diff Generic/base.py @ 23:65e7ae0d0e63

GTK2 to GTK3
author Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez <miguelangel@obraencurso.es>
date Thu, 02 May 2019 16:31:17 +0200
parents 7bd4ca56607d
children 189f8274aecd
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/Generic/base.py	Tue Sep 30 17:16:50 2014 +0200
+++ b/Generic/base.py	Thu May 02 16:31:17 2019 +0200
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ## File base.py
 ## This file is part of pyArq-Presupuestos.
-## Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez
+## Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez
 ##                         <miguelangel@obraencurso.es>
 ## pyArq-Presupuestos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -134,7 +134,11 @@
                 * Description
    +-- __synonyms: synonyms dictionary. TODO
    +-- __root: root record code
-   +-- __decimals: decimals dictionay = { int : Decimals }
+   +-- __decimals:  List with the decimal places used to round the 
+-            result of the calculations with prices and measures
+-            The values are Decimals objects 
+-            The <0> objets is the default Decimals (seted in FIEBDC-3),
+-            The others keys are for the diferent groups of Prices
       * Decimals:
         +-- DN: Number of decimal places of the field "equal-size parts" in the
             measure lines.
@@ -242,9 +246,25 @@
         +-- cif: CIF
         +-- web: web page
         +-- email: email
+   +-- __comment
+   +-- __date
+   +-- __budgetType" A integer. Type of data in budget
+                     0 -> Undefined
+                     1 -> Base data.
+                     2 -> Budget.
+                     3 -> Certificate.
+                     4 -> Base date update.
+   +-- __budgetCerficateOrder" Only valid if budgetType is 3.
+   +-- __budgetCerficateDate" Only valid if budgetType is 3
+   +-- __tec_info": Dictionary whith tecnical information
+                    {ti_code : ["desciption text", "unit"]}
+   +-- __labels": Label dictionary { "label": [ "code", ], }
 # Modules
+# python 2/3 compatibility
+#from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
 import re
 import datetime
 import os
@@ -253,6 +273,26 @@
 from Generic import fiebdc
 from Generic import utils
+# Translatable global Vars
+authors = ["Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez"]
+copyright = "Copyright \xc2\xa9 2019 Autoras de Pyarq Presupuestos"
+website = "http://pyarq.obraencurso.es/pyarq-Presupuestos"
+website_label = "pyarq Presupuestos Web"
+comments = _("""
+A free program of measurements, budgets and control of construction sites.
+In beta development, still there is not a fully functional version.
+help = _(
+    pyarqPresupuestos [file]...
+Help Options:
+    -h, --help     Show this help
 class Record(object):
@@ -265,23 +305,23 @@
     +-- object
       +-- Record
-        "code": Code string
-        "recordType": RecordType object
-        "synonyms": List of synonym codes.
-        "parents":List of parent codes
-        "children": Decomposition list,
+        "code": Write/Read. Code string
+        "recordType": Write/Read. RecordType object
+        "synonyms": Write/Read. List of synonym codes.
+        "parents": Write/Read. List of parent codes
+        "children": Write/Read. Decomposition list,
                   list of "Decomposition" instances
-        "unit": measure unit of the record
-        "summary": Short description of the record
-        "prices": List of prices/dates
-        "text": Long Description of the record
-        "sheet": Sheet of conditions object
-        "files": List of file object
-        "labels": List of record labels
+        "unit": Write/Read. measure unit of the record
+        "summary": Write/Read. Short description of the record
+        "prices": Read. List of prices/dates
+        "text": Write/Read. Long Description of the record
+        "sheet": Write/Read. Sheet of conditions object
+        "files": Write/Read. List of file object
+        "labels": Write/Read. List of record labels
-        __getstate__(self)
-        __setstate__(self, tuple)
-        __init__(self, filename=None, budget=None)
+        isPercentage
+        percentageMasq
+        hasPercentageMasq(masq)
@@ -289,7 +329,6 @@
-        _validate_price_date
@@ -351,23 +390,42 @@
         self.files = []
         self.labels = []
+    def isPercentage(self):
+        if "%" in self.__code or "&" in self.__code:
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    def percentageMasq(self):
+        if "%" in self.__code:
+            return self.__code.split("%")[0]
+        elif "&" in self.__code:
+            return self.__code.split("&")[0]
+    def hasPercentageMasq(self, masq):
+        if len(self.__code) >= len(masq):
+            _part_code = self.__code[:len(masq)]
+            if _part_code == masq:
+                return True
+        return False
     def getCode(self):
         return self.__code
     def setCode(self, code):
-        """setCode(self,code)
+        """setCode(code)
         Sets the code, must be a valid code
         if not utils.is_valid_code(code)[0]:
-            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid code: $1"),(str(code),))
+            raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Invalid code: $1"),(str(code),)) )
         self.__code = code
     def getSynonyms(self):
         return self.__synonyms
     def setSynonyms(self,synonyms):
-        """setSynonyms(self,synonyms)
+        """setSynonyms(synonyms)
         Sets the synonyms codes of the record.
         synonyms must fulfill:
@@ -375,19 +433,19 @@
             - the items must be valid codes
         if not isinstance(synonyms, list):
-            raise TypeError, utils.mapping(_("Synonyms ($1) must be a list, " \
-                  "code: $2"), (str(synonyms), self.__code))
+            raise TypeError( utils.mapping(_("Synonyms ($1) must be a list, " \
+                  "code: $2"), (str(synonyms), str(self.__code))) )
         for code in synonyms:
             if not utils.is_valid_code(code)[0]:
-                raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid Code in synomyms "\
-                      "list ($1) code: $2"), (str(code), self.__code))
+                raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Invalid Code in synomyms "\
+                      "list ($1) code: $2"), (str(code), str(self.__code))) )
         self.__synonyms = synonyms
     def getRecordType(self):
         return self.__recordType
     def setRecordType(self, recordType):
-        """setRecordType(self, recordType)
+        """setRecordType(recordType)
         Set the record type.
         recordType (hierarchy, type,subtype)
@@ -404,35 +462,35 @@
         return self.__unit
     def setUnit(self,unit):
-        """setUnit(self,unit)
+        """setUnit(unit)
         Set the unit of measure
         The unit must be a string.
         if not isinstance(unit, str):
-            raise TypeError, utils.mapping(_("Unit ($1) must be a string: $2"),
-                  (str(unit), self.__code))
+            raise TypeError( utils.mapping(_("Unit ($1) must be a string: $2"),
+                  (str(unit), str(self.__code))) )
         self.__unit = unit
     def getSummary(self):
         return self.__summary
     def setSummary(self,summary):
-        """setSummary(self,summary)
+        """setSummary(summary)
         Set the summary of a record
         The summary must be a string.
         if not isinstance(summary, str):
-            raise TypeError, utils.mapping(_("Summary ($1) must be a string: "\
-                  "$1"), (str(summary), self.__code))
+            raise TypeError( utils.mapping(_("Summary ($1) must be a string: "\
+                  "$1"), (str(summary), str(self.__code))) )
         self.__summary = summary
     def getPrices(self):
         return self.__prices
     def setPrices(self, prices, decimals):
-        """setPrice(self, prices, decimals)
+        """setPrice(prices, decimals)
         Set the price list of the record.
         prices must fulfill:
@@ -441,8 +499,8 @@
             - the first item: price must be a float
         if not isinstance(prices, list):
-            raise TypeError, utils.mapping(_("Prices ($1) must be a list: $2"),
-                  (str(prices), self.__code))
+            raise TypeError( utils.mapping(_("Prices ($1) must be a list: $2"),
+                  (str(prices), str(self.__code))) )
         for index in range(len(prices)):
             _price_date = prices[index]
             _price_date = self._validate_price_date(_price_date, decimals)
@@ -450,7 +508,7 @@
         self.__prices = prices
     def addPrice(self, price_date, decimals):
-        """addPrice(self, price_date, decimals)
+        """addPrice(price_date, decimals)
         Add a price to the price list of the record.
         price must fulfill:
@@ -462,14 +520,14 @@
     def _validate_price_date(self, price_date, decimals):
         if not isinstance(price_date, list) and len(price_date) == 2:
-            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Price ($1) must be a list"\
-                  " with two items: $2"), (str(price_date), self.__code))
+            raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Price ($1) must be a list"\
+                  " with two items: $2"), (str(price_date), str(self.__code))) )
         _price = price_date[0]
         _date = price_date[1]
         if not isinstance(_price, float):
-            raise TypeError, utils.mapping(_("Price must be a float "\
-                      "number: $1"), (str(_price),))
-        _D = decimals.getD(self.recordType)
+            raise TypeError( utils.mapping(_("Price must be a float "\
+                      "number: $1"), (str(_price),)) )
+        _D = abs(decimals.getD(self.recordType))
         _price = round(_price, _D)
         price_date[0] = _price
         # TODO: validate date
@@ -477,20 +535,20 @@
     def getPrice(self, index_price):
         if len(self.__prices) <= index_price:
-            raise IndexError, _("The record do not have this Price. Code: %s"
-                                % self.__code)
+            raise IndexError( _("The record do not have this Price. Code: %s"
+                                % self.__code) )
         return self.__prices[index_price][0]
     def getDate(self, index_price):
         if len(self.__prices) <= index_price:
-            raise IndexError, _("The record do not have this Price")
-        return self.__prices[index_price][1]
+            raise IndexError( _("The record do not have this Price") )
+        return self.__prices[index_price][1] 
     def getParents(self):
         return self.__parents
     def setParents(self,parents):
-        """setParents(self,parents)
+        """setParents(parents)
         Sets the list of parents codes of the record.
