return self.__widget
+    def getPath(self):
+        """def getPath(self)
+        return the tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        """
+        return self.__path
+    def setPath(self, path):
+        """def setPath(self)
+        sets the tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        """
+        self.__path = path
+    def getPage(self):
+        """def getPage(self)
+        return the weak reference from Page instance
+        """
+        return self.__page
+    def setPage(self, page):
+        """def setPage(self)
+        set the weak reference from Page instance
+        """
+        self.__page = page
+    def getBudget(self):
+        """def getBudget(self)
+        return the budget object
+        """
+        return self.__budget
+    def getActivePathRecord(self):
+        """def getActivePathRecord(self)
+        return the Active Path Record
+        """
+        return self.__active_path_record
+    path = property(getPath, setPath, None,
+        "Path that identifie the item in the page notebook")
+    widget = property(getWidget, None, None,
+        "The main widget (gtk.ScrolledWindow)")
+    page = property(getPage, setPage, None,
+        "Weak reference from Page instance which creates this class")
+    budget = property(getBudget, None, None,
+        "Budget object")
+    active_path_record = property(getActivePathRecord, None, None,
+        "Active Path Record")
+class TextWindow(object):
+    """gui.TextWindow
+    Description:
+        Class to show a description text of a record in a new gtk window
+    Constructor:
+        TextWindow(code, text)
+        code: code of the record
+        text: description text of the record
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- TextWindow
+    Atributes:
+    Methods:
+        __init__(self, code, text)
+        main(self)
+        destroy(self, widget)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, code, text):
+        """def __init__(self, code, text)
+        code: code of the record
+        text: description text of the record
+        Creates an shows the window.
+        """
+        _window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
+        _window.set_resizable(True)
+        _window.set_default_size(700, 300)
+        _window.set_title(utils.mapping(_("$1 text"), (code,)))
+        _window.set_border_width(0)
+        _box1 = gtk.VBox(False, 0)
+        _window.add(_box1)
+        _sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+        _sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+        _textview = gtk.TextView()
+        _textview.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD)
+        _textbuffer = _textview.get_buffer()
+        _sw.add(_textview)
+        _box1.pack_start(_sw)
+        _textbuffer.set_text(text)
+        _window.connect("destroy", self.destroy)
+    def main(self):
+        """def main(self) 
+        Starts the GTK+ event processing loop.
+        """
+        gtk.main()
+    def destroy(self, widget):
+        """destroy(self, widget)
+        widget: the widget where the event is emitted from
+        Method connected to "destroy" signal of window widget
+        This signal is emited when the method connected to "delete_event"
+        signal returns True or when the program call the destroy() method of
+        the gtk.Window widget.
+        The window is closed and the GTK+ event processing loop is ended.
+        """
+        gtk.main_quit()
+class CompanyView(object):
+    """gui.CompanyView:
+    Description:
+        Class to show the company records of a budget
+    Constructor:
+        CompanyView(budget, page, path)
+        budget: budget showed ("base.Budget" object)
+        page: weak reference from Page instance which creates this class
+        path: tuple that represents the path of the List in the Page
+        Returns the newly created CompanyView instance
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- CompanyView
+    Atributes:
+        "budget": Budget to show, base.obra instance.
+        "active_path_record"
+        "widget": Window that contains the main widget,
+            (gtk.ScrolledWindow)
+        "path": Pane page identifier
+        "page": weak reference from Page instance which creates this class
+        "__methond_message": Method to send messages to the page
+    Methods:
+        __init__(self, budget, page, path, path_record=(0,))
+        runMessage(self, message, path, arg=None)
+        _clear(self)
+        getWidget(self)
+        {get/set}Path
+        {get/set}Page
+        getBudget(self)
+        getActivePathRecord(self)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, budget, page, path, path_record=(0,)):
+        """def __init__(self, budget, page, path, path_record=(0,))
+        budget: budget: budget showed ("base.Budget" object)
+        page: weak reference from Page instance which creates this class
+        path: tuple that represents the path of the List in the Page
+        path_record: path of the active record in the budget
+        Sets the init atributes
+        Creates the 
+        """
+        self.__selection = None
+        # Seting init args
+        if not isinstance(budget, base.Budget):
+            raise ValueError, _("Argument must be a Budget object")
+        self.__budget = budget
+        self.__page = page
+        self.__path = path
+        self.__active_path_record = path_record
+        # HVox
+        self.__hbox = gtk.HPaned()
+        self.__hbox.set_position(230)
+        # TreeStore
+        self.__treestore = gtk.TreeStore(str, str)
+        self.setTreeStoreValues()
+        # Select Treeview
+        self.__select_treeview = gtk.TreeView(self.__treestore)
+        self.__select_treeview.set_enable_search(False)
+        self.__select_treeview.set_reorderable(False)
+        self.__select_treeview.set_headers_visible(False)
+        # Scrolled_window
+        self.__scrolled_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+        self.__scrolled_window.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
+            gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+        self.__scrolled_window.add(self.__select_treeview)
+        # colors
+        _text_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["TEXT"])
+        _background_color = [
+            gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["UNEVEN"]),
+            gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["EVEN"])]
+        self.__code_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn()
+        self.__code_column.set_clickable(True)
+        self.__code_column.set_fixed_width(200)
+        _code_cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+        _code_cell.set_property('foreground-gdk', _text_color)
+        self.__code_column.pack_start(_code_cell, True)
+        self.__code_column.add_attribute(_code_cell, 'text', 0)
+        _summary_cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+        _summary_cell.set_property('foreground-gdk', _text_color)
+        self.__code_column.pack_start(_summary_cell, True)
+        self.__code_column.add_attribute(_summary_cell, 'text', 1)
+        # Index column
+        self.__select_treeview.append_column(self.__code_column)
+        # control selection
+        self.__treeselection = self.__select_treeview.get_selection()
+        self.__treeselection.set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_SINGLE)
+        self.__treeselection.set_select_function(self.controlSelection)
+        # Show
+        self.setColumnsHeaders()
+        # Option View
+        self.__option_View = OptionView("")
+        # Selection
+        self.__select_treeview.set_cursor((0,), None, False)
+        self.__select_treeview.grab_focus()
+        #
+        self.__hbox.add1(self.__scrolled_window)
+        self.__hbox.add2(self.__option_View.widget)
+        self.__widget = self.__hbox
+    def setOptions(self, type):
+        if type == "company":
+            _options = [("code", _("Code"), "string",
+                         _("""Code that define the company""")),
+                        ("summary", _("Summary"), "string",
+                         _("""Summary of the company name""")),
+                        ("name", _("Name"), "string",
+                         _("""Complete name""")),
+                        ("cif", _("CIF"), "string",
+                         _("""Fiscal identifier number""")),
+                        ("web", _("Web"), "string",
+                         _("""Company web page""")),
+                        ("email", _("Email"), "string",
+                         _("""Company email""")),
+                        ]
+            self.__option_View.setOptions(_options)
+        elif type == "office":
+            _options = [("type", _("Type"), "string",
+                         _("""Type of Office:
+                           C: Central office
+                           D: Local office
+                           R: Performer""")),
+                        ("subname", _("Name"), "string",
+                         _("Office name")),
+                        ("address", _("Address"), "string",""),
+                        ("postal code", _("Postal code"), "string",""),
+                        ("town", _("Town"), "string",""),
+                        ("province", _("Province"), "string",""),
+                        ("country", _("Country"), "string",""),
+                        ("phone", _("Phone"), "list",
+                         _("Phone numbers of the office")),
+                        ("fax", _("Fax"), "list",
+                         _("Fax numbers of the office")),
+                        ("contact person", _("Contact person"), "string",
+                         _("Contact persons in the office")),
+                       ]
+            self.__option_View.setOptions(_options)
+        else:
+            print _("Unknow Option Type")
+    def setOptionValues(self, company_key):
+        self.__option_View.setValues(_values)
+    def setTreeStoreValues(self):
+        """def setListstoreValues(self)
+        Sets the treestore values from  the budget
+        """
+        _budget = self.__budget
+        _company_keys = _budget.getCompanyKeys()
+        for _company_key in _company_keys:
+            _company = _budget.getCompany(_company_key)
+            _values = [_company_key, _company.summary]
+            _treeiter = self.__treestore.append(None, _values)
+            _offices = _company.offices
+            for _office in _offices:
+                # TODO: Test offices
+                _values = [_office.officeType, _office.subname]
+                self.__treestore.append(_treeiter, _values)
+    def setColumnsHeaders(self):
+        """def setColumnsHeaders(self)
+        Sets the headers column values
+        """
+        #self.columns[1].set_title(_("Type"))  # Σ parcial Σ total
+        #self.columns[2].set_title(_("Comment"))
+        #self.columns[3].set_title(_("N"))
+        #self.columns[4].set_title(_("Length"))
+        #self.columns[5].set_title(_("Width"))
+        #self.columns[6].set_title(_("Height"))
+        pass
+    def controlSelection(self, selection):
+        """def controlSelection(self, selection)
+        selection: selection
+        Method connected to set_selection_function() 
+        This method is called before any node is selected or unselected,
+        giving some control over which nodes are selected.
+        The selection function should return TRUE if the state
+        of the node may be toggled, and FALSE if the state of the node should
+        be left unchanged.
+        The selection changes the company/office in the option treeview
+        """
+        if len(selection) == 1:
+            # The selection is a company
+            _company_key = self.__treestore[selection][0]
+            _company = self.__budget.getCompany(_company_key)
+            _selection = "company"
+            _values = _company.values
+        else:
+            # The selection is a office
+            _company_key = self.__treestore[selection[:1]][0]
+            _company = self.__budget.getCompany(_company_key)
+            _selection = "office"
+            _office = _company.offices[selection[1]]
+            _values = _office.values
+        if not self.__selection == _selection:
+            self.__selection = _selection
+            self.setOptions(_selection)
+        self.__option_View.setValues(_values)
+        return True
+    def showMessageRecord(self, record_path):
+        """def showMessageRecord(self, record_path)
+        record_path: the path of the record to show
+        Method connected to "change_active" message
+        Show the record especified in the "change_active" message
+        """
+        self.__active_path_record = record_path
+    def runMessage(self, message, path, arg=None):
+        """def runMessage(self, message, path, arg=None)
+        message: the message type
+            "change_active": change the active record
+            "clear": clear instance
+        path: tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        arg: tuple whit two items:
+            0: record path in the budget
+            1: record code
+        This method receives a message and executes its corresponding action
+        """
+        _budget = self.__budget
+        if message == "change_active":
+            if _budget.hasPath(arg):
+                _path_record = arg
+                self.showMessageRecord( _path_record)
+            pass
+        elif message == "clear":
+            self._clear()
+    def colorCell(self, column, cell_renderer, tree_model, iter, lcolor):
+        """def colorCell(self, column, cell_renderer, tree_model, iter, lcolor)
+        column: the gtk.TreeViewColumn in the treeview
+        cell_renderer: a gtk.CellRenderer
+        tree_model: the gtk.TreeModel
+        iter: gtk.TreeIter pointing at the row
+        lcolor: list with 2 gtk colors for even and uneven record
+        Method connected to "set_cell_data_func" of many column
+        The set_cell_data_func() method sets the data function (or method) 
+        to use for the column gtk.CellRenderer specified by cell_renderer.
