diff Generic/fiebdc.py @ 1:2ac1551ad2ab version 0.0.0

add code
author Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez <miguelangel@obraencurso.es>
date Sun, 31 Oct 2010 20:07:33 +0100
children 6502bfdaa84d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Generic/fiebdc.py	Sun Oct 31 20:07:33 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,2126 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+## File fiebdc.py
+## This file is part of pyArq-Presupuestos.
+## Copyright (C) 2010 Miguel Ángel Bárcena Rodríguez
+##                         <miguelangel@obraencurso.es>
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## pyArq-Presupuestos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# specifications in http://www.fiebdc.org
+# Modules
+import time
+import re
+import calendar
+import os.path
+# pyArq-Presupuestos modules
+import base
+from Generic import utils
+from Generic import globals
+class Read(object):
+    """fiebdc.Read:
+    Description:
+        Reads and parses a fiebdc file
+    Constructor:
+        fiebdc.Read(filename=None, budget=None)
+    Ancestry:
+    +-- object
+      +-- Read
+    Atributes:
+        "__budget": budget ("base.Budget" object)
+        "__file_format": File format of the fiebdc file
+        "__format_list": List of file format that can be readed
+        "__character_sets_dict": Dictionary with the character sets supported
+        "__character_set": character_set of the file
+        "__generator": program which the file is created
+        "__cancel": Boolean value, True mean that the read process must stop
+        "__filename": The filename of the fiebdc file that is readed
+        "__pattern": re compiled pattern dict
+    Methods:
+        __init__(self, filename=None, budget=None)
+        cancel(self)
+        eraseControlCharacters(self, string)
+        validateCode(self, code)
+        parseDate(self, date)
+        parseRecord(self,record)
+        _parseV(self, field_list)
+        _parseC(self, field_list)
+        _parseDY(self, field_list)
+        _parseMN(self, field_list)
+        _parseT(self, field_list)
+        _parseK(self, field_list)
+        _parseW(self, field_list)
+        _parseL(self, field_list)
+        _parseQ(self, field_list)
+        _parseJ(self, field_list)
+        _parseG(self, field_list)
+        _parseE(self, field_list)
+        _parseX(self, field_list)
+        _parseF(self, field_list)
+        readFile(self, budget=None, filename=None)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filename=None, budget=None):
+        """def __init__(self, filename=None, budget=None)
+        Sets the instance attributes
+        """
+        self.__budget = budget
+        self.__filename = filename
+        if not self.__budget is None:
+            self.__budget.filename = self.__filename
+        self.__cancel = False
+        self.__format_list = ["FIEBDC-3/95", "FIEBDC-3/98", "FIEBDC-3/2002",
+                              "FIEBDC-3/2004", "FIEBDC-3/2007"]
+        # ANSI->¿"ISO-8859-15" or "latin1 ISO-8859-1" or "cp1252 windows-1252"?
+        # 850 -> IBM850 -> cp850
+        # 437 -> IBM437 -> cp437
+        self.__character_sets_dict = {"ANSI" : "cp1252",
+                                      "850" : "850",
+                                      "437" : "cp437"}
+        self.__file_format = "FIEBDC-3/2007"
+        self.__generator = globals.version
+        self.__character_set = "850"
+        self.__pattern = {
+            "control_tilde" : re.compile("((\r\n)| |\t)+~"),
+            "control_vbar" : re.compile("((\r\n)| |\t)+\|"),
+            "control_backslash" : re.compile(r"((\r\n)| |\t)+\\"),
+            "valid_code" : re.compile("[^A-Za-z0-9ñÑ.$#%&_]"),
+            "special_char": re.compile("[#%&]"),
+            "no_float": re.compile("[^0-9.]"),
+            "formula" : re.compile(".*[^0123456789\.()\+\-\*/\^abcdp ].*"),
+            "comment": re.compile("#.*\r\n"),
+            "empty_line": re.compile(r"(\r\n) *\r\n"),
+            "space_before_backslash" : re.compile(r"( )+\\"),
+            "space_after_backslash" : re.compile(r"\\( )+"),
+            "start_noend_backslash" : re.compile("(\r\n\\\.*[^\\\])\r\n"),
+            "end_oper": re.compile("(\+|-|\*|/|/^|@|&|<|>|<=|>=|=|!) *\r\n"),
+            "matricial_var" : re.compile("(\r\n *[%|\$][A-ZÑ].*=.*,) *\r\n"),
+            "descomposition" : re.compile("^([^:]+):(.*)$"),
+            "var" : re.compile("^([$%][A-ZÑ][()0-9, ]*)=(.*)$"),
+            "after_first_tilde" : re.compile("^[^~]*~"),
+            "end_control" : re.compile("((\r\n)| |\t)+$"),
+            }
+    def cancel(self):
+        """def cancel(self)
+        Sets the "__cancel" attribute to True, It stops the read process.
+        """
+        self.__cancel = True
+    def eraseControlCharacters(self, string):
+        """eraseControlCharacters(self,string)
+        Return a copy of the string with the blank characters (32),
+        tabs (9) and end of line (13 and 10) before of the separators
+        '~', '|' erased.
+        Before separator \ not deleted because it affects the reading of the
+        record ~P
+        """
+        # "control_tilde" : "((\r\n)| |\t)+~"
+        string = self.__pattern["control_tilde"].sub("~",string)
+        # "control_vbar" : "((\r\n)| |\t)+\|"
+        string = self.__pattern["control_vbar"].sub("|",string)
+        # "control_backslash" : r"((\r\n)| |\t)+\\"
+        #string = self.__pattern["control_backslash"].sub(r"\\",string)
+        return string
+    def validateCode(self, code):
+        """validateCode(self, code)
+        Test if the code have invalid characters and try to erase it,
+        if it is posible return a valid code else return a empty string.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(code, str):
+            print _("Invalid code, it must be a string")
+            return ""
+        # Valid chararcter: A-Z a-z 0-9 ñ Ñ . $ # % & _
+        # "valid_code" : "[^A-Za-z0-9ñÑ.$#%&_]"
+        _code = self.__pattern["valid_code"].sub("", code)
+        if _code != code:
+            print utils.mapping(_("The code '$1' have invalid characters."),
+                               (code,))
+            code = _code
+        # the lasts characters can not be <#> or <##>
+        # <##> -> root record in FIEFDC-3
+        # <#> -> chapter record in FIEFDC-3
+        if len(code) > 0:
+            while code[-1] == "#":
+                code = code[:-1]
+            if len(code) > 20:
+                code = code[:20]
+            # only one charecter # % or &
+            if sum([code.count(c) for c in '#%&']) > 1:
+                print utils.mapping(_("The code '$1' contains special "\
+                                      "characters repeated."),(code,))
+                _i = min([code.find(c) for c in '#%&'])
+                code = code[:_i+1] + \
+                        self.__pattern["special_char"].sub("", code[_i+1:])
+        return code
+    def parseDate(self, date):
+        """parseDate(self, date)
+        date: in the format:
+            uneven len: add a Leading 0
+            len = 8  DDMMYYYY
+            len <= 6 DDMMYY “80/20”. >80 -> >1980 <80 -> <2080
+            len < 5  MMYY
+            len < 3  YY
+        Test date string and return a tuple (YYYY, MM, DD)
+        or None if the date format is invalid
+        """
+        # All characters must be numbers, len <= 8 and not empty string
+        if not date.isdigit() or len(date) > 8 or date == "":
+            return None
+        else:
+            if len(date)%2 == 1: # uneven len: add a leading 0
+                date = "0" + date
+            if len(date) == 8:
+                _d = int(date[:2])
+                _m = int(date[2:4])
+                _y = int(date[4:8])
+            elif len(date) <= 6:
+                _y = int(date[-2:])
+                if _y < 80: _y = 2000 + _y
+                else: _y = 1900 + _y
+                if len(date) == 6:
+                    _d = int(date[:2])
+                    _m = int(date[2:4])
+                elif len(date) == 4:
+                    _d = 0
+                    _m = int(date[:2])
+                elif len(date) == 2:
+                    _d = 0
+                    _m = 0
+        if not _d in range(1,31): _d = 0
+        if not _m in range(1,12): _m = 0
+        if _m == 0: _d = 0
+        if _m != 0 and _d != 0:
+            if calendar.monthrange(_y, _m)[1] < _d:
+                _d = 0
+        return (_y, _m, _d)
+    def parseRecord(self,record):
+        """parseRecord(self,record)
+        record: the record line readed from the file whith the format:
+            type|field|field|subfield\subfield|...