         parents must fulfill
@@ -498,31 +556,31 @@
             - the items must be valid codes
         if not isinstance(parents, list):
-            raise TypeError, utils.mapping(_("Parents ($1) must be a list: $2"),
-                  (str(parents), self.__code))
+            raise TypeError( utils.mapping(_("Parents ($1) must be a list: $2"),
+                  (str(parents), str(self.__code))) )
         for parent in parents:
             if not utils.is_valid_code(parent)[0]:
-                raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid parent code ($1) " \
-                      "in the record: $2"), (str(padre), self.__code))
+                raise ValueError(utils.mapping(_("Invalid parent code ($1) " \
+                      "in the record: $2"), (str(padre), str(self.__code))) )
         self.__parents = parents
     def appendParent(self, parent):
-        """appendParent(self, parent)
+        """appendParent(parent)
         parent must be a valid code
         Append a parent to the list of parents codes of the record.
         if not utils.is_valid_code(parent)[0]:
-            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid parent code ($1) " \
-                  "in the record: $2"), (str(parent), self.__code))
+            raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Invalid parent code ($1) " \
+                  "in the record: $2"), (str(parent), str(self.__code))) )
     def getchildren(self):
         return self.__children
     def setchildren(self,children):
-        """setchildren(self,children)
+        """setchildren(children)
         Sets the list of children of a record
         children must fulfill
@@ -530,13 +588,13 @@
             - the items must be instances of Decomposition class
         if not isinstance(children, list):
-            raise TypeError, utils.mapping(_("children ($1) must be a list, "\
-                  "record: $2"), (str(children), self.__code))
+            raise TypeError( utils.mapping(_("children ($1) must be a list, "\
+                  "record: $2"), (str(children), str(self.__code))) )
         for _child in children:
             if not isinstance(_child, Decomposition):
-                raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("child ($1) must be a "\
+                raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("child ($1) must be a "\
                       "Decomposition object, record: $2"),
-                      (str(_child), self.__code))
+                      (str(_child), str(self.__code))) )
             _record_code = self.code
             for _measure_list in [_child.budgetMeasures, _child.certification,
                                   _child.real_cost, _child.cost_goals,
@@ -548,7 +606,7 @@
     def appendChild(self, child_code, decimals, factor=0.0, yield_=0.0,
                     measure=0.0, measure_list=None, type_=None, label=None):
-        """appendChildren(self, child_code, factor=0.0, yield_=0.0,
+        """appendChildren(child_code, factor=0.0, yield_=0.0,
                     measure=0.0, measure_list=None, type_=None, label=None))
@@ -582,40 +640,39 @@
         return self.__text
     def setText(self,text):
-        """setText(self,text)
+        """setText(text)
         Sets the text of the record
         It must be a string
         if not isinstance(text, str):
-            raise TypeError, utils.mapping(_("Text ($1) must be a string, "\
-                  "record: $2"), (str(text), self.__code))
+            raise TypeError( utils.mapping(_("Text ($1) must be a string, "\
+                  "record: $2"), (str(text), str(self.__code))) )
         self.__text = text
     def getSheet(self):
         return self.__sheet
     def setSheet(self, sheet):
-        """setSheet(self, sheet)
+        """setSheet(sheet)
         Sets the sheet of condition object
         if not isinstance(sheet, Sheet):
-            raise ValueError, _("sheet must be a Sheet instance")
+            raise ValueError( _("sheet must be a Sheet instance") )
         self.__sheet = sheet
     def getFiles(self):
         return self.__files
     def setFiles(self, files):
-        """setFiles(self, files)
+        """setFiles(files)
         Sets the files list
-        # TODO: only sets files and File object format (durusdatabase)
         if not isinstance(files, list):
-            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("files must be a list: $1"),
-                                              str(files))
+            raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("files must be a list: $1"),
+                                              str(files)) )
         _files = []
         for file in files:
             if isinstance(file, File):
@@ -625,22 +682,21 @@
                 _type = file[1]
                 _description = file[2]
                 if not os.path.exists(file[0]):
-                    raise ValueError, _("Incorrect path")
+                    raise ValueError( _("Incorrect path") )
                 _file = File(file_path, type_, description)
-                raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_(
-                      "file must be a list or a File object: $1"),str(file))
+                raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_(
+                      "file must be a list or a File object: $1"),str(file)) )
         self.__files = _files
     def addFile(self, file_path, type_, description):
-        """addFile(self, file_path, type_, description)
+        """addFile(file_path, type_, description)
         Add a file to a record instance
         if not os.path.exists(file_path):
-            raise ValueError, _("Incorrect path")
+            raise ValueError( _("Incorrect path") )
         _name = os.path.basename(file_path)
         _isin = False
         for _ofile in self.__files:
@@ -654,32 +710,32 @@
         return self.__labels
     def setLabels(self, labels):
-        """setLabels(self, labels)
+        """setLabels(labels)
         Sets the labels list of a record
         if not isinstance(labels, list):
-            raise ValueError, _("labels must be a list")
+            raise ValueError( _("labels must be a list") )
         _labels = []
         for _label in labels:
             if isinstance(_label, str):
-                raise ValueError, _("label must be a string")
+                raise ValueError( _("label must be a string") )
         self.__labels = _labels
     def addLabel(self, label):
-        """addLabel(self, label)
+        """addLabel(label)
         Add a label to a record instance
         if not isinstance(label, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("Label must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("Label must be a string") )
         if not label in self.__labels:
     def getChildPositions(self, child_code):
-        """getChildPath(self, child_code):
+        """getChildPath(child_code):
         Try to return positions of a childcode
@@ -723,6 +779,7 @@
     labels = property(getLabels, setLabels, None,
         """Label list""")
 class ParametricRecord(Record):
@@ -784,7 +841,7 @@
         self.__vars = tuple[17]
         self.__parametric_summary = tuple[18]
         self.__parametric_text = tuple[19]
     def __init__(self, budget, code, synonyms, hierarchy, unit, summary,
                  prices, type_, subtype, parents=None, text=None):
         if parents is None:
@@ -813,6 +870,7 @@
     def setSelectComment(self, select_comment):
         self.__select_comment = select_comment
     def getVar(self, var):
         if var in self.__vars:
             return self.__vars[var]
@@ -851,6 +909,7 @@
         """Seclect comment
 class Decomposition(object):
@@ -872,10 +931,6 @@
         "cost_goals": list of cost goals of construction for months measures
         "cost_planned": list of costs planned and amended cost planned measures
-        __getstate__(self)
-        __setstate__(self, tuple)
-        __init__( position, code, budgetMeasures, certification=None,
-                 real_cost=None, cost_goals=None, cost_planned=None)
@@ -884,6 +939,7 @@
     __slots__ = ["_Decomposition__position",
@@ -892,10 +948,12 @@
     def __getstate__ (self):
         return (self.__position, self.__code, self.__budgetMeasures,
                 self.__certification, self.__real_cost, self.__cost_goals,
     def __setstate__(self,tuple):
         self.__position = tuple[0]
         self.__code = tuple[1]
@@ -914,50 +972,65 @@
         self.real_cost = real_cost
         self.cost_goals = cost_goals
         self.cost_planned = cost_planned
     def getPosition(self):
         return self.__position
     def setPosition(self, position):
         if not isinstance(position, int):
-            raise ValueError, _("Position must be a integer")
+            raise ValueError( _("Position must be a integer") )
         self.__position = position
     def getCode(self):
         return self.__code
     def setCode(self, code):
         self.__code = code
     def getBudgetMeasures(self):
         return self.__budgetMeasures
     def setBudgetMeasures(self, budgetMeasures):
         if not isinstance(budgetMeasures, list):
-            raise ValueError, _("BudgetMeasures atribute must be a list")
+            raise ValueError( _("BudgetMeasures atribute must be a list") )
         for _measure in budgetMeasures:
             if not isinstance(_measure, Measure):
-                raise ValueError, _("BudgetMeasures item must be a Measure "/
-                                    "object")
+                raise ValueError( _("BudgetMeasures item must be a Measure "/
+                                    "object") )
         self.__budgetMeasures = budgetMeasures
     def getCertification(self):
         return self.__certification
     def setCertification(self, certification):
         if not (certification is None or isinstance(certification, list)):
-            raise ValueError, _("Certification atribute must be a list or None")
+            raise ValueError( _("Certification atribute must be a list or None") )