+        This function (or method) is used instead of the standard attribute
+        mappings for setting the column values, and should set the attributes
+        of the cell renderer as appropriate. func may be None to remove the
+        current data function. The signature of func is:
+        -def celldatafunction(column, cell, model, iter, user_data)
+        -def celldatamethod(self, column, cell, model, iter, user_data)
+        where column is the gtk.TreeViewColumn in the treeview, cell is the
+        gtk.CellRenderer for column, model is the gtk.TreeModel for the
+        treeview and iter is the gtk.TreeIter pointing at the row.
+        The method sets cell background color for all columns
+        and text for index and amount columns.
+        """
+        _row_path = tree_model.get_path(iter)
+        _number = _row_path[-1]
+        if column is self.__index_column:
+            cell_renderer.set_property('text', str(_number + 1))
+            self.__index_column.get_cell_renderers()[1].set_property(
+                'cell-background-gdk', lcolor[_number % 2])
+        if self.__treeview.get_cursor() == (_row_path,column):
+            cell_renderer.set_property('cell-background-gdk',
+                gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["ACTIVE"]))
+        else:
+            cell_renderer.set_property('cell-background-gdk',
+                lcolor[_number % 2])
+    def _clear(self):
+        """def _clear(self)
+        it deletes the __budget value
+        this would not be necessary if there were not circular references,
+        which are pending to fix
+        """
+        del self.__budget
+    def getWidget(self):
+        """def getWidget(self)
+        return the main widget (gtk.ScrolledWindow)
+        """
+        return self.__widget
+    def getPath(self):
+        """def getPath(self)
+        return the tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        """
+        return self.__path
+    def setPath(self, path):
+        """def setPath(self)
+        sets the tuple that identifies the pane in the notebook page
+        """
+        self.__path = path
+    def getPage(self):
+        """def getPage(self)
+        return the Page
+        """
+        return self.__page
+    def setPage(self,page):
+        """def setPage(self)
+        set the Page
+        """
+        self.__page = page
+    def getBudget(self):
+        """def getBudget(self)
+        return the Budget objet
+        """
+        return self.__budget
+    def getActivePathRecord(self):
+        """def getActivePathRecord(self)
+        return the Active Path Record
+        """
+        return self.__active_path_record
+    active_path_record =  property(getActivePathRecord, None, None,
+        "Active path record")
+    widget = property(getWidget, None, None,
+        "main widget")
+    path = property(getPath, setPath, None,
+        "Path that identifies the item in the page notebook")
+    page = property(getPage, setPage, None,
+        "Weak reference from Page instance which creates this class")
+    budget =  property(getBudget, None, None,
+        "Budget object")
+class OptionView(object):
+    """gui.OptionView:
+    Description:
+        It creates a treeview whith the column "Option Name" "Value"
+        and "Type" to show and edit Options
+    Constructor:
+        OptionView(option_list)
+        option_list: list of options
+            (option_name, type)
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- OptionView
+    Atributes:
+        "__liststore"
+        "__treeview"
+        "__option_column"
+        "__value_column"
+        "__type_column"
+        "__treeselection"
+        "__widget": Main windget
+        "__option_list"
+        "__option_dict"
+        "__description_label"
+        "option_types"
+        "widget": __widget
+    Methods:
+        __init__(self, option_list)
+        createColumn(self, args)
+        createTextBaseColumn(self,args)
+        createBaseColumn(self,args)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, option_list):
+        """__init__(self, option_list)
+        """
+        self.__option_dict = {}
+        self.__option_list = []
+        self.option_types = {"boolean" : _("Boolean"),
+                             "integer": _("Integer"),
+                             "string":  _("Text"),
+                             "color" : _("Color"),
+                             "list" : _("List")}
+        # ListStore
+        self.__liststore = gtk.ListStore(str, str, str, str, str)
+        # Treeview
+        self.__treeview = gtk.TreeView(self.__liststore)
+        self.__treeview.set_enable_search(False)
+        self.__treeview.set_reorderable(False)
+        self.__treeview.set_headers_clickable(False)
+        # vbox
+        _vbox = gtk.VBox()
+        # Scrolled_window
+        _scrolled_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+        _scrolled_window.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
+                                        gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+        _scrolled_window.add(self.__treeview)
+        _vbox.pack_start(_scrolled_window)
+        # colors
+        _text_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["TEXT"])
+        _background_color = [
+            gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["UNEVEN"]),
+            gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["EVEN"])]
+        # Option Column
+        self.__option_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn()
+        self.__option_column.set_sizing(gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED)
+        self.__option_column.set_fixed_width(150)
+        self.__option_column.set_resizable(True)
+        _option_cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+        _option_cell.set_property('foreground-gdk', _text_color)
+        self.__option_column.pack_start(_option_cell, True)
+        self.__option_column.set_cell_data_func(_option_cell, self.colorCell,
+                                                _background_color)
+        self.__option_column.set_title(_("Option name"))
+        self.__option_column.add_attribute(_option_cell, 'text', 1)
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__option_column)
+        # Value Column
+        self.__value_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn()
+        self.__value_column.set_sizing(gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED)
+        self.__value_column.set_fixed_width(275)
+        self.__value_column.set_resizable(True)
+        _value_cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+        _value_cell.set_property('foreground-gdk', _text_color)
+        self.__value_column.pack_start(_value_cell, True)
+        self.__value_column.set_cell_data_func(_value_cell, self.colorCell,
+                                               _background_color)
+        self.__value_column.set_title(_("Value"))
+        self.__value_column.add_attribute(_value_cell, 'text', 2)
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__value_column)
+        # Type Column
+        self.__type_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn()
+        self.__type_column.set_sizing(gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED)
+        self.__type_column.set_fixed_width(70)
+        self.__type_column.set_resizable(True)
+        _type_cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+        _type_cell.set_property('foreground-gdk', _text_color)
+        self.__type_column.pack_start(_type_cell, True)
+        self.__type_column.set_cell_data_func(_type_cell, self.colorCell,
+                                               _background_color)
+        self.__type_column.set_title(_("Type"))
+        self.__treeview.append_column(self.__type_column)
+        # End Column
+        _end_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn()
+        _end_column.set_clickable(False)
+        _end_cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+        _end_cell.set_property('cell-background-gdk',
+            gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["UNEVEN"]))
+        _end_column.pack_start(_end_cell, True)
+        self.__treeview.append_column(_end_column)
+        # Connect
+        self.__treeview.connect("key-press-event", self.treeviewKeyPressEvent)
+        self.__treeview.connect("button-press-event", self.treeviewClickedEvent)
+        # control selection
+        self.__treeselection = self.__treeview.get_selection()
+        self.__treeselection.set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_MULTIPLE)
+        self.__treeselection.set_select_function(self.controlSelection)
+        # labels
+        _frame = gtk.Frame()
+        _frame.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_OUT)
+        _vbox2 = gtk.VBox()
+        _frame.add(_vbox2)
+        _alignement = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0, yalign=0, xscale=0, yscale=0)
+        _alignement.set_padding(0, 0, 12, 0)
+        _label = gtk.Label()
+        _label.set_markup("<b>" + _("Description:") + "</b>")
+        _alignement.add(_label)
+        _alignement2 = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0, yalign=0, xscale=0, yscale=0)
+        _alignement2.set_padding(0, 0, 24, 0)
+        self.__description_label  = gtk.Label()
+        _alignement2.add(self.__description_label)
+        _vbox2.pack_start(_alignement, False)
+        _vbox2.pack_start(_alignement2, False)
+        _vbox.pack_start(_frame, False)
+        # Show
+        self.__widget = _vbox
+    def treeviewKeyPressEvent(self, widget, event):
+        """def treeviewKeyPressEvent(self, widget, event)
+        widget: treewiew widget
+        event: Key Press event
+        Method connected to "key-press-event" signal
+        The "key-press-event" signal is emitted when the user presses a key
+        on the keyboard.
+        Returns :TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
+        Returns :FALSE to propagate the event further.
+        If the user press the right cursor button and the cursor is in the
+        value column or pres the left cursor button and the cursor is
+        in the value column the event is estoped, else the event is propagated. 
+        """
+        (_cursor_path, _column) = self.__treeview.get_cursor()
+        if (event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Right \
+           and _column == self.__value_column) \
+           or (event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Left \
+           and _column == self.__value_column):
+            return True
+        else:
+            _description = self.__liststore[_cursor_path][4]
+            self.__description_label.set_text(_description)
+            return False
+    def treeviewClickedEvent(self, widget, event):
+        """def treeviewClickedEvent(self, widget, event)
+        widget: treewiew widget
+        event: clicked event
+        Method connected to "button-press-event" signal
+        The "button-press-event" signal is emitted when a mouse button is
+        pressed.
+        Returns TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
+        Returns FALSE to propagate the event further.
+        The cursos is moved to value column.
+        """
+        path_at_pos = self.__treeview.get_path_at_pos(int(event.x),
+                                                      int(event.y))
+        if not path_at_pos is None:
+            _path_cursor, _column, _x, _y = path_at_pos
+            _description = self.__liststore[_path_cursor][4]
+            self.__description_label.set_text(_description)
+            if _column == self.__value_column:
+                return False
+            else:
+                self.__treeview.set_cursor(_path_cursor,self.__value_column,
+                                           True)
+                self.__treeview.grab_focus()
+                return True
+        return True
+    def controlSelection(self, selection):
+        """def controlSelection(self, selection)
+        selection: treeselection
+        Method connected to set_selection_function() 
+        This method is called before any node is selected or unselected,
+        giving some control over which nodes are selected.
+        The selection function should return TRUE if the state
+        of the node may be toggled, and FALSE if the state of the node should
+        be left unchanged.
+        Return False so none row is selected
+        """
+        return False
+    def colorCell(self, column, cell_renderer, tree_model, iter, lcolor):
+        """def colorCell(self, column, cell_renderer, tree_model, iter, lcolor)
+        column: the gtk.TreeViewColumn in the treeview
+        cell_renderer: a gtk.CellRenderer
+        tree_model: the gtk.TreeModel
+        iter: gtk.TreeIter pointing at the row
+        lcolor: list with 2 gtk colors for even and uneven record
+        Method connected to "set_cell_data_func" of the column
+        The set_cell_data_func() method sets the data function (or method) 
+        to use for the column gtk.CellRenderer specified by cell_renderer.
+        This function (or method) is used instead of the standard attribute
+        mappings for setting the column values, and should set the attributes
+        of the cell renderer as appropriate. func may be None to remove the
+        current data function. The signature of func is:
+        -def celldatafunction(column, cell, model, iter, user_data)
+        -def celldatamethod(self, column, cell, model, iter, user_data)
+        where column is the gtk.TreeViewColumn in the treeview, cell is the
+        gtk.CellRenderer for column, model is the gtk.TreeModel for the
+        treeview and iter is the gtk.TreeIter pointing at the row.
+        The method sets cell background color for all columns
+        and text for type column.
