Mercurial > pyarq-presupuestos
view Generic/ @ 26:16f91684686b default tip
Upgrade to python 3. Keep python 2/3 compatibility
author | Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez <> |
date | Tue, 18 Jun 2019 17:50:23 +0200 (2019-06-18) |
parents | 189f8274aecd |
children |
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#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## File ## This file is part of pyArq-Presupuestos. ## ## Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez ## <> ## ## pyArq-Presupuestos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## pyArq-Presupuestos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program. If not, see <>. """base module In this module are defined the data structures in the classes: * Record: data of each record * ParamentricRecord: data of each parametric record * Decomposition: data of the decomposition of each record * Measure: data of the measure of each record * MeasureLine: each measure line data * Decimals: data of the decimal places of all the numbers in a budget * Sheet: data of the sheet of conditions of a budget * Budget: all data of a budget * Company: company data * Office: company office data * File: file data * RecordType: Record type data schema: * Budget: +-- __records: dictionary records { code : Record } * Record: +-- code: record code +-- synonyms: list of synonym codes +-- hierarchy: A integer number: 0 -> root 1 -> Chapter/Subchapter 2 -> Other +-- unit: unit of measure of the record +-- summary: Short description of the record +-- prices: List of Prices/Dates +-- type +-- subtype "type" and "subtype": 0 Without classifying EA Auxiliary element EU Unitary element EC Complex element EF Functional element OB Construction site PA Cost overrun PU Unitary budget 1 Labourforce H Labourforce 2 Machinery and auxiliary equipment Q Machinery % Auxiliary equipment 3 Building materials MC Cement MCr Ceramic MM Wood MS Iron and steel ME Energy MCu Copper MAl Aluminium ML Bonding agents M Others materials Hierarchy type subtype 0->root -> 0 -> None,OB 1->[sub]chapter -> 0 -> None,PU 2->Other -> 0 -> None,EA,EU,EC,EF,PA 1 -> None,H 2 -> None,Q,% 3 -> None,MC,MCr,MM,MS,ME,MCu,Mal,ML,M +-- parents: List of parent codes +-- children: list of Decomposition * Decomposition: +-- position: Position of the child in the parent descomposition TODO: change this: the position of the record in the budget +-- code: child record code +-- budget: list of budget and amended budget measures * Measure: +-- measure: Total result of measure +-- lines: List of measure lines * MeasureLine: +-- type: Line type: empty string -> Normal 1 -> Parcial Subtotal 2 -> Accumulated Subtotal 3 -> Formula, the comment is a formula. +-- comment: Can be a descriptive text or a formula Valid Operator: '(', ')', '+', '-', '*', '/' and '^' Valid variable: 'a', 'b', 'c','d' y 'p' (Pi=3.1415926) +-- units: Number of Units (a) +-- length: length (b) +-- width: width (c) +-- height: height (d) +-- label: Record Identifiers that are used by some measure programs +-- factor: Factor +-- yield_: Yield +-- certification: list of certifications for months measures * Measure +-- real_cost: list of real cost of construction for months measures * Measure +-- cost_goals: list of cost goals of construction for months measures * Measure +-- cost_planned: list of costs planned and amended cost planned measures * Measure +-- text: Long Description of the record +-- sheet: Sheet of conditions object * Sheet: +-- sheet_dict: { <Field key> : { <Section key> : <Paragraph key>}} +-- files: List of file object +-- file * Name * Type * Description +-- __synonyms: synonyms dictionary. TODO +-- __root: root record code +-- __decimals: List with the decimal places used to round the - result of the calculations with prices and measures - The values are Decimals objects - The <0> objets is the default Decimals (seted in FIEBDC-3), - The others keys are for the diferent groups of Prices * Decimals: +-- DN: Number of decimal places of the field "equal-size parts" in the measure lines. Default: 2 decimal places. +-- DD: Number of decimal places of the three dimensions in the measure lines. Default: 2 decimal places. +-- DS: Number of decimal places of the total sum of a measure. Default: 2 decimal places. +-- DFP: Number of decimal places of the yield factor in a decomposition of a budget record. Default: 3 decimal places. +-- DFC: Number of decimal places of the yield factor in a decomposition of a chapter or subchapter, and in its measure lines. Dafault: 3 decimal places. +-- DFUO: Number of decimal places of the yield factor in a decomposition of a unit of work. Default: 3 decimal places. +-- DFA: Number of decimal places of the yield factor in a decomposition of a Auxiliary element. Default: 3 decimal places. +-- DRP: Number of decimal places of the yield in a decomposition of a budget record. Number of decumal places of the result of the multiplication of the factor and the yield in a decompositon of a budget. Default: 3 decimal places. +-- DRC: Number of decimal places of the yield (or measure) in a decomposition of a chapter or subchapter. Number of decimal places of the result of the multiplictaion of the yield (or measure) and the factor in a decomposition of a chapter or subcharter. Default: 3 decimal places. +-- DRUO: Number of decimal places of the yield in a decomposition of a unit of work. Decimal places of the result of the multiplication of the yield and the factor in a descomposition of a unit of work. Default: 3 decimal places. +-- DRA: Number of decimal places of the yield in a decompositon of a auxiliar element. Number of decimal places of the result of the multiplication of the yield and the factor in a descomposition of a auxilar element. Default: 3 decimal places. +-- DP: Number of decimal places of the price of a budget. Default: 2 decimal places. +-- DC: Number of decimal places of the price of a chapter or subchapter. Default: 2 decimal places. +-- DUO: Number of decimal places of the price of a unit of work. Default: 2 decimal places. +-- DEA: Number of decimal places of the price of a auxiliar element. Default: 2 decimal places. +-- DES: Number of decimal places of the price of the simple elements. Default: 2 decimal places. +-- DIR: Number of decimal places of the resulting amount to multiply the total yield and the price of the elements of a unit of work. (When there are not measures) +-- DIM: Number of decimal places of the resulting amount to multiply the total yield and the price of the elements of a unit of work. (When there are measures) +-- DIRC: Number of decimal places of the resulting amount to multiply the total yield and the price of the elements of a budget, chapter or a subchapter.(When there are not measures) +-- DIMC: Number of decimal places of the resulting amount to multiply the total yield and the price of the elements of a budget, chapter or a subchapter. (When there are measures) +-- DCD: Number of decimal places ot the resulting amount to sum the direct costs of a unit of work (and auxiliar element). Number of decimal places of the indirect costs. Default: 2 decimal places. +-- DIVISA: monetary unit. +-- __percentages: percentages dictionary: { "CI" : "", "GG" : "", "BI" : "", "BAJA": "", "IVA" : ""} +-- __file_owner +-- __title_list: titles list: [ "Header", ["Title1", "Title2", ... ] ] +-- __title_index: A integer. The active group of Prices and Decimals. +-- __sheet_sections: sheet sections dictionary { sheet_code : sheet_title } +-- __sheet_fields: sheet fields dictionary { field_code : field_title } +-- __sheet_paragraphs: sheet paragraphs dictionary { paragraph_code : paragraph_text} +-- __companys: Dictionary whith companys object { company_code: company_object } * Comapany: +-- code: company code +-- summary: short name +-- name: long name +-- offices: List of offices: * Office: +-- type: office type "C" Central office. "D" Local Office. "R" Performer. +-- subname: Office name +-- address: Ofiice address +-- postal_code: postal code +-- town: town +-- province: province/state +-- country: country +-- phone: list of phone numbers +-- fax: list of fax numbers +-- contact_person: Contact person in the office +-- cif: CIF +-- web: web page +-- email: email +-- __comment +-- __date +-- __budgetType" A integer. Type of data in budget 0 -> Undefined 1 -> Base data. 2 -> Budget. 3 -> Certificate. 4 -> Base date update. +-- __budgetCerficateOrder" Only valid if budgetType is 3. +-- __budgetCerficateDate" Only valid if budgetType is 3 +-- __tec_info": Dictionary whith tecnical information {ti_code : ["desciption text", "unit"]} +-- __labels": Label dictionary { "label": [ "code", ], } """ # Modules # python 2/3 compatibility from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals from builtins import str as text from six import text_type import re import datetime import os # pyArq-Presupuestos modules from Generic import fiebdc from Generic import utils # Translatable global Vars authors = ["Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez"] copyright = "Copyright © 2019 Autoras de Pyarq Presupuestos" website = "" website_label = "pyarq Presupuestos Web" comments = _(""" A free program of measurements, budgets and control of construction sites. In beta development, still there is not a fully functional version. """) help = _( """ Usage: pyarqPresupuestos [file]... Help Options: -h, --help Show this help """) class Record(object): """base.Record: Description: Record object Constructor: base.Record(decimals, code, synonyms, hierarchy, unit, summary, prices, type_, subtype, parents=None, text=None) Ancestry: +-- object +-- Record Atributes: "code": Write/Read. Code string "recordType": Write/Read. RecordType object "synonyms": Write/Read. List of synonym codes. "parents": Write/Read. List of parent codes "children": Write/Read. Decomposition list, list of "Decomposition" instances "unit": Write/Read. measure unit of the record "summary": Write/Read. Short description of the record "prices": Read. List of prices/dates "text": Write/Read. Long Description of the record "sheet": Write/Read. Sheet of conditions object "files": Write/Read. List of file object "labels": Write/Read. List of record labels Methods: isPercentage percentageMasq hasPercentageMasq(masq) {get/set}Code {get/set}Synonyms {get/set}RecordType {get/set}Unit {get/set}Summary {get/set}Prices addPrice getPrice getAmount getDate {get/set}Parents appendParent {get/set}children appendChild {get/set}Text {get/set}Sheet {get/set}Files addFile {get/set}Labels addLabel getChildPositions: """ __slots__ = ["_Record__code", "_Record__synonyms", "_Record__recordType", "_Record__unit", "_Record__summary", "_Record__prices", "_Record__parents", "_Record__children", "_Record__text", "_Record__sheet", "_Record__files", "_Record__labels"] def __getstate__(self): return (self.__code, self.__synonyms, self.__recordType, self.__unit, self.__summary, self.__prices, self.__parents, self.__children, self.__text, self.__sheet, self.__files, self.__labels) def __setstate__(self, tuple): self.__code = tuple[0] self.__synonyms = tuple[1] self.__recordType = tuple[2] self.__unit = tuple[3] self.__summary = tuple[4] self.__prices = tuple[5] self.__parents = tuple[6] self.__children = tuple[7] self.__text = tuple[8] self.__sheet = tuple[9] self.__files = tuple[10] self.__labels = tuple[11] def __init__(self, decimals, code, synonyms, hierarchy, unit, summary, prices, type_, subtype, parents=None, text=None): self.code = code self.synonyms = synonyms self.recordType = (hierarchy, type_, subtype) self.unit = unit self.summary = summary self.setPrices(prices, decimals) if parents is None: parents = [] self.parents = parents self.children = [] if text is None: text = "" self.text = text self.sheet = Sheet() self.files = [] self.labels = [] def isPercentage(self): if "%" in self.__code or "&" in self.__code: return True else: return False def percentageMasq(self): if "%" in self.__code: return self.__code.split("%")[0] elif "&" in self.__code: return self.__code.split("&")[0] def hasPercentageMasq(self, masq): if len(self.__code) >= len(masq): _part_code = self.__code[:len(masq)] if _part_code == masq: return True return False def getCode(self): return self.__code def setCode(self, code): """setCode(code) Sets the code, must be a valid code """ if not utils.is_valid_code(code)[0]: _uni = utils.mapping(_("Invalid code: $1"),(code,)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__code = code def getSynonyms(self): return self.__synonyms def setSynonyms(self,synonyms): """setSynonyms(synonyms) Sets the synonyms codes of the record. synonyms must fulfill: - must be a list - the items must be valid codes """ if not isinstance(synonyms, list): _tuni = _("Synonyms ($1) must be a list, code: $2") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (synonyms, self.__code)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise TypeError(_str) for code in synonyms: if not utils.is_valid_code(code)[0]: _tuni = _("Invalid Code in synomyms list ($1) code: $2") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (code, self.__code)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__synonyms = synonyms def getRecordType(self): return self.__recordType def setRecordType(self, recordType): """setRecordType(recordType) Set the record type. recordType (hierarchy, type,subtype) hierarchy must be -1, 0, 1 or 2 type must be 0, 1, 2, 3 or a empty string subtype must be EA, EU, EC, EF, OB, PA, PU, H, Q, %, MC, MCr, MM, MS, ME, MCu, MAl, ML, M, or a empty string """ _recordType = RecordType(recordType[0],recordType[1],recordType[2]) self.