+        [a] nothing or "a"
+        {a} zero or more #-#twice#-# "a"
+        <a> one or more #-#twice#-# "a"
+        Types: V C D Y M N T K L Q J G E X B F A
+            V: Property and Version
+                1- [File_Owner]
+                2- Format_Version[\DDMMYYYY]
+                3- [Program_Generator]
+                4- [Header]\{Title\}
+                5- [Chaters_set]
+                6- [Comment]
+            C: Record:
+                1- Code{\Code}
+                2- [Unit]
+                3- [Summary]
+                4- {Price\}
+                5- {Date\}
+                6- [Type]
+                1- Parent Code
+                2- <Child Code\ [Factor]\ [Yield]>
+            M or N: MEASURE or ADD MEASURE
+                1- [Parent Code\]Child Code
+                2- {Path\}
+                3- TOTAL MEASURE
+                4- {Type\Comment\Unit\Length\Width\Height\}
+                5- [Label]
+            T: Text
+                1- Code
+                2- Description text
+            K: Coefficients
+                1- { DN \ DD \ DS \ DR \ DI \ DP \ DC \ DM \ DIVISA \ }
+                2-  CI \ GG \ BI \ BAJA \ IVA
+                3- { DRC \ DC \ DRO \ DFS \ DRS \ DFO \ DUO \ DI \ DES \ DN \
+                  DD \ DS \ DIVISA \ }
+                4- [ n ]
+            L: Sheet of Conditions 1
+                A) 
+                    1- Empty
+                    2- {Section Code\Section Title}
+                B)
+                    1- Record Code
+                    2- {Section Code\Section Text}
+                    3- {Section Code\RTF file}
+                    4- {Section Code\HTM file}
+            Q: Sheet of Conditions 2
+                1- Record Code
+                2- {Section Code\Paragraph key\{Field key;}\}|
+            J: Sheet of Conditions 3
+                1- Paragraph code
+                2- [Paragraph text]
+                3- [RTF file]
+                4- [HTML file]
+            G: Grafic info
+                1- <grafic_file.ext\>
+            E: Company
+                1- company Code
+                2 [ summary ]
+                3- [ name ]
+                4- { [ type ] \ [ subname ] \ [ address ] \ [ postal_code ]
+                  \ [ town ] \ [ province ] \ [ country ] \ { phone; } 
+                  \ { fax; }  \ {contact_person; } \ }
+                5- [ cif ] \ [ web ] \ [ email ] \
+            X: Tecnical information
+                A)
+                    1- Empty
+                    2- < TI_Code \ TI_Descitption \ TI_Unit >
+                B)
+                    1- Record_code
+                    2- < TI_Code \ TI_value >
+            F: #-#Adjunto#-# File
+                1- Record code
+                2- { Type \ { Filenames; } \ [Description] }
+            B: Change code
+                1- Record Code
+                2- New code
+            A: Labels
+                1- Record Code
+                2- <Label\>
+        """
+        # TODO:  ~L ~J RTF and HTML files
+        # TODO:  test ~Q ~J ~G
+        # TODO:  ~P. Registro tipo Descripción Paramétrica.
+        # TODO:  ~O. Registro tipo Relación Comercial.
+        # TODO: test records
+        _field_list = record.split("|")
+        self._record_number = self._record_number +1
+        _budget = self.__budget
+        if _field_list[0] == "V":
+            self._record_V_number += 1
+            self._parseV(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "C":
+            self._record_C_number += 1
+            self._parseC(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "D":
+            self._record_D_number += 1
+            self._parseDY(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "Y":
+            self._record_Y_number += 1
+            self._parseDY(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "M":
+            self._record_M_number += 1
+            self._parseMN(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "N":
+            self._record_N_number += 1
+            self._parseMN(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "T":
+            self._record_T_number += 1
+            self._parseT(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "K":
+            self._record_K_number += 1
+            self._parseK(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "W":
+            self._record_W_number += 1
+            self._parseW(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "L":
+            self._record_L_number += 1
+            self._parseL(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "Q":
+            self._record_Q_number += 1
+            self._parseQ(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "J":
+            self._record_J_number += 1
+            self._parseJ(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "G":
+            self._record_G_number += 1
+            self._parseG(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "E":
+            self._record_E_number += 1
+            self._parseE(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "O":
+            self._record_O_number += 1
+        elif _field_list[0] == "P":
+            self._record_P_number += 1
+            self._parseP(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "X":
+            self._record_X_number += 1
+            self._parseX(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "B":
+            self._record_B_number += 1
+            self._parseB(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "F":
+            self._record_F_number += 1
+            self._parseF(_field_list)
+        elif _field_list[0] == "A":
+            self._record_A_number += 1
+            self._parseA(_field_list)
+        else:
+            self._record_Unknow_number += 1
+    def _parseV(self, field_list):
+        """_parseV(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- V :Property and Version
+            1- [File_Owner]
+            2- Format_Version[\DDMMYYYY]
+            3- [Program_Generator]
+            4- [Header]\{Title\}
+            5- [Chaters_set]
+            6- [Comment]
+            7- [Data type]
+            8- [Number budget certificate]
+            9- [Date budget certificate]
+        """
+        if self._record_number != 1:
+            print utils.mapping(_("The 'V' record (Property and Version) "\
+                    "must be the first record in the file but it is the "\
+                    "number: $1"), (self._record_number,))
+            print _("The default values were taken and this V record is "\
+                  "ignored")
+            return
+        # _____number of fields_____
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        if len(field_list) > 10:
+            field_list = field_list[:10]
+        # If there are no sufficient fields, the fields are added
+        # with empty value:""
+        else:
+            field_list = field_list + [""]*(10-len(field_list))
+        # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+        # only leading and trailing whitespace in owner, generator, comment
+        # _____Fields_____
+        _record_type = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        _owner = field_list[1].strip()
+        _owner = self.delete_control(_owner)
+        _version_date = self.delete_control_space(field_list[2])
+        _generator = field_list[3].strip()
+        _generator = self.delete_control(_generator)
+        _header_title = field_list[4].strip()
+        _header_title = self.delete_control(_header_title)
+        _character_set = self.delete_control_space(field_list[5])
+        _comment = field_list[6].strip("\t \n\r")
+        _data_type = self.delete_control_space(field_list[7])
+        _number_certificate = self.delete_control_space(field_list[8])
+        __date_certificate = self.delete_control_space(field_list[9])
+        # _____Owner_____
+        self.__budget.setOwner(_owner)
+        # _____Version-Date_____
+        _version_date = _version_date.split("\\")
+        _file_format = _version_date[0]
+        if _file_format in self.__format_list:
+            self.__file_format = _file_format
+            print _("FIEBDC format: %s" % _file_format)
+        if len(_version_date) > 1:
+            _date = _version_date[1]
+            if _date != "":
+                _parsed_date = self.parseDate(_date)
+                if _parsed_date is not  None:
+                    self.__budget.setDate(_parsed_date)
+        # _____Generator_____
+        # ignored field
+        print _("FIEBDC file generated by %s" % _generator)
+        # _____Header_Title_____
+        _header_title = _header_title.split("\\")
+        _header_title = [_title.strip() for _title in _header_title]
+        _header = _header_title.pop(0)
+        _title = [ ]
+        for _title_index in _header_title:
+            if _title_index != "":
+                _title.append(_title_index)
+        if _header != "":
+            self.__budget.setTitleList([ _header, _title ])
+        # _____Characters_set_____
+        # field parsed in readFile method
+        # _____Comment_____
+        if _comment != "":
+            self.__budget.setComment(_comment)
+        # _____Data type_____
+        # 1 -> Base data.
+        # 2 -> Budget.
+        # 3 -> Budget certificate.
+        # 4 -> Base date update.
+        try:
+            _data_type = int(_data_type)
+        except ValueError:
+            _data_type = ""
+        if _data_type == 3:
+            # _____Number budget certificate_____
+            try:
+                _number_certificate = int(_number_certificate)
+            except ValueError:
+                _number_certificate = ""
+            # _____Date budget certificate_____
+            if _date_certificate != "":
+                _parsed_date_certificate = self.parseDate(_date_certificate)
+                if _parsed_date_certificate is None:
+                    _date_certificate = ""
+                else:
+                    _date_certificate = _parsed_date_certificate
+            self.__budget.setBudgetype(_data_type)
+            self.__budget.setCertificateOrder(_number_certificate)
+            self.__budget.setCertificateDate(_parsed_date_cerfificate)
+        elif _data_type != "":
+            self.__budget.setBudgeType(_data_type)
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record + 1
+    def _parseK(self, field_list):
+        """_parseK(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- K: Coefficients
+            1- { DN \ DD \ DS \ DR \ DI \ DP \ DC \ DM \ DIVISA \ }
+            2- CI \ GG \ BI \ BAJA \ IVA
+            3-
+              A){ DRC \ DC \ DRO \ DFS \ DRS \ DFO \ DUO \ DI \ DES \ DN \
+                 DD \ DS \ DIVISA \ }
+              B){ DRC \ DC \ \ DFS \ DRS \ \ DUO \ DI \ DES \ DN \
+                 DD \ DS \ DSP\ DEC\ DIVISA \ }
+            4- [ n ]
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 3 fields
+        # The last field is ignored, pyArq hate dll's
+        if len(field_list) > 4:
+             field_list = field_list[1:4]
+        # The record must have 3 fields
+        else:
+             field_list = field_list[1:] + [""]*(4-len(field_list))
+        # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+        # _____Fields_____
+        _field0 = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        _field1 = self.delete_control_space(field_list[1])
+        _field2 = self.delete_control_space(field_list[2])
+        # _____Field 1_____
+        if len(_field1) > 0 and _field1[-1] == "\\":
+            _field1 = _field1[:-1]
+            # if there are a \ character at the end it must be erased
+        _percentages = _field1.split("\\")
+        if len(_percentages) > 5:
+            _percentages = _percentages[:5]
+        # If there are no sufficient subfields, the subfields are added
+        # with empty value:""
+        else:
+            _percentages = _percentages + [""]*(5-len(_percentages))
+        _percentage_titles = [ "CI", "GG", "BI", "BAJA", "IVA" ]
+        _percentage_dict = {}
+        for _percentage_index in range(len(_percentages)):
+            try:
+                _percentage = int(_percentages[_percentage_index])
+            except ValueError:
+                _percentage = ""
+            _percentage_dict[_percentage_titles[_percentage_index]] = \
+                _percentage