+        """
+        _row_path = tree_model.get_path(iter)
+        _number = _row_path[-1]
+        if self.__treeview.get_cursor() == (_row_path,column):
+            cell_renderer.set_property('cell-background-gdk',
+                gtk.gdk.color_parse(globals.color["ACTIVE"]))
+        else:
+            cell_renderer.set_property('cell-background-gdk',
+                lcolor[_number % 2])
+        if column is self.__type_column:
+            _type = self.option_types[tree_model[_row_path][3]]
+            cell_renderer.set_property('text', _type)
+    def setOptions(self, option_list):
+        """setOptions(self, option_list)
+        option_list: list of tuples
+            (option, option name, type)
+            option: option identifier
+            option name: a string with the option name
+            Description: a string with the option description
+            type: can be "boolean"
+                         "integer"
+                         "string"
+                         "color"
+        Sets the Options in the treeview rows
+        """
+        self.__option_dict = {}
+        self.__option_list = []
+        self.__liststore.clear()
+        if isinstance(option_list, list):
+            for _option in option_list:
+                if isinstance(_option, tuple) and len(_option) == 4:
+                    _option_key = _option[0]
+                    _option_name = _option[1]
+                    _option_type = _option[2]
+                    _option_description = _option[3]
+                    if isinstance(_option_key, str) and \
+                       (isinstance(_option_name, str) or\
+                       isinstance(_option_name, unicode))and \
+                       _option_type in self.option_types.keys():
+                        self.__liststore.append([_option_key, _option_name, "",
+                            _option_type, _option_description])
+                        self.__option_dict[_option_key] = [_option_name, "",
+                            _option_type, _option_description]
+                        self.__option_list.append(_option_key)
+                    else:
+                        print _("Option values must be strings")
+                else:
+                    print _("Option must be a tuple with 4 items")
+        else:
+            print _("Option list must be a list")
+            return
+    def setValues(self, values):
+        """setValues(self, values)
+        values: dictionary {option : value}
+        Sets the Options values
+        """
+        if isinstance(values, dict):
+            for _option, _value in values.iteritems():
+                if _option in self.__option_dict:
+                    _type = self.__option_dict[_option][2]
+                    if _type == "boolean":
+                        if isinstance(_value, bool):
+                            _num = self.__option_list.index(_option)
+                            _iter = self.__liststore.get_iter((_num,))
+                            self.__liststore.set_value(_iter, 2, _value)
+                            self.__option_dict[_option][1] = _value
+                        else:
+                            print _("Icorrect type, must be boolean")
+                    elif _type == "integer":
+                        try:
+                            _value = int(_value)
+                        except ValueError:
+                            print _("Icorrect type, must be integer")
+                        else:
+                            _num = self.__option_list.index(_option)
+                            _iter = self.__liststore.get_iter((_num,))
+                            self.__liststore.set_value(_iter, 2, _value)
+                            self.__option_dict[_option][1] = _value
+                    elif _type == "string":
+                        if isinstance(_value, str):
+                            _num = self.__option_list.index(_option)
+                            _iter = self.__liststore.get_iter((_num,))
+                            self.__liststore.set_value(_iter, 2, _value)
+                            self.__option_dict[_option][1] = _value
+                        else:
+                            print _("Icorrect type, must be string")
+                    elif _type == "list":
+                        if isinstance(_value, list):
+                            _num = self.__option_list.index(_option)
+                            _iter = self.__liststore.get_iter((_num,))
+                            _str_value = ""
+                            for _item_value in _value:
+                                _str_value = _str_value + _item_value + ","
+                            if _str_value[-1] == ",":
+                                _str_value = _str_value[:-1]
+                            self.__liststore.set_value(_iter, 2, _str_value)
+                            self.__option_dict[_option][1] = _value
+                        else:
+                            print _("Icorrect type, must be list")
+                    elif _type == "color":
+                        if isinstance(_value, str):
+                            try:
+                                _color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(_value)
+                            except ValueError:
+                                print _("Icorrect type, must be a parseable " \
+                                        "color")
+                            else:
+                                _num = self.__option_list.index(_option)
+                                _iter = self.__liststore.get_iter((_num,))
+                                self.__liststore.set_value(_iter, 2, _value)
+                                self.__option_dict[_option][1] = _value
+                    else:
+                        print _("Type must be boolean, integer, string or "\
+                                "color")
+                else:
+                    print _("Value must be in the option dict")
+        else:
+            print _("Values must be a dict")
+        self.__treeview.set_cursor((0),self.__value_column, False)
+        self.__treeview.grab_focus()
+        (_cursor_path, _column) = self.__treeview.get_cursor()
+        _description = self.__liststore[_cursor_path][4]
+        self.__description_label.set_text(_description)
+    def getWidget(self):
+        """def getWidget(self)
+        return the main widget (gtk.ScrolledWindow)
+        """
+        return self.__widget
+    widget = property(getWidget, None, None,
+        "The main widget (gtk.ScrolledWindow)")
+class OpenDurusDatabase(object):
+    """gui.OpenFiebdc
+    Description:
+        Class to show a dialog to open a durus price database
+    Constructor:
+       OpenDurusDatabase()
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- OpenDurusDatabase
+    Atributes:
+        "_openMethod": The method to open the file
+        "__file": the filename to open
+        "__window": the File Selection window
+    Methods:
+        __init__(self)
+        setActiveCode(self, code)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, openMethod):
+        self.__openMethod = openMethod
+        self.__file = None
+        self.__window = gtk.FileSelection("Abrir Archivo")
+        self.__window.connect("destroy", self.destroy)
+        self.__window.ok_button.connect("clicked", self._openFile)
+        self.__window.cancel_button.connect("clicked", 
+            lambda w: self.__window.destroy())
+        self.__window.set_filename(globals.getHomePath("DURUS-DATABASE"))
+    def destroy(self, widget):
+        gtk.main_quit()
+    def main(self):
+        gtk.main()
+    def _openFile(self, w):
+        self.__file = self.__window.get_filename()
+        _filename = os.path.basename(self.__file)
+        _filename_list = _filename.split(".")
+        _filename_ext = _filename_list[-1]
+        if _filename == "":
+            print _("No file selected")
+        elif len(_filename_list) < 2 or _filename_ext != "durus":
+            print _("The filename must have durus extension")
+        else:
+            try:
+                self.__openMethod(self.__window.get_filename())
+                self.__window.destroy()
+            except IOError:
+                print utils.mapping("IOError, $1", (self.__file,))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Gtk/	Sun Oct 31 20:07:33 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+## File
+## This file is part of pyArq-Presupuestos.
+## Copyright (C) 2010 Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez
+##                         <>
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+# Modules
+import sys
+import time
+import os.path
+import pygtk
+import gtk
+import gobject
+import threading
+from Generic import utils
+from Generic import globals
+import gui
+class FileSelectionWindow(object):
+    """importFiebdc.FileSelectionWindow:
+    Description:
+        Class to show the selection file window
+    Constructor:
+        importFiebdc.FileSelectionWindow(mainWindow, readFileMethod,
+        budget, arg_List, cancelMethod)
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- FileSelectionWindow
+    Atributes:
+        "__mainWindow": gui.MainWindow object
+        "__readFileMethod": Method to read the selected file
+        "__budget": Budget object
+        "__filename": "file"
+        "__cancelMethod": Method to cancel the read method
+        "__file": The selected file
+        "__window": The selection file window
+    Methods:
+        __init__(self, mainWindow, readFileMethod, budget
+                 arg_List, cancelMethod)
+        destroy(self, widget)
+        main(self)
+        _launchProgressWindow(self, _file)
+        _openFile(self, w)
+        _openFile2(Self, filename)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, mainWindow, readFileMethod, budget, filename,
+                 cancelMethod):
+        """def __init__(self, mainWindow, readFileMethod, budget,
+                        filename, cancelMethod)
+        mainWindow: gui.MainWindow object
+        readFileMethod: Method to read the selected file
+        budget: base.Budget object
+        filename: "file"
+        cancelMethod: Method to cancel the read method
+        Sets the init atributes, creates the file selection window
+        Connects the events:
+            * clicked ok button: _openFile
+            * clicked cancel button: destroy window
+            * destroy event: _destroy
+        """
+        # TODO: Add file filter
+        self.__mainWindow = mainWindow
+        self.__readFileMethod = readFileMethod
+        self.__budget = budget
+        self.__filename = filename
+        self.__cancelMethod = cancelMethod
+        self.__file = None
+        self.__window = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title=_("Open File"),
+            action=gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN,
+            buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL,gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL,
+                     gtk.STOCK_OPEN,gtk.RESPONSE_OK))
+        self.__window.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK)
+        self.__window.set_filename(globals.getHomePath("BUDGET"))
+        if == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
+            self._openFile(self.__window.get_filename())
+        self.__window.destroy()
+    def _launchProgressWindow(self, file):
+        """def _launchProgressWindow(self, file)
+        Launch the progress window
+        """
+        self.__filename = file
+        _emptyPage = gui.EmptyPage(self.__mainWindow, self.__readFileMethod,
+                                   self.__budget, self.__filename,
+                                   self.__cancelMethod)
+        self.__mainWindow.getNotebook().append_page(_emptyPage.widget,
+                                                    _emptyPage.title)
+        self.__mainWindow.getPageList().append(_emptyPage)
+    def _launchProgressTab(self, file):
+        """def _launchProgressTab(self, file)
+        Launch the progress window
+        """
+        self.__filename = file
+        print "abriendo fichero", self.__filename
+    def _openFile(self, filename):
+        """def _openFile(self, filename)
+        filename: the filename to open
+        If the selected file has a bc3 extension 
+        _launchProgressWindow is called
+        """
+        _file = filename
+        if sys.getfilesystemencoding():
+            _file = _file.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
+            #-#
+            _file = _file.encode("utf-8")
+            #-#
+        self.__file = _file
+        _filename = os.path.basename(self.__file)
+        _filename_ext = _filename.split(".")[-1]
+        if _filename_ext != "bc3" and _filename_ext != "BC3":
+            print _("The file must have 'bc3' extension")
+        else:
+            self.__window.destroy()
+            if self.__file:
+                # TODO: the file exits? is it not binary?, can it be readed?
+                self._launchProgressWindow(self.__file)
+class ProgressWindow(object):
+    """importFiebdc.ProgressWindow:
+    Description:
+        Class to show the progress window and launch a thread  to read
+        the database file
+    Constructor:
+        importFiebdc.ProgressWindow(mainWindow, readFileMethod, budget,
+                 filename, cancelMethod)
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- ProgressWindow
+    Atributes:
+        "__mainWindow":
+        "__readFileMethod":
+        "__budget":
+        "__filename":
+        "__cancelMethod":
+        "__children": Thread instance
+        "__cancel": list with boolean values
+        "__window": progress window widget
+        "__progress_bar": probres bar widget
+        "__label": label widget
+    Methods:
+        closeWindow(self)
+        __init__(self, mainWindow, readFileMethod, budget
+                 filename, cancelMethod)
+        closeWindow(self)
+        main(self)
+        _autoClose(self)
+        _updateLabel(self, _time)
+        _updateProgressBar(self)
+        _launchTimeout(self)
+        _launchChildren(self, mainWindow, readFileMethod, budget
+                    filename, cancelMethod)
+        _cancelChildren(self,widget=None)
+        _destroy(self, widget)
+        _delete_event(self, widget, event)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, mainWindow, readFileMethod, budget,
+                 filename, cancelMethod):
+        """def __init__(self, mainWindow, readFileMethod, budget
+                        filename, cancelMethod)
+        mainWindow: gui.MainWindow object
+        readFileMethod: Method to read the selected file
+        budget: base.Budget object
+        filenamer: "file"
+        cancelMethod: Method to cancel the read method
+        Sets the init atributes, creates the progress window
+        Connects the events:
+            * destroy signal: self._destroy
+            * delete_event signal: self._delete_event
+            * clicked cancel button: self._cancelChildren
+        """
+        self.__mainWindow = mainWindow
+        self.__readFileMethod = readFileMethod
+        self.__filename = filename
+        self.__budget = budget
+        self.__cancelMethod = cancelMethod
+        self.__children = None
+        self.__cancel = [False, False]
+        self.__window = gtk.Window()
+        self.__window.set_title(_("Loading file ..."))