         self.__certification = certification
     def getRealCost(self):
         return self.__real_cost
     def setRealCost(self, real_cost):
         if not (real_cost is None or  isinstance(real_cost, list)):
-            raise ValueError, _("Real cost atribute must be a list or None")
+            raise ValueError( _("Real cost atribute must be a list or None") )
         self.__real_cost = real_cost
     def getCostGoals(self):
         return self.__cost_goals
     def setCostGoals(self, cost_goals):
         if not (cost_goals is None or  isinstance(cost_goals, list)):
-            raise ValueError, _("Cost goals atribute must be a list or None")
+            raise ValueError( _("Cost goals atribute must be a list or None") )
         self.__cost_goals = cost_goals
     def getCostPlanned(self):
         return self.__cost_planned
     def setCostPlanned(self, cost_planned):
         if not (cost_planned is None or  isinstance(cost_planned, list)):
-            raise ValueError, _("Cost Planned atribute must be a list or None")
+            raise ValueError( _("Cost Planned atribute must be a list or None") )
         self.__cost_planned = cost_planned
     position = property(getPosition, setPosition, None,
         """Postion of the record in the budget
@@ -1000,10 +1073,6 @@
         "fixed": If fixed is True the yield is not calculated from measure
-        __getstate__()
-        __setstate__(tuple)
-        __init__(decimals, recordType, measure, lines,
-                 label, factor, yield_)
         setMeasure(measure, decimals)
@@ -1018,15 +1087,18 @@
     __slots__ = ["_Measure__measure",
     def __getstate__ (self):
         return (self.__measure, self.__lines, self.__label,
                 self.__factor, self.__yield_, self.__fixed)
     def __setstate__(self,tuple):
         self.__measure = tuple[0]
         self.__lines = tuple[1]
@@ -1034,6 +1106,7 @@
         self.__factor = tuple[3]
         self.__yield_ = tuple[4]
         self.__fixed = tuple[5]
     def __init__(self, decimals, recordType, measure, lines,
                  label, factor, yield_):
         self.setMeasure(measure, decimals)
@@ -1045,45 +1118,50 @@
     def getMeasure(self):
         return self.__measure
     def setMeasure(self, measure, decimals):
         if not isinstance(measure, float):
-            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Measure must be a float "\
-                  "number. Type: $1"), (type(measure),))
+            raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Measure must be a float "\
+                  "number. Type: $1"), (type(measure),)) )
         # TODO: test after
-        _DS = decimals.DS
+        _DS = abs(decimals.DS)
         measure = round(measure, _DS)
         self.__measure = measure
     def getLines(self):
         return self.__lines
     def setLines(self, lines):
         if not isinstance(lines, list):
-            raise ValueError, _("Lines must be a list")
+            raise ValueError( _("Lines must be a list") )
         for _line in lines:
             if not isinstance(_line, MeasureLine):
-                raise ValueError, _("Line must be a MeasureLine objetc")
+                raise ValueError( _("Line must be a MeasureLine objetc") )
         self.__lines = lines
     def getLabel(self):
         return self.__label
     def setLabel(self, label):
         self.__label = label
     def setFactor(self, factor, decimals, recordType):
         if not isinstance(factor, float):
-            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Factor must be a float number "\
-                  "|$1|"), (factor,))
+            raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Factor must be a float number "\
+                  "|$1|"), (str(factor),)) )
         # TODO: test after
-        _DF = decimals.getDF(recordType)
+        _DF = abs(decimals.getDF(recordType))
         factor = round(factor, _DF)
         self.__factor = factor
     def getFactor(self):
         return self.__factor
     def setYield(self, yield_, decimals, recordType):
         if not isinstance(yield_, float):
-            raise ValueError, _("Yield must be a float number")
+            raise ValueError( _("Yield must be a float number") )
         # TODO: test after
-        _DR = decimals.getDR(recordType)
+        _DR = abs(decimals.getDR(recordType))
         yield_ = round(yield_, _DR)
         self.__yield_ = yield_
@@ -1092,7 +1170,7 @@
     def setFixed(self, fixed, decimals):
         if not isinstance(fixed, bool):
-            raise ValueError, _("Fixed must be boolean object")
+            raise ValueError( _("Fixed must be boolean object") )
         self.__fixed = fixed
@@ -1162,8 +1240,8 @@
         elif type_ == "A":
-            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Type must be M or A. Type: $1"),
-                                            (type_,))
+            raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Type must be M or A. Type: $1"),
+                                            (str(type_),)) )
         self.calculateMeasure(decimals, recordType)
     def calculateMeasure(self, decimals, recordType):
@@ -1181,8 +1259,9 @@
                     line.setParcialSubtotal(_parcialSubtotal, decimals)
                     _parcial_total = _acumulated_total
             self.setMeasure(_acumulated_total, decimals)
-            _DR = decimals.getDR(recordType)
+            _DR = abs(decimals.getDR(recordType))
             self.updateYield(decimals, recordType)
     def updateYield(self, decimals, recordType):
         if not self.fixed:
             self.setYield(self.measure, decimals, recordType)
@@ -1217,10 +1296,6 @@
-        __getstate__(self)
-        __setstate__(self, tuple)
-        __init__(self, decimals, type_, comment, units, length, width, height,
-                 formula)
@@ -1234,6 +1309,7 @@
     __slots__ = ["_MeasureLine__lineType",
@@ -1245,10 +1321,12 @@
     def __getstate__ (self):
         return (self.__lineType, self.__comment, self.__units,
                 self.__length, self.__width, self.__height, self.__formula,
     def __setstate__(self,tuple):
         self.__lineType = tuple[0]
         self.__comment = tuple[1]
@@ -1259,6 +1337,7 @@
         self.__formula = tuple[6]
         self.__parcial = tuple[7]
     def __init__(self, decimals, type_, comment, units, length, width, height,
         self.__parcial = 0.0
@@ -1272,43 +1351,56 @@
         self.setHeight(height, decimals)
         self.setFormula(formula, decimals)
     def getLineType(self):
         return self.__lineType
     def getComment(self):
         return self.__comment
     def getUnits(self):
         return self.__units
     def getLength(self):
         return self.__length
     def getWidth(self):
         return self.__width
     def getHeight(self):
         return self.__height
     def getFormula(self):
         return self.__formula
     def getParcial(self):
         return self.__parcial
     def getParcialSubtotal(self):
         return self.__parcial_subtotal
     def getAcumulatedSubtotal(self):
         return self.__acumulated_subtotal
     def setParcialSubtotal(self, parcial_subtotal, decimals):
         if not isinstance(parcial_subtotal, float):
-            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_(" Parcial Subtotal must be a "\
-                      "float number. Parcial: $1"), (str(parcial_subtotal),))
-        _DS = decimals.DS
+            raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_(" Parcial Subtotal must be a "\
+                      "float number. Parcial: $1"), (str(parcial_subtotal),)) )
+        _DS = abs(decimals.DS)
         parcial_subtotal = round(parcial_subtotal, _DS)
         self.__parcial_subtotal = parcial_subtotal
     def setAcumulatedSubtotal(self, acumulated_subtotal, decimals):
         if not isinstance(acumulated_subtotal, float):
-            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_(" Acumulated Subtotal must be "\
+            raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_(" Acumulated Subtotal must be "\
                       "a float number. Parcial: $1"),
-                     (str(acumulated_subtotal),))
-        _DS = decimals.DS
+                     (str(acumulated_subtotal),)) )
+        _DS = abs(decimals.DS)
         acumulated_subtotal = round(acumulated_subtotal, _DS)
         self.__acumulated_subtotal = acumulated_subtotal
     def calculateParcial(self, decimals):
-        _DS = decimals.DS
+        _DS = abs(decimals.DS)
         if self.lineType == 1 or self.lineType == 2:
             _parcial = 0.0
         elif self.lineType == 0: # self.formula == "":
@@ -1336,69 +1428,75 @@
     def setLineType(self, type_):
         if not type_ in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
-            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid measure line type ($1)"),
-                  (str(type_),))
+            raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Invalid measure line type ($1)"),
+                  (str(type_),)) )
         self.__lineType = type_
     def setComment(self, comment):
         if not isinstance(comment, str):
-            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Measure Comment must be a "\
-                  "string ($1)"), (str(comment),))
+            raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Measure Comment must be a "\
+                  "string ($1)"), (str(comment),)) )
         self.__comment = comment
     def setUnits(self, units, decimals):
         if units != "":
             if not isinstance(units, float):
-                raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid Measure Units ($1)"),
-                      (str(units),))
-            _DN = decimals.DN
+                raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Invalid Measure Units ($1)"),
+                      (str(units),)) )
+            _DN = abs(decimals.DN)
             units = round(units, _DN)
         self.__units = units