+        self.__budget.setPercentages(_percentage_dict)
+        # _____Field 0 and 1_____
+        # Default number of decimal places
+        # Number of titles in ~V record
+        _title_num = len(self.__budget.getTitleList()[1])
+        if _title_num == 0: _title_num = 1
+        # If the field 2 is empty, the field 0 is readed
+        if _field2 == "":
+            # _____Field 0_____
+            if _field0[-1] == "\\":
+                _field0 = _field0[:-1]
+                # if there are a \ character at the end it must be erased
+            _decimal_list = _field0.split("\\")
+            _decimal_index = 0
+            if len(_decimal_list)%9 != 0:
+                # if it is not multiple of 9, empty subfield are added
+                _decimal_list = _decimal_list + [""]*(9 - \
+                                len(_decimal_list)%9)
+            # The number of decimal values is the same as the numbers of 
+            # titles in the V record
+            if len(_decimal_list)//9 > _title_num:
+                _decimal_list = _decimal_list[:_title_num*9]
+            elif len(_decimal_list)//9 < _title_num:
+                _decimal_list = _decimal_list + _decimal_list[-9:] * \
+                                (_title_num-(len(_decimal_list)//9))
+            while _decimal_index <= len(_decimal_list)-9:
+                _decimals = _decimal_list[_decimal_index:(_decimal_index + 9)]
+                _forlist = range(len(_decimals)-1)
+                for _index in range(len(_decimals)):
+                    try:
+                        #TODO: test this
+                        _decimals[_index] = int(_decimals[_index])
+                    except ValueError:
+                        _decimals[_index] = ""
+                _DN = _decimals[0]
+                _DD = _decimals[1]
+                _DS = _decimals[2]
+                _DR = _decimals[3]
+                _DI = _decimals[4]
+                _DP = _decimals[5]
+                _DC = _decimals[6]
+                _DM = _decimals[7]
+                _DIVISA = _decimals[8]
+                _percentage_dict = {"DN" : _DN,
+                                    "DD" : _DD,
+                                    "DSP" : _DS,
+                                    "DS" : _DS,
+                                    "DFC" : _DR,
+                                    "DFPU" : _DR,
+                                    "DFUO" : _DR,
+                                    "DFA" : _DR,
+                                    "DRC" : _DR,
+                                    "DRPU" : _DR,
+                                    "DRUO" : _DR,
+                                    "DRA" : _DR,
+                                    "DP" : _DC,
+                                    "DC" : _DC,
+                                    "DPU" : _DC,
+                                    "DUO" : _DC,
+                                    "DEA" : _DC,
+                                    "DES" : _DC,
+                                    "DIR" : _DI,
+                                    "DIRC" : _DI,
+                                    "DCD" : _DP,
+                                    "DIVISA": _DIVISA }
+                _decimal_index = _decimal_index + 9
+                self.__budget.setDecimals(_percentage_dict,
+                                          (_decimal_index//9))
+        else:
+            # _____Field 3_____
+            if _field2[-1] == "\\":
+                _field2 = _field2[:-1]
+                # if there are a \ character at the end it must be erased
+            _decimal_list = _field2.split("\\")
+            # test if the Divisa subfield is 12 or 14 position
+            # Divisa is the only Alphanumeric subfield
+            # "no_float": "[^0-9.]"
+            if len(_decimal_list) >= 13 and \
+               self.__pattern["no_float"].search(_decimal_list[12]):
+                _multiple = 13
+            elif len(_decimal_list) >= 15 and \
+               self.__pattern["no_float"].search(_decimal_list[14]):
+                _multiple = 15
+            else:
+                if self.__file_format == "FIEBDC-3/2002":
+                    _multiple = 13
+                elif self.__file_format == "FIEBDC-3/2004":
+                    _multiple = 13
+                elif self.__file_format == "FIEBDC-3/2007":
+                    _multiple = 15
+                else:
+                    _multiple = 15
+            _decimal_index = 0
+            if len(_decimal_list)%_multiple != 0 :
+                # if it is not multiple of _multiple, empty subfield are added
+                _decimal_list = _decimal_list + \
+                                [""]*(_multiple-len(_decimal_list)%_multiple)
+            # The number of decimal values is the same as the numbers of 
+            # titles in the V record
+            if len(_decimal_list)//_multiple > _title_num:
+                _decimal_list = _decimal_list[:_title_num*_multiple]
+            elif len(_decimal_list)//_multiple < _title_num:
+                _decimal_list = _decimal_list + [_decimal_list[-_multiple:]]*\
+                             (_title_num-(len(_decimal_list)//_multiple))
+            while _decimal_index <= len(_decimal_list)-_multiple:
+                _decimals = _decimal_list[_decimal_index:(_decimal_index +\
+                            _multiple)]
+                for _index in range(len(_decimals)-1):
+                    try:
+                        _decimals[_index] = int(_decimals[_index])
+                    except:
+                        _decimals[_index] = ""
+                if _multiple == 13:
+                    _DRC = _decimals[0]
+                    _DC = _decimals[1]
+                    _DRO = _decimals[2]
+                    _DFS = _decimals[3]
+                    _DRS = _decimals[4]
+                    _DFO = _decimals[5]
+                    _DUO = _decimals[6]
+                    _DI = _decimals[7]
+                    _DES = _decimals[8]
+                    _DN = _decimals[9]
+                    _DD = _decimals[10]
+                    _DS = _decimals[11]
+                    _DIVISA = _decimals[12]
+                    _percentage_dict = {
+                                  "DN" : _DN,
+                                  "DD" : _DD,
+                                  "DSP" : _DS,
+                                  "DS" : _DS,
+                                  "DFC" : _DFS,
+                                  "DFPU" : _DRC,
+                                  "DFUO" : _DFS,
+                                  "DFA" : _DFS,
+                                  "DRC" : _DRS,
+                                  "DRPU" : _DRC,
+                                  "DRUO" : _DRS,
+                                  "DRA" : _DRS,
+                                  "DP" : _DC,
+                                  "DC" : _DC,
+                                  "DPU" : _DC,
+                                  "DUO" : _DUO,
+                                  "DEA" : _DES,
+                                  "DES" : _DES,
+                                  "DIR" : _DI,
+                                  "DIRC" : _DC,
+                                  "DCD" : _DI,
+                                  "DIVISA": _DIVISA,
+                                }
+                else: # _multiple == 15:
+                    _DRC = _decimals[0]
+                    _DC = _decimals[1]
+                    _DRO = _decimals[2]
+                    _DFS = _decimals[3]
+                    _DRS = _decimals[4]
+                    _DFO = _decimals[5]
+                    _DUO = _decimals[6]
+                    _DI = _decimals[7]
+                    _DES = _decimals[8]
+                    _DN = _decimals[9]
+                    _DD = _decimals[10]
+                    _DS = _decimals[11]
+                    _DSP = _decimals[12]
+                    _DEC = _decimals[13]
+                    _DIVISA = _decimals[14]
+                    _percentage_dict = {
+                                  "DN" : _DN,
+                                  "DD" : _DD,
+                                  "DSP" : _DSP,
+                                  "DS" : _DS,
+                                  "DFC" : _DFS,
+                                  "DFPU" : _DRC,
+                                  "DFUO" : _DFS,
+                                  "DFA" : _DFS,
+                                  "DRC" : _DRS,
+                                  "DRPU" : _DRC,
+                                  "DRUO" : _DRS,
+                                  "DRA" : _DRS,
+                                  "DP" : _DC,
+                                  "DC" : _DC,
+                                  "DPU" : _DC,
+                                  "DUO" : _DUO,
+                                  "DEA" : _DEC,
+                                  "DES" : _DES,
+                                  "DIR" : _DI,
+                                  "DIRC" : _DC,
+                                  "DCD" : _DI,
+                                  "DIVISA": _DIVISA}
+                _decimal_index = _decimal_index + 13
+                self.__budget.setDecimals(_percentage_dict,
+                                           (_decimal_index//13))
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+    def _parseC(self, field_list):
+        """_parseC(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- C: Record
+            1- Code{\Code}
+            2- [Unit]
+            3- [Summary]
+            4- {Price\}
+            5- {Date\}
+            6- [Type]
+        """
+        # _____number of fields_____
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        if len(field_list) > 7:
+            field_list = field_list[:7]
+        # If there are no sufficient fields, the fields are added
+        # with empty value:""
+        else:
+            field_list = field_list + [""]*(7-len(field_list))
+        # control character are erased: en of line, tab, space 
+        # _____Fields_____
+        _record_type = field_list[0]
+        _codes = self.delete_control_space(field_list[1])
+        _unit = self.delete_control_space(field_list[2])
+        _summary = self.delete_control(field_list[3])
+        _prices = self.delete_control_space(field_list[4])
+        _dates = self.delete_control_space(field_list[5])
+        _type = self.delete_control_space(field_list[6])
+        # _____Code_____
+        _codes = _codes.split("\\")
+        if len(_codes) > 0:
+            # parse the hierarchy of the first code
+            # hierarchy: 0->root, 1->Chapter/subchapter, 2->other
+            if len(_codes[0]) > 2 and _codes[0][-2:] == "##":
+                _hierarchy = 0
+            elif len(_codes[0]) > 1 and _codes[0][-1:] == "#":
+                _hierarchy = 1
+            else:
+                _hierarchy = 2
+            # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+            # invalid characters are also erased
+            # maximun len 20 characters
+            _codes = [self.validateCode(_code) for _code in _codes]
+        # empty codes are ignored
+        while "" in _codes:
+            _codes.remove("")
+        if len(_codes) > 0:
+            #TODO: test this
+            _code = _codes[0]
+            _synonyms = _codes
+        else:
+            print _("Record C without a valid code")
+            return
+        # _____Unit_____
+        # nothing to do
+        # _____Summary_____
+        # nothing to do
+        # _____Price_____ and _____Dates_____
+        # last \ is erased
+        if len(_dates) > 0 and _dates[-1] == "\\":
+            _dates = _dates[:-1]
+        if len(_prices) > 0 and _prices[-1] == "\\":
+            _prices = _prices[:-1]
+        _dates = _dates.split("\\")
+        _prices = _prices.split("\\")
+        # number of prices = number of titles in "V" line
+        # if there are no sufficient prices it takes the last price defined
+        _title_num = len(self.__budget.getTitleList()[1])
+        if _title_num == 0: _title_num = 1
+        if len(_prices) > _title_num: _prices = _prices[:_title_num]
+        elif len(_prices) < _title_num:
+            _prices = _prices + [_prices[-1]]*(_title_num-len(_prices))
+        # number of dates = number of prices
+        # if there are no sufficient dates it takes the last date defined
+        if len(_dates) > len(_prices): _dates = _dates[:len(_prices)]