+        self.__window.connect("destroy", self._destroy)
+        self.__window.connect("delete_event", self._delete_event)
+        _Vbox1 = gtk.VBox(False, 0)
+        self.__window.add(_Vbox1)
+        _align = gtk.Alignment(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0)
+        _Vbox1.pack_start(_align, False, False, 5)
+        self.__progress_bar = gtk.ProgressBar()
+        _align.add(self.__progress_bar)
+        self.__label = gtk.Label()
+        self.__label.set_text(_("Time: 0s"))
+        _Vbox1.add(self.__label)
+        self.__throbber = gtk.Image()
+        self.__throbber.set_from_file(globals.getAppPath("THROBBER-ICON"))
+        _Vbox1.add(self.__throbber)
+        self.__animation = gtk.gdk.PixbufAnimation(globals.getAppPath("THROBBER-GIF"))
+        _pixbuf = self.__throbber.get_pixbuf()
+        self.__throbber.set_from_animation(self.__animation)
+        _Hbox1 = gtk.HBox(False, 0)
+        _Vbox1.add(_Hbox1)
+        _button1 = gtk.Button(_("Cancel"))
+        _button1.connect("clicked", self._cancelChildren)
+        _Hbox1.pack_start(_button1, True, True, 0)
+    def main(self):
+        """def main(self)
+        Launch the thread
+        Launch the timeouts
+        Shows window and starts the GTK+ event processing loop.
+        """
+        self._launchChildren()
+        self._launchTimeout()
+        gtk.main()
+    def closeWindow(self):
+        """def closeWindow(self)
+        Sets the __children atribute to None
+        This causes that the timiouts is ended and then the window is
+        closed.
+        This method is called from thread when it is finished
+        """
+        self.__children = None
+    def _launchTimeout(self):
+        """def _launchTimeout(self)
+        Launch the timeouts: 
+            1- update progress bar
+            2- update time labal
+            3- If the other timetouts are stoped the window is closed
+        """
+        gobject.timeout_add(100, self._updateProgressBar)
+        gobject.timeout_add(1000, self._updateLabel, time.time())
+        self.__cancel = [False, False]
+        gobject.timeout_add(1000, self._autoClose)
+    def _updateProgressBar(self):
+        """def _updateProgressBar(self)
+        update progress bar in a timeout
+        If the thread end or is canceled the timeout is stoped
+        """
+        if  self.__children is None or self.__children.isCanceled() == True:
+            self.__cancel[0] = True
+            return False
+        else:
+            self.__progress_bar.pulse()
+            return True
+    def _updateLabel(self, _time):
+        """def _updateProgressBar(self)
+        update time label in a timeout
+        If the thread end or is canceled the timeout is stoped
+        """
+        if  self.__children is None or self.__children.isCanceled() == True:
+            self.__cancel[1] = True
+            return False
+        else:
+            _time = time.time() - _time
+            self.__label.set_text(utils.mapping(_("Time: $1"),
+                ("%.0f" %_time,)))
+            return True
+    def _autoClose(self):
+        """def _updateProgressBar(self)
+        If the time label and progress bar timeouts are stoped the window is 
+        closed and ist tiemeout is stoped
+        """
+        if self.__cancel == [ True, True ]:
+            self.__window.destroy()
+            return False
+        else:
+            return True
+    def _launchChildren(self):
+        """_launchChildren(self)
+        Launch the thread to read the file
+        """
+        if self.__children is None:
+            self.__children =  Thread(self, self.__mainWindow,
+                self.__readFileMethod, self.__budget, self.__filename,
+                self.__cancelMethod)
+            self.__children.start()
+    def _cancelChildren(self,widget=None):
+        """_cancelChildren(self,widget=None)
+        Method connected to "clicked" singal of cancel button
+        Stops the thread and close the window
+        """
+        if self.__children:
+            self.__children.cancel()
+        self.__window.destroy()
+    def _delete_event(self, widget, event):
+        """_delete_event(self, widget, event)
+        widget: the widget where the event is emitted from
+        event: the "gtk.gdk.Event"
+        Method connected to "delete_event" signal of window widget
+        This signal is emitted when a user press the close titlebar button.
+        Stops the thread if exits.
+        Returns True so the signal "destroy" is emitted.
+        """
+        if self.__children:
+            self._cancelChildren()
+        return True
+    def _destroy(self, widget):
+        """_destroy(self, widget)
+        widget: the widget where the event is emitted from
+        Method connected to "destroy" signal of window widget
+        This signal is emited when the method connected to "delete_event"
+        signal returns True or when the program call the destroy() method of
+        the gtk.Window widget.
+        The window is closed and the GTK+ event processing loop is ended.
+        """
+        gtk.main_quit()
+class Thread(threading.Thread):
+    """importFiebdc.Thread:
+    Description:
+        Thread class to read a file without freeze the gui
+    Constructor:
+        importFiebdc.Thread(page, mainWindow,
+                            readFileMethod, arg_tuple, cancelMethod)
+    Ancestry:
+    +--threading.Thread
+      +-- importFiebdc.Thread
+    Atributes:
+        "__page": The page instanca that launch the thread
+        "__mainWindow": gui.MainWindow instance
+        "__readFileMethod": Method to read the selected file
+        "__arg_tuple": ("file", base.Budget())
+        "__cancelMethod": Method to cancel the read method
+        "__cancel": Boolean value, True: the thread is stoped
+    Methods:
+        __init__(self, page, mainWindow,
+                 readFileMethod, arg_tuple, cancelMethod)
+        run(self)
+        cancel(self)
+        isCanceled(self)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, page, mainWindow,
+        readFileMethod, budget, filename, cancelMethod):
+        """def __init__(self, page, mainWindow,
+                        readFileMethod, budget, filename, cancelMethod)
+        page: The page instance that launch the thread
+        mainWindow: gui.Mainwindow object
+        readFileMethod: Method to read the selected file
+        budget: base.Budget object
+        filename: "file"
+        cancelMethod: Method to cancel the read method
+        Sets the instance atributes.
+        """
+        super(Thread, self).__init__()
+        self.__page = page
+        self.__mainWindow = mainWindow
+        self.__readFileMethod = readFileMethod
+        self.__budget = budget
+        self.__filename = filename
+        self.__cancelMethod = cancelMethod
+        self.__cancel = False
+    def run(self):
+        """run(self)
+        """
+        _result = self.__readFileMethod(self.__budget, self.__filename,
+                                        self.__page)
+        if _result is None:
+            self.__page.threadCanceled()
+        else:
+            _mainWindow = self.__mainWindow
+            _mainWindow._addBudget(_result)
+            self.__page.closeWindow()
+        self.clear()
+    def cancel(self):
+        """cancel(self)
+        Sets the "__cancel" atribute to True and call "__cancelMethod" to stop
+        read the file
+        """
+        self.__cancel = True
+        self.__cancelMethod()
+    def isCanceled(self):
+        """isCanceled(self)
+        Return True if the thread has been canceled
+        """
+        return self.__cancel
+    def clear(self):
+        del self.__page
+        del self.__mainWindow
+        del self.__readFileMethod
+        del self.__budget
+        del self.__filename
+        del self.__cancelMethod
+        del self.__cancel
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Sun Oct 31 20:07:33 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+## This file is part of pyArq-Presupuestos.