         except AttributeError:
     def setLength(self, length, decimals):
         if length != "":
             if not isinstance(length, float):
-                raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid Measure length ($1)"),
-                      (str(units),))
-            _DD = decimals.DD
+                raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Invalid Measure length ($1)"),
+                      (str(units),)) )
+            _DD = abs(decimals.DD)
             length = round(length, _DD)
         self.__length = length
         except AttributeError:
     def setWidth(self, width, decimals):
         if width != "":
             if not isinstance(width, float):
-                raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid Measure Width ($1)"),
-                      (str(units),))
-            _DD = decimals.DD
+                raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Invalid Measure Width ($1)"),
+                      (str(units),)) )
+            _DD = abs(decimals.DD)
             width = round(width, _DD)
         self.__width = width
         except AttributeError:
     def setHeight(self, height, decimals):
         if height != "":
             if not isinstance(height, float):
-                raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid Measure Height ($1)"),
-                      (str(height),))
-            _DD = decimals.DD
+                raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Invalid Measure Height ($1)"),
+                      (str(height),)) )
+            _DD = abs(decimals.DD)
             height = round(height, _DD)
         self.__height = height
         except AttributeError:
     def setFormula(self, formula, decimals):
         if not isinstance(formula, str):
-            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Formula must be a "\
-                  "string ($1)"), (str(formula),))
+            raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Formula must be a "\
+                  "string ($1)"), (str(formula),)) )
         if re.match(".*[^0123456789\.()\+\-\*/\^abcdp ].*", formula):
-            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("There is invalid characters"\
-                  "in formula ($1)"), (str(formula),))
+            raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("There is invalid characters"\
+                  "in formula ($1)"), (str(formula),)) )
         self.__formula = formula
@@ -1437,6 +1535,7 @@
                                 None, None,
     """Parcial subtotal
     def eval_formula(self):
@@ -1462,19 +1561,19 @@
             a = float(a)
-            raise ValueError, _("'a' value must be a float number")
+            raise ValueError( _("'a' value must be a float number") )
             b = float(b)
-            raise ValueError, _("'b' value must be a float number")
+            raise ValueError( _("'b' value must be a float number") )
             c = float(c)
-            raise ValueError, _("'c' value must be a float number")
+            raise ValueError( _("'c' value must be a float number") )
             d = float(d)
-            raise ValueError, _("'d' value must be a float number")
+            raise ValueError( _("'d' value must be a float number") )
         # spaces are erased
         formula.replace(" ","")
         # operators and varibles are replaced
@@ -1502,7 +1601,8 @@
             return eval(_formula2, _g)
-            raise ValueError, _("Invalid formula")
+            raise ValueError( _("Invalid formula") )
 class Decimals(object):
@@ -1587,13 +1687,6 @@
             Default: 2 decimal places.
         "DIVISA": monetary unit.
-        __init__(DN=2, DD=2, DSP=2, DS=2,
-                 DFC=3, DFPU=3, DFUO=3, DFA=3,
-                 DRC=3, DRPU=3, DRUO=3, DRA=3,
-                 DP=2, DC=2, DPU=2, DUO=2, DEA=2, DES=2,
-                 DIR=2, DIRC=2, DCD=2,
-                 DIVISA="EUR")
-        __getitem__(key)
@@ -1601,6 +1694,7 @@
     # TODO: get/set methods
     def __init__(self,
                  DN=2, DD=2, DSP=2, DS=2,
                  DFC=3, DFPU=3, DFUO=3, DFA=3, 
@@ -1632,10 +1726,13 @@
         self.DIRC = DIRC
         self.DCD = DCD
         self.DIVISA = DIVISA
     def __getitem__(self, key):
         return self.__dict__[key]
     def haskey(self, key):
         return key in self.__dict__
     def getD(self, recordType):
         # DP: budget.
         # DC: chapter and subcharter. 
@@ -1662,6 +1759,7 @@
             else: # unit  type 0, subtipe ["EU", "EC", "EF", "PA"]
                 _decimal = self.DUO
         return _decimal
     def getDF(self, recordType):
         # Factor: DF
         #   ->DFP: Budget
@@ -1681,6 +1779,7 @@
             else: # unit  EU EC EF PA
                 _decimal = self.DFUO
         return _decimal
     def getDR(self, recordType):
         # Yield: DR
         #   ->DRP: Budget
@@ -1700,6 +1799,7 @@
             else: # unit
                 _decimal = self.DRUO
         return _decimal
     def getDI(self, recordType):
         # DIRC: budget, chapter and subcharter. 
         # DIR: unit, auxiliar element.
@@ -1716,6 +1816,7 @@
             _decimal = self.DIR
         return _decimal
 class Sheet(object):
@@ -1731,9 +1832,6 @@
             <Section key>: must be in Budget.SheetSections
             <Paragraph key>: must be in Budget.SheetParagraph
-        __getstate__(self)
-        __setstate__(self, tuple)
-        __init__(self, sheet_dict={})
@@ -1742,108 +1840,121 @@
     __slots__ = ["_Sheet__sheet_dict"]
     def __getstate__ (self):
         return (self.__sheet_dict,)
     def __setstate__(self,tuple):
         self.__sheet_dict = tuple[0]
     def __init__(self):
         self.__sheet_dict = {}
     def getSheet_dict(self):
         return self.__sheet_dict
     def setSheet_dict(self, sheet_dict):
         if not isinstance(sheet_dict, dict):
-            raise ValueError, _("sheet_dict must be a dictionay")
+            raise ValueError( _("sheet_dict must be a dictionay") )
         self.__sheet_dict = sheet_dict
     def getFields(self):
         return self.sheet_dict.keys()
     def getSections(self, field):
         if field in self.__sheet_dict:
             return self.__sheet_dict[field].keys()
             return None
     def getParagraph(self, field, section):
         if (field in self.__sheet_dict and
             section in self.__sheet_dict[field]):
             return self.__sheet_dict[field][section]
             return None
     def addField(self, field, section_dict):
         if not isinstance(field, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("sheet field must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("sheet field must be a string") )
         if not isinstance(section_dict, dict):
-            raise ValueError, _("section_dict must be a dictionary")
+            raise ValueError( _("section_dict must be a dictionary") )
         self.__sheet_dict[field] = section_dict
     def addSection(self, field, section, paragraph):
         if not isinstance(field, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("sheet field must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("sheet field must be a string") )
         if not isinstance(section, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("sheet section must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("sheet section must be a string") )
         if not isinstance(paragraph, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("sheet paragraph must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("sheet paragraph must be a string") )
         if not field in self.__sheet_dict:
             self.addField(field, { })
         _field = self.__sheet_dict[field]
         _field[section] = paragraph
     sheet_dict = property(getSheet_dict, setSheet_dict, None,
     """Sheet dictionary { <Field key> : { <Section key> : <Paragraph key>}""")
 class Budget(object):
-        Budget objetc
+        Budget object
+        +-- __records: dictionary records { code : Record }
+        +-- __synonyms: synonyms dictionary. TODO { "code" : ["synonym",],}
+            Each record code can have synonym codes.
+        +-- __root: the root record code
+        +-- __decimals: List with the decimal places used to round the 
+-            result of the calculations with prices and measures
+-            The values are Decimals objects 
+-            The <0> objets is the default Decimals (seted in FIEBDC-3),
+-            The others keys are for the diferent groups of Prices
+        +-- __percentages: percentages dictionary:
+                      { "CI"  : "",
+                        "GG"  : "",
+                        "BI"  : "",
+                        "BAJA": "",
+                        "IVA" : ""}
+        +-- __file_owner
+        +-- __title_list: titles list: [ "Header", ["Title1", "Title2", ... ] ]
+            List with the Headers and list of Titles for prices and
+            decimal places.
+            The Headers is the type of hierarchy of the prices
+            Each Title have a group of Prices and a Decimals definition
+            The records can have diferent prices for diferent ages, geografical
+            places, ...
+        +-- __title_index: A integer. The active group of Prices and Decimals.
+        +-- __sheet_sections: sheet sections dictionary { sheet_code : sheet_title }
+        +-- __sheet_fields: sheet fields dictionary { field_code : field_title }
+        +-- __sheet_paragraphs: sheet paragraphs dictionary 
+                           { paragraph_code : paragraph_text}
+        +-- __companys: Dictionary whith companys object
+                   { company_code: company_object }
+        +-- __comment
+-       +-- __date
+-       +-- __budgetType" A integer. Type of data in budget
+-                0 -> Undefined
+-                1 -> Base data.
+-                2 -> Budget.
+-                3 -> Certificate.
+-                4 -> Base date update.
+-       +-- __budgetCerficateOrder" Only valid if budgetType is 3.