+        elif len(_dates) < len(_prices):
+            _dates = _dates + [_dates[-1]]*(len(_prices)-len(_dates))
+        for _index in range(len(_prices)):
+            # TODO: lack to specify the number of decimals of the price
+            try:
+                _prices[_index] = float(_prices[_index])
+            except:
+                _prices[_index] = 0.0
+            _parsed_date = self.parseDate(_dates[_index])
+            if _parsed_date is None:
+                _dates[_index] = ""
+            else:
+                _dates[_index] = _parsed_date
+        # _____Type_____
+        # 0 Without classifying
+        #       EA  Auxiliary element
+        #       EU  Unitary element
+        #       EC  Complex element
+        #       EF  Functional element
+        #       OB  Construction site
+        #       PA  Cost overrun
+        #       PU  Unitary budget
+        # 1 Labourforce 
+        #       H   Labourforce
+        # 2 Machinery and auxiliary equipment
+        #       Q   Machinery
+        #       %   Auxiliary equipment
+        # 3 Building materials
+        #       MC  Cement
+        #       MCr Ceramic
+        #       MM  Wood
+        #       MS  Iron and steel
+        #       ME  Energy
+        #       MCu Copper
+        #       MAl Aluminium
+        #       ML  Bonding agents
+        #       M   Others materials
+        #  Hierarchy        type  subtype
+        # 0->root         -> 0 -> None,OB
+        # 1->[sub]chapter -> 0 -> None,PU
+        # 2->Other        -> 0 -> None,EA,EU,EC,EF,PA
+        #                    1 -> None,H
+        #                    2 -> None,Q,%
+        #                    3 -> None,MC,MCr,MM,MS,ME,MCu,Mal,ML,M
+        if _hierarchy == 0:
+            if _type == "OB":
+                _subtype = _type
+                _type = 0
+            elif _type == "0" or _type == "":
+                _subtype = ""
+                _type = 0
+            else:
+                print utils.mapping(_("Incorrect type ($1) in the code $2"),
+                      (str(_type), _code))
+                _type = 0
+                _subtype = ""
+        elif _hierarchy == 1:
+            if _type == "PU":
+                _subtype = _type
+                _type = 0
+            elif _type == "0" or _type == "":
+                _subtype = ""
+                _type = 0
+            else:
+                print utils.mapping(_("Incorrect type ($1) in the code $2"),
+                      (str(_type), _code))
+                _type = 0
+                _subtype = ""
+        else:
+            if _type == "EA" or _type == "EU" or _type == "EC" or \
+               _type == "EF" or _type == "PA":
+                _subtype = _type
+                _type = 0
+            elif _type == "H":
+                _subtype = _type
+                _type = 1
+            elif _type == "Q" or _type == "%":
+                _subtype = _type
+                _type = 2
+            elif _type == "MC" or _type == "MCr" or _type == "MM" or \
+                 _type == "MS" or _type == "ME" or _type == "MCu" or \
+                 _type == "Mal" or _type == "ML" or _type == "M":
+                _subtype = _type
+                _type = 3
+            elif _type == "0" or _type == "1" or _type == "2" or \
+                 _type == "3":
+                _subtype = ""
+                _type = int(_type)
+            elif _type == "":
+                _subtype = ""
+                _type = 0
+            else:
+                print utils.mapping(_("Incorrect type ($1) in the code $2"),
+                      (str(_type), _code))
+                _type = 0
+                _subtype = ""
+        self.__budget.setRecord(_code, _synonyms, _hierarchy,
+            _unit, _summary, _prices, _dates, _type, _subtype)
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record + 1
+    def _parseDY(self, field_list):
+        """_parseDY(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            1- Parent Code
+            2- <Child Code\ [Factor]\ [Yield]>
+        """
+        # _____number of fields_____
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 3:
+            field_list = field_list[:3]
+        # If there are no sufficient fields, the fields are added
+        # with empty value:""
+        else:
+            field_list = field_list + [""]*(3-len(field_list))
+        # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space 
+        # _____Fields_____
+        _record_type = field_list[0]
+        _code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[1])
+        _children = self.delete_control_space(field_list[2])
+        # _____Code_____
+        # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+        # invalid characters are also erased
+        _code = self.validateCode(_code) 
+        # _____children_____
+        # TODO: test the number of decimals in factor an yield values
+        _children = _children.split( "\\" )
+        _children_list = [ ]
+        _child_index = 0
+        while _child_index < len(_children)-3:
+            # _____subfields_____
+            _child_code = _children[_child_index]
+            _factor = _children[_child_index+1]
+            _yield = _children[_child_index+2]
+            # _____child_code_____
+            _child_code = self.validateCode(_child_code)
+            # _____factor_____
+            if _factor != "":
+                try:
+                    _factor = float(_factor)
+                except ValueError:
+                    print utils.mapping(_("ValueError loadig the "\
+                          "descomposition of the record $1, the factor "\
+                          "of the child $2 must be a float number and "\
+                          "can not be $3, seted default value 1.0"),
+                          (_code, _child_code, _factor))
+                    _factor = 1.0
+            #____yield___
+            if _yield != "":
+                try:
+                    _yield = float(_yield)
+                except ValueError:
+                    print utils.mapping(_("ValueError loading the "\
+                          "descomposition of the record $1, the yield of "\
+                          "the child $2, must be a float number and can"\
+                          "not be $3,  seted default value 1.0"),
+                           (_code, _child_code, _factor))
+                    _yield = 1.0
+            if _child_code != "" and _code != "":
+                _children_list.append([_child_code, _factor, _yield ])
+            if _record_type == "D":
+                _position = _child_index / 3
+            else: #_record_type == "Y"
+                _position = -1
+            self.__budget.setTree(_code, _child_code, _position, _factor, 
+                _yield, "", "", "", "")
+            _child_index = _child_index + 3
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+    def _parseT(self, field_list):
+        """_parseT(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- T: Text
+            1- Record code
+            2- Description text
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 3:
+            field_list = field_list[0:3]
+        field_list = field_list[1:]
+        if len(field_list) != 2:
+            return
+        # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+        # _____Fields_____
+        _code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        _text = field_list[1]
+        # _____Code_____
+        # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+        # invalid characters are also erased
+        _code = self.validateCode(_code) 
+        # _____Text_____
+        self.__budget.setText(_code, _text)
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record + 1
+    def _parseMN(self, field_list):
+        """_parseMN(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- M or N: MEASURE or ADD MEASURE
+            1- [Parent Code\]Child Code
+            2- {Path\}
+            3- TOTAL MEASURE
+            4- {Type\Comment\Unit\Length\Width\Height\}
+            5- [Label]
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 6 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 6:
+            field_list = field_list[:6]
+        # If there are no sufficient fields, the fields are added
+        # with empty value:""
+        else:
+            field_list = field_list + [""]*(6-len(field_list))
+        # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+        # _____Fields_____
+        _record_type = field_list[0]
+        _codes = self.delete_control_space(field_list[1])
+        _path = self.delete_control_space(field_list[2])
+        _total = self.delete_control_space(field_list[3])
+        _lines = self.delete_control(field_list[4])
+        _label = self.delete_control_space(field_list[5])
+        # _____Codes_____
+        _code_list = _codes.split( "\\" )
+        # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+        # invalid characters are also erased
+        if len(_code_list) == 2:
+            _parent_code = self.validateCode(_code_list[0]) 
+            if _parent_code == "":
+                _parent_code = None
+            _child_code =  self.validateCode(_code_list[1])
+        elif len(_code_list) == 1:
+            _child_code =  self.validateCode(_code_list[0])
+            _parent_code = None
+        else:
+            print utils.mapping(_("Invalid codes in $1 record, codes $2"),
+                  (_record_type, _codes))
+            return
+        if _child_code == "":
+            print utils.mapping(_("Empty child code in $1 record, codes: "\
+                  "$2"), (_record_type, _codes))
+            return
+        # _____Path_____
+        # TODO: path=0, no-estructured measures
+        _path_list = _path.split( "\\" )
+        if len(_path_list) > 0:
+            while _path_list[-1] == "":
+                _path_list = _path_list[:-1]
+            _path = _path_list[-1]
+            try:
+                _path = int(_path)
+            except ValueError:
+                print utils.mapping(_("Invalid path in $1 record, "\
+                      "codes $2"), (_record_type, _codes))
+                return
+            if _path > 0:
+                _path -= 1
+        else:
+            _path = 0
+        # _____Total_____
+        try:
+            _total = float(_total)
+        except ValueError:
+            print utils.mapping(_("Invalid Total Measure value in $1 "\
+                  "record, codes $2"), (_record_type, _codes))
+            return
+        # _____Measure lines_____
+        _lines = _lines.split( "\\" )
+        _line_index = 0
+        _line_list = [ ]
+        while _line_index < len(_lines)-6:
+            _linetype = _lines[_line_index]
+            if _linetype == "":
+                _linetype = 0
+            elif _linetype == "1" or _linetype == "2" or \
+                   _linetype == "3":
+                    _linetype = int(_linetype)
+            else:
+                _linetype = 0
+            _comment= _lines[_line_index + 1]
+            if _linetype == 3:
+                # "formula": ".*[^0123456789\.()\+\-\*/\^abcdp ].*"
+                if self.__pattern["formula"].match(_comment):
+                    print utils.mapping(_("The comment is not a formula or "\
+                          "its have invalid characters, in the $1 record, "\
+                          "codes $2"), (_record_type, _codes))
+                    return
+                else:
+                    _formula = _comment
+                    _comment = ""
+            else:
+                _formula = ""
+            _units = _lines[_line_index + 2]
+            _length = _lines[_line_index + 3]
+            _width = _lines[_line_index + 4]
+            _height = _lines[_line_index + 5]
+            try:
+                if _units != "": _units = float(_units)
+                if _length != "": _length = float(_length)
+                if _width != "": _width = float(_width)
+                if _height != "": _height = float(_height)
+            except ValueError:
+                print utils.mapping("The measure values are not float "\
+                      "numbers, code $1", (_codes,))
+                return
+            _line_list.append([_linetype, _comment, _units,
+                               _length, _width, _height, _formula])