__recordType = _recordType def getUnit(self): return self.__unit def setUnit(self,unit): """setUnit(unit) Set the unit of measure The unit must be a string. """ if not isinstance(unit, text_type): _tuni = _("Unit ($1) must be a text string: $2") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (unit, self.__code)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise TypeError(_str) self.__unit = unit def getSummary(self): return self.__summary def setSummary(self,summary): """setSummary(summary) Set the summary of a record The summary must be a string. """ if not isinstance(summary, text_type): _tuni = _("Summary ($1) must be a text string: $1") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (summary, self.__code)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise TypeError(_str) self.__summary = summary def getPrices(self): return self.__prices def setPrices(self, prices, decimals): """setPrice(prices, decimals) Set the price list of the record. prices must fulfill: - it must be a list - the items must be a list with two items - the first item: price must be a float """ if not isinstance(prices, list): _tuni = _("Prices ($1) must be a list: $2") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (text(prices), self.__code)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise TypeError(_str) for index in range(len(prices)): _price_date = prices[index] _price_date = self._validate_price_date(_price_date, decimals) prices[index] = _price_date self.__prices = prices def addPrice(self, price_date, decimals): """addPrice(price_date, decimals) Add a price to the price list of the record. price must fulfill: - must be a list with two items - the first item: price must be a float """ price_date = self._validate_price_date(price_date, decimals) self.__prices.append(price_date) def _validate_price_date(self, price_date, decimals): if not isinstance(price_date, list) and len(price_date) == 2: _tuni = _("Price ($1) must be a list with two items: $2") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (text(price_date), self.__code)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) _price = price_date[0] _date = price_date[1] if not isinstance(_price, float): _tuni = ("Price must be a float number: $1") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (text(_price),)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise TypeError(_str) _D = abs(decimals.getD(self.recordType)) _price = round(_price, _D) price_date[0] = _price # TODO: validate date return price_date def getPrice(self, index_price): if len(self.__prices) <= index_price: _tuni = _("The record do not have this Price. Code: $1") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (self.__code,)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise IndexError(_str) return self.__prices[index_price][0] def getDate(self, index_price): if len(self.__prices) <= index_price: _tuni = _("The record do not have this Price") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise IndexError(_str) return self.__prices[index_price][1] def getParents(self): return self.__parents def setParents(self, parents): """setParents(parents) Sets the list of parents codes of the record. parents must fulfill - it must be a list - the items must be valid codes """ if not isinstance(parents, list): _tuni = _("Parents ($1) must be a list: $2") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (text(parents), self.__code)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise TypeError(_str) for parent in parents: if not utils.is_valid_code(parent)[0]: _tuni = _("Invalid parent code ($1) in the record: $2") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (padre, self.__code)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__parents = parents def appendParent(self, parent): """appendParent(parent) parent must be a valid code Append a parent to the list of parents codes of the record. """ if not utils.is_valid_code(parent)[0]: _tuni = _("Invalid parent code ($1) in the record: $2") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (parent, self.__code)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__parents.append(parent) def getchildren(self): return self.__children def setchildren(self,children): """setchildren(children) Sets the list of children of a record children must fulfill - it must be a list - the items must be instances of Decomposition class """ if not isinstance(children, list): _tuni = _("children ($1) must be a list, record: $2") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (text(children), self.__code)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise TypeError(_str) for _child in children: if not isinstance(_child, Decomposition): _tuni = _("child ($1) must be a Decomposition object, record: $2") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (text(_child), self.__code)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) _record_code = self.code for _measure_list in [_child.budgetMeasures, _child.certification, _child.real_cost, _child.cost_goals, _child.cost_planned]: if isinstance(_measure_list, list): for _measure in _measure_list: _measurerecordCode = _record_code self.__children = children def appendChild(self, child_code, decimals, factor=0.0, yield_=0.0, measure=0.0, measure_list=None, type_=None, label=None): """appendChildren(child_code, factor=0.0, yield_=0.0, measure=0.0, measure_list=None, type_=None, label=None)) position: child_code: factor: yield_: measure: measure_list: type_: label: Append a child to the list of children """ if measure_list is None: measure_list = [] if type_ is None: type_ = "" if label is None: label = "" _measure = Measure(decimals, self.recordType, measure, [], label, factor, yield_) if len(measure_list) > 0: _measure.buildMeasure( measure_list, type_, decimals, self.recordType) _position = len(self.__children) _child = Decomposition(_position, child_code, [_measure]) self.__children.append(_child) return _child def getText(self): return self.__text def setText(self,text): """setText(text) Sets the text of the record It must be a string """ if not isinstance(text, text_type): _tuni = _("Text ($1) must be a text string, record: $2") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (text, self.__code)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise TypeError(_str) self.__text = text def getSheet(self): return self.__sheet def setSheet(self, sheet): """setSheet(sheet) Sets the sheet of condition object """ if not isinstance(sheet, Sheet): _tuni = _("sheet must be a Sheet instance") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__sheet = sheet def getFiles(self): return self.__files def setFiles(self, files): """setFiles(files) Sets the files list """ if not isinstance(files, list): _tuni = _("files must be a list: $1") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, text(files)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) _files = [] for file in files: if isinstance(file, File): _files.append(file) elif isinstance(file, list): _file_path = file[0] _type = file[1] _description = file[2] if not os.path.exists(file[0]): _tuni = _("Incorrect path") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) _file = File(file_path, type_, description) _files.append(_file) else: _tuni = _("file must be a list or a File object: $1") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, file) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__files = _files def addFile(self, file_path, type_, description): """addFile(file_path, type_, description) Add a file to a record instance """ if not os.path.exists(file_path): _tuni = _("Incorrect path") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) _name = os.path.basename(file_path) _isin = False for _ofile in self.__files: if == _name: _isin = True if not _isin: _file = File(_name, type_, description) self.__files.append(_file) def getLabels(self): return self.__labels def setLabels(self, labels): """setLabels(labels) Sets the labels list of a record """ if not isinstance(labels, list): _tuni = _("labels must be a list") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) _labels = [] for _label in labels: if isinstance(_label, text_type): _labels.append(_label) else: _tuni = _("label must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__labels = _labels def addLabel(self, label): """addLabel(label) Add a label to a record instance """ if not isinstance(label, text_type): _tuni = _("Label must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not label in self.__labels: self.__labels.append(label) def getChildPositions(self, child_code): """getChildPath(child_code): Try to return positions of a childcode """ children = self.children positions = [] for child in children: if child.code == child_code: positions.append(child.position) return positions recordType = property(getRecordType, setRecordType, None, """Record Type object """) code = property(getCode, setCode, None, """Record code """) synonyms = property(getSynonyms, setSynonyms, None, """List of codes synonyms of the code """) unit = property(getUnit,setUnit, None, """Measure Unit of the record """) summary = property(getSummary, setSummary, None, """Short description of the record """) prices = property(getPrices, None, None, """List of Price/Date """) parents = property(getParents, setParents, None, """List of codes of the records which the record is in its decomposition """) children = property(getchildren, setchildren, None, """List of Decompositon intances""") text = property(getText, setText, None, """Long description of the record""") sheet = property(getSheet, setSheet, None, """Sheet of conditions object""") files = property(getFiles, setFiles, None, """File list""") labels = property(getLabels, setLabels, None, """Label list""") class ParametricRecord(Record): """base.ParametricRecord: Description: Parametric Record object Constructor: base.ParametricRecord(budget, code, synonyms, hierarchy, unit, summary, prices, type_, subtype, parents=None, text=None) Ancestry: +-- object +-- Record +-- ParametricRecord Atributes: Methods: """ __slots__ = ["_ParametricRecord__budget", "_ParametricRecord__code", "_ParametricRecord__synonyms", "_ParametricRecord__hierarchy", "_ParametricRecord__unit", "_ParametricRecord__summary", "_ParametricRecord__prices", "_ParametricRecord__type", "_ParametricRecord__subtype", "_ParametricRecord__parents", "_ParametricRecord__children", "_ParametricRecord__text", "_ParametricRecord__sheet", "_ParametricRecord__files", "_ParametricRecord__labels", "_ParametricRecord__parameters", "_ParametricRecord__select_comment", "_ParametricRecord__vars", "_ParametricRecord__parametric_summary", "_ParametricRecord__parametric_text",] def __getstate__(self): return (self.__budget, self.__code, self.__synonyms, self.__hierarchy, self.__unit, self.__summary, self.__prices, self.__type, self.__subtype, self.__parents, self.__children, self.__text, self.__sheet, self.__files, self.__labels, self.__parameters, self.__select_comment, self.__vars, self.__parametric_summary, self.__parametric_text) def __setstate__(self, tuple): self.__budget = tuple[0] self.__code = tuple[1] self.__synonyms = tuple[2] self.__hierarchy = tuple[3] self.__unit = tuple[4] self.__summary = tuple[5] self.__prices = tuple[6] self.__type = tuple[7] self.__subtype = tuple[8] self.__parents = tuple[9] self.__children = tuple[10] self.__text = tuple[11] self.__sheet = tuple[12] self.__files = tuple[13] self.__labels = tuple[14] self.__parameters = tuple[15] self.__select_comment = tuple[16] self.__vars = tuple[17] self.__parametric_summary = tuple[18] self.__parametric_text = tuple[19] def __init__(self, budget, code, synonyms, hierarchy, unit, summary, prices, type_, subtype, parents=None, text=None): if parents is None: parents = [] if text is None: text = "" Record.__init__(self, budget, code, synonyms, hierarchy, unit, summary, prices, type_, subtype, parents, text) self.__parameters = {} self.__select_comment = "" self.__vars = {} self.parametric_summary = "" self.parametric_text = "" def getParameter(self, parameter): if parameter in self.__parameters: return self.__parameters[parameter] else: return None def setParameter(self, parameter, parameter_list): self.__parameters[parameter] = parameter_list def getSelectComment(self): return self.__select_comment def setSelectComment(self, select_comment): self.__select_comment = select_comment def getVar(self, var): if var in self.__vars: return self.__vars[var] else: return None def setVar(self, var, var_list): self.__vars[var] = var_list def getParametricSummary(self): return self.__parametric_summary def setParametricSummary(self, parametric_summary): self.__parametric_summary = parametric_summary def getParametricText(self): return self.__parametric_text def setParametricText(self, parametric_text): self.