+-       +-- __budgetCerficateDate" Only valid if budgetType is 3
+-       +-- __tec_info": Dictionary whith tecnical information
+-                        {ti_code : ["desciption text", "unit"]}
+-       +-- __labels": Label dictionary { "label": [ "code", ], }
     +-- object
       +-- Budget
-        "filename": file name of the budget file (FIEBDC)
-        "__records": Dictionary with the budget records.
-            { "code" : Record object, }
-        "__synonyms": Dictionary with the records synonums.
-            { "code" : ["synonym",],}
-            Each record code can have synonym codes.
-        "__root": The root record code.
-        "__title_list": List with the Headers and list of Titles for prices and
-            decimal places.
-            [ "Header", ["Title1", "Title2", ... ] ]
-            The records can have diferent prices for diferent ages, geografical
-            places, ...
-            The Headers is the type of hierarchy of the prices
-            Each Title have a group of Prices and a Decimals definition
-        "__decimals": List with the decimal places used to round the 
-            result of the calculations with prices and measures
-            The values are Decimals objects 
-            The <0> objets is the default Decimals (seted in FIEBDC-3),
-            The others keys are for the diferent groups of Prices
-        "__percentages": Dictionary with the percentages
-            keys:
-                "CI"    Indirect Cost
-                "GG"    General expenses
-                "BI"    Industrial benefit
-                "BAJA"  Low (what this do here?)
-                "IVA"   Tax
-        "__file_owner"
-        "__comment"
-        "__date"
-        "__budgetType" A integer. Type of data in budget
-                0 -> Undefined
-                1 -> Base data.
-                2 -> Budget.
-                3 -> Certificate.
-                4 -> Base date update.
-        "__budgetCerficateOrder" Only valid if budgetType is 3.
-        "__budgetCerficateDate" Only valid if budgetType is 3
-        "__title_index": A integer. The active group of Prices and Decimals.
-        "__sheet_sections": Dictionary whith de sheet sections
-        "__sheet_fields": Dictionary whith sheet fields
-        "__sheet_paragraphs": Dictionary whith sheet paragraphs
-        "__companys": Dictionary whith companys object
-                         { company_code: company_object }
-        "__tec_info": Dictionary whith tecnical information
-                        {ti_code : ["desciption text", "unit"]}
-        "__labels": Label dictionary { "label": [ "code", ], }
+        No public Atributes
@@ -1911,31 +2022,70 @@
     def __init__(self):
         Initialize the budget atributes
+        # title_index: A integer. The active group of Prices and Decimals.
+        # TODO: change title_index
         self.__title_index = 0
+        # List with the decimal places used to round the 
+        # result of the calculations with prices and measures
+        # The values are Decimals objects 
+        # The <0> objets is the default Decimals (seted in FIEBDC-3),
+        # The others keys are for the diferent groups of Prices
         self.__decimals = [Decimals(), Decimals()]
+        # Dictionary with the percentages
+        #    keys:
+        #        "CI"    Indirect Cost
+        #        "GG"    General expenses
+        #        "BI"    Industrial benefit
+        #        "BAJA"  Low (what this do here?)
+        #        "IVA"   Tax
         self.__percentages = { "CI" : "" ,"GG": "", "BI": "",
                                "BAJA": "", "IVA" : ""}
+        # List with the Headers and list of Titles for prices and
+        #    decimal places.
+        #    [ "Header", ["Title1", "Title2", ... ] ]
+        #    The records can have diferent prices for diferent ages, geografical
+        #    places, ...
+        #    The Headers is the type of hierarchy of the prices
+        #    Each Title have a group of Prices and a Decimals definition
         self.__title_list = [ "", [ ] ]
+        # The root record code.
         self.__root = None
         self.__file_owner = ""
         self.__comment = ""
-        self.__budgetCerficateOrder = None
-        self.__budgetCerficateDate = None
+        self.__budgetCerficateOrder = None  # Only valid if budgetType is 3.
+        self.__budgetCerficateDate = None   # Only valid if budgetType is 3.
         self.__date = (0,0,0)
+        # budgetType: A integer. Type of data in budget
+        #        0 -> Undefined
+        #        1 -> Base data.
+        #        2 -> Budget.
+        #        3 -> Certificate.
+        #        4 -> Base date update.
         self.__budgetType = 0
+        # Dictionary with the budget records: { "code" : Record object, }
         self.__records = { }
+        # Dictionary with the records synonyms.
+        #    { "code" : ["synonym",],}
+        #    Each record code can have synonym codes.
         self.__synonyms = { }
+        # sheet_sections: Dictionary whith de sheet sections
         self.__sheet_sections = { }
+        # sheet_fields: Dictionary whith sheet fields
         self.__sheet_fields = { }
+        # sheet_paragraphs: Dictionary whith sheet paragraphs
         self.__sheet_paragraphs = { }
+        # companys: Dictionary whith companys object
+        #           { company_code: company_object }
         self.__companys = { }
+        # tec_info: Dictionary whith tecnical information
+        #           {ti_code : ["desciption text", "unit"]}
         self.__tec_info = { }
+        # labels: Label dictionary { "label": [ "code", ], }
         self.__labels = { }
     def __getstate__(self):
@@ -1964,6 +2114,7 @@
     def iter(self):
         for record in self.__records:
             yield record
     def iterPreOrder(self, recordCode, codes=None):
         if codes is None:
             codes = []
@@ -1973,6 +2124,7 @@
                 self.iterPreOrder(_child, codes)
         return codes
     def iterPostOrder(self, recordCode, codes=None):
         if codes is None:
             codes = []
@@ -2012,6 +2164,7 @@
         _children = _record.children
         _child_code = [ _child.code for _child in _children ]
         return _child_code
     def setOwner(self, owner):
         """setOwner(self, owner)
@@ -2021,7 +2174,7 @@
         if isinstance(owner, basestring):
             self.__file_owner = owner
-            raise  TypeError, _("Owner must be a string")
+            raise  TypeError( _("Owner must be a string") )
     def setDate(self, date):
         """setOwner(self, date)
@@ -2037,7 +2190,7 @@
             self.__date = date
-            raise  TypeError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid Date: $1"),(str(date),))    
+            raise  TypeError( utils.mapping(_("Invalid Date: $1"),(str(date),)) )
     def setComment(self, comment):
         """setOwner(self, comment)
@@ -2048,7 +2201,7 @@
         if isinstance(comment, basestring):
             self.__comment = comment
-            raise  TypeError, _("Comment must be a string")
+            raise  TypeError( _("Comment must be a string") )
     def setBudgeType(self, budget_type):
         """setOwner(self, budget_type)
@@ -2064,8 +2217,8 @@
         if budget_type in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
             self.__budgetType = budget_type
-            raise  ValueError, _("Budget type must be 1, 2, 3 or 4.")
+            raise  ValueError( _("Budget type must be 1, 2, 3 or 4.") )
     def setCertificateOrder(self, certificate_order, certificate_date):
         """setOwner(self, budget_type)
@@ -2076,7 +2229,7 @@
         if isinstance(certificate_order, int):
             self.__budgetCerficateOrder = certificate_order
-            raise  ValueError, _("Certificate order must be a integer.")
+            raise  ValueError( _("Certificate order must be a integer.") )
     def setCertificateDater(self, certificate_date):
         """setCertidicateDate(self, certificate_date)
@@ -2091,7 +2244,7 @@
             self.__budgetCerficateDate = certificate_date
-            raise  ValueError, _("Budget certificate Date must be a valid Date.")