+            _line_index = _line_index + 6
+        self.__budget.setTree(_parent_code, _child_code, _path, "", "",
+                           _total, _line_list, _label, _record_type)
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record + 1
+    def _parseW(self, field_list):
+        """_parseW(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- W: Geografical field
+            1- Field Code
+            2- Field
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 2 fields
+        if len(field_list) >= 2:
+            field_list = field_list[1:2]
+        else:
+            return
+        # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+        # _____Fields_____
+        _code_fields = field_list[0]
+        # last \ is erased
+        if len(_code_fields) and _code_fields[-1] == "\\":
+            _code_fields = _code_fields[:-1]
+        _code_fields = _code_fields.split("\\")
+        _field_dict = {}
+        _field_index = 0
+        while _field_index < len(_code_fields)-1:
+            # _____subfields_____
+            _field_code = _code_fields[_field_index]
+            _field_title = _code_fields[_field_index+1]
+            # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+            # _____section_code_____
+            #"control": "[\t \n\r]"
+            _field_code = self.delete_control_space(_field_code)
+            # _____section_title_____
+            if _field_code != "":
+                _field_dict[_field_code] = _field_title
+            _field_index = _field_index + 2
+        self.__budget.setSheetFields(_field_dict)
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+    def _parseL(self, field_list):
+        """_parseL(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- L: Sheet of Conditions 1
+            A:
+                1- Empty
+                2- {Section Code\Section Title}
+            B:
+                1- Record Code
+                2- {Section Code\Section Text}
+                3- {Section Code\RTF file}
+                4- {Section Code\HTM file}
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # The record must have at least 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) < 3:
+            return
+        _code = field_list[1]
+        if _code == "":
+            # A: Section Titles
+            # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+            # The record must have 3 fields
+            if len(field_list) > 3:
+                field_list = field_list[0:3]
+            field_list = field_list[1:3]
+            # _____Fields_____
+            _section_codes = field_list[1]
+            # last \ is erased
+            if len(_section_codes) and _section_codes[-1] == "\\":
+                _section_codes = _section_codes[:-1]
+            _section_codes = _section_codes.split("\\")
+            _section_dict = {}
+            _section_index = 0
+            while _section_index < len(_section_codes)-1:
+                # _____subfields_____
+                _section_code = _section_codes[_section_index]
+                _section_title = _section_codes[_section_index+1]
+                # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+                # _____section_code_____
+                _section_code = self.delete_control_space(_section_code)
+                # _____section_title_____
+                _section_title = self.delete_control_space(_section_title)
+                if _section_code != "":
+                    _section_dict[_section_code] = _section_title
+                _section_index = _section_index + 2
+            self.__budget.setSheetSections(_section_dict)
+            self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+        else:
+            # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+            # The record must have 5 fields
+            if len(field_list) > 5:
+                field_list = field_list[0:5]
+            field_list = field_list[1:]
+            # _____Fields_____
+            # _____Record Code_____
+            _record_code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+            # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+            # invalid characters are also erased
+            _record_code = self.validateCode(_record_code)
+            _scodes_text = field_list[1]
+            if _scodes_text == "":
+                # TODO: rtf and html files
+                print "Html and rtf files not implemented in ~L record"
+            else:
+                # _____Section-code_Section-text_____
+                # last \ is erased
+                if len(_scodes_text) and _scodes_text[-1] == "\\":
+                    _scodes_text = _scodes_text[:-1]
+                _scodes_text = _scodes_text.split("\\")
+                _paragraph_dict = {}
+                _section_dict = {}
+                _section_index = 0
+                while _section_index < len(_scodes_text)-1:
+                    # _____subfields_____
+                    _section_code = _scodes_text[_section_index]
+                    _section_text = _scodes_text[_section_index+1]
+                    # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+                    # _____section_code_____
+                    _section_code = self.delete_control_space(_section_code)
+                    # _____section_text_____
+                    if _section_code != "" and _section_text != "":
+                        #-# paragraph #-#
+                        _paragraph_code = _record_code + _section_code + "*"
+                        _paragraph_dict[ _paragraph_code ] = _section_text
+                        _section_dict[_section_code] = _paragraph_code
+                    _section_index = _section_index + 2
+                self.__budget.setSheetParagraphs(_paragraph_dict)
+                self.__budget.setSheetRecord(_record_code, "*", _section_dict)
+                self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+    def _parseQ(self, field_list):
+        """_parseQ(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- Q: Sheet of Conditions 2
+            1- Record Code
+            2- {Section Code\Paragraph key\{Field key;}\}|
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # The record must have at least 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) < 3:
+            return
+        _code = field_list[1]
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 3:
+            field_list = field_list[0:3]
+        field_list = field_list[1:]
+        # _____Fields_____
+        # _____Record Code_____
+        _record_code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+        # invalid characters are also erased
+        _record_code = self.validateCode(_record_code)
+        _scodes_pkey = field_list[1]
+        # last \ is erased
+        if len(_scodes_pkey) and _scodes_pkey[-1] == "\\":
+            _scodes_pkey = _scodes_pkey[:-1]
+        _scodes_pkey = _scodes_pkey.split("\\")
+        _field_dict = {}
+        _section_index = 0
+        while _section_index < len(_scodes_pkey) -1:
+            # _____subfields_____
+            _section_code = _scodes_pkey[_section_index]
+            _paragraph_key = _scodes_text[_section_index+1]
+            _field_keys = _scodes_text[_section_index+2]
+            # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+            # _____section_code_____
+            _section_code = self.delete_control_space(_section_code)
+            # _____section_text_____
+            _paragraph_key = self.delete_control_space(_paragraph_key)
+            # _____Fields keys_____
+            _field_keys = self.delete_control_space(_field_keys)
+            # last ; is erased
+            if len(_field_keys) and _field_keys[-1] == ";":
+                _field_keys = _field_keys[:-1]
+            _field_keys_list = _scodes_pkey.split(";")
+            for _field_key in _field_keys_list:
+                if _field_key != "" and _section_code != "" and \
+                   _paragraph_key != "":
+                    if _field_key in _field_dict:
+                        _section_dict = _field_dict[_field_key]
+                    else:
+                        _section_dict = {}
+                        _field_dict[_field_key] = _section_dict
+                    _section_dict[_section_code] = _paragraph_code
+            _section_index = _section_index + 3
+        for _field, _section_dict in _field_dict.iteritems():
+            self.__budget.setSheetRecord(_record_code, _field, _section_dict)
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+    def _parseJ(self, field_list):
+        """_parseJ(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- J: Sheet of Conditions 3
+            1- Paragraph code
+            2- [Paragraph text]
+            3- [RTF file]
+            4- [HTML file]
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # The record must have at least 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) < 3:
+            return
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 5 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 5:
+            field_list = field_list[0:5]
+        field_list = field_list[1:]
+        # _____Fields_____
+        # _____Paragraph code_____
+        _paragraph_code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        # _____Paragraph text_____
+        _paragraph_text = field_list[1]
+        if _paragraph_text == "":
+            # TODO: rtf and html files
+            print "Html and rtf files not implemented in ~J record"
+        else:
+            self.__budget.setSheetParagraph(paragraph_code, paragraph_text)
+            self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+    def _parseG(self, field_list):
+        """_parseG(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- G: Grafic info
+            1- record code
+            2- <grafic_file.ext\>
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # The record must have at least 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) < 3:
+            return
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 3:
+            field_list = field_list[0:3]
+        field_list = field_list[1:]
+        # _____Fields_____
+        # _____Record Code_____
+        _record_code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+        # invalid characters are also erased
+        _record_code = self.validateCode(_record_code)
+        # _____Grafic files_____
+        _grafic_files = self.delete_control(field_list[1])
+        # _____subfields_____
+        # last \ is erased
+        if len(_grafic_files) and _grafic_files[-1] == "\\":
+            _grafic_files = _grafic_files[:-1]
+        _grafic_file_list = _grafic_files.split("\\")
+        _tested_grafic_file_list = []
+        for _grafic_file in _grafic_file_list:
+            _path = os.path.dirname(self.__filename)
+            _grafic_file_path = os.path.join(_path, _grafic_file)
+            if os.path.exists(_grafic_file_path):
+                _tested_grafic_file_list.append(_grafic_file_path)
+            else:
+                _name_ext = os.path.splitext(_grafic_file)
+                _grafic_file_name = _name_ext[0]
+                _grafic_file_ext = _name_ext[1]
+                _grafic_file_name_u = _grafic_file_name.upper()
+                _grafic_file_name_l = _grafic_file_name.lower()
+                _grafic_file_ext_u = _grafic_file_ext.upper()
+                _grafic_file_ext_l = _grafic_file_ext.lower()
+                _uu = _grafic_file_name_u + _grafic_file_ext_u
+                _ul = _grafic_file_name_u + _grafic_file_ext_l
+                _lu = _grafic_file_name_l + _grafic_file_ext_u
+                _ll = _grafic_file_name_l + _grafic_file_ext_l
+                _grafic_file_path_uu = os.path.join(_path, _uu)
+                _grafic_file_path_ul = os.path.join(_path, _ul)
+                _grafic_file_path_lu = os.path.join(_path, _lu)
+                _grafic_file_path_ll = os.path.join(_path, _ll)
+                if os.path.exists(_grafic_file_path_uu):
+                    _tested_grafic_file_list.append(_grafic_file_path_uu)
+                elif os.path.exists(_grafic_file_path_ul):
+                    _tested_grafic_file_list.append(_grafic_file_path_ul)
+                elif os.path.exists(_grafic_file_path_lu):
+                    _tested_grafic_file_list.append(_grafic_file_path_lu)