__parametric_text = parametric_text parameter = property(getParameter, setParameter, None, """Record parameter """) select_comment = property(getSelectComment, setSelectComment, None, """Seclect comment """) var = property(getVar, setVar, None, """Record var """) parametric_summary = property(getParametricSummary, setParametricSummary, None, """Parametric summary """) parametric_text = property(getParametricText, setParametricText, None, """Seclect comment """) class Decomposition(object): """base.Decomposition: Description: Decomposition object Constructor: base.Decomposition(position, code, budgetMeasures, certification=None, real_cost=None, cost_goals=None, cost_planned=None) Ancestry: +-- object +-- Decomposition Atributes: "position": the position of the child record in the parent record "code": Record code. Measures: "budgetMeasures": list of budget and Amended budget measures "certification": list of certifications for months measures "real_cost": list of real cost of construction for months measures "cost_goals": list of cost goals of construction for months measures "cost_planned": list of costs planned and amended cost planned measures Methods: {get/set}position {get/set}Code {get/set}BudgetMeasures {get/set}Certification {get/set}RealCost {get/set}CostGoals {get/set}CostPlanned """ __slots__ = ["_Decomposition__position", "_Decomposition__code", "_Decomposition__budgetMeasures", "_Decomposition__certification", "_Decomposition__real_cost", "_Decomposition__cost_goals", "_Decomposition__cost_planned", ] def __getstate__ (self): return (self.__position, self.__code, self.__budgetMeasures, self.__certification, self.__real_cost, self.__cost_goals, self.__cost_planned) def __setstate__(self,tuple): self.__position = tuple[0] self.__code = tuple[1] self.__budgetMeasures = tuple[2] self.__certification = tuple[3] self.__real_cost = tuple[4] self.__cost_goals = tuple[5] self.__cost_planned = tuple[6] def __init__(self, position, code, budgetMeasures, certification=None, real_cost=None, cost_goals=None, cost_planned=None): self.position = position self.code = code self.budgetMeasures = budgetMeasures self.certification = certification self.real_cost = real_cost self.cost_goals = cost_goals self.cost_planned = cost_planned def getPosition(self): return self.__position def setPosition(self, position): if not isinstance(position, int): _tuni = _("Position must be a integer") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__position = position def getCode(self): return self.__code def setCode(self, code): self.__code = code def getBudgetMeasures(self): return self.__budgetMeasures def setBudgetMeasures(self, budgetMeasures): if not isinstance(budgetMeasures, list): _tuni = _("BudgetMeasures atribute must be a list") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) for _measure in budgetMeasures: if not isinstance(_measure, Measure): _tuni = _("BudgetMeasures item must be a Measure object") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__budgetMeasures = budgetMeasures def getCertification(self): return self.__certification def setCertification(self, certification): if not (certification is None or isinstance(certification, list)): _tuni = _("Certification atribute must be a list or None") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__certification = certification def getRealCost(self): return self.__real_cost def setRealCost(self, real_cost): if not (real_cost is None or isinstance(real_cost, list)): _tuni =_("Real cost atribute must be a list or None") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__real_cost = real_cost def getCostGoals(self): return self.__cost_goals def setCostGoals(self, cost_goals): if not (cost_goals is None or isinstance(cost_goals, list)): _tuni = _("Cost goals atribute must be a list or None") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__cost_goals = cost_goals def getCostPlanned(self): return self.__cost_planned def setCostPlanned(self, cost_planned): if not (cost_planned is None or isinstance(cost_planned, list)): _tuni = _("Cost Planned atribute must be a list or None") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__cost_planned = cost_planned position = property(getPosition, setPosition, None, """Postion of the record in the budget """) code = property(getCode, setCode, None, """Record code """) budgetMeasures = property(getBudgetMeasures, setBudgetMeasures, None, """list of budget and Amended budget measures """) certification = property(getCertification, setCertification,None, """ list of certifications by months measures """) real_cost = property(getRealCost, setRealCost, None, """ list of real cost of construction for months measures """) cost_goals = property(getCostGoals, setCostGoals, None, """ list of cost goals of construction for months measures """) cost_planned = property(getCostPlanned, setCostPlanned, None, """ list of costs planned and amended cost planned measures """) class Measure(object): """base.Measure: Description: Measure object Constructor: base.Measure(decimals, recordType, measure, lines, label, factor, yield_) Ancestry: +-- object +-- Measure Atributes: "measure": Total result of measure. "lines": List of measure lines, List of LineM instances. "label": Record Identifiers that are used by some measure programs. "factor": "yield": "fixed": If fixed is True the yield is not calculated from measure Methods: getMeasure() setMeasure(measure, decimals) {get/set}Lines {get/set}Label getFactor() setFactor(factor, decimals, recordType) getYield() setYield(yield_, decimals, recordType) getFixed() setFixed(decimals) buildMeasure(list_lines, type, decimals) calculateMeasure(decimals) updateYield(decimals) """ __slots__ = ["_Measure__measure", "_Measure__lines", "_Measure__label", "_Measure__factor", "_Measure__yield_", "_Measure__fixed"] def __getstate__ (self): return (self.__measure, self.__lines, self.__label, self.__factor, self.__yield_, self.__fixed) def __setstate__(self,tuple): self.__measure = tuple[0] self.__lines = tuple[1] self.__label = tuple[2] self.__factor = tuple[3] self.__yield_ = tuple[4] self.__fixed = tuple[5] def __init__(self, decimals, recordType, measure, lines, label, factor, yield_): self.setMeasure(measure, decimals) self.lines = lines self.label = label self.setFactor(factor, decimals, recordType) self.setYield(yield_, decimals, recordType) self.__fixed = False def getMeasure(self): return self.__measure def setMeasure(self, measure, decimals): if not isinstance(measure, float): _tuni = _("Measure must be a float number. Type: $1") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (type(measure),)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) # TODO: test after _DS = abs(decimals.DS) measure = round(measure, _DS) self.__measure = measure def getLines(self): return self.__lines def setLines(self, lines): if not isinstance(lines, list): _tuni = _("Lines must be a list") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) for _line in lines: if not isinstance(_line, MeasureLine): _tuni = _("Line must be a MeasureLine objetc") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__lines = lines def getLabel(self): return self.__label def setLabel(self, label): self.__label = label def setFactor(self, factor, decimals, recordType): if not isinstance(factor, float): _tuni = _("Factor must be a float number |$1|") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (text(factor),)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) # TODO: test after _DF = abs(decimals.getDF(recordType)) factor = round(factor, _DF) self.__factor = factor def getFactor(self): return self.__factor def setYield(self, yield_, decimals, recordType): if not isinstance(yield_, float): _tuni = _("Yield must be a float number") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) # TODO: test after _DR = abs(decimals.getDR(recordType)) yield_ = round(yield_, _DR) self.__yield_ = yield_ def getYield(self): return self.__yield_ def setFixed(self, fixed, decimals): if not isinstance(fixed, bool): _tuni = _("Fixed must be boolean object") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__fixed = fixed self.updateYield(decimals) def getFixed(self): return self.__fixed measure = property(getMeasure, None, None, """Total result of the measure """) lines = property(getLines, setLines, None, """List of measure lines, List of "MeasureLine" instances """) label = property(getLabel, setLabel, None, """Record identifiers that are used in some measure programs """) factor = property(getFactor, None, None, """Factor """) yield_ = property(getYield, None, None, """Yield of a record """) fixed = property(getFixed, setFixed,None, """If fixed is True the yield is not calculated from measure """) def buildMeasure(self, list_lines, type_, decimals, recordType): """setMeasure(list_lines, type_, decimals, recordType) list_lines: list of measure lines [ [linetype, comment, units, length, width, height, formula], ... ] linetype: #-#empty string -> Normal 0 -> Normal 1 -> Parcial Subtotal 2 -> Accumulated Subtotal 3 -> Formula comment: comment string units: Number of Units (a) length: Length (b) width: Width (c) height: Height (d) formula: Can be a formula or a empty string Valid Operator: '(', ')', '+', '-', '*', '/' and '^' Valid variable: 'a', 'b', 'c','d' and 'p' (Pi=3.1415926) type: type of action M: Set measure A: Add measure decimal: budget decimals object Sets the measurelines for a record """ # TODO: calcutate measure from lines _parcial = 0 _total = 0 _lines = [] for _line in list_lines: _type, _comment = _line[0], _line[1] _units, _length = _line[2], _line[3] _width, _height = _line[4], _line[5] _formula = _line[6] _measure_line = MeasureLine(decimals, _type, _comment, _units, _length, _width, _height, _formula) _lines.append(_measure_line) if type_ == "M": self.lines = _lines elif type_ == "A": self.lines.extend(_lines) else: _tuni = _("Type must be M or A. Type: $1") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (type_,)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.calculateMeasure(decimals, recordType) def calculateMeasure(self, decimals, recordType): #TODO: round acumulated_subtotal and parcial_subtotal if len(self.lines) > 0: _acumulated_total = 0.0 _parcial_total = 0.0 for line in self.lines: _parcial = line.parcial _acumulated_total += _parcial if line.lineType == 2: line.setAcumulatedSubtotal(_acumulated_total, decimals) elif line.lineType == 1: _parcialSubtotal = _acumulated_total - _parcial_total line.setParcialSubtotal(_parcialSubtotal, decimals) _parcial_total = _acumulated_total self.setMeasure(_acumulated_total, decimals) _DR = abs(decimals.getDR(recordType)) self.updateYield(decimals, recordType) def updateYield(self, decimals, recordType): if not self.fixed: self.setYield(self.measure, decimals, recordType) class MeasureLine(object): """base.MeasureLine: Description: MeasureLine object Constructor: base.MeasureLine(budget, type_, comment, units, length, width, height, formula) Ancestry: +-- object +-- MeasureLine Atributes: "lineType": Line type: #-#empty string -> Normal 0 -> Normal 1 -> Parcial Subtotal 2 -> Accumulated Subtotal 3 -> Formula, the comment is a formula. "comment": Descriptive text string "units": Number of Units (a) "length": length (b) "width": Width (c) "height": Height (d) "formula": can be a valid formula or a empty string Valid Operator: '(', ')', '+', '-', '*', '/' and '^' Valid variable: 'a', 'b', 'c','d'y 'p' (Pi=3.1415926) "partial" : result of measure line "parcial_subtotal" "acumulated_subtotal" Methods: {get/set}LineType {get/set}Comment {get/set}Units {get/set}Length {get/set}Width {get/set}Height {get/set}Formula getParcial {get/set}ParcialSubtotal {get/set}AcumulatedSubtotal calculateParcial eval_formula """ __slots__ = ["_MeasureLine__lineType", "_MeasureLine__comment", "_MeasureLine__units", "_MeasureLine__length", "_MeasureLine__width", "_MeasureLine__height", "_MeasureLine__formula", "_MeasureLine__parcial", "_MeasureLine__parcial_subtotal", "_MeasureLine__acumulated_subtotal", ] def __getstate__ (self): return (self.__lineType, self.__comment, self.__units, self.__length, self.__width, self.__height, self.__formula, self.__parcial) def __setstate__(self,tuple): self.__lineType = tuple[0] self.__comment = tuple[1] self.__units = tuple[2] self.__length = tuple[3] self.__width = tuple[4] self.__height = tuple[5] self.__formula = tuple[6] self.__parcial = tuple[7] #self.calculateParcial() def __init__(self, decimals, type_, comment, units, length, width, height, formula): self.__parcial = 0.0 self.__parcial_subtotal = 0.0 self.__acumulated_subtotal = 0.0 self.lineType = type_ self.comment = comment self.setUnits(units, decimals) self.setLength(length, decimals) self.setWidth(width, decimals) self.setHeight(height, decimals) self.setFormula(formula, decimals) #self.calculateParcial() def getLineType(self): return self.__lineType def getComment(self): return self.__comment def getUnits(self): return self.__units def getLength(self): return self.__length def getWidth(self): return self.__width def getHeight(self): return self.__height def getFormula(self): return self.__formula def getParcial(self): return self.__parcial def getParcialSubtotal(self): return self.__parcial_subtotal def getAcumulatedSubtotal(self): return self.__acumulated_subtotal def setParcialSubtotal(self, parcial_subtotal, decimals): if not isinstance(parcial_subtotal, float): _tuni = _("Parcial Subtotal must be a float number. Parcial: $1") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (text(parcial_subtotal),)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) _DS = abs(decimals.DS) parcial_subtotal = round(parcial_subtotal, _DS) self.__parcial_subtotal = parcial_subtotal def setAcumulatedSubtotal(self, acumulated_subtotal, decimals): if not isinstance(acumulated_subtotal, float): _tuni = _("Acumulated Subtotal must be a float number. Parcial: $1") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (text(acumulated_subtotal),)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) _DS = abs(decimals.DS) acumulated_subtotal = round(acumulated_subtotal, _DS) self.