+## Copyright (C) 2010 Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez
+##                         <>
+# this file is needed for Python's import mechanism
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/images/acumulatedline.svg	Sun Oct 31 20:07:33 2010 +0100
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+         d="M 41.470342,53.263811 C 40.477733,52.676854 39.300325,52.612506 36.34913,52.983928 C 31.945391,53.538158 26.511924,53.117218 25.263168,52.125079 C 24.195788,51.277042 24.140116,48.188058 25.172005,47.066862 C 25.716852,46.474861 27.906188,46.089399 32.811147,45.721888 C 36.592625,45.438556 39.744176,45.197902 39.814592,45.187101 C 39.885009,45.1763 39.942623,44.920424 39.942623,44.618487 C 39.942623,44.31655 39.136032,43.703328 38.150198,43.255772 C 36.348738,42.43793 35.905589,41.64169 36.885609,40.983584 C 37.182755,40.784044 37.277927,39.844246 37.10337,38.833248 C 36.834838,37.277968 36.973183,36.94831 38.135997,36.372644 C 38.874481,36.007047 40.060016,35.707922 40.770518,35.707922 C 41.81734,35.707922 42.031258,35.470469 41.898449,34.455924 C 41.735482,33.211045 40.997787,33.000561 39.363506,33.732642 C 38.755807,34.004861 38.386481,33.680685 38.007552,32.542457 C 37.721127,31.68209 37.334735,30.572265 37.148905,30.076181 C 36.684669,28.836877 37.869781,28.416725 42.619787,28.136612 L 46.577255,27.903236 L 46.288522,29.471862 C 45.883244,31.673613 47.240919,32.918866 48.595013,31.58737 C 49.455674,30.741072 49.576166,30.736239 49.858857,31.536676 C 50.030724,32.023311 50.558312,32.347121 51.031276,32.256253 C 51.624328,32.142314 52.026323,32.643798 52.326543,33.872087 C 52.565976,34.851663 53.014609,35.822853 53.32351,36.030287 C 53.632412,36.237721 55.990919,36.469588 58.564641,36.545548 L 63.244138,36.683657 L 63.244138,39.951784 L 63.244138,43.219911 L 59.147169,43.401937 C 53.263208,43.663357 49.416865,44.252208 49.416865,44.891586 C 49.416865,45.206427 52.032949,45.612504 55.475474,45.832023 C 58.837827,46.046429 61.857621,46.510109 62.261081,46.873932 C 62.66093,47.234497 62.988078,48.202184 62.988078,49.024349 C 62.988078,51.939771 62.228612,52.329199 54.794138,53.225934 C 46.328462,54.247052 43.148394,54.256092 41.470342,53.263811 z M 47.624441,38.748784 C 47.624441,38.25032 47.127105,37.933697 46.344138,37.933697 C 45.0296,37.933697 44.835926,38.310242 45.371087,39.825549 C 45.753135,40.90731 47.624441,40.013107 47.624441,38.748784 z M 20.610046,44.80707 C 19.467663,44.195176 18.945652,43.522441 18.945652,42.662099 C 18.945652,41.972689 18.59997,41.096905 18.17747,40.715915 C 17.75497,40.334924 17.409289,39.790086 17.409289,39.505163 C 17.409289,38.313634 14.533685,35.151511 13.450106,35.151495 C 12.678631,35.151484 12.209692,34.727663 12.00614,33.846458 C 11.840343,33.128696 10.219976,30.8125 8.4053238,28.699355 C 6.4537728,26.426792 4.9040758,24.056709 4.6117648,22.897543 C 4.3399598,21.819692 3.4459048,19.941695 2.6249768,18.724217 C 1.3687448,16.861153 0.010664846,13.196884 2.4846316e-05,11.641739 C -0.0065249537,10.68481 1.2827348,11.346057 2.8565608,13.106822 C 3.8444928,14.212102 5.2401068,15.115462 6.2370828,15.294982 C 21.754134,18.08907 23.954174,18.311832 24.371164,17.131125 C 24.817485,15.86737 27.728547,15.978423 29.297115,17.319043 C 29.99639,17.916697 31.122128,18.516966 31.798755,18.652974 C 34.1505,19.125694 35.81664,20.300418 37.190486,22.454454 C 38.281255,24.164657 38.439757,24.763226 37.942846,25.29564 C 37.448114,25.825714 37.09176,25.641855 36.27878,24.437075 C 34.994868,22.534406 34.13523,22.988351 34.592424,25.327579 L 34.935524,27.083047 L 33.470134,25.582346 C 31.342743,23.403691 28.975835,22.496805 20.614932,20.656846 C 12.997795,18.980566 10.484955,18.689521 10.061217,19.434481 C 9.3901469,20.614269 19.296424,39.5878 20.588214,39.596881 C 21.123385,42.164943 20.849007,41.85479 20.610046,44.80707 z M 6.6547428,20.70141 C 6.6547428,20.404971 6.3090608,20.306561 5.8865608,20.482722 C 5.4640608,20.658882 5.1183788,20.901423 5.1183788,21.021701 C 5.1183788,21.14198 5.4640608,21.24039 5.8865608,21.24039 C 6.3090608,21.24039 6.6547428,20.997849 6.6547428,20.70141 z "
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+         d="M 41.232938,53.263811 C 40.240329,52.676854 39.062921,52.612506 36.111726,52.983928 C 31.707987,53.538158 26.27452,53.117218 25.025764,52.125079 C 23.958384,51.277042 23.902712,48.188058 24.934601,47.066862 C 25.479887,46.474384 27.620696,46.098517 32.419442,45.752731 C 36.116055,45.486363 39.440447,45.057908 39.806977,44.800611 C 40.818836,44.090309 45.889968,43.197247 47.785872,43.395472 C 49.027213,43.525259 49.427789,43.815423 49.322236,44.508359 C 49.197764,45.325518 49.95619,45.495214 55.23807,45.832023 C 58.600423,46.046429 61.620217,46.510109 62.023677,46.873932 C 62.423526,47.234497 62.750674,48.202184 62.750674,49.024349 C 62.750674,51.939771 61.991208,52.329199 54.556734,53.225934 C 46.091058,54.247052 42.91099,54.256092 41.232938,53.263811 z M 20.833741,44.199685 C 19.426648,42.554723 19.705353,41.445319 22.402673,37.954448 C 23.2966,36.797527 24.277734,34.879774 24.582969,33.692775 C 25.12724,31.576218 25.188994,31.531372 27.784986,31.367442 L 30.432028,30.109379 L 30.864078,34.747908 C 30.648651,41.00546 31.100277,42.329557 26.134006,44.611019 C 23.469961,46.009215 22.304219,45.918746 20.833741,44.199685 z M 62.409258,41.526102 C 62.409258,41.080499 62.601303,40.715915 62.836029,40.715915 C 63.07075,40.715915 63.262795,40.951536 63.262795,41.239519 C 63.262795,41.527501 63.07075,41.892085 62.836029,42.049706 C 62.601303,42.207328 62.409258,41.971706 62.409258,41.526102 z M 38.494718,40.990487 C 37.514263,39.925178 36.70701,36.470843 37.589461,35.512019 C 37.927461,35.144766 37.75837,33.526104 37.501582,32.935195 C 37.495685,31.698909 38.196257,30.412474 38.226431,29.287768 C 39.271885,28.831241 39.927664,28.586269 43.440979,28.137611 L 46.365452,27.764149 L 50.245733,27.765955 C 53.057701,28.110108 52.367018,30.063433 52.748417,30.619889 C 53.079343,31.36755 53.748283,32.846375 53.668779,33.924512 C 53.534215,35.749275 52.462635,36.057165 50.886146,37.478225 C 49.177694,39.01824 47.387037,39.536084 47.387037,38.49014 C 47.387037,38.184096 46.784024,37.933697 46.047005,37.933697 C 44.956202,37.933697 44.757115,38.142034 44.976569,39.053867 C 45.295478,40.378908 44.427473,40.98459 41.439415,41.522057 C 39.830811,41.811398 39.134567,41.685714 38.494718,40.990487 z M 48.945079,41.411469 C 48.980748,40.724729 52.554094,38.455248 53.062339,38.796544 C 53.320924,38.97019 53.532492,39.723484 53.532492,40.470532 C 53.532492,41.709371 53.329856,41.828802 51.227946,41.828802 C 49.960446,41.828802 48.933157,41.641002 48.945079,41.411469 z "
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+         d="M 41.826658,53.327146 C 41.680227,52.849824 39.500065,52.707207 33.918704,52.80984 C 27.340708,52.930801 26.089866,52.817836 25.372137,52.03799 C 23.615269,50.129071 24.72071,47.665912 27.593778,47.087699 C 29.034051,46.797839 29.529263,46.949961 30.17543,47.880744 C 31.030372,49.112261 32.725295,48.902887 32.725295,47.565758 C 32.725295,47.047966 33.943443,46.71341 36.822265,46.440553 C 39.075599,46.226981 40.919235,45.854452 40.919235,45.61271 C 40.919235,45.007918 45.491341,43.997198 46.501607,44.378659 C 46.952136,44.548772 47.666432,45.137925 48.088932,45.687888 C 48.697409,46.479934 49.708879,46.707339 52.954084,46.781708 C 59.963933,46.942349 61.753684,47.295209 62.303656,48.625034 C 63.021865,50.361657 62.092257,52.139453 60.257475,52.538168 C 59.409357,52.722471 57.490356,52.873264 55.993021,52.873264 C 54.495687,52.873264 53.128164,53.123664 52.954084,53.429708 C 52.486261,54.252169 42.081018,54.156263 41.826658,53.327146 z M 48.361632,50.237407 C 47.371066,49.673481 46.790746,49.609676 46.410455,50.022881 C 45.870223,50.609869 45.952224,50.67534 48.088932,51.36298 C 49.564773,51.837938 49.759707,51.033331 48.361632,50.237407 z M 52.698023,50.309735 C 52.698023,50.189456 52.352341,50.091047 51.929841,50.091047 C 51.507341,50.091047 51.16166,50.333588 51.16166,50.630026 C 51.16166,50.926465 51.507341,51.024875 51.929841,50.848715 C 52.352341,50.672555 52.698023,50.430014 52.698023,50.309735 z M 22.079671,42.811143 C 21.453193,40.630111 21.487008,40.465082 22.92501,38.685543 C 23.748866,37.666014 24.687985,35.959222 25.011942,34.892672 C 25.534275,33.173009 30.106676,29.058604 30.455964,30.651526 C 31.044252,33.334407 31.035767,32.210718 30.305899,38.495649 L 30.298624,39.764472 L 30.332072,41.341577 C 29.489121,42.4673 29.2362,43.007546 28.612832,43.435903 C 28.198854,43.720376 27.470449,43.95696 26.994155,43.961646 C 26.517862,43.966333 25.985739,44.220567 25.811659,44.526611 C 25.637579,44.832655 24.873498,45.083054 24.113701,45.083054 C 22.945304,45.083054 22.631609,44.732673 22.079671,42.811143 z M 20.434386,42.85728 C 20.434386,42.551236 20.536012,42.300837 20.660223,42.300837 C 20.784433,42.300837 21.028488,42.551236 21.202568,42.85728 C 21.376648,43.163324 21.275021,43.413724 20.976731,43.413724 C 20.678441,43.413724 20.434386,43.163324 20.434386,42.85728 z M 38.360319,40.358116 C 37.476675,37.832807 38.059934,37.238939 42.084249,36.566458 C 43.273026,36.367809 43.45675,36.495297 43.208156,37.346342 C 43.044707,37.905886 43.143413,38.835592 43.427502,39.412355 C 44.156154,40.89169 43.19693,41.744393 40.804136,41.744393 C 39.187856,41.744393 38.760588,41.502022 38.360319,40.358116 z M 42.96772,33.437486 C 42.96772,33.153302 42.606034,32.527799 42.163971,32.04748 C 41.557271,31.388271 41.117846,31.315118 40.371547,31.74909 C 39.253376,32.399311 39.148366,32.131342 39.913009,30.578941 C 40.614764,29.154224 44.802799,28.967108 44.302815,30.38281 C 44.131843,30.866907 43.991962,31.868505 43.991962,32.608584 C 43.991962,33.348664 43.761508,33.954183 43.479841,33.954183 C 43.198174,33.954183 42.96772,33.721669 42.96772,33.437486 z "
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+         d="M 41.43628,52.868183 C 42.073313,52.735085 42.995131,52.740138 43.484765,52.879412 C 43.974399,53.018686 43.453188,53.127584 42.326521,53.121408 C 41.199854,53.115231 40.799247,53.00128 41.43628,52.868183 z M 46.541775,52.896742 C 46.888497,52.744319 47.579861,52.735041 48.078139,52.876123 C 48.576418,53.017206 48.292733,53.141916 47.447733,53.153255 C 46.602733,53.164596 46.195054,53.049164 46.541775,52.896742 z M 24.018187,51.547832 C 22.903999,50.842712 22.854378,48.62399 23.926737,47.458822 C 24.978692,46.315824 27.731066,46.287068 27.731066,47.419076 C 27.731066,48.717393 30.654861,48.497758 31.434764,47.140854 C 31.957998,46.230513 32.629045,46.027967 35.121834,46.027967 C 37.814139,46.027967 38.058451,46.116 37.218399,46.783424 C 36.353359,47.470698 36.343219,47.584897 37.106039,48.04874 C 37.567215,48.329162 38.008668,49.178605 38.087043,49.93639 C 38.219575,51.217724 38.032359,51.339545 35.412884,51.676483 C 31.021658,52.241318 25.006681,52.173406 24.018187,51.547832 z M 27.218945,48.810185 C 27.218945,48.504141 26.98849,48.253741 26.706824,48.253741 C 26.425157,48.253741 26.194702,48.504141 26.194702,48.810185 C 26.194702,49.116229 26.425157,49.366629 26.706824,49.366629 C 26.98849,49.366629 27.218945,49.116229 27.218945,48.810185 z M 52.032289,51.549265 C 51.75794,51.066946 53.059906,50.479516 54.403256,50.479516 C 54.943549,50.479516 55.385612,50.214338 55.385612,49.890232 C 55.385612,49.566127 55.145023,49.46251 54.850968,49.659974 C 54.556918,49.857437 53.758434,49.621815 53.076565,49.13637 C 51.655649,48.124773 49.693482,47.983763 48.90837,48.836824 C 48.534265,49.243306 47.960361,49.216254 47.013521,48.747507 C 44.440988,47.473939 45.68977,46.584411 50.050226,46.584411 C 51.576352,46.584411 52.825006,46.83481 52.825006,47.140854 C 52.825006,47.446898 53.401143,47.697298 54.105309,47.697298 C 54.809476,47.697298 55.385612,47.446898 55.385612,47.140854 C 55.385612,46.530272 57.897874,46.385655 59.184635,46.922166 C 60.166684,47.331628 60.307799,50.962003 59.354552,51.293509 C 58.089177,51.73356 52.253064,51.937407 52.032289,51.549265 z M 42.07046,45.234103 C 42.07046,44.717926 42.508324,44.358636 43.137378,44.358636 C 44.385443,44.358636 44.209027,45.658919 42.924233,45.929657 C 42.418892,46.036145 42.07046,45.752284 42.07046,45.234103 z M 20.666552,40.567722 C 21.393364,39.750851 21.121339,39.573417 21.213567,39.395645 C 21.305795,39.217873 22.000465,37.632625 22.757278,35.872872 C 24.096991,32.757753 25.370264,31.02183 27.370063,31.082413 C 30.370925,31.173322 29.527061,32.982266 28.14859,37.207586 C 27.65163,38.730879 27.580581,38.920211 26.965093,39.602678 C 26.377562,40.254145 24.916722,41.576419 25.188478,41.576419 C 25.460235,41.576419 22.61698,42.747872 22.318945,42.678317 C 20.728036,42.30703 21.259868,41.469701 20.666552,40.567722 z M 37.145923,39.66137 C 36.58745,38.080058 37.193264,36.849258 38.618021,36.670577 C 39.517239,36.557806 40.02449,36.757853 40.028966,37.227021 C 40.032812,37.629904 40.17492,38.522935 40.34476,39.211534 C 40.617122,40.315816 40.463347,40.463532 39.041391,40.463532 C 38.109812,40.463532 37.309628,40.124892 37.145923,39.66137 z "
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+"-.	c #4C2603",
+";.	c #542A04",
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+# pyArq-Presupuestos translatión to Spanish.