+                elif os.path.exists(_grafic_file_path_ll):
+                    _tested_grafic_file_list.append(_grafic_file_path_ll)
+                else:
+                    print utils.mapping(_("The file $1 do not exist"),
+                        (_grafic_file_path,))
+        if len(_grafic_file_list) > 0:
+            for _grafic_file in _tested_grafic_file_list:
+                self.__budget.addFile(_record_code, _grafic_file, "img", "")
+            self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+    def _parseE(self, field_list):
+        """_parseE(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- E: Company
+            1- company Code
+            2 [ summary ]
+            3- [ name ]
+            4- { [ type ] \ [ subname ] \ [ address ] \ [ postal_code ]
+              \ [ town ] \ [ province ] \ [ country ] \ { phone; } 
+              \ { fax; }  \ {contact_person; } \ }
+            5- [ cif ] \ [ web ] \ [ email ] \
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 6 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 6:
+            field_list = field_list[1:6]
+        # If there are no sufficient fields, the fields are added
+        # with empty value:""
+        else:
+            field_list = field_list[1:] + [""]*(6-len(field_list))
+        # _____Fields_____
+        # _____company Code_____
+        _company_code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        if _company_code == "":
+            return
+        # _____Summary_____
+        _sumamary = self.delete_control(field_list[1])
+        # _____Name_____
+        _name = self.delete_control(field_list[2])
+        # _____local_offices_____
+        _local_offices = self.delete_control(field_list[3])
+        # _____subfields of local_offices_____
+        # last \ is erased
+        if len(_local_offices) and _local_offices[-1] == "\\":
+            _local_offices = _local_offices[:-1]
+        _local_offices_list = _local_offices.split("\\")
+        # If there are no sufficent subfields, the subfields are added 
+        # whith empty value
+        _nsub = len(_local_offices_list) % 10
+        if _nsub != 0:
+            _local_offices_list = _local_offices_list + \
+                                   [""]*(10-len(field_list))
+        _local_offices = []
+        _local_offices_index = 0
+        while _local_offices_index < len(_local_offices_list)-9:
+            # _____subfields_____
+            _type = _local_offices_list[_local_offices_index]
+            _subname = _local_offices_list[_local_offices_index+1]
+            _address = _local_offices_list[_local_offices_index+2]
+            _postal_code = _local_offices_list[_local_offices_index+3]
+            _town = _local_offices_list[_local_offices_index+4]
+            _province = _local_offices_list[_local_offices_index+5]
+            _country = _local_offices_list[_local_offices_index+6]
+            _phone = _local_offices_list[_local_offices_index+7]
+            # last ; is erased
+            if len(_phone) and _phone[-1] == ";":
+                _phone = _phone[:-1]
+            _phone_list = _phone.split(";")
+            _fax = _local_offices_list[_local_offices_index+8]
+            # last ; is erased
+            if len(_fax) and _fax[-1] == ";":
+                _fax = _fax[:-1]
+            _fax_list = _fax.split(";")
+            _contact_person = _local_offices_list[_local_offices_index+9]
+            if _type != "" or _subname != "" or _address != "" or \
+               _postal_code != "" or _town != "" or _province != "" or \
+               _country != "" or _phone != "" or _fax != "" or \
+               _contact_person != "":
+                _local_offices.append([_type, _subname, _address,
+                                       _postal_code, _town, _province,
+                                       _country, _phone_list, _fax_list,
+                                       _contact_person])
+            _local_offices_index = _local_offices_index + 10
+        # _____cif web email_____
+        _c_w_e = self.delete_control_space(field_list[4])
+        # last \ is erased
+        if len(_c_w_e) and _c_w_e[-1] == "\\":
+            _c_w_e = _c_w_e[:-1]
+        _c_w_e_list = _c_w_e.split("\\")
+        # _____subfields_____
+        # If there are no sufficient fields, the fields are added
+        # with empty value:""
+        _c_w_e_list = _c_w_e_list + [""]*(3-len(_c_w_e_list))
+        _cif = _c_w_e_list[0]
+        _web = _c_w_e_list[1]
+        _email = _c_w_e_list[2]
+        self.__budget.setCompany(_company_code, _sumamary, _name, 
+                           _local_offices, _cif, _web, _email)
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+    def _parseX(self, field_list):
+        """_parseX(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            A)
+                0- X: Tecnical information
+                1- Empty
+                2- < TI_Code \ TI_Descitption \ TI_Unit >
+            B)
+                0- X: Tecnical information
+                1- Record_code
+                2- < TI_Code \ TI_value >
+        """
+        # Tecnical information
+        # The record must have at least 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) < 3:
+            return
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 3:
+            field_list = field_list[0:3]
+        field_list = field_list[1:]
+        # _____Fields_____
+        # "control": "[\t \n\r]"
+        _field_1 = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        _field_2 = self.delete_control_space(field_list[1])
+        if _field_1 == "":
+            # A)
+            _field_2_list = _field_2.split("\\")
+            _ti_index = 0
+            while _ti_index < len(_field_2_list)-3:
+                _ti_code = _field_2_list[_ti_index]
+                _ti_description = _field_2_list[_ti_index+1]
+                _ti_unit = _field_2_list[_ti_index+2]
+                if _ti_code != "":
+                    self.__budget.addTecInfo(_ti_code, _ti_description,
+                                             _ti_unit)
+                _ti_index = _ti_index + 3
+        else:
+            # B)
+            # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+            # invalid characters are also erased
+            _record_code = self.validateCode(_field_1)
+            _field_2_list = _field_2.split("\\")
+            _ti_index = 0
+            _ti_dict = {}
+            while _ti_index < len(_field_2_list)-2:
+                _ti_code = _field_2_list[_ti_index]
+                _ti_value = _field_2_list[_ti_index+1]
+                if _ti_code != "" and _ty_value != "":
+                    _ti_dict[_ti_code] = _ty_value
+                _ti_index = _ti_index + 2
+            self.__budget.setTecnicalInformation(_record_code, _ti_dict)
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+    def _parseF(self, field_list):
+        """_parseF(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- F: Files
+            1- Record code
+            2- { Type \ { Filenames; } \ [Description] }
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # The record must have at least 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) < 3:
+            return
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 3:
+            field_list = field_list[0:3]
+        field_list = field_list[1:]
+        # _____Fields_____
+        # _____Record Code_____
+        _record_code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+        # invalid characters are also erased
+        _record_code = self.validateCode(_record_code)
+        # _____Grafic files_____
+        _files = self.delete_control(field_list[1])
+        # _____subfields_____
+        # last \ is erased
+        if len(_files) and _files[-1] == "\\":
+            _files = _files[:-1]
+        _files_list = _files.split("\\")
+        # adding empty subfiels if necesary
+        if len(_files_list)%3 > 0:
+            _files_list.extend[""]*(3 - len(_files_list)%3)
+        _file_index = 0
+        _tested_files_list = []
+        while _file_index < len(_files_list)-3:
+            _type = _files_list[_file_index].replace(" ","")
+##            _types = {
+##                "0": _("others"),
+##                "1": _("características técnicas y de fabricación"),
+##                "2": _("manual de colocación, uso y mantenimiento"),
+##                "3": _("certificado/s de elementos y sistemas"),
+##                "4": _("normativa y bibliografía"),
+##                "5": _("tarifa de precios"),
+##                "6": _("condiciones de venta"),
+##                "7": _("carta de colores"),
+##                "8": _("ámbito de aplicación y criterios selección"),
+##                "9": _("cálculo de elementos y sistemas"),
+##                "10": _("presentación, datos generales, objetivos, etc. de "\
+##                        "empresa"),
+##                "11": _("certificado/s de empresa"),
+##                "12": _("obras realizadas")}
+            _types = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
+                      "11", "12"]
+            if not _type in _types:
+                _type = "0"
+            _filenames = _files_list[_file_index + 1]
+            _description = _files_list[_file_index + 2]
+            _file_index += 3
+            if len(_filenames) and _filenames[-1] == ";":
+                _files = _files[:-1]
+            _filenames_list = _files.split(";")
+            _path = os.path.dirname(self.__filename)
+            for _filename in filenames_list:
+                _file_path = os.path.join(_path, _filename)
+                if os.path.exists(_file_path):
+                    _tested_files_list.append([_file_path, _type,
+                                               _description])
+                else:
+                    _name_ext = os.path.splitext(_filename)
+                    _file_name = _name_ext[0]
+                    _file_ext = _name_ext[1]
+                    _file_name_u = _file_name.upper()
+                    _file_name_l = _file_name.lower()
+                    _file_ext_u = _file_ext.upper()
+                    _file_ext_l = _file_ext.lower()
+                    _uu = _file_name_u + _file_ext_u
+                    _ul = _file_name_u + _file_ext_l
+                    _lu = _file_name_l + _file_ext_u
+                    _ll = _file_name_l + _file_ext_l
+                    _file_path_uu = os.path.join(_path, _uu)
+                    _file_path_ul = os.path.join(_path, _ul)
+                    _file_path_lu = os.path.join(_path, _lu)
+                    _file_path_ll = os.path.join(_path, _ll)
+                    if os.path.exists(_file_path_uu):
+                        _tested_files_list.append([_file_path_uu, _type,
+                                                   _description])
+                    elif os.path.exists(_grafic_file_path_ul):
+                        _tested_files_list.append([_file_path_ul, _type,
+                                                   _description])
+                    elif os.path.exists(_grafic_file_path_lu):
+                        _tested_files_list.append([_file_path_lu, _type,
+                                                   _description])
+                    elif os.path.exists(_grafic_file_path_ll):
+                        _tested_files_list.append([_file_path_ll, _type,
+                                                   _description])
+                    else:
+                        print utils.mapping(_("The file $1 do not exist"),
+                            (_file_path,))
+        if len(_tested_files_list) > 0:
+            for _file in _tested_file_list:
+                self.__budget.addFile(_record_code, _file[0], file[1], file[2])
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record +1
+    def _parseB(self, field_list):
+        """_parseB(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- B: Change code
+            1- Record Code
+            2- New code
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 3:
+            field_list = field_list[0:3]
+        field_list = field_list[1:]
+        if len(field_list) != 2:
+            return
+        # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+        # _____Fields_____