__acumulated_subtotal = acumulated_subtotal def calculateParcial(self, decimals): _DS = abs(decimals.DS) if self.lineType == 1 or self.lineType == 2: _parcial = 0.0 elif self.lineType == 0: # self.formula == "": if isinstance(self.units, float): _a = self.units else: _a = 0.0 if isinstance(self.length, float): _b = self.length else: _b = 1.0 if isinstance(self.width, float): _c = self.width else: _c = 1.0 if isinstance(self.height, float): _d = self.height else: _d = 1.0 _parcial = _a * _b * _c * _d else: _parcial = self.eval_formula() _parcial = round(_parcial, _DS) self.__parcial = _parcial def setLineType(self, type_): if not type_ in [0, 1, 2, 3]: _tuni = _("Invalid measure line type ($1)") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (type_,)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__lineType = type_ def setComment(self, comment): if not isinstance(comment, text_type): _tuni = ("Measure Comment must be a text string ($1)") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (comment,)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__comment = comment def setUnits(self, units, decimals): if units != "": if not isinstance(units, float): _tuni = _("Invalid Measure Units ($1)") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (text(units),)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) _DN = abs(decimals.DN) units = round(units, _DN) self.__units = units try: self.calculateParcial(decimals) except AttributeError: pass def setLength(self, length, decimals): if length != "": if not isinstance(length, float): _tuni = _("Invalid Measure length ($1)") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (text(length),)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) _DD = abs(decimals.DD) length = round(length, _DD) self.__length = length try: self.calculateParcial(decimals) except AttributeError: pass def setWidth(self, width, decimals): if width != "": if not isinstance(width, float): _tuni = _("Invalid Measure Width ($1)") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (text(units),)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) _DD = abs(decimals.DD) width = round(width, _DD) self.__width = width try: self.calculateParcial(decimals) except AttributeError: pass def setHeight(self, height, decimals): if height != "": if not isinstance(height, float): _tuni = _("Invalid Measure Height ($1)") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (text(height),)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) _DD = abs(decimals.DD) height = round(height, _DD) self.__height = height try: self.calculateParcial(decimals) except AttributeError: pass def setFormula(self, formula, decimals): if not isinstance(formula, text_type): _tuni = _("Formula must be a text string ($1)") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (formula,)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if re.match(".*[^0123456789\.()\+\-\*/\^abcdp ].*", formula): _tuni = _("There is invalid characters in formula ($1)") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (formula,)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__formula = formula try: self.calculateParcial(decimals) except AttributeError: pass lineType = property(getLineType, setLineType, None, """Type of measure line """) comment = property(getComment, setComment, None, """Text """) units = property(getUnits, None, None, """Number of units """) length = property(getLength, None, None, """Length measure """) width = property(getWidth, None, None, """Width measure """) height = property(getHeight, None, None, """Height measure """) formula = property(getFormula, None, None, """Formula """) parcial = property(getParcial, None, None, """result of measure line """) acumulated_subtotal = property(getAcumulatedSubtotal, None, None, """Acumulated subtotal """) parcial_subtotal = property(getParcialSubtotal, None, None, """Parcial subtotal """) def eval_formula(self): """eval_formula() formula: Valid Operator: '(', ')', '+', '-', '*', '/' and '^' Valid variable: 'a', 'b', 'c','d'y 'p' (Pi=3.1415926) units: Number of Units (a) length: Length (b) width: Width (c) height: Height (d) Evals the formula and return the result """ formula = self.formula a = self.units b = self.length c = self.width d = self.height if a == "": a = 0.0 if b == "": b = 0.0 if c == "": c = 0.0 if d == "": d = 0.0 try: a = float(a) except: _tuni = _("'a' value must be a float number") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) try: b = float(b) except: _tuni = _("'b' value must be a float number") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) try: c = float(c) except: _tuni = _("'c' value must be a float number") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) try: d = float(d) except: _tuni = _("'d' value must be a float number") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) # spaces are erased formula.replace(" ","") # operators and varibles are replaced formula = formula.replace("+", " + ") formula = formula.replace("-", " - ") formula = formula.replace("*", " * ") formula = formula.replace("/", " / ") formula = formula.replace("^", " ** ") formula = formula.replace("(", " ( ") formula = formula.replace(")", " ) ") formula = formula.replace("a", text(a)) formula = formula.replace("b", text(b)) formula = formula.replace("c", text(c)) formula = formula.replace("d", text(d)) formula = formula.replace("p", "3.1415926") _list_formula = formula.split(" ") _formula2 = "" for oper in _list_formula: try: _float_oper= text(float(oper)) _formula2 = _formula2 + _float_oper except ValueError: _formula2 = _formula2 + oper _g ={"__builtins__":{}} try: return eval(_formula2, _g) except: _tuni = _("Invalid formula") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) class Decimals(object): """base.Decimals: Description: Decimals object Constructor: base.Decimals(DN=2, DD=2, DSP=2, DS=2, DFC=3, DFPU=3, DFUO=3, DFA=3, DRP=3, DRC=3, DRUO=3, DRA=3, DP=2, DC=2, DPU=2, DUO=2, DEA=2, DES=2, DIR=2, DIM=2, DIRC=2, DIMC=2, DCD=2, DIVISA="EUR") Ancestry: +-- object +-- Decimals Atributes: "DN": Number of decimal places of the field "equal-size parts" in the measure lines. Default: 2 decimal places. "DD": Number of decimal places of the three dimensions in the measure lines. Default: 2 decimal places. "DSP": Number of decimal places of the subtotal of a measure. Default: 2 decimal places. "DS": Number of decimal places of the total sum of a measure. Default: 2 decimal places. "DFC": Number of decimal places of the yield factor in a decomposition of a chapter or subchapter. Dafault: 3 decimal places. "DFPU": Number of decimal places of the yield factor in a decomposition of a unitary budget. Default: 3 decimal places. "DFUO": Number of decimal places of the yield factor in a decomposition of a unit of work. Default: 3 decimal places. "DFA": Number of decimal places of the yield factor in a decomposition of a Auxiliary element. Default: 3 decimal places. "DRC": Number of decimal places of the yield in a decomposition of a chapter or subchapter. Number of decimal places of the result of the multiplictaion of the yield (or measure) and the factor in a decomposition of a chapter or subcharter. Default: 3 decimal places. "DRPU": Number of decimal places of the yield in a decomposition of a unitary budget record. Number of decumal places of the result of the multiplication of the factor and the yield in a decompositon of a untitary budget. Default: 3 decimal places. "DRUO": Number of decimal places of the yield in a decomposition of a unit of work. Decimal places of the result of the multiplication of the yield and the factor in a descomposition of a unit of work. Default: 3 decimal places. "DRA": Number of decimal places of the yield in a decompositon of a auxiliar element. Number of decimal places of the result of the multiplication of the yield and the factor in a descomposition of a auxilar element. Default: 3 decimal places. "DP": Number of decimal places of the price of a budget. Default: 2 decimal places. "DC": Number of decimal places of the price of a chapter or subchapter. Default: 2 decimal places. "DPU": Number of decimal places of the price of a unitary budget. Default: 2 decimal places. "DUO": Number of decimal places of the price of a unit of work. Default: 2 decimal places. "DEA": Number of decimal places of the price of a auxiliar element. Default: 2 decimal places. "DES": Number of decimal places of the price of the simple elements. Default: 2 decimal places. "DIR": Number of decimal places of the resulting amount to multiply the total yield and the price of the elements of a unit of work or a auxiliar element. "DIRC": Number of decimal places of the resulting amount to multiply the total yield and the price of the elements of a budget, chapter or a subchapter. "DCD": Number of decimal places ot the resulting amount to sum the direct costs of a unit of work (and auxiliar element). Number of decimal places of the indirect costs. Default: 2 decimal places. "DIVISA": monetary unit. Methods: haskey(key) getD(recordtype) getDF(recordType) getDR(recordType) getDI(recordType) """ # TODO: get/set methods def __init__(self, DN=2, DD=2, DSP=2, DS=2, DFC=3, DFPU=3, DFUO=3, DFA=3, DRC=3, DRPU=3, DRUO=3, DRA=3, DP=2, DC=2, DPU=2, DUO=2, DEA=2, DES=2, DIR=2, DIRC=2, DCD=2, DIVISA="EUR" ): self.DN = DN self.DD = DD self.DSP = DSP self.DS = DS self.DFP = 3 self.DFC = DFC self.DFPU = DFPU self.DFUO = DFUO self.DFA = DFA self.DRP = 3 self.DRC = DRC self.DRPU = DRPU self.DRUO = DRUO self.DRA = DRA self.DP = DP self.DC = DC self.DPU = DPU self.DUO = DUO self.DEA = DEA self.DES = DES self.DIR = DIR self.DIRC = DIRC self.DCD = DCD self.DIVISA = DIVISA def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__dict__[key] def haskey(self, key): return key in self.__dict__ def getD(self, recordType): # DP: budget. # DC: chapter and subcharter. # DUO: unit. # DEA: auxiliar element. # DES: simple element. _hierarchy = recordType.hierarchy if _hierarchy == 0: #budget, type 0, subtipe "OB" _decimal = self.DP elif _hierarchy == 1: #chapter/subcharter, type 0, subtipe "" _decimal = self.DC else: # other _type = recordType.type _subtype = recordType.subtype if _subtype == "EA": # auxiliar element type 0 subitype "EA" _decimal = self.DEA if _subtype == "PU": # unitary budget type 0 subitype "PU" _decimal = self.DPU elif (_type in [1, 2, 3] or _subtype in ["H", "Q", "%", "MC", "MCr", "MM", "MS", "ME", "MCu", "Mal","ML", "M"] ): # simple element _decimal = self.DES else: # unit type 0, subtipe ["EU", "EC", "EF", "PA"] _decimal = self.DUO return _decimal def getDF(self, recordType): # Factor: DF # ->DFP: Budget # ->DFC: Chapter/Subchapter # ->DFUO: Unit # ->DFA: Auxiliar # ->DFPU: Unitary budget if recordType.hierarchy == 0: #budget _decimal = self.DFP elif recordType.hierarchy == 1: #chapter/subcharter _decimal = self.DFC else: # other if recordType.subtype == "EA": # auxiliar element _decimal = self.DFA if recordType.subtype == "PU": # unitary budget element _decimal = self.DFPU else: # unit EU EC EF PA _decimal = self.DFUO return _decimal def getDR(self, recordType): # Yield: DR # ->DRP: Budget # ->DRC: Chapter/Subchapter # ->DRUO: Unit # ->DRA: Auxiliar # ->DRPU: Unitary budget if recordType.hierarchy == 0: #budget _decimal = self.DRP elif recordType.hierarchy == 1: #chapter/subcharter _decimal = self.DRC else: # other if recordType.subtype == "EA": # auxiliar element _decimal = self.DRA if recordType.subtype == "PU": # unitary budget element _decimal = self.DRPU else: # unit _decimal = self.DRUO return _decimal def getDI(self, recordType): # DIRC: budget, chapter and subcharter. # DIR: unit, auxiliar element. _hierarchy = recordType.hierarchy _subtype = recordType.subtype if _hierarchy == 0 or _hierarchy == 1 or _subtype == "PU": #budget, type 0, subtipe "OB" #chapter/subcharter, type 0, subtipe "" #unitary budget, type 2, subtype "PU" _decimal = self.DIRC else: # other # auxiliar element type 0 subitype "EA" # unit type 0, subtipe ["EU", "EC", "EF", "PA", "PU"] _decimal = self.DIR return _decimal class Sheet(object): """base.Sheet: Description: Sheet of conditions object Constructor: base.Sheet(sheet_dict) Ancestry: +-- object +-- Sheet Atributes: "sheet_dict": { <Field key> : { <Section key> : <Paragraph key>} <Field key>: must be in Budget.SheetFields <Section key>: must be in Budget.SheetSections <Paragraph key>: must be in Budget.SheetParagraph Methods: {get/set}Sheet_dict getFields getSections getParagraph addField addSection """ __slots__ = ["_Sheet__sheet_dict"] def __getstate__ (self): return (self.__sheet_dict,) def __setstate__(self,tuple): self.__sheet_dict = tuple[0] def __init__(self): self.__sheet_dict = {} def getSheet_dict(self): return self.__sheet_dict def setSheet_dict(self, sheet_dict): if not isinstance(sheet_dict, dict): _tuni = _("sheet_dict must be a dictionay") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__sheet_dict = sheet_dict def getFields(self): return self.sheet_dict.keys() def getSections(self, field): if field in self.__sheet_dict: return self.__sheet_dict[field].keys() else: return None def getParagraph(self, field, section): if (field in self.__sheet_dict and section in self.__sheet_dict[field]): return self.