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the pyArq-Presupuestos
+# package.
+# Changes:
+# - Initial translation:
+# Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez <>, 2010
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
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+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-10-31 20:01+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-01-11 12:24+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez <miguelangel@obraencurso."
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+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid code: $1"
+msgstr "Código no válido: $1"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Synonyms ($1) must be a list, code: $2"
+msgstr "Sinónimos ($1) debe ser una lista, código: $2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid Code in synomyms list ($1) code: $2"
+msgstr "Código no válido es la lista de sinónimos ($1) código: $2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Unit ($1) must be a string: $2"
+msgstr "Unidad ($1) debe ser una cadena: $2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Summary ($1) must be a string: $1"
+msgstr "Resumen ($1) debe ser una cadena: $1"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Prices ($1) must be a list: $2"
+msgstr "«Prices» ($1) debe ser una lista: $2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Price ($1) must be a list with two items: $2"
+msgstr "«Prece» ($1) debe ser una lista con dos elementos: $2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Price must be a float number: $1"
+msgstr "Precio debe ser un número de coma flotante: $1"
+#: ../Generic/
+#, python-format
+msgid "The record do not have this Price. Code: %s"
+msgstr "El registro no tiene ese precio. Código: %s"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The record do not have this Price"
+msgstr "El registro no tiene ese precio"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Parents ($1) must be a list: $2"
+msgstr "Padres ($1) debe ser una lista: $2"
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid parent code ($1) in the record: $2"
+msgstr "Código padre no válido ($1) en el registro: $2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "children ($1) must be a list, record: $2"
+msgstr "Hijos ($1) debe ser una lista, registro: $2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "child ($1) must be a Decomposition object, record: $2"
+msgstr "«child» ($1) debe ser una objeto «Decomposition», registro $2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Text ($1) must be a string, record: $2"
+msgstr "Texto ($1) debe ser una cadena, registro: $2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "sheet must be a Sheet instance"
+msgstr "sheet debe ser una instancia de Sheet"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "files must be a list: $1"
+msgstr "«files» debe ser una lista: $1"
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "Incorrect path"
+msgstr "Ruta incorrecta"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "file must be a list or a File object: $1"
+msgstr "«file» debe ser una lista o un objeto «File: $1"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "labels must be a list"
+msgstr "«labels» debe ser una lista"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "label must be a string"
+msgstr "«label» debe ser una cadena de texto."
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Label must be a string"
+msgstr "Label debe ser una cadena de texto."
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Position must be a integer"
+msgstr "«Position» debe ser un número entero"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "BudgetMeasures atribute must be a list"
+msgstr "El atributo «BudgetMeasures» debe ser una lista"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "BudgetMeasures item must be a Measure "
+msgstr "El atributo «BudgetMeasures» debe ser un objeto «Measure»"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Certification atribute must be a list or None"
+msgstr "El atributo «Certification» debe ser una lista o «None»"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Real cost atribute must be a list or None"
+msgstr "El atributo «Real cost» debe ser listo o «None»"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Cost goals atribute must be a list or None"
+msgstr "El atributo «Cost goals» debe ser una lista o «None»"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Cost Planned atribute must be a list or None"
+msgstr "El atributo «Cost Planned» debe ser una lista o «None»"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Measure must be a float number. Type: $1"
+msgstr "«Measure» debe ser un número de coma flotante. Tipo: $1"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Lines must be a list"
+msgstr "«Lines» debe ser una lista"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Line must be a MeasureLine objetc"
+msgstr "«Line» debe ser un objeto «MeasureLine»"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Factor must be a float number |$1|"
+msgstr "«Factor» debe ser un número de coma flotante |$1|"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Yield must be a float number"
+msgstr "«Yield» debe ser un número de coma flotante"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Fixed must be boolean object"
+msgstr "«Fixed» debe ser un objeto booleano"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Type must be M or A. Type: $1"
+msgstr "«Type» debe ser M o A. Type: $1"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid " Parcial Subtotal must be a float number. Parcial: $1"
+msgstr "«Parcial Subtotal» debe ser un número de coma flotante. Parcial: $1"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid " Acumulated Subtotal must be a float number. Parcial: $1"
+msgstr " «Acumulate Subtotal» debe ser un número de coma flotante. Parcial: $1"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid measure line type ($1)"
+msgstr "Tipo de línea de medición no válido ($1)"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Measure Comment must be a string ($1)"
+msgstr "El comentario de la medición debe ser una cadena ($1)"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid Measure Units ($1)"
+msgstr "Unidades de medición no vacías ($1)"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid Measure length ($1)"
+msgstr "Longitud de medición no válida ($1)"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid Measure Width ($1)"
+msgstr "Anchura de medición no válida ($1)"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid Measure Height ($1)"
+msgstr "Altura de medición no válida ($1)"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Formula must be a string ($1)"
+msgstr "«Formula» debe ser una cadena de texto ($1)"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "There is invalid charactersin formula ($1)"
+msgstr "Hay caracteres inválidos en la fórmula ($1)"
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "'a' value must be a float number"
+msgstr "El valor «a» debe ser un número de coma flotante"
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "'b' value must be a float number"
+msgstr "El valor «b» debe ser un número de coma flotante"
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "'c' value must be a float number"
+msgstr "El valor «c» debe ser un número de coma flotante"
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "'d' value must be a float number"
+msgstr "El valor «d» debe ser un número de coma flotante"
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid formula"
+msgstr "Fórmula no válida"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "sheet_dict must be a dictionay"
+msgstr "sheet_dict debe ser un diccionario."
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "sheet field must be a string"
+msgstr "El ambito del pliego debe ser una cadena de texto"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "section_dict must be a dictionary"
+msgstr "section_dict debe ser un dicionario"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "sheet section must be a string"
+msgstr "La seccion del pliego debe ser una cadena de texto"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "sheet paragraph must be a string"
+msgstr "El parrafo del pliego debe ser una cadena de texto"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Owner must be a string"
+msgstr "«Owner» debe ser una cadena de texto."
+#: ../Generic/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invalid Date: %s"
+msgstr "Fecha inválida: %s"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Comment must be a string"
+msgstr "El comentario debe ser una cadena"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Budget type must be 1, 2, 3 or 4."
+msgstr "El tipo de presupuesto debe ser 1, 2, 3 o 4"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Certificate order must be a integer."
+msgstr "«Certificate order» debe ser un número entero"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Budget certificate Date must be a valid Date."
+msgstr "«Budget certificate Date» debe ser una fecha válida"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid title list format"
+msgstr "Formato de lista de rótulos no válida"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid Index Title"
+msgstr "Índice de rótulo no válido"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Decimal Key error"
+msgstr "Clave de decimales errónea"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid Percentage key"
+msgstr "Clave de porcentajes no válida"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid parent code: $1"
+msgstr "Código del padre inválido: $1"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid child code: $1"
+msgstr "Código de hijo inválido: $1"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid position in measure $1, in code $2"
+msgstr "Posición no válida en medición $1, en código $2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Circular Decomposition, parent code: $1, child code: $2, repeated code: $3"
+msgstr ""
+"Descomposición circular, código padre: $1, código hijo: $2, código repetido: "
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Error: Invalid child position in decomposition. Parent code: $1 Child code: "
+"$2 Position: $3"
+msgstr ""
+"Error: Posición del hijo no válida en descomposición. Código padre: $1 "
+"Código hijo: $2 Posición: $3"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Error: Empty child code. Parent code: $1 Position: $2"
+msgstr "Error: Código hijo vacío. Código padre: $1 Posición: $2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid code"
+msgstr "Código no válido"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid record: $1"
+msgstr "Registro no válido: $1"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Only can be one root record"
+msgstr "Sólo puede haber un registro raíz"
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "This record does not exits"
+msgstr "Este registro no existe"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Path item must be a integer"
+msgstr "El elemento del camino debe ser un número entero"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Path must be a not empty tuple: $1"
+msgstr "El camino debe ser una tupla no vacía: $1"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The sheet code must be a string"
+msgstr "El código del pliego debe ser una cadena de texto"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The sheet title must be a string"
+msgstr "El título del pliego debe ser una cadena de texto."
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The sheet sections must be a dictionary"
+msgstr "La sección del pliego debe ser un dicionario"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The field code must be a string"
+msgstr "El código del ámbito debe ser una cadena de texto"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The field title must be a string"
+msgstr "El título del ámbito debe ser una cadena de texto."
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The sheet field must be a dictionary"
+msgstr "El ámbito del pliego debe ser un dicionario."
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The paragraph code must be a string"
+msgstr "El código del parrafo debe ser una cadena de texto."
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The paragraph text must be a string"
+msgstr "El texto del parrafo debe ser una cadena de texto"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The paragraph dict must be a dictionary"
+msgstr "El dicionario del parrafo debe ser un diccionario"
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "The record_code code must be a string"
+msgstr "record_code debe ser una cadena de texto"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The field must be a string"
+msgstr "El ámbito debe ser una cadena de texto."