+            raise  ValueError( _("Budget certificate Date must be a valid Date.") )
     def setTitleList(self, title_list):
         """setTitleList(self, title_list)
@@ -2105,7 +2258,7 @@
                 title_list[1][i] = str(title_list[1][i])
             self.__title_list = title_list
-            raise TypeError, _("Invalid title list format")
+            raise TypeError( _("Invalid title list format") )
     def getTitleList(self):
         """ getTitleList(self)
@@ -2134,7 +2287,7 @@
         elif N < len(self.__decimals):
             _default_decimals = self.__decimals[N]
-            raise IndexError, _("Invalid Index Title")
+            raise IndexError( _("Invalid Index Title") )
         for _decimal in dictionary:
             if dictionary[_decimal] == "":
                 dictionary[_decimal] = eval("_default_decimals." + _decimal)
@@ -2151,6 +2304,7 @@
                             dictionary["DIRC"], dictionary["DCD"],
         self.__decimals[N] = decimals
     def getDecimals(self, decimal=None, N=None):
@@ -2170,7 +2324,7 @@
         elif self.__decimals[N+1].haskey(decimal):
             return self.__decimals[N+1][decimal]
-            raise KeyError, _("Decimal Key error")
+            raise KeyError( _("Decimal Key error") )
     def setPercentages(self, dictionary):
         """setPercentages(self, dictionary):
@@ -2208,7 +2362,7 @@
         elif key in self.__percentages:
             return self.__percentages[key]
-            raise KeyError, _("Invalid Percentage key")
+            raise KeyError( _("Invalid Percentage key") )
     def getAllParents(self,code):
@@ -2280,12 +2434,12 @@
     def getStrYield(self, measure, recordType):
         #_DR = measure.getDR(self.getDecimals())
-        _DR = self.getDecimals().getDR(recordType)
+        _DR = abs(self.getDecimals().getDR(recordType))
         _yield = ("%." + str(_DR) + "f" ) % measure.yield_
         return _yield
     def getStrFactor(self, measure, recorType):
-        _DF = self.getDecimals().getDF(recordType)
+        _DF = abs(self.getDecimals().getDF(recordType))
         #_DF = measure.getDF(self.getDecimals())
         _factor = ("%." + str(_DF) + "f" ) % measure.factor
         return _factor
@@ -2325,29 +2479,29 @@
         if code is None: # No-estructured measures
             code = self.getRoot()
             if code == None: # No root
-                print "No-estructured measures. Adding root record", 
-                self.setRecord("root", [], 0, "", "", [0.0,], [(1,1,1970)],
-                                     0, "")       
+                print( "No-estructured measures. Adding root record " +  
+                str(self.setRecord("root", [], 0, "", "", [0.0,], [(1,1,1970)],
+                                     0, "") ))
                 code = self.getRoot()
         if not utils.is_valid_code(code)[0]:
-            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid parent code: $1"),
-                                            (code,))
+            raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Invalid parent code: $1"),
+                                            (str(code),)) )
         if not utils.is_valid_code(child_code)[0]:
-            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid child code: $1 $2"),
-                                           (code,child_code))
+            raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Invalid child code: $1 $2"),
+                                           (str(code),str(child_code))) )
         if not isinstance(position, int):
-            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid position in measure "\
-                  "$1, in code $2"), (parent_code, position))
+            raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Invalid position in measure "\
+                  "$1, in code $2"), (str(parent_code), str(position))) )
         # Test circular references
         _all_parent_list = self.getAllParents(code) + [ code ]
         _all_child_list = self.getAllchildren(child_code) + [ child_code ]
         for _parent_code in _all_parent_list:
             if _parent_code in _all_child_list:
                 # TODO: change return to except
-                print utils.mapping(_("Circular Decomposition, parent code: "\
+                print(utils.mapping(_("Circular Decomposition, parent code: "\
                       "$1, child code: $2, repeated code: $3"),
-                      (code, child_code, _parent_code))
+                      (str(code), str(child_code), str(_parent_code))) )
         # Creating reference to parent code in child record
@@ -2370,15 +2524,15 @@
                 positions = _record.getChildPositions(child_code)
                 if len(positions) == 1:
                     position = positions[0]
-                    print utils.mapping(_("No-estructured measure or empty position. Parent Code: "\
-                          "$1, Child code: $2, Position: $3"),(code, child_code, position))
+                    print(utils.mapping(_("No-estructured measure or empty position. Parent Code: "\
+                          "$1, Child code: $2, Position: $3"),(str(code), str(child_code), str(position))) )
                     position = _child_number
-                    print utils.mapping(_("No-estructured measure or empty position. "\
+                    print(utils.mapping(_("No-estructured measure or empty position. "\
                           "Repeated child in unspecified position. "\
                           "It is impossible to determine the position. "\
                           "New child is added in the decomposition. "\
-                          "Parent code: $1, Child code: $2, Position: $3"),(code, child_code, position))
+                          "Parent code: $1, Child code: $2, Position: $3"),(str(code), str(child_code), str(position))) )
             if position == _child_number:
                 # The record do not have the child
                 if not isinstance(factor, float): factor = 1.0
@@ -2414,21 +2568,21 @@
                     _measure.label = label
                 # TODO: change return for except
-                print utils.mapping(_("Error: Invalid child position in "
+                print(utils.mapping(_("Error: Invalid child position in "
                       "decomposition. Parent code: $1 Child code: $2 "\
-                      "Position: $3"), (code, child_code, position))
+                      "Position: $3"), (str(code), str(child_code), str(position))) )
             if child_code == "" : 
-                print utils.mapping(_("Error: Empty child code. Parent code: "\
-                      "$1 Position: $2"), (code, position))
+                print(utils.mapping(_("Error: Empty child code. Parent code: "\
+                      "$1 Position: $2"), (str(code), str(position))) )
             if position == -1:
                 position = 0
             elif position != 0:
-                print utils.mapping(_("Error: Invalid child position in "\
+                print(utils.mapping(_("Error: Invalid child position in "\
                       "decomposition. Parent code: $1 Child code: $2 "\
-                      "Position: $3"), (code, child_code, position))
+                      "Position: $3"), (str(code), str(child_code), str(position))) )
             if not isinstance(factor, float):
                 factor = 1.0
@@ -2461,19 +2615,19 @@
             a = float(a)
-            raise ValueError, _("'a' value must be a float number")
+            raise ValueError( _("'a' value must be a float number") )
             b = float(b)
-            raise ValueError, _("'b' value must be a float number")
+            raise ValueError( _("'b' value must be a float number") )
             c = float(c)
-            raise ValueError, _("'c' value must be a float number")
+            raise ValueError( _("'c' value must be a float number") )
             d = float(d)
-            raise ValueError, _("'d' value must be a float number")
+            raise ValueError( _("'d' value must be a float number") )
         # spaces are erased
         sre.sub("[ ]","",formula)
         # operators and varibles are replaced
@@ -2501,7 +2655,7 @@
             return eval(_formula2, _g)
-            raise ValueError, _("Invalid formula")
+            raise ValueError( _("Invalid formula") )
     def getText(self,code):
@@ -2512,7 +2666,7 @@
         if code in self.__records:
             return self.__records[code].text
-            raise IndexError, _("Invalid code")
+            raise IndexError( _("Invalid code") )
     def setText(self,code,text):
@@ -2522,7 +2676,7 @@
         Sests the description text of a record
         if not utils.is_valid_code(code)[0]:
-            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid record: $1"), (code,))
+            raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Invalid record: $1"), (str(code),)) )
         if not code in self.__records:
             _record = self.setRecord(code, [], "", "", "", [], [],
                                      "", "")
@@ -2585,7 +2739,7 @@
             if self.__root is None:
                 self.__root = code
-                print _("Only can be one root record")
+                print(_("Only can be one root record") )
                 # TODO: If the root is created in settree. No-estructured measures
                 # TODO  Rewrite root values
@@ -2659,9 +2813,22 @@
         record.addPrice(price_date, self.getDecimals())
-    def getStrPriceFromRecord(self, index_price, record):
-        _price = record.getPrice(index_price)
-        _D = self.getDecimals().getD(record.recordType)
+    def getStrPriceFromRecord(self, index_price, record, path):
+        if record.isPercentage():
+            _percentageMasq = record.percentageMasq()
+            _parent_code = self.getCode(path[:-1])
+            _N_record = path[-1]
+            _amount_sum = 0.0
+            for N,_code in enumerate(self.getchildren(_parent_code)[:_N_record]):
+                _child_record = self.getRecord(_code)
+                if _child_record.hasPercentageMasq(_percentageMasq):
+                    _path = path[:-1] + (N,)
+                    _amount = self.getAmount(_path)
+                    _amount_sum = _amount_sum + _amount
+            _price = _amount_sum
+        else:
+            _price = record.getPrice(index_price)
+        _D = abs(self.getDecimals().getD(record.recordType))
         _price = ("%." + str(_D) + "f" ) % _price
         return _price
@@ -2681,16 +2848,16 @@
                             _child = _children_list[i]
-                            raise ValueError, _("This record does not exits")
+                            raise ValueError( _("This record does not exits") )
                         _code = _child.code
-                        raise ValueError, _("Path item must be a integer")
+                        raise ValueError( _("Path item must be a integer") )
                 return _code
-                raise ValueError, _("This record does not exits")
+                raise ValueError( _("This record does not exits") )
-            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Path must be a not empty "\
-                  "tuple: $1"), (str(path),))
+            raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Path must be a not empty "\
+                  "tuple: $1"), (str(path),)) )
     def getAmount(self, path):
         """def getAmount(self,path)
@@ -2698,6 +2865,7 @@
         path: record path
         Calculate the record amount
         if len(path) == 1:
             # root: amount is the root price
             _root = self.getRecord(self.getRoot())
@@ -2713,10 +2881,25 @@