__sheet_dict[field][section] else: return None def addField(self, field, section_dict): if not isinstance(field, text_type): _tuni = _("sheet field must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not isinstance(section_dict, dict): _tuni = _("section_dict must be a dictionary") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__sheet_dict[field] = section_dict def addSection(self, field, section, paragraph): if not isinstance(field, text_type): _tuni = _("sheet field must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not isinstance(section, text_type): _tuni = _("sheet section must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not isinstance(paragraph, text_type): _tuni = _("sheet paragraph must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not field in self.__sheet_dict: self.addField(field, { }) _field = self.__sheet_dict[field] _field[section] = paragraph sheet_dict = property(getSheet_dict, setSheet_dict, None, """Sheet dictionary { <Field key> : { <Section key> : <Paragraph key>}""") class Budget(object): """base.Budget: Description: Budget object +-- __records: dictionary records { code : Record } +-- __synonyms: synonyms dictionary. TODO { "code" : ["synonym",],} Each record code can have synonym codes. +-- __root: the root record code +-- __decimals: List with the decimal places used to round the - result of the calculations with prices and measures - The values are Decimals objects - The <0> objets is the default Decimals (seted in FIEBDC-3), - The others keys are for the diferent groups of Prices +-- __percentages: percentages dictionary: { "CI" : "", "GG" : "", "BI" : "", "BAJA": "", "IVA" : ""} +-- __file_owner +-- __title_list: titles list: [ "Header", ["Title1", "Title2", ... ] ] List with the Headers and list of Titles for prices and decimal places. The Headers is the type of hierarchy of the prices Each Title have a group of Prices and a Decimals definition The records can have diferent prices for diferent ages, geografical places, ... +-- __title_index: A integer. The active group of Prices and Decimals. +-- __sheet_sections: sheet sections dictionary { sheet_code : sheet_title } +-- __sheet_fields: sheet fields dictionary { field_code : field_title } +-- __sheet_paragraphs: sheet paragraphs dictionary { paragraph_code : paragraph_text} +-- __companys: Dictionary whith companys object { company_code: company_object } +-- __comment - +-- __date - +-- __budgetType" A integer. Type of data in budget - 0 -> Undefined - 1 -> Base data. - 2 -> Budget. - 3 -> Certificate. - 4 -> Base date update. - +-- __budgetCerficateOrder" Only valid if budgetType is 3. - +-- __budgetCerficateDate" Only valid if budgetType is 3 - +-- __tec_info": Dictionary whith tecnical information - {ti_code : ["desciption text", "unit"]} - +-- __labels": Label dictionary { "label": [ "code", ], } Constructor: base.Budget() Ancestry: +-- object +-- Budget Atributes: No public Atributes Methods: iter iterPreOrder iterPostOrder getRoot(self) hasPath(self, path) getchildren(self, code) setOwner(self, owner) setDate(self, date) setComment(self, comment) setBudgetType(self, type) setCertificateOrder(self, order) setCertificateDate(self, date) setTitleList(self, title) getTitleList(self) getActiveTitle(self) setDecimals(self, dictionary) getDecimals(self, decimal="All", N=None) setPercentages(self, dictionary) getPercentages(self, percentage="All") getAllParents(self, code) getAllchildren(self, code) getNDecomposition(self, code, N) getDecomposition(self,code) getMeasure(self, path) getStrYield getStrFactor setTree(sef, code, child_code, position, factor, yield_, total, list_lines, label, type) eval_formula(self, formula, a, b, c, d) getText(self, code) setText(self, code, text) setRecord(self, code, synonyms, hierarchy, unit, sumary, ... hasRecord(self, code) getRecord addPriceToRecord getStrPriceFromRecord getCode(self, path) getAmount getStrAmount setSheetSection(self, sheet_code, sheet_title) hasSheetSection(self, section) setSheetSections(self,dictionary) setSheetField(self, field_code, field_title) hasSheetField(self, field) getSheetField(self, field) setSheetFields(self, field_dict) setSheetParagraph(self, paragraph_code, paragraph_text) hasSheetParagraph(self, paragraph) getSheetParagraph(self, paragraph) setSheetParagraphs(self, paragraph_dict) setSheetRecord(self, record_code,field, section_dict) addFile(self, record_code, filename) setCompany(self, code, summary, name, offices, cif, web, email ) getCompany getCompanyKeys addTecInfo(self, ti_code, text, unit) hasTecInfo(self, ti_code) getTecInfo(self, ti_code) setTecnicalInformation(self, _record_code, _ti_dict) changeCode(self, record_code, new_rocord_code) addLabel setParametricSelectComment setParametricSummary setParametricText """ def __init__(self): """__init__(self) Initialize the budget atributes """ # title_index: A integer. The active group of Prices and Decimals. # TODO: change title_index self.__title_index = 0 # List with the decimal places used to round the # result of the calculations with prices and measures # The values are Decimals objects # The <0> objets is the default Decimals (seted in FIEBDC-3), # The others keys are for the diferent groups of Prices self.__decimals = [Decimals(), Decimals()] # Dictionary with the percentages # keys: # "CI" Indirect Cost # "GG" General expenses # "BI" Industrial benefit # "BAJA" Low (what this do here?) # "IVA" Tax self.__percentages = { "CI" : "" ,"GG": "", "BI": "", "BAJA": "", "IVA" : ""} # List with the Headers and list of Titles for prices and # decimal places. # [ "Header", ["Title1", "Title2", ... ] ] # The records can have diferent prices for diferent ages, geografical # places, ... # The Headers is the type of hierarchy of the prices # Each Title have a group of Prices and a Decimals definition self.__title_list = [ "", [ ] ] # The root record code. self.__root = None self.__file_owner = "" self.__comment = "" self.__budgetCerficateOrder = None # Only valid if budgetType is 3. self.__budgetCerficateDate = None # Only valid if budgetType is 3. self.__date = (0,0,0) # budgetType: A integer. Type of data in budget # 0 -> Undefined # 1 -> Base data. # 2 -> Budget. # 3 -> Certificate. # 4 -> Base date update. self.__budgetType = 0 # Dictionary with the budget records: { "code" : Record object, } self.__records = { } # Dictionary with the records synonyms. # { "code" : ["synonym",],} # Each record code can have synonym codes. self.__synonyms = { } # sheet_sections: Dictionary whith de sheet sections self.__sheet_sections = { } # sheet_fields: Dictionary whith sheet fields self.__sheet_fields = { } # sheet_paragraphs: Dictionary whith sheet paragraphs self.__sheet_paragraphs = { } # companys: Dictionary whith companys object # { company_code: company_object } self.__companys = { } # tec_info: Dictionary whith tecnical information # {ti_code : ["desciption text", "unit"]} self.__tec_info = { } # labels: Label dictionary { "label": [ "code", ], } self.__labels = { } def __getstate__(self): return (self.__title_index, self.__decimals, self.__percentages, self.__title_list, self.__root, self.__file_owner, self.__records, self.__synonyms, self.__sheet_sections, self.__sheet_fields, self.__sheet_paragraphs,self.__companys, self.__tec_info, self.__labels) def __setstate__(self, tuple): self.__title_index = tuple[0] self.__decimals = tuple[1] self.__percentages = tuple[3] self.__title_list = tuple[4] self.__root = tuple[4] self.__file_owner = tuple[5] self.__records = tuple[6] self.__synonyms = tuple[7] self.__sheet_sections = tuple[8] self.__sheet_fields = tuple[9] self.__sheet_paragraphs = tuple[10] self.__companys = tuple[11] self.__tec_info = tuple[12] self.__labels = tuple[13] def iter(self): for record in self.__records: yield record def iterPreOrder(self, recordCode, codes=None): if codes is None: codes = [] _children = self.getchildren(recordCode) for _child in _children: if not _child in codes: codes.append(_child) self.iterPreOrder(_child, codes) return codes def iterPostOrder(self, recordCode, codes=None): if codes is None: codes = [] _children = self.getchildren(recordCode) for _child in _children: if not _child in codes: self.iterPreOrder(_child, codes) codes.append(_child) return codes def getRoot(self): """getRoot(self) Returns the root record code """ return self.__root def hasPath(self, path): """hasPath(self, path) path: The path of the record in the budget, It is a tuple. Tests if the path is valid in the budget """ try: self.getCode(path) return True except ValueError: return False def getchildren(self, code): """getchildren(self, code) code: a record code. Return a list whith the child codes of a record """ _record = self.__records[code] _children = _record.children _child_code = [ _child.code for _child in _children ] return _child_code def setOwner(self, owner): """setOwner(self, owner) owner: data owner Set the data owner. """ if isinstance(owner, text_type): self.__file_owner = owner else: _tuni = _("Owner must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise TypeError(_str) def setDate(self, date): """setOwner(self, date) date (_y, _m, _d) Set the date when de file was generated """ if isinstance(date, tuple) and len(date) == 3 and \ isinstance(date[0], int) and isinstance(date[1], int) and \ isinstance(date[2], int) and date[1] in range(13) and \ date[2] in range(32): if date[1] != 0 and date[2] != 0:*date) self.__date = date else: _tuni = _("Invalid Date: $1") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni,(text(date),)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise TypeError(_str) def setComment(self, comment): """setOwner(self, comment) comment: text to comment the budged Set the comment. """ if isinstance(comment, text_type): self.__comment = comment else: _tuni = _("Comment must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise TypeError(_str) def setBudgeType(self, budget_type): """setOwner(self, budget_type) budget_type: type of data in budget 0 -> Undefined 1 -> Base data. 2 -> Budget. 3 -> Budget certificate. 4 -> Base date update. Set the budget type. """ if budget_type in [1, 2, 3, 4]: self.__budgetType = budget_type else: _tuni = _("Budget type must be 1, 2, 3 or 4.") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) def setCertificateOrder(self, certificate_order, certificate_date): """setOwner(self, budget_type) certificate_order: certificate number certificate_date: certificate date Set the certificate order and date. """ if isinstance(certificate_order, int): self.__budgetCerficateOrder = certificate_order else: _tuni = _("Certificate order must be a integer.") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) def setCertificateDater(self, certificate_date): """setCertidicateDate(self, certificate_date) Set the certificate date. """ if isinstance(certificate_date, tuple) and \ len(certificate_date) == 3 and \ isinstance(certificate_date[0], int) and \ isinstance(certificate_date[1], int) and \ isinstance(certificate_date[2], int):*certificate_date) self.__budgetCerficateDate = certificate_date else: _tuni = _("Budget certificate Date must be a valid Date.") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) def setTitleList(self, title_list): """setTitleList(self, title_list) title_list: [ "Header", ["Title1", "Title2", ... ] ] Set the header and titles for the price groups and decimals. """ title_list[0] = text(title_list[0]) if isinstance(title_list, list) and isinstance(title_list[1], list): for i in range(len(title_list[1])): title_list[1][i] = text(title_list[1][i]) self.__title_list = title_list else: _tuni = _("Invalid title list format") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise TypeError(_str) def getTitleList(self): """ getTitleList(self) Returns the header and titles for the price groups and decimals. """ return self.__title_list def getActiveTitle(self): """getActiveTitle(self) Returns the active Title of price group """ return self.__title_index def setDecimals(self, dictionary, N): """setDecimals(self, dictionary, N) dictionay: the decimal dictionary N: the price group Sets the Decimals for a price group. """ if N == -1 or N == len(self.__decimals): _default_decimals = self.__decimals[0] self.__decimals.append(_default_decimals) elif N < len(self.__decimals): _default_decimals = self.__decimals[N] else: _tuni = _("Invalid Index Title") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise IndexError(_str) for _decimal in dictionary: if dictionary[_decimal] == "": dictionary[_decimal] = eval("_default_decimals." + _decimal) decimals = Decimals(dictionary["DN"], dictionary["DD"], dictionary["DSP"], dictionary["DS"], dictionary["DFC"], dictionary["DFPU"], dictionary["DFUO"], dictionary["DFA"], dictionary["DRC"], dictionary["DRPU"], dictionary["DRUO"], dictionary["DRA"], dictionary["DP"], dictionary["DC"], dictionary["DPU"], dictionary["DUO"], dictionary["DEA"], dictionary["DES"], dictionary["DIR"], dictionary["DIRC"], dictionary["DCD"], dictionary["DIVISA"]) self.__decimals[N] = decimals def getDecimals(self, decimal=None, N=None): """getDecimals(self,decimal="All",N=None) decimal: "All": Return a Decimals objet for a price group "keys": Return the keys of a Decimal object key: Return a Decimal value for a price group N: the price group None,1,2,.. None: Return the active price group """ if decimal is None: decimal = "All" if N is None: N = self.getActiveTitle() if decimal == "All": return self.__decimals[N+1] elif decimal == "keys": return self.__decimals[N+1].keys elif self.__decimals[N+1].haskey(decimal): return self.