+        _code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        _new_code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[1])
+        # _____Codes_____
+        # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+        # invalid characters are also erased
+        _code = self.validateCode(_code)
+        _new_code = self.validateCode(_new_code)
+        # change code
+        self.__budget.changeCode(_code, _new_code)
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record + 1
+    def _parseA(self, field_list):
+        """_parseA(self, field_list)
+        field_list: field list of the record
+            0- A: Labels
+            1- Record Code
+            2- <Label\>
+        """
+        # _____Number of fields_____
+        # Any INFORMATION after last field separator is ignored
+        # The record must have 3 fields
+        if len(field_list) > 3:
+            field_list = field_list[0:3]
+        field_list = field_list[1:]
+        if len(field_list) != 2:
+            return
+        # control character are erased: end of line, tab, space
+        # _____Fields_____
+        # "control": "[\t \n\r]"
+        _code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[0])
+        _labels = self.delete_control_space(field_list[1])
+        # _____Codes_____
+        # "#" and "##" characters at the end of the code are erased
+        # invalid characters are also erased
+        _code = self.validateCode(_code)
+        # _____Labels_____
+        # last \ is erased
+        # TODO: change the others parsers to this:
+        while len(_labels) > 0 and _labels[-1] == "\\":
+            _labels = _labels[:-1]
+        # replace "_" to " "
+        _labels = _labels.replace("_"," ")
+        _label_list = _labels.split("\\")
+        for _label in _label_list:
+            self.__budget.addLabel(_code, _label)
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record + 1
+    def _parseP(self, field_list):
+        """_parseP(self, field_list)
+        field_list: Parametric record
+            A) Global paremetric record
+                0- P: Parametric
+                1- Empty
+                2- [Parametric description]
+                3- [library.DLL]
+            B) Family Parametric record
+                0- P: Parametric
+                1- Family Code
+                2- [Parametric description]
+        """
+        # TODO: Use global parametric record
+        if len(field_list) > 2:
+            # delete control caracters and spaces
+            _family_code = self.delete_control_space(field_list[1])
+            if _family_code == "": # A)Global paremetric record
+                # The record must have 3 or 4 fields
+                if len(field_list) > 4:
+                    field_list = field_list[0:4]
+                field_list = field_list[1:]
+                if len(field_list) == 2:
+                    field_list.append("")
+                if len(field_list) != 3:
+                    return
+            else: # B)Family Parametric record
+                # The record must have 3 fields
+                if len(field_list) > 3:
+                    field_list = field_list[0:3]
+                field_list = field_list[1:]
+                if len(field_list) != 2:
+                    print _("PyArq hates parametric DLLs")
+                    return
+        else:
+            return
+        # _____Description_____
+        _description = field_list[1]
+        if _description == "":
+            print _("PyArq hates parametric DLLs")
+            return
+        # Adding last end of line
+        _description = _description + "\r\n"
+        # Delete comments
+        # "comment" : "#.*\r\n"
+        _description = self.__pattern["comment"].sub("\r\n",_description)
+        # Tabs to spaces
+        _description = _description.replace("\t"," ")
+        # Delete empty lines
+        # "empty_line": r"(\r\n) *\r\n"
+        while self.__pattern["empty_line"].search(_description):
+            _description = self.__pattern["empty_line"].sub(
+                            lambda x: x.groups()[0], _description)
+        # Delete spaces before and after /
+        # "space_before_backslash" : r"( )+\\"
+        _description = self.__pattern["space_before_backslash"].sub(
+                        r"\\",_description)
+        # "space_after_backslash" : r"\\( )+"
+        _description = self.__pattern["space_after_backslash"].sub(
+                        r"\\",_description)
+        # Join lines that start but not end with /
+        _description = "\r\n" + _description # add leading end of line
+        # "start_noend_backslash": "(\r\n\\\.*[^\\\])\r\n"
+        while self.__pattern["start_noend_backslash"].search(_description):
+            _description = self.__pattern["start_noend_backslash"].sub(
+                            lambda x: x.groups()[0], _description)
+        # Join lines that end with a + - * / ^ and @ & < > <= >= = <> !
+        # "end_oper" : "(\+|-|\*|/|/^|@|&|<|>|<=|>=|=|!) *\r\n"
+        _description = self.__pattern["end_oper"].sub(
+                        lambda x: x.groups()[0], _description)
+        # Join lines for matricial vars
+        # matricial_var : "(\r\n *[%|\$][A-ZÑ].*=.*,) *\r\n"
+        while self.__pattern["matricial_var"].search(_description):
+            _description = self.__pattern["matricial_var"].sub(
+                            lambda x: x.groups()[0], _description)
+        _description = _description[2:]  # remove leading end of line
+        #_description = re.sub(r"\\( )+",r"\\",_description)
+        _lines = _description.split("\r\n")
+        _final_description = ""
+        _pass_line = 0
+        for index in range(len(_lines)):
+            _line = _lines[index]
+            # Parse lines
+            if len(_line) != 0: # Delete empty lines
+                if _pass_line > 0:
+                    _pass_line = _pass_line -1
+                    _line = ""
+                elif _line.isspace():
+                    _line = ""
+                elif  _line[0] != "\\":
+                    # Delete spaces out "" delimiter
+                    _list = _line.split('"')
+                    _final_line = ""
+                    for index1 in range(len(_list)):
+                        if index1 % 2 != 0:
+                            _parcial_line = '"' + _list[index1]
+                        else:
+                            _parcial_line =  '"' + _list[index1].replace(" ","")
+                        _final_line = _final_line + _parcial_line
+                    _line = _final_line[1:]
+                    _lines[index] = _line
+                    # parse data
+                    if len(_line) > 2 and _line[:2] == "::":
+                        # Delete spaces out " delimiter
+                        #print "__PRECIO__" + _line[2:]
+                        pass
+                    elif len(_line) > 2 and _line[:2] == "%:":
+                        # Delete spaces out " delimiter
+                        #print "__%AUX__" + _line[2:]
+                        pass
+                    elif len(_line) > 3 and _line[:2] == "%%:":
+                        # Delete spaces out " delimiter
+                        #print "__%%AUX__" + _line[2:]
+                        pass
+                    elif self.__pattern["var"].search(_line):
+                        # Delete spaces out " delimiter
+                        #print "line =", _line
+                        while _line.count('"') % 2 == 1 and \
+                              index + _pass_line + 1 < len(_lines) -1:
+                            _line = _line + _lines[index + _pass_line + 1]
+                            _pass_line = _pass_line + 1
+                        _search = self.__pattern["var"].search(_line)
+                        if _search is not None:
+                            _var = _search.groups()[0] + " = " + _search.groups()[1]
+                            #print "__VAR__" + str(_var)
+                            pass
+                        else:
+                            #print "no __VAR__", _line
+                            pass
+                    elif self.__pattern["descomposition"].search(_line):
+                        # Delete spaces out " delimiter
+                        #_patern = "(^[^:]*):(.*)$"
+                        _search = self.__pattern["descomposition"].search(_line)
+                        if _search is not None:
+                            _var = _search.groups()[0] + ":" + _search.groups()[1]
+                            #print "__Descomposición__" + str(_var)
+                            pass
+                        else:
+                            #print "no __Descomposición__", _line
+                            pass
+                    else:
+                        print "Parametric: code: " + _family_code
+                        print "******* Desconocido *** : " + _line
+                        if index-10 > 0: print "-11 :", _lines[index-11]
+                        if index-10 > 0: print "-10 :", _lines[index-10]
+                        if index-9 > 0: print "-9 :", _lines[index-9]
+                        if index-8 > 0: print "-8 :", _lines[index-8]
+                        if index-7 > 0: print "-7 :", _lines[index-7]
+                        if index-6 > 0: print "-6 :", _lines[index-6]
+                        if index-5 > 0: print "-5 :", _lines[index-5]
+                        if index-4 > 0: print "-4 :", _lines[index-4]
+                        if index-3 > 0: print "-3 :", _lines[index-3]
+                        if index-2 > 0: print "-2 :", _lines[index-2]
+                        if index-1 > 0: print "-1 :", _lines[index-1]
+                        print "-0 :", _lines[index-0]
+                        pass
+                else:
+                    _parameter_list = _line.split("\\")[1:-1]
+                    if len(_parameter_list) >= 2:
+                        if _parameter_list[0] == "C" or \
+                           _parameter_list[0] == "COMENTARIO":
+                            #print "__COMENTARIO__" + _parameter_list[1]
+                            self.__budget.setParametricSelectComment(
+                                _family_code, _parameter_list[1])
+                        elif _parameter_list[0] == "R" or \
+                           _parameter_list[0] == "RESUMEN":
+                            #print "__RESUMEN__" + _parameter_list[1]
+                            self.__budget.setParametricSummary(_family_code,
+                                _parameter_list[1])
+                        elif _parameter_list[0] == "T" or \
+                           _parameter_list[0] == "TEXTO":
+                            #print "__TEXTO__" + _parameter_list[1]
+                            self.__budget.setParametricText(_family_code,
+                                _parameter_list[1])
+                        elif _parameter_list[0] == "P" or \
+                           _parameter_list[0] == "PLIEGO":
+                            #print "__PLIEGO__" + str(_parameter_list[1:])
+                            pass
+                        elif _parameter_list[0] == "K" or \
+                           _parameter_list[0] == "CLAVES":
+                            #print "__CLAVES__" + str(_parameter_list[1:])
+                            pass
+                        elif _parameter_list[0] == "F" or \
+                           _parameter_list[0] == "COMERCIAL":
+                            #print "__COMERCIAL__" + str(_parameter_list[1:])
+                            pass
+                        else:
+                            #print "==PARAMETRO==" + str(_parameter_list[:])
+                            pass
+                _final_description = _final_description + _line + "\r\n"
+                #print _line
+        # Delete last empty line
+        _description = _final_description[:-2]
+        _lines = _description.split("\r\n")
+        for _line in _lines:
+            pass
+            #print _line
+        self.num_valid_record = self.num_valid_record + 1
+    def readFile(self, budget=None, filename=None, interface=None):
+        """readFile(self, budget=None, filename=None)
+        filename: the filename of the fiebdc file
+        budget: base.obra object
+        interface: a object to send messages
+            must have printf(message) progress(percent)
+                      recordStatistics(...)