             _yield = _decomposition.budgetMeasures[0].yield_
             _child_code = _decomposition.code
             _child_record = self.getRecord(_child_code)
-            _price = _child_record.getPrice(self.getActiveTitle())
-            _DR = self.getDecimals().getDR(_parent_record.recordType)
+            _code = self.getCode(path)
+            _record = self.getRecord(_code)
+            if _record.isPercentage():
+                _percentageMasq = _record.percentageMasq()
+                _N_record = path[-1]
+                _amount_sum = 0.0
+                for N,_code in enumerate(self.getchildren(_parent_code)[:_N_record]):
+                    _child_record = self.getRecord(_code)
+                    if _child_record.hasPercentageMasq(_percentageMasq):
+                        _path = path[:-1] + (N,)
+                        _amount = self.getAmount(_path)
+                        _amount_sum = _amount_sum + _amount
+                _price = _amount_sum
+            else:
+                _price = _child_record.getPrice(self.getActiveTitle())
+            _DR = abs(self.getDecimals().getDR(_parent_record.recordType))
             _total_yield = round(_factor * _yield, _DR)
-            _DI = self.getDecimals().getDI(_parent_record.recordType)
+            _DI = abs(self.getDecimals().getDI(_parent_record.recordType))
             _amount = round(_total_yield * _price, _DI)
             return _amount
@@ -2728,74 +2911,86 @@
         if len(path) == 1: #root
             _root = self.getRecord(self.getRoot())
-            _amount = self.getStrPriceFromRecord(self.__title_index, _root)
+            _amount = self.getStrPriceFromRecord(self.__title_index, _root, path)
             return _amount
             _parent_code = self.getCode(path[:-1])
             _parent_record = self.getRecord(_parent_code)
             _amount = self.getAmount(path)
-            _DI = self.getDecimals().getDI(_parent_record.recordType)
+            _DI = abs(self.getDecimals().getDI(_parent_record.recordType))
             _amount = ("%." + str(_DI) + "f") % _amount
             return _amount
     def setSheetSection(self,sheet_code,sheet_title):
         if not isinstance(sheet_code, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The sheet code must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The sheet code must be a string") )
         if not isinstance(sheet_title, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The sheet title must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The sheet title must be a string") )
         self.__sheet_sections[sheet_code] = sheet_title
     def hasSheetSection(self, section):
         return section in self.__sheet_sections
     def getSheetSection(self, section):
         return self.__sheet_sections[section]
     def setSheetSections(self,dictionary): 
         if not isinstance(dictionary, dict):
-            raise ValueError, _("The sheet sections must be a dictionary")
+            raise ValueError( _("The sheet sections must be a dictionary") )
         for sheet_code in dictionary.keys():
             self.setSheetSection(sheet_code, dictionary[sheet_code])
     def setSheetField(self, field_code, field_title):
         if not isinstance(field_code, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The field code must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The field code must be a string") )
         if not isinstance(field_title, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The field title must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The field title must be a string") )
         self.__sheet_fields[field_code] = field_title
     def hasSheetField(self, field):
         return field in self.__sheet_fields
     def getSheetField(self, field):
         return self.__sheet_fields[field]
     def setSheetFields(self, field_dict):
         if not isinstance(field_dict, dict):
-            raise ValueError, _("The sheet field must be a dictionary")
+            raise ValueError( _("The sheet field must be a dictionary") )
         for field_code in field_dict.keys():
             self.setSheetField( field_code, field_dict[field_code])
     def setSheetParagraph(self, paragraph_code, paragraph_text):
         if not isinstance(paragraph_code, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The paragraph code must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The paragraph code must be a string") )
         if not isinstance(paragraph_text, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The paragraph text must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The paragraph text must be a string") )
         self.__sheet_paragraphs[paragraph_code] = paragraph_text
     def hasSheetParagraph(self, paragraph):
         return paragraph in self.__sheet_paragraphs
     def getSheetParagraph(self, paragraph):
         return self.__sheet_paragraphs[paragraph]
     def setSheetParagraphs(self, paragraph_dict):
         if not isinstance(paragraph_dict, dict):
-            raise ValueError, _("The paragraph dict must be a dictionary")
+            raise ValueError( _("The paragraph dict must be a dictionary") )
         for paragraph_code in paragraph_dict.keys():
             self.setSheetParagraph( paragraph_code, paragraph_dict[paragraph_code])
     def setSheetRecord(self, record_code, field, section_dict):
         if not isinstance(record_code, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The record_code code must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The record_code code must be a string") )
         if not isinstance(field, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The field must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The field must be a string") )
         if not isinstance(section_dict, dict):
-            raise ValueError, _("The section dict must be a dictionary")
+            raise ValueError( _("The section dict must be a dictionary") )
         # TODO: Add a empty record?
         if not self.hasRecord(record_code):
-            print utils.mapping(_("Error: The budget do not have this record "\
+            print(utils.mapping(_("Error: The budget do not have this record "\
                 "code and can not be added the sheet text in the field $1. "\
-                "Record Code: $2"), ( field, record_code))
+                "Record Code: $2"), ( str(field), str(record_code))) )
         if not self.hasSheetField(field):
@@ -2807,45 +3002,48 @@
                 self.setSheetSection(section, "")
             _sheet = self.getRecord(record_code).getSheet()
             _sheet.addSection(field, section, paragraph)
     def addFile(self, record_code, filepath, type_, description):
         if not isinstance(record_code, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The record_code code must be a string")
-        if not isinstance(filepath, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The filename must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The record_code code must be a string") )
+        #-# str and unicode
+        if not isinstance(filepath, str) and not isinstance(filepath, unicode):
+            raise ValueError( _("The filename must be a string") )
         # TODO: Add a empty record?
         if not self.hasRecord(record_code):
-            print utils.mapping(_("Error: The budget do not have the record "\
+            print(utils.mapping(_("Error: The budget do not have the record "\
                 "code $1 and can not be added the file: $2"),
-                (record_code, filepath))
+                (str(record_code), str(filepath))) )
         _record = self.getRecord(record_code)
         _record.addFile(filepath, type_, description)
     def setCompany(self, company_code, sumamary, name, offices,
                    cif, web, email):
         if not isinstance(company_code, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The company code must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The company code must be a string") )
         if not isinstance(sumamary, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The summary must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The summary must be a string") )
         if not isinstance(name, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The name must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The name must be a string") )
         if not isinstance(offices, list):
-            raise ValueError, _("The name must be a list")
+            raise ValueError( _("The name must be a list") )
         _offices = []
         for _office in offices:
             if not isinstance(_office, list):
-                raise ValueError, _("The office must be a list")
+                raise ValueError( _("The office must be a list") )
             if not len(_office) == 10:
-                raise ValueError, _("The office must be a 10 items list")
+                raise ValueError( _("The office must be a 10 items list") )
             for _item in _office[:7] + _office[9:10]:
                 if not isinstance(_item, str):
-                    raise ValueError, _("This office item must be a "\
-                                        "string")
+                    raise ValueError( _("This office item must be a "\
+                                        "string") )
             for _item in _office[7:8]:
                 if not isinstance(_item, list):
-                    raise ValueError, _("This office item must be a "\
-                                        "list")
+                    raise ValueError( _("This office item must be a "\
+                                        "list") )
@@ -2857,31 +3055,36 @@
         if not isinstance(cif, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The name must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The name must be a string") )
         if not isinstance(web, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The web must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The web must be a string") )
         if not isinstance(email, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The email must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The email must be a string") )
         self.__companys[company_code] = Company(company_code, sumamary, name,
                                                 _offices, cif, web, email)
     def getCompany(self, company_code):
         return self.__companys[company_code]
     def getCompanyKeys(self):
         return self.__companys.keys()
     def addTecInfo(self, ti_code, text, unit):
         if not isinstance(ti_code, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The tecnical info code must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The tecnical info code must be a string") )
         if not isinstance(text, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The tecnical info description must be a "\
-                                "string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The tecnical info description must be a "\
+                                "string") )
         if not isinstance(unit, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The tecnical info unit must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The tecnical info unit must be a string") )
         self.__tec_info[ti_code] = [text, unit]
     def hasTecInfo(self, ti_code):
         return ti_code in self.__tec_info
     def getTecInfo(self, ti_code):
         return self.__tec_info[ti_code]
     def setTecnicalInformation(self, record_code, ti_dict):
         """setTecnicalInformation(record_code, ti_dict)
@@ -2891,6 +3094,7 @@
         # TODO: setTecnicalInformation
     def changeCode(self, record_code, new_record_code):