__decimals[N+1][decimal] else: raise KeyError( _("Decimal Key error") ) def setPercentages(self, dictionary): """setPercentages(self, dictionary): dictionary: the percentage dictionary Sets the percentage dictionary. """ _default_percentages = self.__percentages for percentage in dictionary: if dictionary[percentage] == 0: dictionary[percentage] = "" elif dictionary[percentage] == "": dictionary[percentage] = _default_percentages[percentage] _percentages = { "CI": dictionary["CI"], "GG": dictionary["GG"], "BI": dictionary["BI"], "BAJA": dictionary["BAJA"], "IVA" : dictionary["IVA"]} self.__percentages = _percentages def getPercentages(self, key=None): """getPercentages(self, key=None) key: "All": Return the Percentages dictionary "keys": Return the keys of a Percentages object key: Return a Percentages value for the key """ if Key is None: key = "All" if key == "All": return self.__percentages elif key == "keys": return self.__percentages.keys elif key in self.__percentages: return self.__percentages[key] else: _tuni = _("Invalid Percentage key") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise KeyError(_str) def getAllParents(self,code): """getAllParents(self,code) code: a record code. Returns a list with all the parents of a record All record which the record is in its descomposition list, including the parents of the parents """ if code in self.__records: _parents = self.__records[code].parents if len(_parents) == 0: return [ ] for _antecesor in _parents[:]: _parents = _parents + self.getAllParents(_antecesor) return _parents else: return [ ] def getAllchildren(self,code): """getAllchildren(self,code code: a record code. Returns a list with all the children of a record, including the children of the children """ if code in self.__records: _children = self.__records[code].children _children = [ _child.code for _child in _children ] for _child in _children[:]: _children = _children + self.getAllchildren(_child) return _children else: return [ ] def getNDecomposition(self, code, N): """getDecomposition(self,path) path: the path for a record Returns the Decomposition object of a record """ _record = self.getRecord(code) _decomposition_list = _record.children _decomposition = _decomposition_list[N] return _decomposition def getDecomposition(self, path): """getDecomposition(self,path) path: the path for a record Returns the Decomposition object of a record """ if path == (0,): _type = self.getRecord(self.__root).recordType return Decomposition( 0, self.__root, [Measure(self.getDecimals(), _type, 0.0, [], "", 1.0, 1.0)]) else: return self.getNDecomposition(self.getCode(path[:-1]), path[-1]) def getMeasure(self, path): """getMeasure(self, path) path: the path for a record Return the measute object of a record """ _decomposition = self.getDecomposition(path) _measure = _decomposition.budgetMeasures[0] return _measure def getStrYield(self, measure, recordType): _DR = abs(self.getDecimals().getDR(recordType)) _yield = ("%." + text(_DR) + "f" ) % measure.yield_ return _yield def getStrFactor(self, measure, recorType): _DF = abs(self.getDecimals().getDF(recordType)) _factor = ("%." + text(_DF) + "f" ) % measure.factor return _factor def setTree(self, code, child_code, position, factor, yield_, total, list_lines, label, type_): """setTree(self, code, child_code, position, factor,yield_, total, list_lines, label, type_) code: the parent record code child_code: child record code position: position of child record in record parent record decomposition. Position == -1 -> new child factor: yield_: total: total measure (float) list_lines: list of measure lines [ [linetype, comment, units, length, width, height], ... ] linetype: empty string -> Normal 1 -> Parcial Subtotal 2 -> Accumulated Subtotal 3 -> Formula, the comment is a formula. comment: Can be a descriptive text or a formula Valid Operator: '(', ')', '+', '-', '*', '/' and '^' Valid variable: 'a', 'b', 'c','d'y 'p' (Pi=3.1415926) units: Number of Units (a) length: Length (b) width: Width (c) height: Height (d) label: Record Identifiers that are used by some measure programs. type_: type of action M: Set measure A: Add measure Sets the decomposition of a record in a child record """ if code is None: # No-estructured measures code = self.getRoot() if code == None: # No root _record = self.setRecord("root", [], 0, "", "", [0.0,], [(1,1,1970)], 0, "") _tuni = _("No-estructured measures. Adding root record") print(_tuni) code = self.getRoot() if not utils.is_valid_code(code)[0]: _tuni = _("Invalid parent code: $1") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (code,)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not utils.is_valid_code(child_code)[0]: _tuni = _("Invalid child code: $1 $2") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (code,child_code)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not isinstance(position, int): _tuni = _("Invalid position in measure $1, in code $2 $3") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (text(position), code, child_code)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) # Test circular references _all_parent_list = self.getAllParents(code) + [ code ] _all_child_list = self.getAllchildren(child_code) + [ child_code ] for _parent_code in _all_parent_list: if _parent_code in _all_child_list: # TODO: change return to except _tuni = _("Circular Decomposition, parent code: "\ "$1, child code: $2, repeated code: $3") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (code, child_code, _parent_code)) print(_uni) return # Creating reference to parent code in child record if child_code in self.__records: _child_record = self.__records[child_code] else: _child_record = self.setRecord(child_code, [], -1, "", "", [], [], "", "") if code in self.__records: code = self.__records[code].code _child_record.appendParent(code) child_code = self.__records[child_code].code if code in self.__records: # if the code exits retake previous values. _record = self.__records[code] _child_number = len(_record.children) if position == -1: # New child position = _child_number # No-estructured measures or empty position (error in FIEBDC file) if position == -2: positions = _record.getChildPositions(child_code) if len(positions) == 1: position = positions[0] _tuni = _("No-estructured measure or empty position. " \ "Parent Code: $1, Child code: $2, Position: $3") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni,(code, child_code, text(position))) print(_uni) else: position = _child_number _tuni = _("No-estructured measure or empty position. "\ "Repeated child in unspecified position. "\ "It is impossible to determine the position. "\ "New child is added in the decomposition. "\ "Parent code: $1, Child code: $2, Position: $3") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni,(code, child_code, text(position))) print(_uni) if position == _child_number: # The record do not have the child if not isinstance(factor, float): factor = 1.0 if not isinstance(yield_, float): yield_ = 1.0 if not isinstance(total, float): total = 0.0 if not isinstance(list_lines, list): list_lines = [] _child = _record.appendChild(child_code, self.getDecimals(), factor, yield_, total, list_lines, type_, label) elif position < _child_number: # The record have the child _child = _record.children[position] if child_code != "" and child_code != _child.code: _child.code = child_code if factor != "" : if not isinstance(factor, float): factor == 1.0 _child.budgetMeasures[0].setFactor(factor, self.getDecimals(), _record.recordType) if yield_ != "": if not isinstance(yield_, float): yield_ = 1.0 _child.budgetMeasures[0].setYield(yield_, self.getDecimals(), _record.recordType) _measure = _child.budgetMeasures[0] if total != "": if not isinstance(total, float): yield_ = 0.0 _measure.setMeasure(total, self.getDecimals()) if isinstance(list_lines, list) and len(list_lines) > 0: _measure.buildMeasure(list_lines, type_, self.getDecimals(), _record.recordType) if isinstance(label, text_type) and label != "" : _measure.label = label else: # TODO: change return for except _tuni = _("Error: Invalid child position in " "decomposition. Parent code: $1 Child code: $2 "\ "Position: $3") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (code, child_code, text(position))) print(_uni) return else: if child_code == "" : _tuni = _("Error: Empty child code. Parent code: "\ "$1 Position: $2") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (code, text(position))) print(_uni) return if position == -1: position = 0 elif position != 0: _tuni = _("Error: Invalid child position in "\ "decomposition. Parent code: $1 Child code: $2 "\ "Position: $3") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (code, child_code, text(position))) print(_uni) return if not isinstance(factor, float): factor = 1.0 if not isinstance(yield_, float): yield_ = 1.0 if not isinstance(total, float): total = 1.0 _record = self.setRecord(code, [], "", "", "", [], [], "", "") _child = _record.appendChild(child_code, self.getDecimals(), factor, yield_, total, list_lines, type_, label) def eval_formula(self, formula, a, b, c, d): """eval_formula(self, formula, a, b, c, d) formula: Valid Operator: '(', ')', '+', '-', '*', '/' and '^' Valid variable: 'a', 'b', 'c','d'y 'p' (Pi=3.1415926) units: Number of Units (a) length: Length (b) width: Width (c) height: Height (d) Evals the formula and return the result """ if a == "": a = 0.0 if b == "": b = 0.0 if c == "": c = 0.0 if d == "": d = 0.0 try: a = float(a) except: _tuni = _("'a' value must be a float number") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) try: b = float(b) except: _tuni = _("'b' value must be a float number") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) try: c = float(c) except: _tuni = _("'c' value must be a float number") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) try: d = float(d) except: _tuni = _("'d' value must be a float number") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) # spaces are erased sre.sub("[ ]","",formula) # operators and varibles are replaced formula = formula.replace("+", " + ") formula = formula.replace("-", " - ") formula = formula.replace("*", " * ") formula = formula.replace("/", " / ") formula = formula.replace("^", " ** ") formula = formula.replace("(", " ( ") formula = formula.replace(")", " ) ") formula = formula.replace("a", text(a)) formula = formula.replace("b", text(b)) formula = formula.replace("c", text(c)) formula = formula.replace("d", text(d)) formula = formula.replace("p", "3.1415926") _list_formula = formula.split(" ") _formula2 = "" for oper in _list_formula: try: _float_oper= text(float(oper)) _formula2 = _formula2 + _float_oper except ValueError: _formula2 = _formula2 + oper _g = {"__builtins__":{}} try: return eval(_formula2, _g) except: _tuni = _("Invalid formula") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) def getText(self,code): """getText(self,code) code: the record code Returns the description text of a record """ if code in self.__records: return self.__records[code].text else: _tuni = _("Invalid code") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise IndexError(_str) def setText(self,code,text): """setText(self,code,text) code: the parent record code text: the descripion text Sests the description text of a record """ if not utils.is_valid_code(code)[0]: _tuni = _("Invalid record: $1") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (code,)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not code in self.__records: _record = self.setRecord(code, [], "", "", "", [], [], "", "") _record.text = text else: _record = self.__records[code] _record.text = text def setRecord(self, code, synonyms, hierarchy, unit, summary, price, date, type_, subtype): """setRecord(self, code, synonyms, hierarchy, unit, summary, price, date, type_, subtype) code: Code string synonyms: List of synonym codes of the record hierarchy: 0 -> root 1 -> Chapter/Subchapter 2 -> Other unit: unit of measure record summary: Short description of a record price: List of prices date: List of dates "type_" and "subtype": 0 Without classifying EA Auxiliary element EU Unitary element EC Complex element EF Functional element OB Construction site PA Cost overrun PU Unitary budget 1 Labourforce H Labourforce 2 Machinery and auxiliary equipment Q Machinery % Auxiliary equipment 3 Building materials MC Cement MCr Ceramic MM Wood MS Iron and steel ME Energy MCu Copper MAl Aluminium ML Bonding agents M Others materials Hierarchy type subtype 0->root -> 0 -> None,OB 1->[sub]chapter -> 0 -> None,PU 2->Other -> 0 -> None,EA,EU,EC,EF,PA 1 -> None,H 2 -> None,Q,% 3 -> None,MC,MCr,MM,MS,ME,MCu,Mal,ML,M Adds a record in the budget """ # hierarchy if hierarchy == 0 : # is the root record if self.__root is None: self.__root = code else: _tuni = _("Only can be one root record") print(_tuni) return # TODO: If the root is created in settree. # No-estructured measures # TODO Rewrite root values # retake previous values. # TODO: test synonyms _budget = self if not code in self.__records: if code[-1] == "$": _record = ParametricRecord(_budget.getDecimals(), code, synonyms, hierarchy, unit, summary, [], type_, subtype, [], "") else: _record = Record(_budget.getDecimals(), code, synonyms, hierarchy, unit, summary, [], type_, subtype,[], "") self.__records[code] = _record _prices = [[price[i], date[i]] for i in range(len(price))] _record.setPrices(_prices, self.getDecimals()) else: _record = self.