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The section dict must be a dictionary"
+msgstr "El dicionario de la seccion debe ser un dicionario."
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Error: The budget do not have this record code and can not be added the "
+"sheet text in the field $1. Record Code: $2"
+msgstr ""
+"Error: El presupuesto no tiene ese codigo de registro y no puede añadirse el "
+"texto del pliego en el ambito $1. Código del registro: $2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The filename must be a string"
+msgstr "El nombre del fichero debe ser una cadena de texto."
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Error: The budget do not have the record code $1 and can not be added the "
+"file: $2"
+msgstr ""
+"Error: El presupuesto no tiene el código de registro $1 y no puede añadirse "
+"el fichero: $2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The company code must be a string"
+msgstr "El código de la entidad debe ser una cadena de texto."
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The summary must be a string"
+msgstr "El resumen debe ser una cadena de texto"
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "The name must be a string"
+msgstr "El nombre debe ser una cadena de texto."
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The name must be a list"
+msgstr "El nombre debe ser una lista"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The office must be a list"
+msgstr "«The office» debe ser una lista"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The office must be a 10 items list"
+msgstr "«The office» debe ser una lista de 10 elementos"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "This office item must be a string"
+msgstr "El elemento de la oficina debe ser una cadena de texto."
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "This office item must be a list"
+msgstr "Este elemento de la oficina debe ser una lista"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The web must be a string"
+msgstr "La web debe ser una cadena de texto."
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The email must be a string"
+msgstr "El email debe ser una cadena de texto."
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The tecnical info code must be a string"
+msgstr "La información técnica debe ser una cadena de texto."
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The tecnical info description must be a string"
+msgstr "La descripción de la información técnica debe ser una cadena de texto"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The tecnical info unit must be a string"
+msgstr "La unidad de la información técnica debe ser una cadena de texto."
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The label must be a string"
+msgstr "La etiqueta debe ser una cadena de texto."
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The parametric select comment must be a string"
+msgstr "El comentario de selección paramétrico debe ser una cadena de texto"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Error: The budget do not have the record code $1 and can not be added the "
+"Parametric select comment: $2"
+msgstr ""
+"Error: El presupuesto no tiene el código de registro $1 y no puede añadirse "
+"el comentario de selección paramétrico: $2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Error: The Record $1 is not a Parametric Record and can not have Parametric "
+msgstr ""
+"Error: El registro $1 no es un registro paramétrico y no puede tener "
+"comentario paramétrico."
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The summary record must be a string"
+msgstr "El resumen del registro debe ser una cadena de texto"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Error: The budget do not have the record code $1 and can not be seted the "
+"summary: $2"
+msgstr ""
+"Error: El presupuesto no tiene el codigo de registro $1 y no puede fijarse "
+"el resumen: $2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Error: The Record $1 is not a Parametric Record and can not have Parametric "
+msgstr ""
+"Error: El registro $1 no es un registro paramétrico y no puede tener resumen "
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The text record must be a string"
+msgstr "El texto del registro debe ser una cadena de texto"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Error: The budget do not have the record code $1 and can not be seted the "
+"text: $2"
+msgstr ""
+"Error: El presupuesto no tiene el codigo de registro $1 y no puede fijarse "
+"el texto: $2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Error: The Record $1 is not a Parametric Record and can not have Parametric "
+msgstr ""
+"Error: El registro $1 no es un registro paramétrico y no puede tener texto "
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid Hierarchy ($1) The hierarchy must be -1, 0, 1 or 2"
+msgstr "Categoría no válida ($1) La categoria debe ser -1, 0, 1 or 2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid type ($1),the type must be (empty string,0,1,2,3)"
+msgstr "Tipo inválido ($1), el tipo debe ser (cadena vacía, 0, 1, 2, 3)"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Invalid subtype ($1), The subtype must one in (empty string, EA, EU, EC, EF, "
+"OB, PA, PU, H, Q, %, MC, MCr, MM, MS, ME, MCu, MAl, ML, M)"
+msgstr ""
+"Subtipo inválido ($1), el subtipo debe ser uno de (cadena vacía, EA, EU, EC, "
+"EF, OB, PA, PU, H, Q, %, MC, MCr, MM, MS, ME, MCu, MAl, ML, M)"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid code, it must be a string"
+msgstr "Código no válido, debe ser una cadena"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The code '$1' have invalid characters."
+msgstr "El código «$1» tiene caracteres inválidos."
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The code '$1' contains special characters repeated."
+msgstr "El código «$1» contiene caractectes especiales repetidos."
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"The 'V' record (Property and Version) must be the first record in the file "
+"but it is the number: $1"
+msgstr ""
+"El registro «V» (Propiedad y  versión) debe ser el primer registro en el "
+"archivo pero es el número: $1"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The default values were taken and this V record is ignored"
+msgstr "El valor por amisión ha sido tomado y el registro V es ignorado"
+#: ../Generic/
+#, python-format
+msgid "FIEBDC format: %s"
+msgstr "Formato FIEBDC: %s"
+#: ../Generic/
+#, python-format
+msgid "FIEBDC file generated by %s"
+msgstr "Fichero FIEBDC generado por %s"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Record C without a valid code"
+msgstr "Registro C sin un código válido"
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "Incorrect type ($1) in the code $2"
+msgstr "Tipo incorrecto ($1) en el código $2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"ValueError loadig the descomposition of the record $1, the factor of the "
+"child $2 must be a float number and can not be $3, seted default value 1.0"
+msgstr ""
+"Error de valor al cargar la descomposición del registro $1, el factor del "
+"hijo $2 debe ser un número de coma flotante y no puede ser $3, fijado el "
+"valor por omisión 1.0"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"ValueError loading the descomposition of the record $1, the yield of the "
+"child $2, must be a float number and cannot be $3,  seted default value 1.0"
+msgstr ""
+"Error de valor cargando la descomposición del registro $1, el rendimiento "
+"del hijo $2, debe ser un número de coma flotante y no puede ser $3, fijado "
+"el valor por omisión 1.0"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid codes in $1 record, codes $2"
+msgstr "Códigos no válidos en registro $1, códigos $2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Empty child code in $1 record, codes: $2"
+msgstr "Código de hijo vacío en el registro $1, códigos: $2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid path in $1 record, codes $2"
+msgstr "Camino no válido en el registro $1, códigos $2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid Total Measure value in $1 record, codes $2"
+msgstr "Total de medición no válido en el registro $1, códigos $2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"The comment is not a formula or its have invalid characters, in the $1 "
+"record, codes $2"
+msgstr ""
+"El comentario no es una fórmula o tiene caracteres inválidos, en el registro "
+"$1, códigos $2"
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "The file $1 do not exist"
+msgstr "El archivo $1 no existe"
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "PyArq hates parametric DLLs"
+msgstr "PyArq odia las DLLs paramétricas"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Loading file $1"
+msgstr "Cargando archivo $1"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "This codepage do not exist in FIEBDC3! Default codepage: $1"
+msgstr "¡Esta codificación no existe en FIEBDC3! Codificación por omisión: $1"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "This V record dot have a codepage! Default codepage: $1"
+msgstr "¡Este registro V no define codificación! Codificación por omisión: $1"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Not 'V' record in File! Default codepage: $1"
+msgstr "¡No hay registro «V» en el archivo! Codificación por omisión: $1"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Cancelled process"
+msgstr "Proceso cancelado"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Time to load: $1 seconds"
+msgstr "Tiempo de carga: $1 segundos"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Records/Valid Records: $1/$2"
+msgstr "Registro/Registros válidos: $1/$2"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "$1 unsuported record type O: Comercial Relationship"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "This file is not a valid FIBDC3 file"
+msgstr "El archivo no es un archivo FIEBDC3 válido"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Testing budget ..."
+msgstr "Comprobando presupuesto ..."
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "End Test"
+msgstr "Comprobación finalizada"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "The icon file does not exist. '$1'"
+msgstr "El archivo de icono no existe. «$1»"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "pyArq-Presupuestos running on $1"
+msgstr "pyArq-Presupuestos ejecutandose en $1"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Archivo"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "_Import Fiebdc"
+msgstr "_Importar Fiebdc"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Cerrar"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Ver"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Texto"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "_Test"
+msgstr "_Pruebas"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Import Fiebdc _price database"
+msgstr "Importar base de _precios Fiebdc"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "_Open price database"
+msgstr "_Abrir base de precios"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Saving file: $1"
+msgstr "Guardando archivo: $1"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Saving time: $1 seconds"
+msgstr "Tiempo de guardado: $1 segundos"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Loading file: $1:"
+msgstr "Cargando archivo: $1"
+#: ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/
+msgid "Time: 0s"
+msgstr "Tiempo: 0s"
+#: ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/
+msgid "Time: $1"
+msgstr "Tiempo: $1"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "The value must be a list"
+msgstr "El valor debe ser una lista"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Incorrect len"
+msgstr "Longuitud incorrecta"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Incorrect item $1"
+msgstr "Elemento incorrecto $1"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "The budget does not have the path record: $1"
+msgstr "El presupuesto no tiene el registro con camino: $1"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Decomposition"
+msgstr "Descomposición"
+#: ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Descripción"
+#: ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/
+msgid "Measure"
+msgstr "Medición"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Sheet of Conditions"
+msgstr "Pliego de condicones"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr "Archivos"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Companies"
+msgstr "Entidades"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "The item must be a widget object."
+msgstr "El elemento debe ser un objeto «widget»."
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Invalid orientation."