+        Return the budget objetc or None if the file can be readed
+        """
+        if filename != None and  budget != None:
+            self.__filename = filename
+            self.__budget = budget
+            self.__budget.filename = self.__filename
+        if self.__filename is None or self.__budget is None or \
+           self.__cancel == True:
+            return None
+        if not os.path.exists(self.__filename):
+            return None
+        _time = time.time()
+        try:
+            _file =  open(self.__filename, 'r')
+        except IOError:
+            print utils.mapping("IOError: $1", (self.__filename,))
+            return None
+        self.__budget.filename = self.__filename
+        self._record_number = 0
+        self.num_valid_record = 0
+        self._record_V_number = 0
+        self._record_C_number = 0
+        self._record_D_number = 0
+        self._record_Y_number = 0
+        self._record_M_number = 0
+        self._record_N_number = 0
+        self._record_T_number = 0
+        self._record_K_number = 0
+        self._record_W_number = 0
+        self._record_L_number = 0
+        self._record_Q_number = 0
+        self._record_J_number = 0
+        self._record_G_number = 0
+        self._record_E_number = 0
+        self._record_O_number = 0
+        self._record_P_number = 0
+        self._record_X_number = 0
+        self._record_B_number = 0
+        self._record_F_number = 0
+        self._record_A_number = 0
+        self._record_Unknow_number = 0
+        print utils.mapping(_("Loading file $1"), (self.__filename,))
+        _filesize = float(os.path.getsize(self.__filename))
+        interface.progress(_file.tell() / _filesize)
+        _buffer = _file.read(1000)
+        # set codepage from V record
+        _record_list = _buffer.split("~")
+        registro_V = _record_list[1]
+        registro_V = registro_V.split("|")
+        if registro_V[0] == "V":
+            #_codepage = registro_V[5]
+            if len(registro_V) > 5:
+                _version = registro_V[5].strip()
+                # remove leading spaces
+                if _version in self.__character_sets_dict:
+                    self.__character_set = self.__character_sets_dict[_version]
+                else:
+                    print utils.mapping(_("This codepage do not exist in "\
+                         "FIEBDC3! Default codepage: $1"),
+                         (self.__character_set,))
+            else:
+                print utils.mapping(_("This V record dot have a codepage! "\
+                         "Default codepage: $1"),
+                         (self.__character_set,))
+        else:
+            print utils.mapping(_("Not 'V' record in File! Default codepage: "\
+                  "$1"), (self.__character_set,))
+        if self.__character_set != "utf8":
+            _buffer = unicode(_buffer, self.__character_set)
+            _buffer = _buffer.encode("utf8")
+        # Any INFORMATION between the beginning of the file and the
+        # beginning of the first registry “~” is ignored
+        #"after_first_tilde" : "^[^~]*~"
+        _buffer = self.__pattern["after_first_tilde"].sub("",_buffer)
+        while _buffer != "" and self.__cancel != True:
+            #-# the blank characters (32), tabs (9) and end of line (13 and 10)
+            # before the separators '~', '|' are erased.
+            # Before separator \ not deleted because it affects the reading of
+            # the record ~P
+            _buffer = self.eraseControlCharacters(_buffer)
+            _record_list = _buffer.split("~")
+            # The last record can be incomplete unless it is the last one of
+            # the file
+            if len(_record_list) > 1:
+                # not the end
+                _last_record = _record_list.pop()
+            else:
+                # the end record
+                # The blank characters (32), tabs (9) and end of line
+                # (13 and 10) at the end of the file are ignored.
+                #"end_control" : "((\r\n)| |\t)+$"
+                _record_list[-1] = self.__pattern["end_control"].sub("",
+                                           _record_list[-1])
+                _last_record = ""
+            for record in _record_list:
+                if self.__cancel == True:
+                    break
+                self.parseRecord(record)
+            interface.progress(_file.tell() / _filesize)
+            _buffer2 = _file.read(100000)
+            if self.__character_set != "utf8":
+                _buffer2 = unicode(_buffer2, self.__character_set)
+                _buffer2 = _buffer2.encode("utf8")
+            _buffer = _last_record + _buffer2
+        _file.close()
+        if self.__cancel == True:
+            print _("Cancelled process")
+            return None
+        else:
+            print utils.mapping(_("Time to load: $1 seconds"),
+                 (("%.2f" %(time.time()-_time)),))
+            print utils.mapping(_("Records/Valid Records: $1/$2"),
+                  (self._record_number, self.num_valid_record))
+            if self._record_O_number > 0:
+                print utils.mapping(_("$1 unsuported record type O: "\
+                  "Comercial Relationship"), (self._record_O_number,))
+            if self.num_valid_record == 0:
+                print  _("This file is not a valid FIBDC3 file")
+                return None
+            _str = ""
+            for type in \
+                     [("V", self._record_V_number),
+                     ("C", self._record_C_number),
+                     ("D", self._record_D_number),
+                     ("Y", self._record_Y_number),
+                     ("M", self._record_M_number),
+                     ("N", self._record_N_number),
+                     ("T", self._record_T_number),
+                     ("K", self._record_K_number),
+                     ("W", self._record_W_number),
+                     ("L", self._record_L_number),
+                     ("Q", self._record_Q_number),
+                     ("J", self._record_J_number),
+                     ("G", self._record_G_number),
+                     ("E", self._record_E_number),
+                     ("O", self._record_O_number),
+                     ("P", self._record_P_number),
+                     ("X", self._record_X_number),
+                     ("B", self._record_B_number),
+                     ("F", self._record_F_number),
+                     ("A", self._record_A_number),
+                     ("?", self._record_Unknow_number)]:
+                _str = _str + "%s: %s\n" %(type[0], type[1])
+            print  _str
+            self._testBudget(self.__budget)
+            return self.__budget
+    def _testBudget(self, budget):
+        """testBudget(self,budget)
+        budget: base.obra object
+        Test and repair budget object after read it from bc3 file
+        """
+        # TODO: more to do here
+        print _("Testing budget ...")
+        # Add price to records without price
+        _iter = budget.iter()
+        _titlelist = budget.getTitleList()[1]
+        if len(_titlelist) == 0:
+            _titlenum = 1
+        else:
+            _titlenum = len(_titlelist)
+        for _code in _iter:
+            _record = budget.getRecord(_code)
+            _prices = _record.getPrices()
+            _len_prices = len(_prices)
+            if _titlenum > _len_prices:
+                _leftprices = _titlenum - _len_prices
+                for _index in range(0,_leftprices):
+                    _root = budget.getRecord(budget.getRoot())
+                    _price = [0.0, _root.getDate(_len_prices + _index)]
+                    budget.addPriceToRecord(_price,_record)
+        print _("End Test")
+    def delete_control_space(self, text):
+        text = self.delete_control(text)
+        text = text.replace(" ", "")
+        return text
+    def delete_control(self, text):
+        text = text.replace("\t", "")
+        text = text.replace("\r", "")
+        text = text.replace("\n", "")
+        return text