__records[code] code = _record.code if len(synonyms) != 0 and synonyms[0] == "": synonyms = _record.synonyms if unit == "": unit = _record.unit if summary == "": summary = _record.summary #TODO: test empty price list if len(price) == 0 or price[0] == "": _prices = _record.prices else: _prices = [ [price[i], date[i]] for i in range(len(price))] if type_ == "": type_ = _record.recordType.type _record.synonyms = synonyms _record.unit = unit _record.summary = summary _record.setPrices(_prices, self.getDecimals()) _record.recordType.hierarchy = hierarchy _record.recordType.type = type_ _record.recordType.subtype = subtype return _record def hasRecord(self,code): """hasRecord(self,code) code: Code record Return True if the budget have this record code. """ if code in self.__records: return True else: return False def getRecord(self, code): """getRecord(self, code) code: Code record Return the Record object """ return self.__records[code] def addPriceToRecord(self, price_date, record): """addPriceToRecord(self, price, record) Add a price to the price list of the record. price must fulfill: - must be a list with two items - the first item: price must be a float """ record.addPrice(price_date, self.getDecimals()) def getStrPriceFromRecord(self, index_price, record, path): if record.isPercentage(): _percentageMasq = record.percentageMasq() _parent_code = self.getCode(path[:-1]) _N_record = path[-1] _amount_sum = 0.0 for N,_code in enumerate(self.getchildren(_parent_code)[:_N_record]): _child_record = self.getRecord(_code) if _child_record.hasPercentageMasq(_percentageMasq): _path = path[:-1] + (N,) _amount = self.getAmount(_path) _amount_sum = _amount_sum + _amount _price = _amount_sum else: _price = record.getPrice(index_price) _D = abs(self.getDecimals().getD(record.recordType)) _price = ("%." + text(_D) + "f" ) % _price return _price def getCode(self, path): """getCode(self, path) path: path record in the budget. Return the code record """ if isinstance(path, tuple) and len(path)>= 1: if path[0] == 0: _code = self.__root for i in path[1:]: if isinstance(i, int): _record = self.__records[_code] _children_list = _record.children try: _child = _children_list[i] except: _tuni = _("This record does not exits") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) _code = _child.code else: _tuni = _("Path item must be a integer") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) return _code else: _tuni = _("This record does not exits") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) else: _tuni = _("Path must be a not empty tuple: $1") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (text(path),)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) def getAmount(self, path): """def getAmount(self,path) path: record path Calculate the record amount """ if len(path) == 1: # root: amount is the root price _root = self.getRecord(self.getRoot()) _amount = _root.getPrice(self.__title_index) return _amount else: _parent_code = self.getCode(path[:-1]) _parent_record = self.getRecord(_parent_code) _child_number = path[-1] _decomposition = _parent_record.children[_child_number] _factor = _decomposition.budgetMeasures[0].factor _yield = _decomposition.budgetMeasures[0].yield_ _child_code = _decomposition.code _child_record = self.getRecord(_child_code) _code = self.getCode(path) _record = self.getRecord(_code) if _record.isPercentage(): _percentageMasq = _record.percentageMasq() _N_record = path[-1] _amount_sum = 0.0 for N,_code in enumerate(self.getchildren(_parent_code)[:_N_record]): _child_record = self.getRecord(_code) if _child_record.hasPercentageMasq(_percentageMasq): _path = path[:-1] + (N,) _amount = self.getAmount(_path) _amount_sum = _amount_sum + _amount _price = _amount_sum else: _price = _child_record.getPrice(self.getActiveTitle()) _DR = abs(self.getDecimals().getDR(_parent_record.recordType)) _total_yield = round(_factor * _yield, _DR) _DI = abs(self.getDecimals().getDI(_parent_record.recordType)) _amount = round(_total_yield * _price, _DI) return _amount def getStrAmount(self, path): """def getStrAmount(self, path) path: record path Calculate the string record amount """ if len(path) == 1: #root _root = self.getRecord(self.getRoot()) _amount = self.getStrPriceFromRecord(self.__title_index, _root, path) return _amount else: _parent_code = self.getCode(path[:-1]) _parent_record = self.getRecord(_parent_code) _amount = self.getAmount(path) _DI = abs(self.getDecimals().getDI(_parent_record.recordType)) _amount = ("%." + text(_DI) + "f") % _amount return _amount def setSheetSection(self,sheet_code,sheet_title): if not isinstance(sheet_code, text_type): _tuni = _("The sheet code must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not isinstance(sheet_title, text_type): _tuni = _("The sheet title must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__sheet_sections[sheet_code] = sheet_title def hasSheetSection(self, section): return section in self.__sheet_sections def getSheetSection(self, section): return self.__sheet_sections[section] def setSheetSections(self,dictionary): if not isinstance(dictionary, dict): _tuni = _("The sheet sections must be a dictionary") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) for sheet_code in dictionary.keys(): self.setSheetSection(sheet_code, dictionary[sheet_code]) def setSheetField(self, field_code, field_title): if not isinstance(field_code, text_type): _tuni = _("The field code must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not isinstance(field_title, text_type): _tuni = _("The field title must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__sheet_fields[field_code] = field_title def hasSheetField(self, field): return field in self.__sheet_fields def getSheetField(self, field): return self.__sheet_fields[field] def setSheetFields(self, field_dict): if not isinstance(field_dict, dict): _tuni = _("The sheet field must be a dictionary") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) for field_code in field_dict.keys(): self.setSheetField( field_code, field_dict[field_code]) def setSheetParagraph(self, paragraph_code, paragraph_text): if not isinstance(paragraph_code, text_type): _tuni = _("The paragraph code must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not isinstance(paragraph_text, text_type): _tuni = _("The paragraph text must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__sheet_paragraphs[paragraph_code] = paragraph_text def hasSheetParagraph(self, paragraph): return paragraph in self.__sheet_paragraphs def getSheetParagraph(self, paragraph): return self.__sheet_paragraphs[paragraph] def setSheetParagraphs(self, paragraph_dict): if not isinstance(paragraph_dict, dict): _tuni = _("The paragraph dict must be a dictionary") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) for paragraph_code in paragraph_dict.keys(): self.setSheetParagraph(paragraph_code, paragraph_dict[paragraph_code]) def setSheetRecord(self, record_code, field, section_dict): if not isinstance(record_code, text_type): _tuni = _("The record_code code must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not isinstance(field, text_type): _tuni = _("The field must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not isinstance(section_dict, dict): _tuni = _("The section dict must be a dictionary") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) #-# # TODO: Add a empty record? if not self.hasRecord(record_code): _tuni = _("Error: The budget do not have this record "\ "code and can not be added the sheet text in the field $1. "\ "Record Code: $2") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, ( text(field), record_code)) print(_uni) return #-# if not self.hasSheetField(field): self.setSheetField(field, "") for (section, paragraph) in section_dict.items(): if not self.hasSheetParagraph(paragraph): self.setSheetParagraph(paragraph,"") if not self.hasSheetSection(section): self.setSheetSection(section, "") _sheet = self.getRecord(record_code).getSheet() _sheet.addSection(field, section, paragraph) def addFile(self, record_code, filepath, type_, description): if not isinstance(record_code, text_type): _tuni = _("The record_code code must be a text string") _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not isinstance(filepath, text_type): _tuni = _("The filename must be a text string") _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) # TODO: Add a empty record? if not self.hasRecord(record_code): _tuni = _("Error: The budget do not have the record "\ "code $1 and can not be added the file: $2") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (record_code, filepath)) print(_uni) return _record = self.getRecord(record_code) _record.addFile(filepath, type_, description) def setCompany(self, company_code, sumamary, name, offices, cif, web, email): if not isinstance(company_code, text_type): _tuni = _("The company code must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not isinstance(sumamary, text_type): _tuni = ("The summary must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not isinstance(name, text_type): _tuni = _("The name must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not isinstance(offices, list): _tuni = _("The name must be a list") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) _offices = [] for _office in offices: if not isinstance(_office, list): _tuni = _("The office must be a list") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not len(_office) == 10: _tuni = _("The office must be a 10 items list") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) for _item in _office[:7] + _office[9:10]: if not isinstance(_item, text_type): _tuni = _("This office item must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) for _item in _office[7:8]: if not isinstance(_item, list): _tuni = _("This office item must be a list") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) _offices.append(Office(_office[0], _office[1], _office[2], _office[3], _office[4], _office[5], _office[6], _office[7], _office[8], _office[9])) if not isinstance(cif, text_type): _tuni = _("The name must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not isinstance(web, text_type): _tuni = _("The web must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not isinstance(email, text_type): _tuni = _("The email must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__companys[company_code] = Company(company_code, sumamary, name, _offices, cif, web, email) def getCompany(self, company_code): return self.__companys[company_code] def getCompanyKeys(self): return self.__companys.keys() def addTecInfo(self, ti_code, text, unit): if not isinstance(ti_code, text_type): _tuni = _("The tecnical info code must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not isinstance(text, text_type): _tuni = _("The tecnical info description must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not isinstance(unit, text_type): _tuni = _("The tecnical info unit must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__tec_info[ti_code] = [text, unit] def hasTecInfo(self, ti_code): return ti_code in self.__tec_info def getTecInfo(self, ti_code): return self.__tec_info[ti_code] def setTecnicalInformation(self, record_code, ti_dict): """setTecnicalInformation(record_code, ti_dict) Sets the tecnical information to a record record_code: the record code ti_dict: {ti_code : ti_value} """ # TODO: setTecnicalInformation pass def changeCode(self, record_code, new_record_code): """changeCode(self, record_code, new_record_code): Change the record code for a new recor code. """ if self.hasRecord(record_code) and not self.hasRecord(new_record_code): _record = self.__records[code] _record.code = new_record_code _parents = _record.parents for _parent in _parents: _decomposition_list = self.__records[_parent].children for _decomposition in _decomposition_list: if _decomposition.code == record_code: _decomposition.code = new_record_code break _children = self.getchildren(record_code) for _child in _children: _parents_list = self.__records[_child].parents for index in range(len(_parents_list)): if _parents_list[index] == record_code: _parents_list[index] = new_record_code break self.__records[new_record_code] = _record del self.__records[record_code] # TODO: attachment files def addLabel(self, record_code, label): """addLabel(self, record_code, label) Add a label to a record """ if not isinstance(label, text_type): _tuni = _("The label must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if self.hasRecord(record_code): _record = self.__records[record_code] _record.addLabel(label) if not label in self.__labels: self.__labels[label] = [record_code] else: _codes = self.