+msgstr "Orientación no válida"
+#: ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/
+msgid "Argument must be a Budget object"
+msgstr "El argumento debe ser un objeto «Budget»"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "DecompositionList.__init__: Record path can not be None"
+msgstr "«DecompositionList.__init__:» La ruta del registro no puede ser «None»"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "a"
+msgstr "a"
+#: ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/
+msgid "Code"
+msgstr "Código"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Unit"
+msgstr "Unidad"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Price"
+msgstr "Precio"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Amount"
+msgstr "Importe"
+#: ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/
+msgid "Invalid path"
+msgstr "Camino no válido"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Record path must be a tuple"
+msgstr "La posición del registro debe ser una tupla"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "measure must be a Measure object. Type: $1"
+msgstr "«measure» debe ser un objeto «Measure». Tipo: $1"
+#: ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr "Tipo"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Comentario"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Formula"
+msgstr "Fórmula"
+#: ../Gtk/
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Subtotal"
+msgstr "Subtotal"
+#: ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/
+msgid "Description text of the record $1"
+msgstr "Texto descriptivo del registro $1"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Sheet of Conditions of the record $1"
+msgstr "Pliego de condiciones del registro $1"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Field"
+msgstr "Ámbito"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Section"
+msgstr "Sección"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Sheet2 of Conditions of the record $1"
+msgstr "Pliego2 de condiciones del registro $1"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "$1 text"
+msgstr "Texto de $1"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Code that define the company"
+msgstr "Código que define la entidad"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr "Resumen"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Summary of the company name"
+msgstr "Resumen del nombre de la entidad"
+#: ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nombre"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Complete name"
+msgstr "Nombre completo"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "CIF"
+msgstr "CIF"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Fiscal identifier number"
+msgstr "Número de identificación fiscal"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Web"
+msgstr "Web"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Company web page"
+msgstr "Página web de la entidad"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Email"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Company email"
+msgstr "Correo electrónico de la entidad"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid ""
+"Type of Office:\n"
+"                           C: Central office\n"
+"                           D: Local office\n"
+"                           R: Performer"
+msgstr ""
+"Type of Office:\n"
+"                           C: Oficina central\n"
+"                           D: Delegación\n"
+"                           R: Representante"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Office name"
+msgstr "Nombre de la oficina"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr "Dirección"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Postal code"
+msgstr "Código postal"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Town"
+msgstr "Ciudad"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Province"
+msgstr "Provincia"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Country"
+msgstr "Ciudad"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Phone"
+msgstr "Teléfono"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Phone numbers of the office"
+msgstr "Teléfono de la officina"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Fax"
+msgstr "Fax"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Fax numbers of the office"
+msgstr "Fax de la oficina"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Contact person"
+msgstr "Persona de contacto"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Contact persons in the office"
+msgstr "Persona de contacto en la oficina"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Unknow Option Type"
+msgstr "Tipo de opcion desconocida"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Boolean"
+msgstr "Booleano"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Integer"
+msgstr "Entero"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Text"
+msgstr "Texto"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Color"
+msgstr "Color"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "List"
+msgstr "Lista"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Option name"
+msgstr "Nombre de Opción"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Valor"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Descripción:"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Option values must be strings"
+msgstr "Los valores de la opción deben ser cadenas"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Option must be a tuple with 4 items"
+msgstr "La opcion debe ser una tupla de 4 elementos"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Option list must be a list"
+msgstr "La lista de opciones debe ser una lista lista"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Icorrect type, must be boolean"
+msgstr "Tipo erroneo, debe ser booleano"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Icorrect type, must be integer"
+msgstr "Tipo erroneo, debe ser un número entero"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Icorrect type, must be string"
+msgstr "Tipo erroneo, debe ser una cadena de texto"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Icorrect type, must be list"
+msgstr "Tipo erroneo, debe ser una lista"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Icorrect type, must be a parseable color"
+msgstr "Tipo erroneo, debe ser un color parseable"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Type must be boolean, integer, string or color"
+msgstr "El tipo debe ser booleano, entero, cadena de texto o color"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Value must be in the option dict"
+msgstr "El valor debe estar en el diccionario de opciones"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Values must be a dict"
+msgstr "El valor debe ser un dicionario"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "No file selected"
+msgstr "Ningún fichero seleccionado"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "The filename must have durus extension"
+msgstr "El nombre del archivo debe tener extensión «durus»"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Open File"
+msgstr "Abrir archivo"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "The file must have 'bc3' extension"
+msgstr "El archivo debe tener extensión «bc3»"
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Loading file ..."
+msgstr "Cargando archivo ..."
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Cancelar"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mo/pyArq-Presupuestos.pot	Sun Oct 31 20:07:33 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1067 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-10-31 20:01+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid code: $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Synonyms ($1) must be a list, code: $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid Code in synomyms list ($1) code: $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Unit ($1) must be a string: $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Summary ($1) must be a string: $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Prices ($1) must be a list: $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Price ($1) must be a list with two items: $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Price must be a float number: $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+#, python-format
+msgid "The record do not have this Price. Code: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The record do not have this Price"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Parents ($1) must be a list: $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid parent code ($1) in the record: $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "children ($1) must be a list, record: $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "child ($1) must be a Decomposition object, record: $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Text ($1) must be a string, record: $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "sheet must be a Sheet instance"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "files must be a list: $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "Incorrect path"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "file must be a list or a File object: $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "labels must be a list"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "label must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Label must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Position must be a integer"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "BudgetMeasures atribute must be a list"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "BudgetMeasures item must be a Measure "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Certification atribute must be a list or None"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Real cost atribute must be a list or None"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Cost goals atribute must be a list or None"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Cost Planned atribute must be a list or None"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Measure must be a float number. Type: $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Lines must be a list"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Line must be a MeasureLine objetc"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Factor must be a float number |$1|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Yield must be a float number"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Fixed must be boolean object"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Type must be M or A. Type: $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid " Parcial Subtotal must be a float number. Parcial: $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid " Acumulated Subtotal must be a float number. Parcial: $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid measure line type ($1)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Measure Comment must be a string ($1)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid Measure Units ($1)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid Measure length ($1)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid Measure Width ($1)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid Measure Height ($1)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Formula must be a string ($1)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "There is invalid charactersin formula ($1)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "'a' value must be a float number"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "'b' value must be a float number"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "'c' value must be a float number"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "'d' value must be a float number"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid formula"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "sheet_dict must be a dictionay"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "sheet field must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "section_dict must be a dictionary"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "sheet section must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "sheet paragraph must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Owner must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invalid Date: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Comment must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Budget type must be 1, 2, 3 or 4."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Certificate order must be a integer."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Budget certificate Date must be a valid Date."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid title list format"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid Index Title"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Decimal Key error"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid Percentage key"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid parent code: $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid child code: $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid position in measure $1, in code $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Circular Decomposition, parent code: $1, child code: $2, repeated code: $3"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Error: Invalid child position in decomposition. Parent code: $1 Child code: "
+"$2 Position: $3"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Error: Empty child code. Parent code: $1 Position: $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid code"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid record: $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Only can be one root record"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "This record does not exits"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Path item must be a integer"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Path must be a not empty tuple: $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The sheet code must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The sheet title must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The sheet sections must be a dictionary"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The field code must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The field title must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The sheet field must be a dictionary"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The paragraph code must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The paragraph text must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The paragraph dict must be a dictionary"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "The record_code code must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The field must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The section dict must be a dictionary"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Error: The budget do not have this record code and can not be added the "
+"sheet text in the field $1. Record Code: $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The filename must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Error: The budget do not have the record code $1 and can not be added the "
+"file: $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The company code must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The summary must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "The name must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The name must be a list"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The office must be a list"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The office must be a 10 items list"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "This office item must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "This office item must be a list"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The web must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The email must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The tecnical info code must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The tecnical info description must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The tecnical info unit must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The label must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The parametric select comment must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Error: The budget do not have the record code $1 and can not be added the "
+"Parametric select comment: $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Error: The Record $1 is not a Parametric Record and can not have Parametric "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The summary record must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Error: The budget do not have the record code $1 and can not be seted the "
+"summary: $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Error: The Record $1 is not a Parametric Record and can not have Parametric "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The text record must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Error: The budget do not have the record code $1 and can not be seted the "
+"text: $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Error: The Record $1 is not a Parametric Record and can not have Parametric "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid Hierarchy ($1) The hierarchy must be -1, 0, 1 or 2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid type ($1),the type must be (empty string,0,1,2,3)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"Invalid subtype ($1), The subtype must one in (empty string, EA, EU, EC, EF, "
+"OB, PA, PU, H, Q, %, MC, MCr, MM, MS, ME, MCu, MAl, ML, M)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid code, it must be a string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The code '$1' have invalid characters."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The code '$1' contains special characters repeated."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"The 'V' record (Property and Version) must be the first record in the file "
+"but it is the number: $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "The default values were taken and this V record is ignored"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+#, python-format
+msgid "FIEBDC format: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+#, python-format
+msgid "FIEBDC file generated by %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Record C without a valid code"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "Incorrect type ($1) in the code $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"ValueError loadig the descomposition of the record $1, the factor of the "
+"child $2 must be a float number and can not be $3, seted default value 1.0"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"ValueError loading the descomposition of the record $1, the yield of the "
+"child $2, must be a float number and cannot be $3,  seted default value 1.0"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid codes in $1 record, codes $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Empty child code in $1 record, codes: $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid path in $1 record, codes $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Invalid Total Measure value in $1 record, codes $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid ""
+"The comment is not a formula or its have invalid characters, in the $1 "
+"record, codes $2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "The file $1 do not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/ ../Generic/
+msgid "PyArq hates parametric DLLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Loading file $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "This codepage do not exist in FIEBDC3! Default codepage: $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "This V record dot have a codepage! Default codepage: $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Not 'V' record in File! Default codepage: $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Cancelled process"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Time to load: $1 seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Records/Valid Records: $1/$2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "$1 unsuported record type O: Comercial Relationship"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "This file is not a valid FIBDC3 file"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "Testing budget ..."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Generic/
+msgid "End Test"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "The icon file does not exist. '$1'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "pyArq-Presupuestos running on $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "_Import Fiebdc"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "_Test"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Import Fiebdc _price database"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "_Open price database"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Saving file: $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Saving time: $1 seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Loading file: $1:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/
+msgid "Time: 0s"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/
+msgid "Time: $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "The value must be a list"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Incorrect len"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Incorrect item $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "The budget does not have the path record: $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Decomposition"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/
+msgid "Measure"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Sheet of Conditions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Companies"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "The item must be a widget object."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Invalid orientation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/
+msgid "Argument must be a Budget object"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "DecompositionList.__init__: Record path can not be None"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "a"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/
+msgid "Code"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Unit"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Price"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Amount"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/
+msgid "Invalid path"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Record path must be a tuple"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "measure must be a Measure object. Type: $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Formula"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Subtotal"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/
+msgid "Description text of the record $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Sheet of Conditions of the record $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Field"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Section"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Sheet2 of Conditions of the record $1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "$1 text"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Code that define the company"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Summary of the company name"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/ ../Gtk/
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Complete name"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "CIF"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Fiscal identifier number"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Web"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Company web page"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Company email"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid ""
+"Type of Office:\n"
+"                           C: Central office\n"
+"                           D: Local office\n"
+"                           R: Performer"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Office name"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Postal code"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Town"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Province"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Country"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Phone"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Phone numbers of the office"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Fax"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Fax numbers of the office"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Contact person"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Contact persons in the office"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Unknow Option Type"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Boolean"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Integer"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Text"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Color"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "List"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Option name"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Option values must be strings"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Option must be a tuple with 4 items"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Option list must be a list"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Icorrect type, must be boolean"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Icorrect type, must be integer"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Icorrect type, must be string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Icorrect type, must be list"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Icorrect type, must be a parseable color"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Type must be boolean, integer, string or color"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Value must be in the option dict"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Values must be a dict"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "No file selected"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "The filename must have durus extension"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Open File"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "The file must have 'bc3' extension"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Loading file ..."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Gtk/
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr ""
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pyArq-Presupuestos	Sun Oct 31 20:07:33 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+## File
+## This file is part of pyArq-Presupuestos.
+## Copyright (C) 2010 Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez
+##                         <>
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+def _translate():
+    """def translate()
+    Translates the program using gettext module
+    """
+    _app = "pyArq-Presupuestos"
+    _dir = globals.path["APPDATA"] + "/mo/"
+    print _dir
+    gettext.install(_app, _dir, unicode=1)
+def _run_gui():
+    """def _run_gui
+    Shows main window and starts the GTK+ event processing loop.
+    """
+    _window = gui.MainWindow()
+# Run pyArq-Presupuestos
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    # Modules
+    import gettext
+    import sys
+    from Generic import globals
+    # take path to find mo file
+    _path = sys.path[0]
+    globals.path["APPDATA"]= _path
+    _translate()
+    from Gtk import gui
+    _run_gui()