         """changeCode(self, record_code, new_record_code):
@@ -2923,7 +3127,7 @@
         Add a label to a record
         if not isinstance(label,str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The label must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The label must be a string") )
         if self.hasRecord(record_code):
             _record = self.__records[record_code]
@@ -2933,27 +3137,28 @@
                 _codes = self.__labels[label]
                 if not record_code in _codes:
     def setParametricSelectComment(self, record_code, comment):
         """setParametricSelectComment(self, record_code, comment)
         Sets Paramtric Record Select Comment
         if not isinstance(record_code, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The record_code code must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The record_code code must be a string") )
         if not isinstance(comment, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The parametric select comment must be a "\
-                                "string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The parametric select comment must be a "\
+                                "string") )
         if not self.hasRecord(record_code):
-            print utils.mapping(_("Error: The budget do not have the record "\
+            print(utils.mapping(_("Error: The budget do not have the record "\
                 "code $1 and can not be added the Parametric select comment: "\
-                (record_code, comment))
+                (str(record_code), str(comment))) )
         _record = self.getRecord(record_code)
         if not isinstance(_record, ParametricRecord):
-            print utils.mapping(_("Error: The Record $1 is not a "\
+            print(utils.mapping(_("Error: The Record $1 is not a "\
                 "Parametric Record and can not have Parametric comment"),
-                (record_code,))
+                (str(record_code),)) )
             _record.select_comment = comment
@@ -2963,19 +3168,19 @@
         Sets parametric record summary
         if not isinstance(record_code, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The record_code code must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The record_code code must be a string") )
         if not isinstance(summary, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The summary record must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The summary record must be a string") )
         if not self.hasRecord(record_code):
-            print utils.mapping(_("Error: The budget do not have the record "\
+            print(utils.mapping(_("Error: The budget do not have the record "\
                 "code $1 and can not be seted the summary: $2"),
-                (record_code, summary))
+                (str(record_code), str(summary))) )
         _record = self.getRecord(record_code)
         if not isinstance(_record, ParametricRecord):
-            print utils.mapping(_("Error: The Record $1 is not a "\
+            print(utils.mapping(_("Error: The Record $1 is not a "\
                 "Parametric Record and can not have Parametric summary"),
-                (record_code,))
+                (str(record_code),)) )
             self.getRecord(record_code).parametric_summary = summary
@@ -2985,22 +3190,23 @@
         Sets parametric record text
         if not isinstance(record_code, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The record_code code must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The record_code code must be a string") )
         if not isinstance(text, str):
-            raise ValueError, _("The text record must be a string")
+            raise ValueError( _("The text record must be a string") )
         if not self.hasRecord(record_code):
-            print utils.mapping(_("Error: The budget do not have the record "\
+            print(utils.mapping(_("Error: The budget do not have the record "\
                 "code $1 and can not be seted the text: $2"),
-                (record_code, text))
+                (str(record_code), str(text))) )
         _record = self.getRecord(record_code)
         if not isinstance(_record, ParametricRecord):
-            print utils.mapping(_("Error: The Record $1 is not a "\
+            print(utils.mapping(_("Error: The Record $1 is not a "\
                 "Parametric Record and can not have Parametric text"),
-                (record_code,))
+                (str(record_code),)) )
             self.getRecord(record_code).parametric_text = text
 class Office(object):
@@ -3044,6 +3250,7 @@
     __slots__ = ["_Office__officeType",
@@ -3055,6 +3262,7 @@
     def __getstate__ (self):
         return ( self.__officeType,
@@ -3066,6 +3274,7 @@
     def __setstate__(self,tuple):
         self.__officeType = tuple[0]
         self.__subname = tuple[1]
@@ -3090,46 +3299,67 @@
         self.phone = phone
         self.fax = fax
         self.contact_person = contact_person
     def getOfficeType(self):
         return self.__officeType
     def setOfficeType(self, type_):
         self.__officeType = type_
     def getSubname(self):
         return self.__subname
     def setSubname(self, subname):
         self.__subname = subname
     def getAddress(self):
         return self.__address
     def setAddress(self, address):
         self.__address = address
     def getPostalCode(self):
         return self.__postal_code
     def setPostalCode(self, postal_code):
         self.__postal_code = postal_code
     def getTown(self):
         return self.__town
     def setTown(self, town):
         self.__town = town
     def getProvince(self):
         return self.__province
     def setProvince(self, province):
         self.__province = province
     def getCountry(self):
         return self.__country
     def setCountry(self, country):
         self.__country = country
     def getPhone(self):
         return self.__phone
     def setPhone(self, phone):
         self.__phone = phone
     def getFax(self):
         return self.__fax
     def setFax(self, fax):
         self.__fax = fax
     def getContactPerson(self):
         return self.__contact_person
     def setContactPerson(self, contact_person):
         self.__contact_person = contact_person
     def getValues(self):
         return {"officeType": self.officeType,
                 "subname": self.subname,
@@ -3142,6 +3372,7 @@
                 "fax": self.fax,
                 "contact person": self.contact_person,
     officeType = property(getOfficeType, setOfficeType, None,
     """Type of office
@@ -3176,6 +3407,7 @@
     """Dictionary with comapany values
 class Company(object):
@@ -3210,6 +3442,7 @@
     __slots__ = ["_Company__code",
@@ -3218,6 +3451,7 @@
     def __getstate__ (self):
         return ( self.__code,
@@ -3226,6 +3460,7 @@
     def __setstate__(self,tuple):
         self.__code = tuple[0]
         self.__summary = tuple[1]
@@ -3243,34 +3478,49 @@
         self.cif = cif
         self.web = web
         self.email = email
     def getCode(self):
         return self.__code
     def setCode(self, code):
         self.__code = code
     def getSummary(self):
         return self.__summary
     def setSummary(self, summary):
         self.__summary = summary
     def getName(self):
         return self.__name
     def setName(self, name):
         self.__name = name
     def getOffices(self):
         return self.__offices
     def setOffices(self, offices):
         self.__offices = offices
     def getCif(self):
         return self.__cif
     def setCif(self, cif):
         self.__cif = cif
     def getWeb(self):
         return self.__web
     def setWeb(self, web):
         self.__web = web
     def getEmail(self):
         return self.__email
     def setEmail(self, email):
         self.__email = email
     def getValues(self):
         return {"code": self.code,
                 "summary": self.summary,
@@ -3278,6 +3528,7 @@
                 "cif": self.cif,
                 "web": self.web,
                 "email": self.email}
     code = property(getCode, setCode, None,
     """Company code 
@@ -3303,6 +3554,7 @@
     """Dictionary with comapany values
 class File(object):
@@ -3326,41 +3578,52 @@
     __slots__ = ["_File__name",
     def __getstate__ (self):
         return (self.__name,
     def __setstate__(self,tuple):
         self.__name = tuple[0]
         self.__fileType = tuple[1]
         self.__description = tuple[2]
     def __init__(self, name, type_, description):
         self.name = name
         self.fileType = type_
         self.description = description
     def getName(self):
         return self.__name
     def setName(self, name):
         self.__name = name
     def getFileType(self):
         return self.__fileType
     def setFileType(self, type_):
         self.__fileType = type_
     def getDescription(self):
         return self.__description
     def setDescription(self, description):
         self.__description = description
     def getValues(self):
         return {"name": self.name,
                 "fileType": self.fileType,
                 "description": self.description,
     name = property(getName, setName, None,
     """File name
@@ -3374,6 +3637,7 @@
     """Dictionary with file values
 class RecordType(object):
@@ -3432,51 +3696,62 @@
     __slots__ = ["_RecordType__hierarchy",
     def __getstate__ (self):
         return (self.__hierarchy,
     def __setstate__(self,tuple):
         self.__hierarchy = tuple[0]
         self.__type = tuple[1]
         self.__subtype = tuple[2]
     def __init__(self, hierarchy, type_, subtype):
         self.hierarchy = hierarchy
         self.type = type_
         self.subtype = subtype
     def getHierarchy(self):
         return self.__hierarchy
     def setHierarchy(self, hierarchy):
         if not hierarchy in [-1, 0 , 1 ,2, ""]:
-            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid Hierarchy ($1) "\
-                  "The hierarchy must be -1, 0, 1, 2"), (str(hierarchy),))
+            raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Invalid Hierarchy ($1) "\
+                  "The hierarchy must be -1, 0, 1, 2"), (str(hierarchy),)) )
         elif hierarchy == "":
-            print "Hierarchy temporarily set to an empty string"
+            print("Hierarchy temporarily set to an empty string")
         #TODO Check empty Hierarchy in Generic.fiebdc.Read._testBudget
         self.__hierarchy = hierarchy
     def getType(self):
         return self.__type
     def setType(self, type_):
         if not type_ in  ["", 0, 1, 2, 3] :
-            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid type ($1),"\
-                  "the type must be (empty string,0,1,2,3)"),(str(type_)),)
+            raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Invalid type ($1),"\
+                  "the type must be (empty string,0,1,2,3)"),(str(type_)),) )
         self.__type = type_
     def getSubtype(self):
         return self.__subtype
     def setSubtype(self, subtype):
         if not subtype in ["", "OB", "PU", "EA", "EU", "EC", "EF", "PA", "H",
                            "Q", "%", "MC", "MCr", "MM", "MS", "ME", "MCu",
-            raise ValueError, utils.mapping(_("Invalid subtype ($1), The "\
+            raise ValueError( utils.mapping(_("Invalid subtype ($1), The "\
                   "subtype must one in (empty string, EA, "\
                   "EU, EC, EF, OB, PA, PU, H, Q, %, MC, MCr, "\
-                  "MM, MS, ME, MCu, MAl, ML, M)"), (str(subtype),))
+                  "MM, MS, ME, MCu, MAl, ML, M)"), (str(subtype),)) )
         self.__subtype = subtype
     hierarchy = property(getHierarchy, setHierarchy, None,
     """Record Hierarchy
            -1 -> temporarily unfixed