__labels[label] if not record_code in _codes: _codes.append(record_code) def setParametricSelectComment(self, record_code, comment): """setParametricSelectComment(self, record_code, comment) Sets Paramtric Record Select Comment """ if not isinstance(record_code, text_type): _tuni = _("The record_code code must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not isinstance(comment, text_type): _tuni = _("The parametric select comment must be a text string") _str = _tuni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not self.hasRecord(record_code): _tuni = _("Error: The budget do not have the record "\ "code $1 and can not be added the Parametric "\ "select comment: $2") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (record_code, comment)) print(_uni) return _record = self.getRecord(record_code) if not isinstance(_record, ParametricRecord): _tuni = _("Error: The Record $1 is not a "\ "Parametric Record and can not have Parametric comment") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (record_code,)) print(_uni) else: _record.select_comment = comment def setParametricSummary(self, record_code, summary): """setParametricSummary(self, record_code, summary) Sets parametric record summary """ if not isinstance(record_code, text_type): _tuni = _("The record_code code must be a text string") _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not isinstance(summary, text_type): _tuni = _("The summary record must be a text string") _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not self.hasRecord(record_code): _tuni = _("Error: The budget do not have the record "\ "code $1 and can not be seted the summary: $2") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (record_code, summary)) print(_uni) return _record = self.getRecord(record_code) if not isinstance(_record, ParametricRecord): _tuni = _("Error: The Record $1 is not a "\ "Parametric Record and can not have Parametric summary") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (record_code,)) print(_uni) else: self.getRecord(record_code).parametric_summary = summary def setParametricText(self, record_code, text): """setParametricText(self, record_code, text) Sets parametric record text """ if not isinstance(record_code, text_type): _tuni = _("The record_code code must be a text string") _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not isinstance(text, text_type): _tuni = _("The text record must be a text string") _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) if not self.hasRecord(record_code): _tuni = _("Error: The budget do not have the record "\ "code $1 and can not be seted the text: $2") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (record_code, text)) print(_uni) return _record = self.getRecord(record_code) if not isinstance(_record, ParametricRecord): _tuni = _("Error: The Record $1 is not a "\ "Parametric Record and can not have Parametric text") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (record_code,)) print(_uni) else: self.getRecord(record_code).parametric_text = text class Office(object): """base.Office: Description: Office of a company Constructor: base.Office(type, subname, address, postal_code, town, province, country, phone, fax, contact_person) Ancestry: +-- object +-- Office Atributes: "officeType" : type of Office are defined: "C" Central. "D" Local Office. "R" performer. "subname" : name of Office or Performer "address" : "postal_code" : "town" : "province" : "country" : "phone" : list of phone numbers "fax" : list of fax numbers "contact_person" : name of contact person "values": Methods: __getstate__(self) __setstate__(self, tuple) __init__(self, measure, lines, label) {get/set}OfficeType {get/set}Subname {get/set}Address {get/set}PostalCode {get/set}Town {get/set}Province {get/set}Country {get/set}Phone {get/set}Fax {get/set}ContactPerson getValues """ __slots__ = ["_Office__officeType", "_Office__subname", "_Office__address", "_Office__postal_code", "_Office__town", "_Office__province", "_Office__country", "_Office__phone", "_Office__fax", "_Office__contact_person", ] def __getstate__ (self): return ( self.__officeType, self.__subname, self.__address, self.__postal_code, self.__town, self.__province, self.__country, self.__phone, self.__fax, self.__contact_person) def __setstate__(self,tuple): self.__officeType = tuple[0] self.__subname = tuple[1] self.__address = tuple[2] self.__postal_code = tuple[3] self.__town = tuple[4] self.__province = tuple[5] self.__country = tuple[6] self.__phone = tuple[7] self.__fax = tuple[8] self.__contact_person = tuple[9] def __init__(self, type_, subname, address, postal_code, town, province, country, phone, fax, contact_person): self.officeType = type_ self.subname = subname self.address = address self.postal_code = postal_code = town self.province = province = country = phone self.fax = fax self.contact_person = contact_person def getOfficeType(self): return self.__officeType def setOfficeType(self, type_): self.__officeType = type_ def getSubname(self): return self.__subname def setSubname(self, subname): self.__subname = subname def getAddress(self): return self.__address def setAddress(self, address): self.__address = address def getPostalCode(self): return self.__postal_code def setPostalCode(self, postal_code): self.__postal_code = postal_code def getTown(self): return self.__town def setTown(self, town): self.__town = town def getProvince(self): return self.__province def setProvince(self, province): self.__province = province def getCountry(self): return self.__country def setCountry(self, country): self.__country = country def getPhone(self): return self.__phone def setPhone(self, phone): self.__phone = phone def getFax(self): return self.__fax def setFax(self, fax): self.__fax = fax def getContactPerson(self): return self.__contact_person def setContactPerson(self, contact_person): self.__contact_person = contact_person def getValues(self): return {"officeType": self.officeType, "subname": self.subname, "address": self.address, "postal code": self.postal_code, "town":, "province": self.province, "country":, "phone":, "fax": self.fax, "contact person": self.contact_person, } officeType = property(getOfficeType, setOfficeType, None, """Type of office """) subname = property(getSubname, setSubname, None, """Name of office """) address = property(getAddress, setAddress, None, """Adress """) postal_code = property(getPostalCode, setPostalCode, None, """Postal code """) town = property(getTown, setTown, None, """Town """) province = property(getProvince, setProvince, None, """Province """) country = property(getCountry, setCountry, None, """Country """) phone = property(getPhone, setPhone, None, """Phone numbers """) fax = property(getFax, setFax, None, """Fax numbers """) contact_person = property(getContactPerson, setContactPerson, None, """Contact Person """) values = property(getValues, None, None, """Dictionary with comapany values """) class Company(object): """base.Company: Description: Company object __slots__ attribute, __getstate__ and __setstate__ method are defined to use less ram memory. Constructor: base.Company(code, summary, name, offices, cif, web, email) Ancestry: +-- object +-- Company Atributes: "code": code to indentifie the company in the buget "summary": short name "name": long name "offices": List of Offices "cif": CIF "web": web page "email": email "values": Methods: __getstate__(self) __setstate__(self, tuple) __init__(self, measure, lines, label) {get/set}Code {get/set}Summary {get/set}Name {get/set}Offices {get/set}Cif {get/set}Web {get/set}Email getValues """ __slots__ = ["_Company__code", "_Company__summary", "_Company__name", "_Company__offices", "_Company__cif", "_Company__web", "_Company__email", ] def __getstate__ (self): return ( self.__code, self.__summary, self.__name, self.__offices, self.__cif, self.__web, self.__email) def __setstate__(self,tuple): self.__code = tuple[0] self.__summary = tuple[1] self.__name = tuple[2] self.__offices = tuple[3] self.__cif = tuple[4] self.__web = tuple[5] self.__email = tuple[6] def __init__(self, code, summary, name, offices, cif, web, email): self.code = code self.summary = summary = name self.offices = offices self.cif = cif self.web = web = email def getCode(self): return self.__code def setCode(self, code): self.__code = code def getSummary(self): return self.__summary def setSummary(self, summary): self.__summary = summary def getName(self): return self.__name def setName(self, name): self.__name = name def getOffices(self): return self.__offices def setOffices(self, offices): self.__offices = offices def getCif(self): return self.__cif def setCif(self, cif): self.__cif = cif def getWeb(self): return self.__web def setWeb(self, web): self.__web = web def getEmail(self): return self.__email def setEmail(self, email): self.__email = email def getValues(self): return {"code": self.code, "summary": self.summary, "name":, "cif": self.cif, "web": self.web, "email":} code = property(getCode, setCode, None, """Company code """) summary = property(getSummary, setSummary, None, """Company summary """) name = property(getName, setName, None, """Company name """) offices = property(getOffices, setOffices, None, """List of Offices """) cif = property(getCif, setCif, None, """CIF """) web = property(getWeb, setWeb, None, """Web page """) email = property(getEmail, setEmail, None, """Email """) values = property(getValues, None, None, """Dictionary with comapany values """) class File(object): """base.Company: Description: File object Constructor: base.File(name, type_, description) Ancestry: +-- object +-- File Atributes: "name": name "fileType": type of file "description": description file Methods: __getstate__(self) __setstate__(self, tuple) __init__(self, path,type_, description) {get/set}Name {get/set}FileType {get/set}Description getValues """ __slots__ = ["_File__name", "_File__fileType", "_File__description", ] def __getstate__ (self): return (self.__name, self.__description, self.__fileType, ) def __setstate__(self,tuple): self.__name = tuple[0] self.__fileType = tuple[1] self.__description = tuple[2] def __init__(self, name, type_, description): = name self.fileType = type_ self.description = description def getName(self): return self.__name def setName(self, name): self.__name = name def getFileType(self): return self.__fileType def setFileType(self, type_): self.__fileType = type_ def getDescription(self): return self.__description def setDescription(self, description): self.__description = description def getValues(self): return {"name":, "fileType": self.fileType, "description": self.description, } name = property(getName, setName, None, """File name """) fileType = property(getFileType, setFileType, None, """FileType """) description = property(getDescription, setDescription, None, """File description """) values = property(getValues, None, None, """Dictionary with file values """) class RecordType(object): """base.RecordType: Description: Record Type object "hierarchy": -1 -> temporarily unfixed 0 -> root 1 -> Chapter/Subchapter 2 -> Other "type" and "subtype": 0 Without classifying EA Auxiliary element EU Unitary element EC Complex element EF Functional element OB Construction site PA Cost overrun PU Unitary budget 1 Labourforce H Labourforce 2 Machinery and auxiliary equipment Q Machinery % Auxiliary equipment 3 Building materials MC Cement MCr Ceramic MM Wood MS Iron and steel ME Energy MCu Copper MAl Aluminium ML Bonding agents M Others materials Hierarchy type subtype 0->root -> 0 -> None,OB 1->[sub]chapter -> 0 -> None,PU 2->Other -> 0 -> None,EA,EU,EC,EF,PA 1 -> None,H 2 -> None,Q,% 3 -> None,MC,MCr,MM,MS,ME,MCu,Mal,ML,M Constructor: base.File(hierarchy,type_,subtype) Ancestry: +-- object +-- RecordType Atributes: "hierarchy": hierarchy "type": type "subtype": subtype Methods: __getstate__(self) __setstate__(self, tuple) __init__(self, hierarchy, type, subtype) {get/set}Hierarchy {get/set}Type {get/set}Subtype """ __slots__ = ["_RecordType__hierarchy", "_RecordType__type", "_RecordType__subtype", ] def __getstate__ (self): return (self.__hierarchy, self.__type, self.__subtype, ) def __setstate__(self,tuple): self.__hierarchy = tuple[0] self.__type = tuple[1] self.__subtype = tuple[2] def __init__(self, hierarchy, type_, subtype): self.hierarchy = hierarchy self.type = type_ self.subtype = subtype def getHierarchy(self): return self.__hierarchy def setHierarchy(self, hierarchy): if not hierarchy in [-1, 0 , 1 ,2, ""]: _tuni = _("Invalid Hierarchy ($1) "\ "The hierarchy must be -1, 0, 1, 2") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (text(hierarchy),)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) elif hierarchy == "": _tuni = _("Hierarchy temporarily set to an empty string") print(_tuni) #TODO Check empty Hierarchy in Generic.fiebdc.Read._testBudget self.__hierarchy = hierarchy def getType(self): return self.__type def setType(self, type_): if not type_ in ["", 0, 1, 2, 3]: _tuni = _("Invalid type ($1),"\ "the type must be (empty string,0,1,2,3)") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni ,(text(type_),)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__type = type_ def getSubtype(self): return self.__subtype def setSubtype(self, subtype): if not subtype in ["", "OB", "PU", "EA", "EU", "EC", "EF", "PA", "H", "Q", "%", "MC", "MCr", "MM", "MS", "ME", "MCu", "Mal","ML","M"]: _tuni = _("Invalid subtype ($1), The "\ "subtype must one in (empty string, EA, "\ "EU, EC, EF, OB, PA, PU, H, Q, %, MC, MCr, "\ "MM, MS, ME, MCu, MAl, ML, M)") _uni = utils.mapping(_tuni, (text(subtype),)) _str = _uni.encode("utf-8") raise ValueError(_str) self.__subtype = subtype hierarchy = property(getHierarchy, setHierarchy, None, """Record Hierarchy -1 -> temporarily unfixed 0 -> root 1 -> Chapter/Subchapter 2 -> Other """) type = property(getType, setType, None, """Record Type 0 Without classifying 1 Labourforce 2 Machinery and auxiliary equipment 3 Building materials """) subtype = property(getSubtype, setSubtype, None, """Record Subtype None EA Auxiliary element EU Unitary element EC Complex element EF Functional element OB Construction site PA Cost overrun PU Unitary budget H Labourforce Q Machinery % Auxiliary equipment MC Cement MCr Ceramic MM Wood MS Iron and steel ME Energy MCu Copper MAl Aluminium ML Bonding agents M Others materials """)